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Mister Fael

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Everything posted by Mister Fael

  1. Bluna Walter Mansion "Hey Yui, it's time to wake up." Yui: Mmmm...Mom...just more five minutes... "Eh? I'm not your mother..." Yui: Then call me later...Zzzzzzzz... "Yui...Get up...right now..." Yui: Zzzzzzzz... Hinamori: I don't want to scream at her...but at the same time I want to wake her up in the most rude way possible... Daiane: Oh? You're up early! Morning. Is she a heavy sleeper? Hinamori: From the looks of it...yeah... Daiane: It's the same for my sister...She won't wake up no matter how much I shake her up... Hinamori: Maybe we should just wait out... Daiane: Don't worry, I have a solution...Hey Dean, give me those... A drowsy Dean enters the room carrying a frying pan and a ladle. Dean: Here... Daiane: Thank you...Now then, cover up your ears. Hinamori: !!! Hinamori does exactly that while Dean flees the room. Daiane then lifts up her "weapons". Daiane: On my right hand holds the sturdy pan! On my left hand holds the mighty ladle! With their powers combined, I'll bring down the hammer of punishiment! Resound! Bluna Walter's Secret Move! WAKE UP THE DEAD!!! Yui: WAH!!! Track: A Cheerful Bandit Startled by the sudden loud noise, she fell off the bed, then immidietaly got back up in a fighting stance. Yui: What! Who! What! Where? Daiane throws her "weapons" at the door, then greets Yui with a smile. Daiane: Good Morning! Yui: Oh! Morning everyone... Hinamori: Were you having a nice dream? Yui: Hmmm...I guess it was a good one...I think I saw Mommy on it too... Hinamori: Well then, let's head downstairs. Breakfast is waiting! Yui: I have this odd feeling I made someone upset... Warriors Hangout All of a sudden, Ryuko stands on the bed with her arms lifted up. Ryuko: RAWR!!! ANGRY CROW TAKES FLIGHT! Etomo: Urgh...Morning for you too... Ryuko: Whoa! Not a morning person? Etomo: No...I just rather wake up like a normal person. Ryuko: Hehehe... Etomo: Don't you dare... Ryuko: PHOENIX FLIES TO THE MOON!!! Ryuko jumps at Etomo's bed, but ends up hitting her head in the ceiling and falling in the ground, missing her mark. Etomo: Good to know some things never change... Ryuko: Owchie owch... Verve - Elysia Inn As Yomi woke up, she saw Jude writting some notes in a paper. Yomi: Got some inspiring theory doc? Jude: Well...I'm trying to... Yomi: I see...Good luck with that...Anyway, are you ready for this day to suck? Because I'm sure am. Jude: Don't be so pessimistic. Yomi: We'll surely fight a monster along the way. I'm an assassin. I was trained to kill people. Fighting monsters is kind of a hassle to me since all of my "Sure-Kill" tactics doesn't work on them, so don't expect much of a contribution to me other than a sneaky hit. Jude: I'll keep that in mind. Anyway, now that you're up, let's meet with the others. Yomi: Might as well...
  2. A girl receives a painful lesson in modesty. Famous Witch Hunter and detective is spotted. He was believed to be missing after he fought a monster (and won.) He was fighting a criminal who wrecked havoc in the 1.1 world some months ago. Speaking of hunters, there's a new Vampire Hunter in town. And lastly...this happened.
  3. I kept seeing pictures of her on pixiv. Good to know she's actually being released.
  4. Wasn't even going to record these, but I needed something to pass time while I waited for the internet to come back.
  5. Dang, haven't posted here in a while, let's fix that with a playlist And the updated "A little bit of" series
  6. Bullying Lightining again, Fighting wolf with another wolf and making someone shape shift into a dead person.
  7. Location: The Slums The sudden explosion called the attention of Julius and Seila. They were fighting each other for a while, but such even was enough to make them stop. Julius: What? Seila: Seems like there's always something happening in this place. Julius: More like interesting things started happening today. It's possible that this place won't be safe for us anymore in the near future...These Knights won't go very far. Julius: So...How about considering my offer now? I'm sure you don't want to get caught by your former allies right now. Seila silently sheathes her swords, considering her options. Seila: ...Very well...But as soon as your problems are done with, I'm leaving. Julius: Thanks for understanding...Now then, shall we go to the place you're staying? Seila: Why mine? Julius: A certain someone knows by this point where I live. It's a complicated story...I'll pack my things back at my home first, then we go to yours. Seila: Right... Meanwhile, Lorence and Reeta had finally arrived at the slums, they could increase the pace now that they weren't jumping from building to building. Reeta: We're probably too late for the show after that huge cloud of smoke though. Lorence: The distress signal isn't gone yet...It's not over yet. Reeta: Is that so? Sigh... Lorence: I know you're a bit tired mentally after that chance meeting with your former companions... Reeta: I'm not...Let's keep going. I'm just not really a fan of fighting to be honest... Lorence: Are you really sure? You don't want to get distracted by such thoughts. Reeta: We'll see about that. We psychics are known for our impecable focus. She went on ahead, Lorence simply smirked and followed after her. Substory Darius started to speak with tone of sarcasm. Darius: Oh, I'm sorry if we distracted you from your precious job. Let's make it up for you by helping to take out the trash! Darius: CALAMITY RONDO!!! Suddenly, he threw his falchion to the mob in front of him, creating an explosion which also send his weapon back to him.
  8. After spending some time in Megaman Fangame Heaven, I'm back in business.
  9. Location: Bluna Walter Mansion Daiane: Oh, are you all done? Yui: Yep! Hina did her thing and now she can use water. Dean: Nice! Which style she's using? Hinamori: The Sea Serpent. Dean: The same one as mine huh? Then I might as well give you some tips then... Hinamori: T-There's no need to... Dean: Oh please I insist. Knowing how to shot water doesn't mean you're good at it. Hinamori: Like I said...There's no nee- Dean: You're going to kick ass after these lesson...Alright...first... Daiane: Hina, you're authorized to prove her wrong. You got one move. Hinamori: Right. Dean: Wait, what? Hinamori: Oh violent torrent...SPLASH!!! Suddenly, four torrents of water rain down on Dean, making her hit the ground. Dean: Ooofm...I guess I deserve that one... Daiane: As I imagined...when you contract a spirit, you gain you gain the knowledge necessary to cast those spells. Hinamori: Yes. I just need a bit more of pratice to get used to it. Yui: Then I guess it's back to Darkflare's place. Daiane: That's the Warrior's Hangout right? That's a bit far away, so why don't you sleep here by for the night. Yui: Won't we be in the way? Dean: This is a freaking big mansion, of course not! Daiane: Your friend Hugh was so sleepy I allowed him to one of our guest rooms for the night. Joyce: Why not? I'm up for it. Yui: Alright then. We'll take on the offer. Hina, can you give me your phone for a moment? I'm phoning Ludger to tell everyone we found a place we're staying for free. Hinamori: Okay then... Daiane: If you want something to eat, just give it a call. Yui: Alrighty!!! Moments later, they were taken to their rooms. Location: Elysia Inn Jude and Yomi heard the loud sound. While it didn't bother Jude much since he was reading a book and was merely thrown out of focus, Yomi let an annoyed growl since she's a light sleeper. Yomi: C'mon...I was almost having a dream...If this keeps happening...We're going to have a problem... Jude: Seems like some things will never change from city to city... ((Now, for a sidestory, not subplot))
  10. Location: Bluna Walter Mansion - Underground Secret Trainning Arena Location: Candor - Random Inn Reeta was nearing the door to her room, but then, Lorence showed up. Then, both entered in the room and locked the door. Reeta: You're back faster than I thought. Lorence: We received a distress signal and have to return to the slums this instant. Reeta: Sounds urgent... Lorence: Yes...and we better hurry. We need to prove our worth or else we'll get kicked out of here. Reeta: So our recon job isn't enough? Lorence: It's only really worth it when you find something useful to report about. Reeta: I see...Well then...I'll be heading for the rooftop. Lorence: Making sure nobody is seeing you when you activate the Prototype Glaive. Reeta: I know... She leaves the room while Lorence starts changing outfits. Moments later, both meet in the rooftop. Lorence: I'm ready. Reeta: Same here. I'm A-Ok to go! Lorence: Are you sure nobody saw you? Reeta: There would be a commotion if they saw,, so nope. Lorence: Alright. Let's keep going. Reeta: Lead the way... Then, the duo started to jump from rooftop to rooftop, heading for the slums.
  11. What's this? No Emi Yusa in these batch of videos? Etomo is still there though.
  12. That moment when you stay out to think of some ideas for videos but what you come up with is pretty dissapointing... Like these next videos of mine :D
  13. Location: Bluna Walter Mansion Location: Streets of Candor Lorence: (Hm? A message call from the base? What do they want with us spy agents?) Lorence: (A mysterious monster have appeared in the slums and started attacking. Come back immidietaly.) Lorence: Hmph...Looks like its finally time for that field test. Lorence dissmissed his clone, then headed for the inn he and Reeta were staying. He needed to change uniforms first before heading to the slums. ((Subplot)) Darius: You do you man. I'm not exactly as kind as you are, so I'm not following him. (At least not for now, it's inevitable that if we're going to get any treasure of this place, I might have to fight him.)
  14. Location: Bluna Walter Mansion Location: Verve - Elysia Inn Yomi: Sigh... Jude: What's the matter? You got so down all of a sudden? Yomi: I'm heading to the room...you're coming? Jude: Might as well...Tomorrow is going to be rough... ((Subplot))
  15. Warrior's Hangout - Corridor leading to the Main Lobby ((Subplot))
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