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Mister Fael

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Everything posted by Mister Fael

  1. Audience Team Jude: Sure! Yomi: We're right behind you. Investigation Team - Team 2 Ludger: Alright, We've got far enough from the guards, Let's start asking. Hugh: Okay. Hugh looked for someone nearby and saw a middle-aged man. Hugh: Excuse me sir...Can I bother you for a minute? I want to ask what do you think about all these guards around. We're kinda new here and we're wondering if there's some sort martial law going on right now. Team 3 Yui: Sadly, it's the same for us. Hinamori: No clues or anything...
  2. Jude: I've made a promise to a friend of mine to help make a world a better place for Humans and Mana Spirits alike. Im betting everything in spyrite technology in order to accomplish this task. If the world is in great danger, there's no way I'm going to just sit back and watch. You can count on me. Yomi: (The do-gooder boy just can't keep quiet huh? Jumping so easily to a dangerous situation like this... Still, A Oracle huh? Maybe I should ask my superiors about that before I take any conclusions...but it's hard to believe that all these people got summoned here to help...I mean, the selection is just...random... Plus, He could've just summoned everyone to his place...unless he did a sloppy job on it...which I don't doubt since I'm surrounded by un-professionalism.) Jude: Miss Yoru? Aren't you going to answer? Yomi: (Hope I'm not overthinking it...) Sure, If it gets my mission done, I'll do it.
  3. Track: Supremacy Jude: (Seeing Nemesis face like this reminds me of the time I had an audicence with Gaius. I could barely look him in the eye when answering his questions. He always had such a strong a resolve...and he still does, and I always respected him for that.) Jude: I'm also in search for answer. Anything that can help my friends out of this situation. Yomi: We've pretty much ran into a dead end, and the only option we've found so far was to request your assistance Your Majesty.
  4. Suddenly, Hinamori pushes Tommy away. Hinamori: Excuse my friend over here, he gets nervous around new people. Hinamori: What he meant to ask was what are your thoughts about the current situation of this place. Is it acceptable? Does it need to improve? Yui: (Nice save Hina!) Hinamori: (My heart is so accelerated right now...)
  5. Location: The Slums Track: Under the rotting pizza Team 1 Ryuko: Say Etomo...what does "Fah Sho" means? Etomo: Don't know...don't wan't to know...Let's just keep going. Ryuko: Okay... Team 3 Hinamori: ... Yui: What's the matter? Hinamori: It's no use...The spirits are agitated with something...I can't get them to talk. Yui: Agitated? Why? Hinamori: I'm not sure...It wasn't like this outside the slums...Sorry... Yui: Don't sweat it. Can you still find the others though? Hinamori: I'm able to feel Lancer from here. Yui: Nice! Team 2 Hugh: Alright everyone, if we ever get into a fight here, the enemy will surely have the terrain advantage, as they surely know about every little entrance and exit, so if they ever start running, DON'T go after them or you will just get ambushed. Ludger: Oh? Hugh: As a guy who spent most of the time beating thugs, places like this are familiar territory. Ludger: However, we are not here to stir any trouble, if we get a vague answer, let's just move to the next person. Hugh: You're the boss Luds.
  6. Yui: Alright. Good luck to the other teams. Hinamori: Don't worry about getting lost. I can use my spirits to find the way. Ryuko: Roger that! Etomo: Right behind you. Ludger: Then, my team will head north. Let's go guys. Hugh: Let's try not get into too much trouble.
  7. Ludger: You guys got a point...Usually, when the authorities are going to inspect a bus, they usually check the passangers too. Hugh: In that case, we better be prepared for the worse.
  8. Hugh: I was ready to throw out a punch at any moment... Etomo: I can't believe this plan worked. Yui: Music saved the day~! I need to tell this to Kanade when we get back. Ludger: I'm actually surprsed that he didn't ask why we were all hiding.
  9. Jude: Thanks for your understanding. Yomi: We will make sure to only speak what is needed. (Yep, I was right about the baseless logic.) Since they now had the ok, Jude and Yomi crossed the bridge together with Nemesis.
  10. Track: Growling Hound Hugh: Shit shit shit! They did as Agni said and hid behind the seats.
  11. Investigation Team Etomo: I'll go team 1...And... Ryuko: I know, I'm coming with you. Yui: I'll go with Ni-Ni's team. Hinamori: Same here. Hugh: Then I'll go with Ludger's team. Ludger: Alright. Audience Team Yomi: (I better not speak this out loud...Something's been bothering me...) Yomi: (LightFlare said there were fake guards at the slums...How did they managed to get hold of a military garment like that?) Yomi: (I doubt a civilian wouldn't be able to ask that to be made without authorization...So I assume it is...someone from inside that is providing clothing and weaponry...Would make sense since he hasn't been able to clean the slums away.) Yomi: (I don't have any proof, so mentioning that to the king is a good way to get kicked out.)
  12. Ludger: Nothing much to say over here. Three teams seems reasonable enough. Hugh: I guess we'll do the split when we get there.
  13. Audience Team Jude: (What if this "god" was actually a great spirit? It is possible that he made a pact with it...) Yomi: Something on your mind Doctor Mathis? Jude: Just an assumption...we won't know for sure until we meet him in person. Investigation Team Yui: ... Hugh: Nervous? Yui: Yeah...I'm...still not sure what I'm going to do if we confront Cousin Seila again... Hugh: So...you're still on that dilemma huh? Ludger: I know what you mean...I'm not sure if I can bring myself to harm my brother...despite all the things he's doing... Yui: We're both really fools huh? Ludger: You're right... Hugh: I believe this is something you guys have to figure out on your own. Yui: But...what if I don't find out the answer in time? Hugh: I'm sure you will. I've noticed how much you've changed these past days, so I'm confident that you'll find it. Yui: ...I hope you're right... (Or else...what business do I have wielding a weapon if I can't even make a decision as important as this?) From afar, Elle was waving good-bye to the groups, promising to take care of Rollo when they are away.
  14. Yomi: (At least the sane people decided to go to the audience.) Well then Hughie, hope you don't miss me too much. Hugh: Have fun and whatever. Yui: Good Luck out there Doctor Mathis. Jude: Thanks for the encouragment.
  15. Yui: Nice! I would want to listen to their music! Yomi: (Great...Now my mood is gone for real...) Yomi: It's universally agreed that we must not let Hugh Maxy Black go there...and since direct fighting isn't really for me, I'll go to the audience. Hugh: Fine...I'll do the heavy lifting then...Yui, you're coming with me. I believe you would want to meet "Her" eye-to-eye. (If we ever get to meet Seila...) Yui: R-Right. Jude: Count me for the audience too. Etomo: The castle sounds intriging...but I guess I'll settle for the slums...And Ryuko is coming with me. Ryuko: I knew that you just can't live without me nearby. Etomo: Shut up! Hinamori: I'll go to the slums too...I believe I would be too nervous to meet such an important figure face-to-face. Ludger: I'll be going to the slums too.
  16. Yomi: I see...You heard that Hughie? Hugh: Screw you! Hinamori: We certainly can't take Maxy with us. Yui: You're right...being polite isn't really his thing. Hugh: What the hell? Ryuko: Hahahahahahaha! Etomo: The same applies to you. Ryuko: Awww.... Jude: Long story short, treat them like we would treat King Gaius if we never knew him personally. Ludger Right.
  17. Yui couldn't help but be worried. She approached him and decided to ask. Yui: Huh? Ni-ni..Is something the matter? You can tell me. Jude: I see. It's worth a try. Thanks for the advice.
  18. Yomi: Seems like we have a place to invetigate now... Hugh: What makes you think that? Yomi: I'll answer that with another question...Which place got more of these black hole incidents, our city, or this place? Yui: Um... Hugh: This place. I've counted. Our city just gets cases like this like once in a while. Yomi: Exactly, and since even the guy that lives there, although only partially, doesn't know much, I suggest we investigate that place now. Hugh: But how do we plan on doing that since even the "king that got blessed by god" can't handle that place? We were instructed by his own guards not to go there. Yomi: We'll speak directly to him to ask for his help. Hugh: Can you go through that me again? Yomi: No. I don't see why it's so surprising. Yomi: Well, if he refuses to help us, we can just storm the slums by ourselves. Ryuko: I agree with that solution. Etomo: Why I'm not surprised you would agree with that? Jude: I'm sure Yoru only meant it in jest. Jude: I do agree with the idea of speaking with the king. Mister Darkflare, do you know of a way to get an audience with him? @Darkflare
  19. Yomi: Point that at Mirfah instead...I was just feeling that I wasn't being told the whole history. That's all.
  20. Ludger: Not exactly nearby this city...But in the city where I live. Ludger points to Elle, indicating that she's actually from another world. Hugh: At first, we came here for a different reason, to investigate the dissapearence of search teams that were after...a dangerous criminal. Hinamori: I tried to ask the spirits where they were, but there was not a single one outside this city...which I found it odd. Yomi: You know...all this talk about portals made me think...what if these search teams were whisked away by one? What if these portals aren't exactly an accident? Yomi: Maybe these angels can explain that bit for us.
  21. Location: Warrior's Hangout - Lobby As they were waiting for others, Hina's own cellphone started to ring. Hinamori: Wah! Yui: Wait, you have a cellphone Hina? Hinamori: Y-Yeah...Mommy told me to carry it...but I've never really used it. Yui: Oh. Hinamori: A moment...*asnwers the phone* Hello? Yomi: Hi there Hina. How is it going over there? Hinamori: How did you get this number? Yomi: Let's just say your parents are a bit overprotective...Anyway, tell the others I'm done with my little recon mission and I'm heading over there. Oh, and I made sure to not enter the Slums section...Although, I think I saw someone that looked like LightFlare...but I couldn't get a closer look since he boarded a bus. My eyes must be deceiving me...I must get my glasses checked. Hinamori: Why don't you tell them yourself? You're right at the entrance after all. Suddenly, the door opens. Yomi had a smug smile on her face. Yomi: Nothing gets past you and your ghosts huh? Yui: Ah! Welcome back Yom- Yomi: Yoru Mizu...Seriously, when are you going to get my name right? Hugh: She almost slipped a military secret...so it's no surprise she missed your name, Yoruichi... Yomi: Maybe we should demote her from her leader position. Yui: (I know they are joking...I know they are joking...) Yomi: Anyway...All these mecha maids around...I bet the owner must be one of those PRETTY rich guys huh? Meanwhile Etomo: (Looks like LightFlare has something else hidden within himself...) Etomo: (This is getting really interesting.) Ryuko: Hi there...traitor! Etomo: Hi there Drama Queen! Did you lose expetaculary to the Doctor? Jude: She surprisingly put up a fight. I'm genuinely impressed with her skills... Ryuko: So There! Etomo: Still...My sights are on LightFlare right now. If you want a duel with me, you'll have to impress me more than he did. Ryuko: Hmpf...Fine, If that's what it takes, then I'll do a performance that will shake your very soul! Mark my words! Then, Ryuko turns around and heads to the cafeteria. Etomo: (I'll be waiting for it that day...my rival...)
  22. Hinamori: Um...Well... Then, Yui notices their arrival and rushes to their location. Yui: Welcome Back Nemmy! Where have you been? Hinamori: Good timing, Miss Nemesis wants to reveal some information she was investigating. Yui: I see. I guess she can tell Mister Darkflare. He's over there.
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