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Mister Fael

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Everything posted by Mister Fael

  1. Yui: Thanks! I'm actually good with light magic, so- Yui: YEOWCH!!! She gets hit in the back, pushing her away a bit. Yui: Nice shot...anyway, as I was saying, I'm good with light magic so... Then, her wooden sword starts shining. Yui: It helps me a lot! SHINING AZURE EDGE!!! She fires an wind projectile infused with light magic, aiming at the guard who shot her. Hinamori: That voice...Kirimuri?
  2. Audience Team Yomi: Lovely...don't tell me he sympatized with the rebels? Investigation Team Hinamori: Hmph... Instead of rising another spike, she lifted a barrier with her dark powers instead, shielding herself from the shots, then she starts murmuring a spell. Hinamori: Nowhere is safe four you...STONE WALL!!! She summons a large rock that attacks the soldier from above. Yui: Sword Rain! Yui started deflecting the projectiles while stabing her sword foward at high speeds until she got close to the soldier. Yui: You made me do it...Hurricane... Suddenly, she starts running around the soldier, forming a tornado. Yui: SLASH!!! Then she immidietaly jumped in the air and dealt a powerful blow with her wooden sword.
  3. Jude: Very well, we will proceed with care. Yomi: I'll make sure to watch out for anything unusual.
  4. Yui: (I bet my brother would be calling them fearless fools right now.) Hinamori: Ah! Watch out! Hinamori quickly encases a grenade that landed near her in a dark orb, then launched it away. Yui: Lucy! Tommy! Ni-ni...Let's go! AZURE EDGE! Yui fires a wind projectile towards one of the soldiers, then starts running after it.
  5. Yui: So this is your answer... Hinamori: I'm not going to be a burden in this state...GRAVE!!! She hit both her hands in the ground, rising rock pillars around the team in order to shield them from the bullets. Yui: I'll ask once again... Yui hit her sword on the ground with such strenght that it greated a strong gust that blew the smoke away. Yui: Cease this right now and we won't hurt you!
  6. Hinamori: You're telling me...we didn't make it in time? Suddenly, Hinamori kneels from the pain of the previous attack that hit her. Yui: HINA!!! Hinamori: Urgh... Yui: You did well...Rest up for now... Track: Promise Yui: And leave the rest to me. Then, she summoned her wooden sword, ready to take on the guards. She did a single swing that blowed a strong wind. It wasn't an attack, but just a demonstration that she wouldn't hesitate. Yui: I don't want to have to hurt you guys...so please let us pass.
  7. Track: I am a Newtype ((Just listen until it hits the 1:17 mark)) BASTARD!!! ASSASSIN! YOU DON'T DESERVE TO LIVE!! TEAR HIM APART!!! DISGRACEFUL MURDER!!! BREAK HIS LEGS! MAIM HIM! MAKE HIM SUFFER!!! HE DESERVES THE WORST OF THE WORST!!! PIECE OF THRASH!!! DIE! DIE!! DIE!!! DIE!!!! Hinamori: Can you hear their screams now? Isn't it hard to even move or breath because you're being overwhelmed by their thoughts? Your body feels like it's not even yours...This is what I had to go through until I've managed to shut control my powers... Hinamori: And you must be asking what is happening. You're probably can't hear me...but I'll tell it anyway...I feel like I owe Yui this much...The reason why I spent most of my childhood isolated from society...Which was to learn how to supress my powers so that they don't influence other people and have them being possessed by the spirits that are attracted to my aura. Hinamori: You're luck I've learned about compassion before meeting you...or I wouldn't been this kind...Don't worry, you'll return to normal soon enough. I'll let you have your reunion. Yui: Hina... Then, she started walking away from Byakuya. Hinamori: Sorry Yui...I felt like you were going to stop me If I ever told about it...But I just can't simply forgive people who toys with lives like this. Yui: ... Hinamori: I just...Can't make promises about using this ability again...Sorry...But I have a duty... Yui: But... Hinamori: Let's get going...we've certainly called some attention to our side. Don't worry about this man. He'll recover soon, but until then, the guard would've already reached him and assume he was the cause of all of this.
  8. Hinamori: Urk...Argh... She attempts to dodge them, but ends up receiving many cuts in the process. However, she was finally close to him. Hinamori: In the name of the Seimei, I shall condenm you! SPIRIT CONNECTION! She dealt an attack with both her hands. IF she managed to hit the blow, nothing would happen at first, but then, her opponent spiritual awareness would suddenly increase and would be able to hear the voices of the dead directly in the mind, a process that can be numbing and overwhelming to someone not used to it. Hinamori's intention was that Byakuya would listen to the cursing voices of his victims, not only the ones that decided to haunt him, but also the ones he killed recently.
  9. Hinamori: !!! Hinamori ended up stepping in the web with her right foot, halting her advance. Hinamori: Urgh...I have to...bring peace to those souls...I can't...LOSE HERE!!! Then, she uses an earth spell on the stuck foot and lifts a large stone then throws it away, freeing herself.
  10. Hinamori: (He's probably going to attack me when I'm dodging his webs...might as well brace myself then.) Hinamori: HYAAA!!! Hinamori starts overcoming his obstacle course, doing her best to not fall in one of his webs.
  11. Hinamori: Many times...ever since I was a kid...and even until this day I'm tormented with their pleas of vengeance because of my spiritual awareness...to the point I have to take sleeping pills every night...Yet, I'm unable to dream. Yui: Eh? (She never told me that....) Hinamori: Maybe you would like to hear it as well? I have the power to make that true. (Yes...the reason why I lived most of my live isolated from society...) She charged her hands with dark energy again then lunged at Byakuya, seeing that he had a stronger defense this time around, she needed to find a way to grab him in order to apply her trump card.
  12. Hinamori: (So he can just delay my shots with those webs huh?) Hinamori: (Won't do him any good I'm afraid.) Then, she used both hands to fire another Dark Firaga at Byakuya, doubling its power.
  13. Hinamori: DARK FIRAGA!!! Seeing that her previous spell worked, she followed up with a dark fireball spell.
  14. Hinamori: It's less about his ability and more like how his bloodlust makes him use it....But enough talk...I'll make him feel the pain of those souls...I'll make it short! She lifts her left arm, aiming straight at Byakuya. It was enveloped in some kind of dark flames. One would think she would go for a fireball spell. Track: Fake Ragnarok Hinamori: GRAVE!!! Then, she clenches her right hand instead, making a multitude of earth spikes grow under Byakuya.
  15. Hinamori: You seem interested in my ability...Maybe I should make your wish true then? Yui: Hina... Hinamori: Don't worry Yui, I'm not going to kill him. Hinamori: Now, before we begin...Answer me this: Are you part of this rebellion as well?
  16. Track: Conversation on death Hinamori: Everyone...We're being watched...And this person really wants us to notice him. Suddenly, Hina's hands starts glowing in dark energy, hostility being clear in her eyes. Hinamori: The reason why I couldn't speak with the souls...I understand now...It's because they've suffering from their abrupt death. And the culprit is you right? Show yourself!
  17. Seeing how everyone was getting into an agreement, as well as Agni's words to her, Yui could bring out a bright smile. Yui: Yeah! Caring for each other is what is important!
  18. Yui: I'm not going to say you did the wrong thing by forcefully separating them... but threatening them with a sword is just to going to make things worse. She could see how both Mirfah and Tommy held Agni in high regards...but it reminded painfully well of how she behaved near her brother and how she reacted with the implication of him being replaced by someone else. Yui: Calm down Tommy. She cares about Agni as much as we all do...It's just that...people express their care in a different way, just...don't let it hurt you. Then, she looks at Mirfah. Yui: I know you don't trust Tommy, but don't you think that what you're doing might be hurting Agni? I know he seems like the kind of person you want to stay close too all the time... Yui: But...You have to learn how to stand up by yourself...to move on...when you lose something...or else...you won't be able to face reality... Yui was trying her hard to hold back her tears. She felt like she needed to keep a strong exterior in order to make her message come across.
  19. Yomi starts speaking with a tone just a low. Yomi: You're absolutely correct. I'm glad I've managed to grab your attention to this matter.
  20. Jude: Not exactly a person, but a group of terrorists named Exodus. At first, their plan was to further the Otherworld Reactor plan, but after the Schism was dispelled, nowadays, they've been trying to end the peace negotiations with Rieze Maxia...And that involves getting in the way of Spyrite Technology. Jude: Their former leader was involved in that research and that was my first true contact with a spyrite...And he was using it as a weapon. Jude: I assure you, I'm the real Jude Mathis, and right now, Spyrite Technology is far from complete, we haven't even started tests with great spirits yet. If a person tries to use a Spyrite with a Great Spirit on it, that person is at great risk of dying from the backlash of mana since there's not a proper pact with it. Yomi: A slum citizen infiltrating the castle huh? I wonder if both cases are connected. Jude: What? Yomi: (Alright, I guess it's time to reveal my thoughts.) No, I'm sure of it. Maybe it happened more than twice. Jude: Wait, you don't mean... Yomi: I refrained to say this in front of Your Majesty out of fear he might kick all of us out for wasting his time...but I believe that there's someone from inside the castle that is providing resources to those rebelious people at the slums. And I believe those guys at Exodus wanted part of it so they decided to share about Spyrite as a trade coin. Yomi: Of course, this is just pure conjecture, but don't you think it's weird the supposedly powerful Candor hasn't been able to quell a small rebellion located in the northwest of the city? Your guards sure make a big deal of telling other people to not go there.
  21. Jude: Not only that, but it's also a way for common people to use spirit artes without killing spirits. He was perplexed, asking himself why would someone use his name to talk about Spyrite Technology in Candor. Jude: (Just what's going on here?)
  22. Jude: I'm an only child... Then, his suspicions about the king being powered by a Great Spirit resurfaced. Jude: This other me...did he mention Spyrite Technology?
  23. The question got Jude by surprise. He was certain this was his first time in the castle. Jude: No...This is my first time in this place. Why do you ask?
  24. Yomi: You will call me Yoru Mizu until further notice. Jude: I am Jude Mathis. Nice to meet you.
  25. Team 2 Hugh: I see. Thanks for the info. Ludger: What did you find? Hugh: Someting about the Knight's of the Fallen protecting the people of the slums. Ludger: Well...we've got a name at least. Team 3 Suddenly, a strong gust of magic wind fanned the flames caused by the explosion, putting them out. It was Yui's doing. Yui: I know how you feel Tommy, I really do...But I don't think that you should blame your lost race for the anger you feel for someone else. Yui: We will resolve this matter later...What you did right now certainly called some attention. Hinamori: Hm? Hinamori: What... Yui: Let's go Hina. Hinamori: Okay... (Is someone watching us?) Team 1 Ryuko: Bailing! Etomo: They never saw us here! Taking notice of LightFlare's whistle, they kept following him.
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