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Everything posted by Bjay

  1. Nice sprites. What kind of gameplay does this one have?
  2. Does a stage exist for fighting on top of a moving train? Alright, thanks for your help.
  3. Er, the intention of super jump isn't to be able to reach the top. It's so the stage height is twice or more of the normal field; reaching the top is irrelevant.
  4. Is there any MvC version of Anakaris other than Kong's?
  5. Cool stage, and yes it is has super jump.
  6. Abusive House Wife has forfeited against me. http://prntscr.com/1q00qg Screenshot provided by Abusive House Wife.
  7. YES, YES!! Hyped up for this. Good luck!! Omg that dizzy effect haha.
  8. What timezone is everyone in? Because I'm from Australia (GMT +10) and it might get a little tricky being online at the same time. :P
  9. Found a random screenshot of mine from ages ago:
  10. I keep mine as balanced as possible. Therefore my Mugen has a considerable low amount of Marvel characters, as they are far too dominating.
  11. Any character that has a good/challenging AI that's not perfect. POTS AI is a good example. Perfect AI novelty wears off really quickly.
  12. Nice to see her made, though she does need improvement.
  13. Were there any updates mentioned for Erika on Baggy's website? Thanks for that, appreciate it. Doesn't seem to be a firewall issue, as far as I know. I've found out that it's not only this website, but any website with a coocan.jp domain do not work for me.
  14. Yeah, I think I'm the only one who is having trouble loading the website. Even tried it on a different PC and different browsers, but no luck.
  15. The website doesn't work for me for some reason (hasn't for a while).
  16. You're a legend. Thanks a bunch!
  17. Anyone have this version of Athena? Unless there's another '03 ver. of Athena out there...
  18. Is that a rhino, or are you just happy to see me?
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