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Everything posted by Bjay

  1. Noivern is 52.6kb, haha.
  2. Ooh, a Slime! Also, I've a bad feeling about the character on the right...
  3. Nice MFFA stage and nice Luka lifebar portrait!
  4. Alright, so what from what I've found so far: - Gameplay is generally source accurate, although superior to he OMK counterpart. - Her grab adds gives a lot of meter for a grab. - "Baggy" hitstun, which comes no surprise but it's not as bad as the chibi characters, but still nasty! - While I say source accurate, there is a striker implemented and some other goodies, which I think is a nice bonus. There's a certain bonus I'll stay quiet about. :P The fact that it's made by Baggy...I'm glad that Baggy kept true to the source, yet including the Dlanor striker bonus. I hope to see more of this equivalent in the future.
  5. Oh. My. GOODNESS!!!! plzplzplzplzplz don't be cheap and OP. I shall check right away!
  7. You make a thread asking whether or not to leave. However, you made a post a few days ago saying you were leaving and not returning. Yet, you make a thread asking members whether or not you should leave. Pretty much you couldn't keep to your word and returned (not that anyone didn't see that coming). Make up your own mind. You'll cover your ears and scream so you can't hear us anyway, so you may as well listen to yourself. Oh wait...
  8. A mugen character from the future... I like where this is going!
  9. As long as the character is balanced, I'm content.
  10. What stage is that? Looks like the location is set in Australia. Nice lifebar edit, though for some reason I feel the custom title doesn't sit right. The font/colour of the character names are suitabl, but.
  11. Nice stages, nice stages everywhere
  12. Ooh, Sion had a palette section but Kouma didn't? D: Also, I like the various captions that you've done for the characters. :P
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