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Agrias Oaks by Ouchi updated 9/15/13

Phantom Blood

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OH a FULL release ok gotta check this out. tried her SHES AWESOME way better than the alpha released before woohoo I reccomend this, roster worthy imo. Only complaint is she has no voice I know she didn't in the game but they could of given her a generic Japanese girl voice or something. Other than that I love her.


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OH a FULL release ok gotta check this out.

tried her SHES AWESOME way better than the alpha released before woohoo I reccomend this, roster worthy imo. Only complaint is she has no voice I know she didn't in the game but they could of given her a generic Japanese girl voice or something. Other than that I love her.

What do you mean full release?

The one Phantom uploaded a few days ago is by a different author. That. and it was 1.0 only. This character is for winmugen

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OH a FULL release ok gotta check this out.

tried her SHES AWESOME way better than the alpha released before woohoo I reccomend this, roster worthy imo. Only complaint is she has no voice I know she didn't in the game but they could of given her a generic Japanese girl voice or something. Other than that I love her.

I actually liked the fact she didn't have her voice, and also used that comical female death sound from Final Fantasy Tactics rather than a generic female voice.

Also, yes she is awesome. I wonder what all her modes do, though. I notice that Knight mode has a barrier and that Chemist and Archer mode have a grappling move, but I know nothing outside of that.

LO1Vv73.gif Mega Evil Ninja Slurpuff STRIKES AGAIN!!! http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-86635112
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OK NOW maybe the jobs do something lets see. ok so My guess is ouchi plans to keep updating her. he removed most of the other jobs atm, but the 2 there (knight and Chemist actually do something) With chemist you use a potion on your self when you do a combination of buttons, with Knight you have an extra slash attack. awesome so he plans on adding new moves for each job class.


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scroll over it till you find what you need its really not that hard just a tad time consuming. basically click the first thing, then click the first thing again, then the last thing is agrias. you can trial and error the last part though.


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I really like Archer mode. When I used Agrias' Archer mode in training, I found it to be useless. But truth be told, the charged slashes are not meant to be used on a dummy. The charged slashes turn Agrias into a counter-tank. She cannot be attacked when using these moves, and her slash is unblockable. I think you can still hurt her with special moves, though, but I didn't do enough testing. I still don't understand what the third potion in Chemist form does, or the third slash attack in Knight form. I know Chemist form has Potion and Ether, and that Knight form has Break Magic and Break Speed/Break Boots.

LO1Vv73.gif Mega Evil Ninja Slurpuff STRIKES AGAIN!!! http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-86635112
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