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ideas for victory quotes

Magical Klara

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Mega Man X

"I can't pick up this Maverick's weapon. It's poorly programmed."



"You're supposed to fall down now, didn't you read the script?"


Heat Man

"Am I on fire or what?"



[vs. Puss] "All you need are the boots, but all I need are the tails."

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Raiden from Mortal Kombat


Vs random: You should have known better then to challenge a god. 

Vs random: You must train harder if you ever hope to be worthy of fighting in Mortal Kombat.

Vs random: Thunder take you!

Vs random: Not bad, but you lack the resolve it takes to win.

Vs random: Mortal Kombat is not about death, but life.

Vs random: Yes, I do expect a bunch of humans on a leaky boat to save the world.


Vs MK characters

Liu Kang: You must continue your training, I will return when I need you.

Kung Lao: Don't let your rage consume you, to lose you to your over-eagerness to fight would be a waste of a life.


Johnny Cage: This isn't one of your movies Johnny, the fate of multiple worlds are at stake!

Sonya: Your resolve to take down the Black Dragon Clan never ceases to amaze me.

Jax: Your strength and courage are not enough, you must truly believe you can win.

Sub-zero*younger*: You truly are stronger then your brother, but be careful you do not suffer his fate. 

Sub-zero:*elder*: Your return to your former self was......unexpected to say the least.

Noob Saibot: Look at yourself, you were once a noble warrior, now you revel in your own corruption. How saddening.


Cyrax: Hang on Cyrax, one day you will be restored to your human form, I swear.

Sector, Cyber Smoke, Cyber Sub-zero, Hydro, etc: Cyborg ninjas, what will they think of next?

Nightwolf: Thank you my friend, for sheltering our allies.

Sindel, Kitana and Jade: Your chance for revenge on Shao Kahn will come, but for now your realm needs you. Return to Edenia.


Rain: You betrayed your own realm, you deserve nothing less then a traitor's death.

Scorpion: Join us for now, you will have pleanty of time to avenge your clan later.

Reptile and Chameleon: Go slither back under the rock you came from foul creature! 

Khameleon: You need to undo Shao Kahn's brainwashing on your fellow saurians if you wish to ever restore your people.


Stryker: Your style is.........unusual, but effective.

Bo Rai Cho: You are needed else where, sober up and get going!

Mileena: You are nothing but a pale imitation of your "sister", your hatred of her will be your downfall.

Baraka: It ends here Baraka!

Shujinko: Your quest for redemption is not yet over, go forth and continue onward! 

Ashera: Are you sure we're not related?

Ermac: You decide your own destiny now, make it a good one.

Skarlet: Are you dating Ermac?

Kenchi: Revenge will not ease your pain, it will only further it. 

Fujin: Thank you for you aid, but I must continue on alone.

Taven: I still do not fully understand what your father intended, but I do know that there are forces at work here that he did not anticipate.


Daegon: You are unworthy of your fathers title, how could you betray not only your own blood but your entire Realm?!


Shang Tsung: Your time has come sorcerer, you will be judged by the Elder Gods!

Quan Chi: Your sins are many and vile, you will be judged by the Elder Gods! 



Shinnok: You've sown the seeds of your own downfall father, this is consequences of your actions.

Onaga: You will never rise again Dragon King, your time has long since past!


Vs cross over characters

Ryu: You wish to be the best, I suggest you seak out Liu Kang to help you further your training.

Ken: You're a lot more flashy then Ryu, I'll give you that.

Gouken: Your strength is impressive, you could show Bo Rai Cho a thing or two.

Sakura and Sean: Never underestimate your opponent, remember that.

Akuma, Shin Akuma, Ogre, etc: You have lost yourself to your own darkness, was this power really worth it?


Cyber Akuma: Let me guess, you got your cybernetics from the Lin Kuei.

Evil/dark/violent characters: Fight to reclaim your minds from this darkness, I believe you can do it.

M.Bison: Great, another ruthless dictator who wants to rule the world, why can't you guys get a better hobby?


Guile and Charley: Do you know a guy Called Jackson Briggs? Big black guy with robotic arms? Maybe?


Chun Li: The power of your legs is impressive, you could give Sonya a run for her money.

Rose: So you came from the positive energy released from M.Bison? Then why are you a woman?

Zangief 1: Have you ever considered joining the Lin Kuei? They love the cold too.

Zangief 2: For the love of the Elder Gods, put some clothes on!

Urine: Uuuuug, why must you and your brother wear thongs? NO ONE wants to see THAT!

Q: Are you some sort of pedophile flasher or something? 

Hugo: Have you ever considered being a tag team with Zangief?

Mike Haggar: You have an interesting way of keeping the peace, it's a very hands on approach.

El Fuerte: Either cook or wrestle, you can't do both.

E.Honda: You should consider training with Bo rai cho to further your sumo skills.

Poison: So between the two of us, what set of genitals were you actually born with?

Gill: You call yourself a god, but in fact you're nothing more then a pretender. 

Seth: So much for you being the ultimate weapon.


Batman 1: An insulated suit and gagets won't be enough to stop me.

Batman 2: What, no bat-god repellent? 

Captain Marvel/Shazam: I'm glad to see you're not suffering from the rage anymore.

Wonder Woman: Your people are strong, but strength and conviction alone won't be enough to save you.


Green Lanterns and Sinestro: These power rings intrigues me, I must learn more about them.

Lex Luthor: You're just another mad man who wants to rule the world, get back in line and let the next guy take a crack at it.


Robin: Batman shouldn't be raising kids to fight crime, it's not a safe profession.

Nightwing: So you were the first Robin hua?

Bat-girl: How many sidekicks dose Batman have anyway?

Lobo: You're just another random idiot who thinks he can fight, get lost.

The Flash: You're fast, you could give Kabal a run for his money.

Raven: I can happily say that you're NOT your fathers daughter.

Starfire: So, how do you like earthrealm so far?

Cyborg: So you called yourself Cyborg and your a cyborg.........Very original.

The Joker: I have no time for clowning around, get it? Clowning around? Oh forget you.

Harley Quin: What in the name of the Elder Gods do you see in that psychopath?

Super Girl: Well I've met some strong women in my time, but you have to be up there as one of the strongest.


Superman: Now that our friendly bout is over, let us team up once more to save the realms.


*Marvel characters coming soon*


It begins again, MORTAL KOMBAAAAAAAAAT!!!!

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"I ruined your face so bad you look like a "modern art" masterpiece!"


"Remember this day, it shows how big of a failure you are!"


"No matter what you do for the rest of your life, your biggest accomplishment was getting your ass kicked by ME!"




Man, we've all been coming up with some good ones right fellas?

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"You there! Yes, I'm talking to you, in front of the computer! Don't think I'm stupid! Are you putting me on a suicide mission here!? You almost got me killed by Bison, Rugal or whoever! Who's next? Rare Akuma?"


*Next Stage: Vs Rare Akuma*


in thoughts: "Damn you..."



This would've been the quote that'll make you go ROFL...

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"The arrogance of you mortals will never cease to amaze me"

"This fight and your life are over"

"This wasn't a fight, This wasn't even a warm up, this was just sad"


"Contender Eliminated"

"You're going down to looser town"

"Good Night"

"You coulda been a contenda, now you're just a looser"

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