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to anyone thinking im a bad mod read this


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So I got talked to and seems someone or multiple ppl reported me to the admins. well let me talk about some things. don't worry this isn't a resignation or anything just the opposite. I am just posting this to do a few things at once lets start shall we. 1. I am sorry for any people I have offended I have a very low tolerance for stupidity and I need to learn to be more patient which is what im going to do from here on. 2. I am sorry for making my opinion sound like the law. first ill explain something, part of that is me being in character of Laharl and the other is I do somewhat think like that. the way I type on the forums calling ppl morons and such is a bit exaggerated to how i truly feel. I am trying to be "in character of laharl" that doesn't seem to work to well so I will try to tone it down. I truly did not mean people have stupid opinions. I can't really judge an opinion whether i think its dumb or not. ppl can think what they want. 3. I try to be helpful to noobs best i can. Im not to sure where that accusation came from. but I guess ill try to be MORE helpful? 4. apparently it seems to some people I try to run this site.... I in no way shape or form run this place. I am a mod not admin. Me telling ppl to follow the rules is kind of my job. I didn't make the rules. I just enforce them. take that up with ryon or phantom blood if you dislike it. So honestly im not going to apologize for this because I have done nothing wrong in this sense. 5. some think I have "oh so godly attitude" im guessing that goes back to me trying to be in character, I won't be doing that anymore to that extent. so sorry again 6. Some people think I apparently don't do anything for this site but cause trouble. well that i CAN argue with. I have done so much thread fixing,deleting when needed took care of trolls (mostly) and so on. I do more for this site than some know. I'm not a mod for no reason... so to summarize I full heartedly apologize for any I have offended. and Will try to not do so anymore. HOWEVER if you act like a complete moron and purposely try to cause fights this all goes out the window cause you deserve whatever i say to you. other than that. I will try to be more civil with all members of this site. thats the point of this thread to let you know Im going to change now.


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well at times you can be a bit of a prick but then again who aint one at times there are many times iam one but i also don't candy coat shit either however since i have known you on here even tho we hardly talk unless its about mugen your pretty helpful at times a bit lazy lol just like everyone else on here including me lol but all in all your pretty cool i wouldn't sweat it much people normally pull shit like this because they want to make drama or there not happy with there own life so they rather drag someone else down with them just keep on doing what your doing and dont worry about anyone else if you let them get to you your only letting them win and for those who dont know you or the kind of person you are does not need to put there own 2 cents in specially if they dont know the history about you and that other person

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Well done, Laharl. Ionly wished I had come to you myself. But that's what the admin are for. Here's exactly what I said about you...

Wat up, BAWS! Hope everything is all good. I know that Laharl thinks that he is...well...Laharl, but he can come of as an arrogant prick. He was a nice guy when I met him at the Guild. Infact I'm a fan of the whole Mugen Coder team. But lately Larry has just been rude. Spazzing on noobs, telling people to shut up without reason, Trippin when ever someone talks to Roz. Truthfully, he hasn't really done NONE of that to me, but I see him harass alot of the other members. Well....he did trip when I said Roz reminded me of Snooki. SHE laughed and said thanks.

The point is, Laharl has been abusing his powers, IMO. I hate that it has to come to this, but I think actions should be taken. It's your decision WHAT happens, but he needs to be reminded that you can't speak to people in a disrespectful manner just because you have a higher rank.

Thanks for listening...

I fixed the jumbled quote.

I don't know how many others will step forward, but it was something I felt like I should do. Move forward, Laharl. We ALL have room for improvement....


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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"but all in all your pretty cool i wouldn't sweat it much people normally pull shit like this because they want to make drama or there not happy with there own life so they rather drag someone else down with them" This is very true. "I don't know how many others will step forward, but it was something I celt like I should Move forward, Laharl. We ALL have room for improvement.... " Well ofc. All humans in some what or way need improvement. Although I think all humans are flawed..... Also it's great that you are doing this laharl. Though I did not have a problem with the old you :/ You remind me of myself. I could ofc easily say this though but applying it irl would be something different..... "just keep on doing what your doing and dont worry about anyone else if you let them get to you your only letting them win and for those who dont know you or the kind of person you are does not need to put there own 2 cents in specially if they dont know the history about you and that other person" Nicely said

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now this is what true humility is all about: recognizin' an issue within' self, seein' how it effects others, ownin' to your part, & makin' efforts to change it. more people in tha world should follow this path. i applaud you Laharl, you're handlin' shit tha right way instead of bustin' out into a hissy-fit. & even tho we've had our own conflict & whatnot in tha past, due to our last recent convo, i myself am fully aware that there's a sorta decent [xD] person lurkin' in that frame somewheres, so again props to ya.

'bout time your head finally got some air Laura, ya assklown :troll:


Kord Elite Kommander of the RSA

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yeah seriously wow, im shocked by this, ive actually gained a shit ton of a respect for u, i wouldnt have had the guts to make this post myself, so bonus points for that , but yeah even ive noticed u could be a bit of a prick without being provoked ,really so the fact that your willing to go away from that is a major plus in my book, but u are a good Mod, just need to work on ya people skills :=D: , but like i said to u in a Pm once , dont take MFFA to seriously k


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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thanks guys. rather than reporting, Vegaz you could of easily pmed me about it. it was kind of sad a mod had to tell me what you said but keep it anonymous. if there are future problems please do pm me. i don't see a reason to tell the staff on me.... when I can be talked to myself. In all fairness I seriously took offense when you called roz that. I hate that whore snooki that is. so of course i took offense would you like it if i said hey your girl looks like a fat slobby Whore. cause thats what i got out of it. You would probably get upset to yeah?


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you are one of the only ppl to call me kind on this forum. though i hope that changes soon.

Me 2 Bro


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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Guest dncelestinx96
Posted Image NOW U GET IT Laharl U may not like me on the Net and I don't u but in all fairness I think he should be a Mod for Alittle longer before ppl Requests to Resign him I had alittle Temper Problem because of u myself but now u wrote this and the real reason ur like a Smartass/Prick so Yea I MIGHT have alittle Respect for u can't Gurantee so don't Demod him for now Ryon
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um i was never going to be demodded celest.... this was my decision phantom didn't even tell me i had to change all of this he just said to keep it cool basically. I am deciding to full out change since people have took me the wrong way. I AM NOT nor was i ever going to be demodded for this. as for you however.... I honestly think most of what i said to you was justified due to how many times ive told you the same things -_-. wtf are you talking about knocking the shit out of me? a 12 year old attacking me im freaking 21 years old dude. you know that right. I couldn't fight you back if i ever even wanted to (which i don't). THIS Is the kind of thing i was talking about if you provoke me I WILL be a dick to you.


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he doesn't like me in general. because i force him to follow the rules. hes also probably mad i gave him another week of chatban for trying to evade bans by making a new account.


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oh yeah he did he tried to make a fake excuse for it too. phantom ip banned that alt and warned him on his real one not to do that again as punishment I gave him another week worth of chatban.


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Well, Laharl im glad your trying to be a better person. you are sometimes kinda demanding, but there isnt anything wrong with that. I really never had problems with you, and I kinda respect you in a way. at least you are trying to keep things neat around here. but just dont change completley cause some ppl said "Your a dick or a bad mod" just be who you are laharl.

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