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How To Make A Character (Complete!)


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Cool Ryon. Good job so far. Let's see, AI (Artificial Intelligence) seems like may be a 10%. Also, have you thought about maybe doing a video on gameplay mechanics? Pausetimes, hit times, damage values, velocities, hypers, supers, stuff like that and how it comes together (or doesn't in the case of infinites and stuff like that). Kind of a thought crossed my mind recently of kind of a summary of all the work done on a character and what it leads to eventually. Kind of "How it can all come together (both good and bad)" type of synopsis / conclusion video. Balancing issues and decisions and such that kind of come out towards release in the final stages. Accuracy versus originality issues maybe? Do you go for being 'game accurate' or try different ideas and such. Maybe even just a "hey I got an original idea for..." Planning stages type stuff. Also maybe a kind of a "tie it all together and put it through watch mode to see if something could happen that you hadn't really thought about" type check at the end. Playtesting / beta testing or whatever. Oo, also, hitsparks and making the sound files (including a channel = 0 discussion about stopping sound during get hits and such) and stuff like that too may be another 10%. using the -2 states and vars and stuff like that too, But also, the game engine can only process so much info at a time and too many -2 states can cause a character slow down if not careful. Sorry 'bout the idea stuff here. I'm hoping I may have missed some stuff since my connection at the airport seems to keep going down halfway through the videos most of the time. The net connection at the airport here breaks every so often to reset connections. I usually try to adjust the sprite in the sff file for projectile alignment and such since using offset can lead to some nasty alignment problems if the character gets 'scaled' later on. Have you thought about a possible (later on anyway) discussion on how to use the scaling feature to adjust character sprite size and such? (oops, it is kind of an advanced subject though and does lead to some very interesting problems as far as alignment issues and such). Oh yeah, and one of my biggest things for people when starting out is to try and choose a character that they are familiar with because that will make it much easier to start out. Play the character a bit and try to get used to any quirks and such. But more feedback as well too is in order. Great job especially with the "oops" and "trial and error" stuff I've seen so far. Excellent. Let's face it, a lot of times you don't really know what you may be getting into until after you try it. So, oops, I hadn't thought about it that way. Try another way. Go with what you feel comfortable with. Oh, but also remember that you can always "update" if you find something later on or figure out something a little different. There's truly no set in stone way in MUGEN anyway. Many times things can be done several different ways, but some ways may seem to work better than others depending on circumstances. But yes, I really appreciate you including the "oopses" very much Ryon.

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thank you so much Gohan! That means alot.

I have discussed "Pausetimes, hit times, damage values, velocities, hypers, supers, "

ranging from parts 3~6

sounds im saving for the last video. along with channel 0 stuff.

CNS scaling vs. Localcoord Scaling, is a excellent idea for a topic.

unfortunately, I do not use variables ENOUGH to teach a tutorial on it. especially in a -2 or -3 state.

but Thanks for the ideas!

after Shelly is finished i'm working on a Reversal Hitdef guide.

Wow! This tutorial has helped me several times more than any other!

Maybe now I can make my first character with confidence!

Thanks a million, Ryon!

I'm glad its helped in several ways. thank you.

if you can share which way its helped you that would be wicked awesome.

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Thanks Ryon. I also liked the cornerpush.veloff and such that was included in 3 to 6. But yeah, effort really appreciated on helping people learn different aspects of creation. Best to keep with the basics as much as possible when starting out. So good job. Edit - and for scaling if you have an offset = or a pos = in a projectile or such that doesn't have a value of 0,0 for the coordinate, to adjust the 'scaling value: Say a value of offset = 22,-12 for example would become offset = 22*const(xscale), -12*const(yscale) but using MUGEN's scaling and other constants (top of cns stuff) can be a bit tricky for some. Like I said Ryon, you're doing an excellent job and it's definitely something needed in MUGEN.

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I'm not really sure where to start. Each video was helpful, heck, thanks to your help I now have some finished animations of Elizabeth from P3. In all honesty, every bit of info spoken into the video was a major help, especially how to import and fix up sprites as well as using the CLSN. The thing I found most helpful was your pace of explaining what to do. I didn't need to rewind several times to understand what you said. That, and the fact that you both verbally and visually explained it, it made it perfect. Though, I'm a little nervous about if I should post my progress inside the WIP.


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@ Gohan, sorry i didnt see your message till just now.

yeah i'll do a scaling video soon after.

the next video will have wind bullet (with scaling explods), earth bullet (dont know yet how to make it up) and sound set up for the moves, character voices, and if i get regular sounds i'll slip those in to.

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  • 1 month later...

Nice, I found these somewhere else [i'm sure they're the same because of the example character :D] and was downloading them all for reference. So, I'm a complete noob when it comes to coding, and I'm not sure on what's needed for creation, so I'm getting these videos... Question is, you're teaching how to get sprites and make a character, but what about sprite creation? I know how to handle some sprites and pallete [thanks for some years of rpg maker and idraw3/cm1999] but I got curious about the HD/780p sprite creation... Any hint on that? I'm an artist anyway, so I can handle myself animating and drawing stuff, but I want to know what I should keep in mind when doing those.

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I just learned its basic functions, some editing functions it had... I usually had it open together with cm1999 and switched back and forth between them, mostly to have the grid and to edit the palette, but I'm sure I could do the same on idraw. [if it's the same idraw i've used in the past for rpg maker spriting...] the only problem is that it really was a LONG time ago. Why the question?

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Hey, I have a few questions. Does your tutorial teaches the difference between sff and sff2? Also, can the Fighters Factory extract images from SFF files? I wanted to extract a few of the ones I got just for size comparison [just to be sure] while I'm doing my own sprites. My plan seems to work regarding spritecrafting, but without references, trial and error might be a long road. I can post some small tutorial about this later on, depending on the results.

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Hey, I have a few questions.

Does your tutorial teaches the difference between sff and sff2?

Also, can the Fighters Factory extract images from SFF files? I wanted to extract a few of the ones I got just for size comparison [just to be sure] while I'm doing my own sprites.

My plan seems to work regarding spritecrafting, but without references, trial and error might be a long road. I can post some small tutorial about this later on, depending on the results.

no it does not. as the differences are rather technical more than cosmetic.

and yes fighter factory can extract images, 1 by 1, or by group, or extract all to a folder.

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Hey, I have a few questions.

Does your tutorial teaches the difference between sff and sff2?

Also, can the Fighters Factory extract images from SFF files? I wanted to extract a few of the ones I got just for size comparison [just to be sure] while I'm doing my own sprites.

My plan seems to work regarding spritecrafting, but without references, trial and error might be a long road. I can post some small tutorial about this later on, depending on the results.

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