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And now for something completely different:


You will never believe what happened to me this morning! I was waking up and doing my morning routine, eat breakfast, take a shower, brush my teeth, that sort of thing. When I was about to get changed, I saw something in my window that looked a little strange. I went to look and there he was, a man was staring through my window on a ladder!


Just as soon as he knew I saw him he started climbing down the ladder and I ran for the door outside. On my way out I grabbed the bat I keep under my bed. When I got outside I saw him running down my block and I began chasing after him. We ran for nearly 10 minutes and reached some woods. Then from there we ran another 15 until I lost sight of him.


Lost, in the middle of the woods, chasing a peeping Tom. I knew something like this could only happen to me.


The search seemed over when a bit deeper in the woods I heard the man scream. I ran out there and saw him sitting on the ground a good distance away from me. As I got closer I could see he had gotten his foot stuck in a bear trap! Actually I’m not so sure it was a bear trap because it was a bit smaller but you get the point. I walked up to him with my bat and said the sweetest one liner I could think up on the spot.


“Game over fucker” and I hit him in the face with my bat. He began to sob a bit as he held his bleeding nose, but to my surprise he began to laugh. This startled me so I hit him again and said “what’s funny faggot!” and he said, “read the first word of all the last paragraphs.”

That's quite the story, but that doesn't make any sense. There can only be one last paragraph, which in your case, is just "Game." Am I missing something here. Provided this actually happened in real life, where you telling him a story too? There wouldn't be any paragraphs.



-[Все слова это только слова.]-

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The first word of all the last paragraphs... meaning that said guy must have seen him/her typing this? That's what doesn't add up. Either that or Sakuya is gone now and the guy took over. O_o.



-[Все слова это только слова.]-

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The first word of all the last paragraphs... meaning that said guy must have seen him/her typing this? That's what doesn't add up. Either that or Sakuya is gone now and the guy took over. O_o.

The story was fake, silly. It was all an elaborate joke brought forth by the RSA.

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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So hey, new YouTube avatar.


Seeing as I managed to change my username after all this time (isn't so easy with pre-Google+ accounts), I felt an avatar change would be ideal.


FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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So hey, new YouTube avatar.


Seeing as I managed to change my username after all this time (isn't so easy with pre-Google+ accounts), I felt an avatar change would be ideal.


 Needs more Salamence and less Garchomp V:

looks good

Leaving my worries behind, feel the freedom of body and mind


MyDeviantArt I MyYoutube I MyTwitter I

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Ah, I wanted to keep it as a sprite, given my pixely ways. The head was derived from an anime screenshot, though a few things like his eyes and nostrils were sprited from scratch.

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay so I know I'm not alone in this Pokemon thing since there are a lot of posts for pokemon mugen content so this is a thread for just ranting about Pokemon stuff. I might be the only one posting here but you're all welcome to join in and give your 2-cents.


I'm gonna start off by ranting about the latest pokemon that are just down right ridiculous!



First off there is this new pokemon called "Klefki", and yeah you guessed it by its name that it's just a key chain with keys....





Seriously wtf!?!?!


It doesn't even look right either for those of us with dirty imaginations...   :S


Honestly this is one of the dumbest designs and ideas ever. I remember a joke on the net on pokemon and there was a parody about 7 gen pokemon and it was just a chair with eyes and a mouth and the joke was that generation seven and onward were going to be this ridiculous in just making anything into a pokemon, including household items.


What was fun about the older generations is that a lot of thought went into the pocket monsters and many of them were right out based on nature and animals, 2 things that everyone likes, with a mix of serious, cool, and occasionally cute; making it appealing to everyone and anyone.


But these are just right out silly. It doesn't even look intimidating! (or cute, it's just soulless)


I wish the "run away" option in pokemon would be in this case "walk away laughing"









This next one is called "Garbodor", the garbage pokemon.





This one has been getting a lot of heat on the net about it being a stupid idea and one of the worst ones.


I'm reminded of generation 1's Muk and Grimer





I think the reason these 2 worked out well was because it still looked monstrous like "The Blob" from classic horror films.


I personally think that Garbodor can work but I think that the thing that is really bugging everyone is that stupid stare/face, as if it were some kind of internet meme Maybe if it looked more like a frost giant or something that maybe this pokemon wouldn't be that bad.


Now for a quick analysis for Muk and Grimer. Looking at these two side by side, I can safely say that this pokemon never needed an evolution, or rather they should have just left it as Muk entirely; without grimer.


Muk obviously looks cooler and really there is so little of a difference between the two that this line should have just been a non evolving pokemon in my opinion.



Anyway that's all I got for now. I'll post more later after some research in the ol'pokedex. Again feel free to post your own rants in this thread or start your own, whatever, about pokemon stuff. Name your best, worst, etc.


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I've got more!


And just for the record I wish I could take a lot of these out. I wish that maybe someday I can make a pokemon game patch of some kind that would leave nothing but the best looking pokemon for encounters and battles.









Someone asked me to make this monstrosity once I think? Needless to say it's generally just terrible. I like the idea behind it in that it tricks pokemon by its appearance....but....unfortunately this is the problem. It has a very weak design with a really ugly characterization behind it.


Has anyone every heard of a conjoined twin dead fetus? Well I don't dare to show you the real thing but they made a south park parody of it in one old episode.





It's really distastful. I feel bad for people who have conditions liek this but without a doubt this is displeasing.




Anyway my point being is that mawile looks like that. Only one Pokemon pulls it off well and that's Wabbafett. Though I honestly would rather prefer him without it all together.




Even on the show Wobbufett rarely showed it either. It's as if the animators knew that the tail with eyes looked silly.




Another pokemon that was ruined with this idea is girafarig




For some reason the back portion looked like pantyhose to me so I guess this character was ruined in more than one way. The colors aren't too great either.


It had a lot of potential but once it turns around it will turn you off. The tail end looks like a chomper from mario bros...






Though it could be a nod from gamefreak to nintendo  or whatever?



Anyway I hope in future generations that things like this could first go through some kind of survey first before they become official because a lot of these are butt ugly!


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What about checking Bulbapedia to see where these 'down right ridiculous' Pokémon are based off from? You'd be surprised what you can find out.


Pokémon haven't always been based on nature and animals. What about that 1st generation magnet, that involves into three magnets? Or that Virtual Reality man-made Pokémon?


(OK I'm done posting here lol)

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What about checking Bulbapedia to see where these 'down right ridiculous' Pokémon are based off from? You'd be surprised what you can find out.


Pokémon haven't always been based on nature and animals. What about that 1st generation magnet, that involves into three magnets? Or that Virtual Reality man-made Pokémon?


(OK I'm done posting here lol)

Well I can't say all but the majority of them that were nature and animal based are among the most popular and best. Magneton and magnemite might be cool but porygon,, NO WAY!


Though thanks for your input. My opinion isn't always right so it's good to hear another side's perspective though.



I've read some origins and trivia on there, it's very interesting to say the least. If I pick up on something worth ranting about then I'll definitly post it here.




Next I'll be posting about Pokemon that received unnesscary evolutions.


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