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Apply for Global Moderator


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The Global Moderators are responsible for general peace keeping,

organization and moderation of the entire website. Of course, like all

staff members, they are welcome to general staff discussions. 

Apply for the Collections Curator role by commenting on this thread.

Include some reasons you think you'd be a good choice to boost your

chances. Please be patient with staff while we consider your request.



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On 1/12/2021 at 10:39 AM, RicePigeon said:


Nice try, Weegee, but we know it's you. IP history doesn't lie.

Maybe he should ask what a VPN is instead, lol

On 1/4/2021 at 3:08 PM, GTFoxN6Y said:

What are G-Mods???

Global mods


I feel like it should be stated that, in other for someone to aquire moderation status, they:
A: Have to have been a part of the community for a while, Neo_Fire_Sonic is a good example
B: Have not shown tendencies of causing trouble, when RBH said "good social awareness of appropriate and inappropriate behavior. " he also means your OWN behavior and you will be judged based on your history, so sorry GTFoxN6Y, you don't really meet the requirements because of that.

C; the best moderators are usually the people who don't even want to be moderators, but do it out of need of necessity for their community, not out of want, power, title, or desire.


Personally, I myself have never joined the discord, and am not all that super active around here anyone, so I don't feel I qualify.

I am however once again going to throw in a card for @CoolAnimeHustler, who has shown time and time again a sheer positive outlook on everything they've done. I donno if that'd make them a good moderator, but I still think they have positive traits worth looking into.


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  • 2 weeks later...
5 hours ago, Kanbei said:

If the Nintendo Collections is in need of a mod I can be a mod for that one? I noticed it is a mess.

That would be great, that one could certainly use some work. Only thing is we don't really have mods for individual collections, just for the collection section as a whole. So there are 2 options open to you:
1st we could contact the owner Moltar and ask if he's interested in transferring ownership of it to you.
2nd we could make you a Collections Curator, and you'd be a section mod for the collections forum, which would give you the ability to work on it and others if you wanted.



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7 hours ago, Kanbei said:

Yeah I am sure, that will be too much to handle the collections section.

I swear I'm not trying to press you at all, I just think you're misunderstanding me. I meant that you could choose either one or the other of those 2 options, not both. Like if Moltar's down I could just transfer control of the Nintendo collection alone to you without you being a section mod.

My apologies for explaining that in a confusing way. After reading back I can totally see how you got the idea that I meant both of those things, and not either or. 



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