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Screenshots Mffa Style


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Any suggestions?

As a matter of fact. Yes I do. But weather you apply them or not is completely up to you.

I think the stage would look WAY better if the sky was a darker orange. Like a 6 or 7 PM sunset orange.

^ Pretty much just like this sky.

Thats my opinion. But other then the sky color, everything else looks fine.

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Time to post some more...

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Ragna: You're going down!

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Sol: Ops! My sword sliped.

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Shannon: Who wants picnic?

Madoka: Meeeee!!!

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Hazama and Ash: U MAD?

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Mami: Are you okay Ragna?

Ragna: Yeah but you're stomping my ear.

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Vergil: Might ConTROLZ Everytihng.

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Battler: Bring it!

That's it.



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