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The Roleplay Paradise Redux Deluxe Edition: The Role-play strikes back!


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(What a pain...)


Lilith was considering trying to do something about this issue. However, she figured the situation was too volatile and one wrong move could make things worse. She decided to approach the clerk.



"If it's all right, could you let use look around the area before we make our decision? We would like to make sure it's worth the admission."



"You want to inspect the goods before making your purchase? Well, I can respect that, but I assure you I wouldn't be here if I wasn't selling a quality service."



"It's fine Anna-san. I will show them around and introduce everything we have to offer."



"Well, if she's fine with it then I see no harm. Have a look around and then come back here to get registered, ok?"


Lilith proceeded to bow.



"Anwalt, why don't you look around before you decide? It looks to me like you need a little more time."

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On 4/30/2019 at 2:11 AM, Darkflare said:


"While you're waiting, you should consider registering here as you won't be able to use the facility without doing so."



"It's 40 pompadillions for the first month and 15 for each additional month. Oh, don't worry about exchanging currency, I can take care of that for you."





Raina still had plenty of money from the arena winnings, she could easily sign up if she wanted.



4 hours ago, Darkflare said:


(What a pain...)


Lilith was considering trying to do something about this issue. However, she figured the situation was too volatile and one wrong move could make things worse. She decided to approach the clerk.



"If it's all right, could you let use look around the area before we make our decision? We would like to make sure it's worth the admission."



"You want to inspect the goods before making your purchase? Well, I can respect that, but I assure you I wouldn't be here if I wasn't selling a quality service."



"It's fine Anna-san. I will show them around and introduce everything we have to offer."



"Well, if she's fine with it then I see no harm. Have a look around and then come back here to get registered, ok?"



Lilith made a good point. It would be better to conduct a tour first.


"I'll take the tour as well, if you don't mind."

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On 4/30/2019 at 2:11 AM, Darkflare said:


"It's 40 pompadillions for the first month and 15 for each additional month. Oh, don't worry about exchanging currency, I can take care of that for you."



Thanks...but that won't be nesecerry. Me and Darkflare have an..."agreement". I participate in his..."observations", and in return I have full access to his facilities.



On the other hand, I'll be joining the "normal" way...



Heh...suit yourself.


On 4/30/2019 at 2:54 AM, Agni Blackheart said:


Umbra also left the group and joined Lucent, standing right next to him. It was visible that Lucent returned to be bothered. He did nothing to stop Anwalt, since this was something that brought fun to his brother and he didn't want to ruin it. He already tried and failed miserably back at the airport.



(Anwalt...you are as oblivious as you are handsome...)


LightFlare quietly walks over and sits next to Lucent...



How you holding up Lucent?


12 hours ago, Darkflare said:


(What a pain...)


Lilith was considering trying to do something about this issue. However, she figured the situation was too volatile and one wrong move could make things worse. She decided to approach the clerk.



(For a moment...Lilith's aura sharply changed. I wonder what she was thinking...)


12 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"It's fine Anna-san. I will show them around and introduce everything we have to offer."



"Well, if she's fine with it then I see no harm. Have a look around and then come back here to get registered, ok?"



I'll be taking that tour...




I'll hang with Lucent and Umbra for a bit.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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BGM: Today's Contract still playing



Anwalt: *sigh* Alright, I'll take the tour...


By the looks of it, Anwalt's excited mood dwindled down and he was almost uninterested into fighting now. Meanhwile, Lucent kept checking the hotel with Umbra right next to him.



Lucent: it seems to be a good place to sleep. I wonder if the others want another one.


Umbra: We can consult them once they're done with this whole thing.


Lucent: Yeah, I guess...


Umbra: ... Look, I know I said all that stuff, but you know I'm just joking, right? Your brother won't die that soon, even if it's for a giant beam. You don't have to get all worried and sour over this.


Lucent: Umbra, please stop talking. I'm trying to not think about it.


Umbra: Then come on! Flash a smile, be more cheerful! You're on a trip, you're supposed to have fun!


Lucent: I'm not finging it entertaining in the slightest...


Umbra: Ugh, do I have to use my hands and force you to smile? I know you're ticklish, so-


Lucent: ... If you touch me, I'll put you in the most cute hell you ever have dreaded to face.


Umbra: O-OK, I'll back off, I was just trying to help.


Lucent: You'll help me by leaving me quiet and not talking about this.


Umbra: *sigh* Understood, Lord Lucent...


However, Lucent wasn't clear out of it yet. LightFlare sat next to him, asking if he was fine.



Lucent: ... Thank you for asking but no, I'm not. He just doesn't get it at all...


Umbra: ...


Lucent: You shouldn't worry with me, though. I'll endure it. If you want to fight him, go ahead and have fun, Light.


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3 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Thanks...but that won't be nesecerry. Me and Darkflare have an..."agreement". I participate in his..."observations", and in return I have full access to his facilities.



"That's funny, he never told us about this agreement."



"Light-san, I suggest you talk with Flare-sama about this."


10 hours ago, Dumanios said:

Lilith made a good point. It would be better to conduct a tour first.


"I'll take the tour as well, if you don't mind."


3 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


I'll be taking that tour...


19 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Anwalt: *sigh* Alright, I'll take the tour...



"Please follow me and don't wander off."


The mecha maid proceeded to lead the tour group deeper inside.



"The Warrior's Hangout provides three types of services to all combatants: Sparring sessions, Training regiments and Bounty hunting."


The group begins to pass by some arenas, a few of them already occupied.



"Our main attraction is of course our state of the art arenas. Each arena is equipped with a special force field to absorb even the toughest of abilities to ensure no danger to non-combatants outside of the arena. For security reasons, I'm unable to disclose how the force field works. With that said, all members are free to enter any free arena with a sparring partner. If they don't have one, they could wait for a challenger or one to be assigned to them. While we encourage combatants to go all out, all matches are carefully monitored and if we believe there is a danger, we will interfere and stop the sparring session immediately."



"The arenas are also used for special events where training sessions with special rules are used instead of a normal sparring session. All members are welcome to try one of these special events when they're hosted. Before we continue, are there any questions?"

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7 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Lucent: You shouldn't worry with me, though. I'll endure it. If you want to fight him, go ahead and have fun, Light.



No...it's fine. I love a good battle, but fighting isn't everything. 


7 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"That's funny, he never told us about this agreement."



"Light-san, I suggest you talk with Flare-sama about this."



(So some things are on a need to know basis...always the strategist eh, "Flare-sama?")



It's fine. I'll just wait till he shows up...


7 hours ago, Darkflare said:

The group begins to pass by some arenas, a few of them already occupied.


Within one of the arenas, a fighter could be seen participating in a training exercise. The fighter was not very big in statuer. They displaced extraordinary speed and agility as the attacked multiple targets one after the other...


Two large fighters were sparring in another room. It looked like a heavily contested grappling match. Both fighters traded holds and the flow of battle seemed to go back and forth as they traded heavy strikes and crippling body slams...


There were several other training sessions as well with participants from all over the world...


7 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"The arenas are also used for special events where training sessions with special rules are used instead of a normal sparring session. All members are welcome to try one of these special events when they're hosted. Before we continue, are there any questions?"



This sounds like a good place to get a good workout. I've gotta say this place is amazing! Wouldn't you guys agree? Although I do have a question. Could you elaborate more on the bounty hunting sessions?



Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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11 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


This sounds like a good place to get a good workout. I've gotta say this place is amazing! Wouldn't you guys agree? Although I do have a question. Could you elaborate more on the bounty hunting sessions?




"We have an area where we receive bounty requests and offer them to others. It is the only service we provide that is available to everyone including non-members. Bounties can range from capturing criminals to escorting VIPs among other tasks."



"Anyone that takes these bounties do so at their own risk. We cannot guarantee the safety of anyone who decides to take them."

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BGM: Today's Contract still playing


He had to admit, this place was indeed something else. It wasn't just some training place that made Kalos' Arena look a cheap ripoff, but a fully-fledged facility with a a lot of machinery centered around the training of fighters who would dare to challenge the drills. Anwalt got a little curious about the bounty hunting, but seeing Melina beat him to the asking, the answer came clear to him.



Anwalt: So it's take the job, finish the target and pronto. Reward's yours... interesting.


Anwalt: Trying those arenas seem like a lot of fun. They sound far more chaotic than a single mano-a-mano back at Kalos.


Meanwhile, the mood got awkward as LightFlare didn't seem to follow the others. Lucent wasn't exactly happy about the situation and it fell to Umbra to fix the situation.



Lucent: I-I see... well, I guess we should keep waiting... until they come back.


Umbra: Say, Lord Lucent, I got curious about something.


Lucent: Umbra, you better think well on what you're going to say.


Umbra: Believe me, I thought well about this. I wouldn't just say any nonsense towards a sour-mooded you.


Umbra: Getting to the point, did you manage to see this world's...?


Lucent: You... you could have saved that question for a better time!


Umbra: i'm pretty sure Sir Light dealt with a lot of weird things to found strange about your abilites. You're already shown the horror and the bliss, so there's no problem.


Lucent: Look, this really isn't the best time for this.

Umbra: Best or worst, who cares. Now, is it good or is it not?


Lucent sighed. Umbra was obviously hinting the topic towards it and he wouldn't be able to avoid it with LightFlare next to him.



Lucent: I don't know. Something blocked me from seeing it.


Umbra: Wait, what? How° Why?


Lucent: If I knew, I would've done something about it. Maybe it has something to do with this world's Vestal or maybe it's something else blocking me.


Umbra: This doesn't make sense. it's written in the rules that "there's no problem on sightseeing", so why aren't you able to do that?


Lucent: Like I said, I don't know. And for as long as I don't know, I won't be able to do anything about it.


Umbra: Hmm... I'll do some consult later. Something's not adding up here.


Lucent: I'll try later tonight. I can't guarantee success, though.


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18 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Lucent: I'll try later tonight. I can't guarantee success, though.



Ok...I've got to ask. What exactly is..."It?" Correct me if I'm wrong...but your powers are a...manifestation of one's dreams...or even nightmares, right? If so...are they pulled from each individual, or is there a whole WORLD where these "things" exist? I've had my fair share of "dream invasions" that I'm almost certain this other world DOES exist...


LightFlare looked directly into Lucent's eyes...gauging his responses for sincerity...


21 hours ago, Darkflare said:

 "Anyone that takes these bounties do so at their own risk. We cannot guarantee the safety of anyone who decides to take them."



Hmm...bounty hunting. Hasn't crossed my mind...but I'll admit. It sounds exciting...and exceptionally dangerous. I enjoy a good one on one, and fighting with your comrades is fun... But going after a Target and not knowing if they have backup or not... Well that can lead to a fatal situation. Do you guys perform Recon or have much information on the targets? Or do you just get a name and a picture of a face?


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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4 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Ok...I've got to ask. What exactly is..."It?" Correct me if I'm wrong...but your powers are a...manifestation of one's dreams...or even nightmares, right? If so...are they pulled from each individual, or is there a whole WORLD where these "things" exist? I've had my fair share of "dream invasions" that I'm almost certain this other world DOES exist...


LightFlare looked directly into Lucent's eyes...gauging his responses for sincerity...


That surprised both Lucent and Umbra. Not the stare, but the dream invasion.



Lucent: Hold up a moment. A dream invasion? You went through a dream invasion?


Umbra: You grow to be more interesting by the second. Powerful, a hero and one who went through something like that. I'm really impressed.


Umbra: Perhaps explanations are necessary. Evading Captain Odin's curiosity was easy enough, but Sir Light should understand it well.


Lucent: You're right. Especially because he went through a dream invasion. Very well. This will be rather long, but I'll try the best of what I can.


BGM: Strange Bird of the Moon, Illusion of Mysterious Cat



Umbra: You said it right. There exists a sub-world in every world which allows people to have those strange illusions we call dreams and nightmares. We name that sub-world as the Illusion Realm, divided between the Land of Dreams and Land of Nightmares.


Lucent: That being said, allow me to first present myself once more, in full statement. I'm Lucent Vermillion, Vestal of Illusions, guardian of dreams and nightmares and ruler of the Illusion Realm back in my world.


Lucent: For each Illusion Realm exists a Vestal. Said being is the watcher and the one who's responsible to maintain the balance between both sides.


Umbra: And dreams and nightmares aren't only just images you see in your sleep. They can take form and ego, becoming full fledged Nightmare Demons. I'm one of those cases, after all.


Umbra: And it doesn't end up there. There's more to dreams and nightmares than just that. We're heavily connected with your spirit. Why though? Ask yourself after waking up.


Lucent: A dream can energize someone's spirit, which is why you can have energy above your normal to live a day. Nightmares, however, eat your spirit away, leaving you somewhat restless and without energy to do stuff.


Umbra: When you dream too much, your spirit will be so full of energy, it'll start making you go above your head too much. If nightmares eat your spirit too frequently, then your will to live is drained away. That's why the Vestals are important. They need to balance things so one side won't overcome the other. Life with too much hope can be deadly just as life with too much despair.


Lucent: This doesn't mean we're omnipotent. If someone is under one or another, we cannot ever interfere with a dream or a nightmare that is happening, such as changing the scenario, forcing one or another. We live under the term "balance" not "control".


Lucent: In any case, I can't force anyone to have a dream or nightmare if they're having one or another. All that I can do is making both sides work together... or at least try.


Umbra: As you can see, dreams and nightmares don't get along that much. We're like Yin-Yang. Lord Lucent here managed to break the rules and makes us cooperate.


Lucent: I don't know how your Illusion Realm functions, but I'll be brief about ours. The Realm is divided in two parts. The World of Dreams and the World of Nightmares. For each side, there is a Ruler. I rule over both, mostly because Anwalt gave up on ruling.


Umbra: Finally... there's the thing which makes it necessary for me to defend Lord Lucent's life. It's a stupid rule that I hate with vigor. Our Realm's foundation lies on Lord Lucent's life. If he dies, the people of our world will cease to have dreams and nightmares until another foundation is found.


Lucent: This is why I can't let myself die, no matter what. It's no longer just mine, but my friends and family need me. Whether is to give hope for them to go on or for a despair they have to fight against.


Umbra: And I'm going to protect him, no matter what it takes. I don't look loyal, but I am. Any who gets in the way of his life will end up in my axe.


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14 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Hmm...bounty hunting. Hasn't crossed my mind...but I'll admit. It sounds exciting...and exceptionally dangerous. I enjoy a good one on one, and fighting with your comrades is fun... But going after a Target and not knowing if they have backup or not... Well that can lead to a fatal situation. Do you guys perform Recon or have much information on the targets? Or do you just get a name and a picture of a face?



"The only information we provide is the same information the bounty gives gives us. Any additional information must be acquired by those who wish to pursue the bounty."


The mecha maid leads the group toward the front of an elevator and escalator.



"As mentioned before we also provide training regiments. The underground levels have additional arenas but also have specialized training equipment. This equipment is designed to focus on a particular aspect during your training such as building up your speed or improving your strike accuracy. Further down are offices, but of course that area is restricted to staff only."



"Finally, the upper floors have a cafeteria and area to rest. After all, resting is just as important while you're sparring or training."



"I'll allow you to look around for some time as long as you remain on this floor and not enter any arenas. You may however spectate any current matches. Please let me know if you have any further questions."

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22 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Lucent: This is why I can't let myself die, no matter what. It's no longer just mine, but my friends and family need me. Whether is to give hope for them to go on or for a despair they have to fight against.


Umbra: And I'm going to protect him, no matter what it takes. I don't look loyal, but I am. Any who gets in the way of his life will end up in my axe.



I believe you. But now I'm wondering...who is the Vestel of this world? And who are the rulers of both it's worlds? I wonder if Darkflare has any knowledge of this. Maybe I'll ask...



...if he even has time. Once he gets started, it's a struggle to pull him away from his..."hobby."



Umbra. You began as an illusion?


12 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"I'll allow you to look around for some time as long as you remain on this floor and not enter any arenas. You may however spectate any current matches. Please let me know if you have any further questions."




I think that will do for now. I'll just have a look around a bit longer. You guys are welcome to join me...



Melina continues her tour of the faclity while observing the various arenas...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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On 5/3/2019 at 8:04 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



I believe you. But now I'm wondering...who is the Vestel of this world? And who are the rulers of both it's worlds? I wonder if Darkflare has any knowledge of this. Maybe I'll ask...



...if he even has time. Once he gets started, it's a struggle to pull him away from his..."hobby."



Lucent: I wish I could know, Light. Because of the rules, only your world's Vestal has dominance over the Illusion Realm, so there's nothing I can do to aid you with it.


Umbra: And about asking your contact, you should give up on the idea. Science isn't going to find something that supernatural so easily.


On 5/3/2019 at 8:04 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Umbra. You began as an illusion?



Umbra: No Nightmare Demon is born without the process. So yeah, I'm no exception to the rule. Before I could have my form and ego, I was just a wild Nightmare devouring spirits from humans.


BGM: From Darkside



Umbra: But that bore me. I was tired of being just a stupid illusion that scared kids while they slept. I wanted something more exciting.


Umbra: And so, I gained an ego and a form. The one I have right now. Violent, sadistic and cruel. But since killing people needed me to act as I was before, I turned my back on the Nightmares and hunt them instead. Egoless, egotistical, it didn't matter. All I wanted was my fun. If I got my laugh at the end of the day, I could care less if my fellow brethen were against me or not.


Umbra: It didn't have any consequences, though. My actions angered the Nightmare Ruler... Lord Lucent's grandfather. I went cocky, ready to kill that old fool with everything I got. What I didn't account was that he wasn't that old neither some senile idiot. I got myself beaten up like a bug, because none of my attacks worked. So I just stood there, ready to be killed...


Umbra: But he didn't kill me. Instead, he took me to become his very own servant. At the time, I was so undisciplined I had the brilliant idea to attack him and kill him like a backstabber. I followed his every command, endured that ruthless training of his and when everything was done, I was ready to attack that bastard and get his head as my prize.


Umbra: And you know what happened? I miserably failed. That guy had me known all along. He already knew I was going to do that, so I was beaten once more. However, things were different and a second chance wasn't going to be given. So he killed me... and by that, I mean my memories and my past.


Lucent: Your memories and your past were erased? But how do you-


Umbra: I'll get there in a moment. Anyway, with my self dead, I gained another one in place. Even my name was bestowed by him. From that point onward, my ties with the Vermillion family began.


Umbra: I stood watching over two generations: the grandfather and the father. One ruled with absolute fear and dominance, spreading death over those who opposed him. The other one ruled with order instead of absolution. Lord Lucent's father was the one who envisioned peace between dreams and nightmares, by falling in love with the Vestal at the time. However, that incident happened.


Umbra: By the time, they told me about their children but never I saw the faces of the spawn. With Lord Einhart's death confirmed and Lord Lucent's cousin taking over, I had to escape to the real world to find the Vestal's son. I didn't escape unscathed, since I had my form and memories sealed shut.


Umbra: Eventually, I met Lord Lucent and later on, Lord Anwalt. I suppose you already know that part of the story so I'm jumping the whole explanation once again. Right now, as General of the Vestal Guard, failure in my duty is something I will never let happen. Never.


Lucent: ...


Umbra; And about the part that you asked. I was tricked.


Lucent: Tricked?


Umbra: Your grandfather was a really devious and smart demon. He simply used a trance spell on me and I thought I lost my memories. That was all so I could learn how to be a fully responsible servant to protect his son and the generations that were to come.


On 5/3/2019 at 8:04 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


I think that will do for now. I'll just have a look around a bit longer. You guys are welcome to join me...



Melina continues her tour of the faclity while observing the various arenas...



Anwalt: I'd love to accompany you, but I'm heading back. I need to fix something.


Anwalt left Melina, Penelope and Raina to their trip and went back to the lounge. He needed to check up on Lucent and talk with him about the trip.


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2 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Lucent: Tricked?


Umbra: Your grandfather was a really devious and smart demon. He simply used a trance spell on me and I thought I lost my memories. That was all so I could learn how to be a fully responsible servant to protect his son and the generations that were to come.



Wow...I actually understand you more. You are who you are for good reason. You are sadistic, manipulative...and cruel. But what should I expect from a nightmare come to life. Yet somehow you defied some of your natural instincts and developed a sense of loyalty and...a twisted version of what I think resembles..."compassion." And your a pretty decent fighter apparently...


2 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Anwalt: I'd love to accompany you, but I'm heading back. I need to fix something.


Melina turns around to Anwalt as she walks off...


Oh...well...it's the thought that counts, Walt. Besides...we'll hang out soon enough. See ya in a bit...


Melina continues observing the arenas.


2 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Anwalt left Melina, Penelope and Raina to their trip and went back to the lounge. He needed to check up on Lucent and talk with him about the trip.



Well...here comes Anwalt. And by the look on his face...he's got something serious on his mind. I'm sure you guys got some family business to handle. 



....I'll just give you guys a minute. It doesn't look like Darkflare is gonna be done soon. I'll head to the desk and pay the fee. It's actually a good deal. 



Then I can enjoy myself a bit until he shows up. I'm sure he'll be "thrilled" to see me...heheheh...


LightFlare walks over to the the registration desk and approaches the young lady named "Anna"...



Excuse me. Ma'am. I'd like to pay for my first month's registration. 


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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"You said Darkflare was attending to a team drill. It's safe to assume then that he's in the underground areas then."



"That would be correct."



"When can I meet him then?"






"I cannot answer that for certain. Flare-sama is very busy running this facility. There is no guarantee that he will have time."



"I just need a moment, that's all. How long until he's done with that drill?"



"While I can't give an exact time, based on previous similar drills and the time that has passed, he should be done in about a few minutes. However, even so, I still cannot guarantee that he will be available."



"That's fine. Like I said, I only need a moment."


3 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


LightFlare walks over to the the registration desk and approaches the young lady named "Anna"...



Excuse me. Ma'am. I'd like to pay for my first month's registration. 



"I thought you were going to clear it up with Darkflare."



"But I guess you realize he's not going to crack so easily. All right, let's begin."


Anna proceeded to take out a form.



"Please carefully review and fill out this form. When you're done, I'll take it and your payment and have you registered."




After several minutes, the elevator door would open as a small group would step out from there.



"As usual, I'll have the video sent to you and your team so that you may review."



"But I must say, it was a close match. It's getting harder and harder to point out what could be improved. In the end, it's a matter of remaining calm under pressure. One rash move could be costly."



"I understand, but even so we must continue to sharpen our steel. As always, we appreciate the opportunity you offer us to do so."



"I'm just doing my job. You guys have it tougher than me in the end. Don't forget to schedule another appointment."


Lilith noted the group that came out easily targeting a specific individual out of it. There was no doubt in her mind...




"You're Darkflare, right?"


Lilith tried to approach him, but the mecha maid quickly blocked her path. The man only known as Darkflare simply made a gesture for his maid to stand aside as she complies and stands to the side still wary of Lilith's actions.



"Seems like you were looking for me. So what is it? Specialized training or perhaps a particular job you have to offer?"



"I'm...not from around here. I've traveled from another world hearing word about you, I wanted to see if there was any truth to it. And.... sense my aura, you'll understand better."



("This is going to be a long day...")

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3 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"Please carefully review and fill out this form. When you're done, I'll take it and your payment and have you registered."

LightFlare completes the registration and gives it to Anna, along with the 40 pomps.



That should do it...


3 hours ago, Darkflare said:

After several minutes, the elevator door would open as a small group would step out from there.





(And of course he shows up now. I'll go say hello.)

3 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"I'm...not from around here. I've traveled from another world hearing word about you, I wanted to see if there was any truth to it. And.... sense my aura, you'll understand better."



("This is going to be a long day...")




Hello..."old friend." I see you've met Lilith. And by the look on your face...you are as shocked I as I was...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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As LightFlare left, Anwalt sat in his place. Like Light said, he was somewhat serious and tense.



Lucent: Your tour around here is already done?


Anwalt: I'm not feeling like extending it.


Anwalt; What were you talking with Light, anyway?


Umbra: Sharing backstories, talking about the Illusion Realm...


Anwalt: You told him about the Illusion Realm?! Why?!


As Anwalt asked, Lucent explained the situation. He told that Light had his dreams invaded and was sure about the Realm's existence. He also explained about situation with this world's Realm.



Anwalt: No way...


Lucent: Unbelievable, right? But it's true.


Umbra: Lord Lucent will check it up again tonight and I'll try to see what I can find in my end.


Anwalt: Alright. I'll help in whatever way possible. Not being a Ruler anymore limits me, though.


Lucent: OK then. I guess we already have a reason for us to stay here other than a trip.


Anwalt: ... About the trip, there's something I want to speak with you.


Lucent: And what would that be?


Anwalt looked sad and started to talk apologetic.



Anwalt: I'm sorry for not making this trip fun for you.


Lucent: Y-You don't have to worry about me-


Anwalt: But I do. I said I would do this trip fun for us, but we started doing things that I want. I know you're worried over me and how I recklessly live my life, yet I ignore it all. i'm not being a good brother to you.


Lucent: Anwalt...


Anwalt: I'll try my best from now on to make things fun for you. We can go on sightseeing, visit a lot of other places and-


Lucent: Fill the registration. For us three.


This surprised both Umbra and Anwalt. Lucent was still unhappy, but he was direct about the registration.



Anwalt: A-Are you still angry with me?


Lucent: What's making me unhappy right now is that you're doing this, Anwalt.


Lucent: If you're coming to me, saying that you're not being a good brother, then I'm worse. I don't want you to simply stop your life because of me.


Anwalt: Huh? But I-


Lucent: Stop. I don't want you bringing yourself down anymore. That's unlike you and I don't like you acting weakened like this.


Lucent: We've been apart for over 16 years. Both of us need to understand each other better. I don't want this trip only for me.


Anwalt: Lucent...


Lucent: I'll just... ask for a little of patience with me. I can be rather slow to this sort of progress.


Anwalt breathed and put his left arm around Lucent, dragging him closer and resting his head on his brother's hair.



Anwalt: Heh. Sure thing. I'll wait as much as it'll be needed.


Lucent: Hehe. Now that's better. I really prefer to see you like this.


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5 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Hello..."old friend." I see you've met Lilith. And by the look on your face...you are as shocked I as I was...


"I see I'm blessed with the presence of the hero of Kalos. Finally realized there's no competition for you at the Bottom....or perhaps you finally lost and came for some serious training."



"Lilith, was it?"



"Mm-hm. I wanted to meet you, because I needed to see if it was possible to be more than just....you know."



"A mere clone? I don't let it bother me, I don't even care about that detail. With that said..."



"I can understand why you would think we're the same, but the truth is I don't believe that's quite right."



"I know we're from different worlds, but we're the results of essentially the same project. So why do you think we're not the same?"



"Memories of that project are very hazy for me, but I have a few theories. I'm sorry to force this on you, but please allow Hisui to analyze you."



"Huh? Analyze me?"



"It would clear up a few doubts in my mind. She's just going to follow you for a while. Just act normally."



("That won't be so easy knowing I got something stalking me....")





Anna approached Lightflare clearly in a bad mood as she forcefully handed him a card.



"I can't believe you ignored me so easily. You need that member card while you're here or you won't be allowed to do anything. Don't lose it!"


After handing the card, Anna went back to the front desk.



"Oh? I see you wanted the full course after I let you use those prototypes."

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2 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"I see I'm blessed with the presence of the hero of Kalos. Finally realized there's no competition for you at the Bottom....or perhaps you finally lost and came for some serious training."



Neither. This young lady was looking for you. I knew there was a good reason. And being the gentleman that I am...coupled with sheer curiosity...I escorted her here. 


2 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"Mm-hm. I wanted to meet you, because I needed to see if it was possible to be more than just....you know."



"A mere clone? I don't let it bother me, I don't even care about that detail. With that said..."



(Wait...it's like they read each others minds for a bit. How did she know that? There's more to this...much more...)


2 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"I know we're from different worlds, but we're the results of essentially the same project. So why do you think we're not the same?"



"Memories of that project are very hazy for me, but I have a few theories. I'm sorry to force this on you, but please allow Hisui to analyze you."




(The same..."project"?! Wait...is she...? No. How would that be possible?)


2 hours ago, Darkflare said:




Anna approached Lightflare clearly in a bad mood as she forcefully handed him a card.



"I can't believe you ignored me so easily. You need that member card while you're here or you won't be allowed to do anything. Don't lose it!"


After handing the card, Anna went back to the front desk.

LightFlare was so stunned he barely noticed Anna as she grabbed his hand placed the card in it. He snapped out of his amazement long enough to thank her...


Sorry, Miss Anna! Thank you for being patient with me!


2 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"Oh? I see you wanted the full course after I let you use those prototypes."



(That explaines why Anna hasn't heard of our "deal". And why the maid wanted me to talk to ol' Dorkflare first. )



New place. New deal, eh Darkflare? I guess from here on out I pay like the rest. How ya been?


LightFlare extends his arm to shake hands with Darkflare. Only it looked for a handshake. It looked as if he was about to arm wrestle him...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Darkflare extended his arm to return the handshake, before the two adjusted their arms to turn it into an arm wrestling match. It would be what seemed like a long moment before the mecha maid stepped in between the two of them and separated them.



"Flare-sama, Light-san, please behave appropriately."



("They seemed to be equally matched, but it seemed like Darkflare was about to lose ground.")



"Light, I know you're curious about this whole thing. We can talk in private later."



"Ah, there was something else. Actually, you wouldn't happen to have a job available, would you?"



"...I don't. But I'll let you know if something comes up."



"I see...thanks anyway. I should go register in the mean time."

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On 5/3/2019 at 7:04 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


I think that will do for now. I'll just have a look around a bit longer. You guys are welcome to join me...



Melina continues her tour of the faclity while observing the various arenas...





"I'm gonna go back and register at the front," Raina replied.


Once Raina arrived at the lobby, she looked around trying to find Anna, when her eyes fell upon a pair of men. One of them was incredibly well dressed and had spiky hair, and the other was-


Familiar somehow?


He had smooth black hair, a black overcoat, and what appeared to be a sword sheath on his back... he looked with an intensity behind his one visible eye...




"Have we met before?" he asked.


"I... don't think so," Raina responded, confused. She'd never seen this man in her life, and yet - Where had they met before?


"I see..."

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"Good luck with what you're looking for. I gotta get back to work or they're going to start chewing me out for slacking off."



"Oh, it's a good thing you're aware, Gordeau."



"Ah, lighten up. It's a slow day in the cafeteria anyway. I might swing my scythe around a bit just to kill this boredom."



"I'm not the one that's going to get in trouble for not doing their job."


Anna then noticed Raina



"Oh, are you done looking around? If you decided to register please step over to the front desk and I'll have you registered."



"New fighters? You were with that group that came earlier, right? Name's Gordeau, I usually help around our cafeteria, but I'm also one of the mercenaries around here. I know my way around a bar as well, but Boss isn't planning to get the alcohol license anytime soon."

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8 hours ago, Darkflare said:

Darkflare extended his arm to return the handshake, before the two adjusted their arms to turn it into an arm wrestling match. 

The handshake to end all handshakes...






8 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"Flare-sama, Light-san, please behave appropriately."




....sorry...old habit...


8 hours ago, Darkflare said:



"Light, I know you're curious about this whole thing. We can talk in private later."



Sure thing...


7 hours ago, Dumanios said:

Once Raina arrived at the lobby, she looked around trying to find Anna, when her eyes fell upon a pair of men. One of them was incredibly well dressed and had spiky hair, and the other was-


Familiar somehow?



Looks like Raina has decided to join up. She seems to be making friends rather quickly. A few of your regulars, Darkflare?


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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15 hours ago, Darkflare said:

Anna then noticed Raina



"Oh, are you done looking around? If you decided to register please step over to the front desk and I'll have you registered."



"New fighters? You were with that group that came earlier, right? Name's Gordeau, I usually help around our cafeteria, but I'm also one of the mercenaries around here. I know my way around a bar as well, but Boss isn't planning to get the alcohol license anytime soon."





"Yep, I'm with that group. I'm Raina Havenray, nice to meet you."

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21 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Looks like Raina has decided to join up. She seems to be making friends rather quickly. A few of your regulars, Darkflare?



"The one in the suit is part of my mercenary team. I don't know who the other one is."


9 hours ago, Dumanios said:





"Yep, I'm with that group. I'm Raina Havenray, nice to meet you."



"It's always nice to see fresh faces around here. Enjoy your stay."


Anna proceeds to hand out the registration forms to Raina



"Just carefully review and fill these. Once you're done just hand them to me with the payment and I'll have you registered."

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