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The Roleplay Paradise Redux Deluxe Edition: The Role-play strikes back!


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5 hours ago, Dumanios said:



"An angel huh? That sounds interesting."



I met him during the events that surrounded Igniz's invasion. His name was Agni Artwaltz. He was...


On 4/22/2019 at 6:16 PM, A person said:

As the group continued their travels through the bustling city, they would soon enter a what looked to be a shopping district, rows of shops lining both sides of the street. However, unlike the other districts, this district was devoid of any people or traffic, the only things that could be found around here being several mechanical guards and the occasional stray mechanization acting as though it were a normal human, walking down the other side of the sidewalk with a casual pace. Flashing lights could be seen up ahead, though no sounds could be picked up from where they were. Of course, this caused Penelope to visibly shake.



Penelope: Uhhh....I'm not sure flashing lights are a good sign...


LightFlare stops mid sentence. He notices that the number of people in the immediate area dropped sharply. He could sense something was up...



(I sense trouble...and it's major. Even Penny can feel it, so I know it's not just me. This day gets stranger and stranger. What's going on...?)


5 hours ago, Dumanios said:



"Don't worry Penny, we're still here," Raina said, her voice low but encouraging. The area looked barren compared to the previous roads...






Yea, Penny. We gotcha back...


1 hour ago, Darkflare said:



"Light, do you know another path to get there? I don't think we're supposed to be in this area."



We could just go around the block....


But before LightFlare would lead them around, he noticed one of the Mech Guards was in close proximity to the group. He decided to approach him and inquire about the situation.



Excuse me. Is this area safe? We're just passing through and were concerned about the situation.


@A person


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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As they kept walking, they reached a strange area with flashing lights all about. It seemed pretty different from the rest of Candor, not in a good way.



Anwalt: Sheesh, this place gets weirder by the second...


Umbra: I do agree with Penelope. Something seems extremely fishy around this.


Anwalt: I see. Hey, Lucent, can you see anything up there?


Lucent: ... Hmm? What is it? I was just looking the hotel list and-


Once Lucent stopped checking the hotel list, he noticed the flashing lights up ahead.



Lucent: Wait, what is that flashing light up ahead?


Anwalt: We don't know it either. Do you see anything from up there?


Lucent: Wait... umm, no. I can't recognize it. That flashing light is completely messing with my vision and I can't identify what's ahead.


Umbra: Do you want me to send wolves there to check it out?


Anwalt: That would be helpful, but let's wait and see what Light gets from that guard.


As they decided to see what Light could gather as intel, Lucent looked at Penelope and noticed that she was tense.



Lucent: (She's definitely tense. Maybe I could bring something up to calm her down... maybe I could try with the remaining sweets I have.)


Lucent: Penelope, there's something I want to ask you. Do you want another truffle? I have some of them with me here.


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1 hour ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Excuse me. Is this area safe? We're just passing through and were concerned about the situation.

The guard turned towards the man upon being asked the question, spending little to no time processing it and providing him with an answer.



Mechguard: A unique phenomenon has occurred within the area, so it has been evacuated. No further details may be provided. If you are going somewhere beyond the district, please take a detour; there are an infinitude of routes beyond this one.


The guard turned around and began to move towards the flashing lights. As the guard had stated, there were several roads visible from where they were that seemed to lead away from the district ahead. One in particular, straight left from where they were, seemed to have several people walking along its length.


7 hours ago, Dumanios said:



"Don't worry Penny, we're still here," Raina said, her voice low but encouraging. The area looked barren compared to the previous roads...


1 hour ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:





Yea, Penny. We gotcha back...

Penelope laughed, but it was clear that she was still nervous about the situation.



Penelope: Haha, that's reassuring an dall, buuuut I thiiink we-


1 hour ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Lucent: Penelope, there's something I want to ask you. Do you want another truffle? I have some of them with me here.

Suddenly ALL of her attention was turned to Lucent. And that nervousness? Gone. All that was left was greed, greed, and more GREED!



Penelope: Gimmegimmegimmegimme!


She reached out towards him in an almost zombie-like manner. She HAD to get those truffles! They were just too good to pass up!

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"A phenomenon? I don't really understand, but hopefully they'll figure it out before it becomes a problem. It's better if we just move on."


2 hours ago, A person said:

The guard turned around and began to move towards the flashing lights. As the guard had stated, there were several roads visible from where they were that seemed to lead away from the district ahead. One in particular, straight left from where they were, seemed to have several people walking along its length.



"Light, over there. Can we get to the hangout from that path?"

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10 hours ago, A person said:



Mechguard: A unique phenomenon has occurred within the area, so it has been evacuated. No further details may be provided. If you are going somewhere beyond the district, please take a detour; there are an infinitude of routes beyond this one.



Thanks. We'll go around...


LightFlare couldn't help but wonder what the guard meant. Maybe Darkflare or some of locals would know...


10 hours ago, A person said:


Penelope: Gimmegimmegimmegimme!


She reached out towards him in an almost zombie-like manner. She HAD to get those truffles! They were just too good to pass up!




Hehehe...well that didn't last long. She is adorable...



6 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"Light, over there. Can we get to the hangout from that path?"



Absolutely. Looks like more people are taking that way as well. Which probably means we're less likely to run into another closed of area. Follow me guys and gals...



LightFlare leads the others toward the left path...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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20 hours ago, A person said:

Suddenly ALL of her attention was turned to Lucent. And that nervousness? Gone. All that was left was greed, greed, and more GREED!



Penelope: Gimmegimmegimmegimme!


She reached out towards him in an almost zombie-like manner. She HAD to get those truffles! They were just too good to pass up!



Lucent: Hehehe! Alright, alright, I'll give you.


Lucent took out the box with the remaining truffles and gave two of them to Penelope. Soon, Anwalt, Umbra and Lucent retiurned to follow LightFlare.



Anwalt: A phenomenon, eh... makes me wonder what it is...


Umbra: I'll ask once more, for good measure. Do you want me to send a wolf to that direction?


Lucent: It could help us to discover what it is. Do you all agree with Umbra's idea?


Anwalt: I don't mind, but I don't know about the rest.


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1 hour ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Umbra: I'll ask once more, for good measure. Do you want me to send a wolf to that direction?


Lucent: It could help us to discover what it is. Do you all agree with Umbra's idea?


Anwalt: I don't mind, but I don't know about the rest.



Umbra. I think it may cause a commission if you sent a wolf in to scout the area. There is a chance that the locals will dismiss it as just a stray dog, but that's not certain. Unless...your wolf will only be seen by you. Do you HAVE such an ability?


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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44 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Umbra. I think it may cause a commission if you sent a wolf in to scout the area. There is a chance that the locals will dismiss it as just a stray dog, but that's not certain. Unless...your wolf will only be seen by you. Do you HAVE such an ability?




Umbra: *sigh* I get it, no wolf... you guys are no fun sometimes...


Lucent: I thought so. I can't do that too so there's nothing much I can do with my summons.


Anwalt: Then let's just keep moving. We don't have time to waste on what we don't know.


Lucent: Talking about wasting time, I should be checking hotels and here I am, talking with you guys. Let me get back to checking them...


Anwalt: Lucent, I seriously think you shouldn't-


Lucent: Oh, I found one! It's a... four star one, near the castle. Are the services there any good? Let me check the comment section on the app I installed...


Anwalt: And he's lost on hotel world once more.


Umbra: Maybe we should bring him back to fight world once more, right?


Anwalt: On one hour, you decide to be helpful and then you're back on being a dick. What's your deal, Umbra?


Umbra: Seeing people angry, frustrated is enjoyable for me. I'm a sadist, remember?


Anwalt: *sigh* Seriously, dude, if you're going to walk with us, be helpful to us.


Umbra: Vestal first, Vestal's brother second, Vestal's friends third, nobodies and people I don't like in last. That's my order of work, Lord Anwalt.


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20 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Anwalt: Then let's just keep moving. We don't have time to waste on what we don't know.



Agreed. Lets keep moving...


LightFlare continues to lead the others. As they navigate through the more congested area of Candor, they were now heading in the direction toward the Hangout. 


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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On 4/24/2019 at 10:52 PM, A person said:

The guard turned towards the man upon being asked the question, spending little to no time processing it and providing him with an answer.



Mechguard: A unique phenomenon has occurred within the area, so it has been evacuated. No further details may be provided. If you are going somewhere beyond the district, please take a detour; there are an infinitude of routes beyond this one.


The guard turned around and began to move towards the flashing lights. As the guard had stated, there were several roads visible from where they were that seemed to lead away from the district ahead. One in particular, straight left from where they were, seemed to have several people walking along its length.


On 4/25/2019 at 8:56 AM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



Absolutely. Looks like more people are taking that way as well. Which probably means we're less likely to run into another closed of area. Follow me guys and gals...



LightFlare leads the others toward the left path...





Raina followed along. The locals seemed to have this under control, and reaching the Warrior's Hangout was more important than looking into this.

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On 4/25/2019 at 6:32 PM, Agni Blackheart said:


Lucent: Hehehe! Alright, alright, I'll give you.


Lucent took out the box with the remaining truffles and gave two of them to Penelope. Soon, Anwalt, Umbra and Lucent retiurned to follow LightFlare.

Penelope greedily took the truffles and ate them, taking the time to savor their flavor. She was in flavor heaven once again! At least she wasn't distracted enough to not follow the others. She tried to also shove herself within the center of the group, the place she though would be the safest.



Penelope: I'm going to the center! I gotta enjoy these things in peace! EEEEEEEEE!


Her shriek wasn't loud, but it was clear that she was extremely happy. Or hyperactive. Probably both. Maybe she would have a way to release all of that energy at the hangout. 


Once they were out of the district, the crowds from before filled the streets once again, revealing just how active the city was during the day. The route to the hangout seemed to be direct from here, if not a bit slowed down due to the crowds blocking the path. Things seemed to be getting more packed as they got closer to the hangout as well, and a performance of some kind could be seen up ahead. 

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"Is there a festival in this area?"


She looked around trying look at how far around they would have to go to get past the crowd.



(This area is more crowded than usual. Looks like we'll have to get around them to get to the hangout.)

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21 hours ago, Dumanios said:






Raina followed along. The locals seemed to have this under control, and reaching the Warrior's Hangout was more important than looking into this.


As they walked through the city, Melina turns to Raina and stikes up a conversation.



So Raina...where your from...does everyone use magical powers like yours? It's funny.  It almost seems like you and Lilith are from the same place.


13 hours ago, A person said:

Once they were out of the district, the crowds from before filled the streets once again, revealing just how active the city was during the day. The route to the hangout seemed to be direct from here, if not a bit slowed down due to the crowds blocking the path. Things seemed to be getting more packed as they got closer to the hangout as well, and a performance of some kind could be seen up ahead. 



Looks like we got some major festivities going on up ahead...


4 hours ago, Darkflare said:




"Is there a festival in this area?"


She looked around trying look at how far around they would have to go to get past the crowd.



(This area is more crowded than usual. Looks like we'll have to get around them to get to the hangout.)



We could just walk around if you want. Although I'm not opposed to getting a closer look. It's up to you guys...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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20 hours ago, A person said:

Penelope greedily took the truffles and ate them, taking the time to savor their flavor. She was in flavor heaven once again! At least she wasn't distracted enough to not follow the others. She tried to also shove herself within the center of the group, the place she though would be the safest.



Penelope: I'm going to the center! I gotta enjoy these things in peace! EEEEEEEEE!


Her shriek wasn't loud, but it was clear that she was extremely happy. Or hyperactive. Probably both. Maybe she would have a way to release all of that energy at the hangout. 

The way Penelope took the box out of Lucent's hands was a little startling. He never imagined she would be this direct about wanting the truffles.



Lucent: (She liked this more than I imagined. It's as if she's in a trance or something.)


Lucent: (Well, back to the hotel I was checking. Let's see...)


20 hours ago, A person said:

Once they were out of the district, the crowds from before filled the streets once again, revealing just how active the city was during the day. The route to the hangout seemed to be direct from here, if not a bit slowed down due to the crowds blocking the path. Things seemed to be getting more packed as they got closer to the hangout as well, and a performance of some kind could be seen up ahead. 


A big conglomeration seemed to be forming near the Hangout. Could it be another commotion?



Anwalt: Whoa, that's a huge number of people all around us.


11 hours ago, Darkflare said:




"Is there a festival in this area?"


7 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Looks like we got some major festivities going on up ahead...


Umbra: No matter where we go, there's always omething in the way. What is this, our destiny to always encounter something?


Anwalt: Heh, it's not a bad destiny. At least, in my opinion.


Umbra: Typical answer from someone like you. Why would you answer anything different?


7 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


We could just walk around if you want. Although I'm not opposed to getting a closer look. It's up to you guys...



Anwalt: I don't mind either one. I'll leave my decision to Lilith, since she's the one who wants to get to the Hangout.


Umbra: Ugh... can you please decide if are we being curious or are we going through, instead of answering "I don't mind" and giving someone else the responsibility to choose for you?


Anwalt: Well then, Mr. Complaint, what do you want?!


Umbra: I'm not interested on losing time with random happenings anymore, thank you. And I bet Lord Lucent agrees with me.


Lucent: *sigh* What now? Can I finish checking the hotel where we're sleeping without being interrupted, please?


Anwalt: Well, there's something right ahead that deserves your attention too.


Lucent: And what would that be? An empty street?


Lucent stopped to look at the crowd up ahead. He was still floating, but it was still filled with people.



Lucent: OK, I take it back. It's definitely filled with people.


Anwalt: Can you see anything from up there?


Lucent: It's really crowded to see it right, but I think there's some sort of perfomance happening.


Umbra: What sort of performance?


Lucent: Uhh, you're asking me a little too much. I can't sort it out well to describe it, with this big number of people.


Umbra: There. We don't know what's going on, we can't describe it and it doesn't matter us one bit. Can we please go on?


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On 4/24/2019 at 7:15 PM, Darkflare said:


"Information about this world? I'm afraid there's quite a lot of topics regarding this world."



"I think you better let me take care of this one, Hisui."


The two would be approached by a man.



"I get the feeling you're going to go in circles for a while."



"Are you certain Gordeau-san? I wouldn't want to intrude in your break time."



"Ah, don't worry about it. I was getting bored anyway. Pretty sure there are more important matters you better take care of."



"Understood. I'll leave this matter to you then, Gordeau-san."


The mecha maid bows before leaving



"Sorry about that. She and her sisters actually pretty reliable and could explain this whole place well, but anything else should probably be left to the rest of us."



"Anyway, you want to know about this world, right? Well for starters, this place is what they call a Link world. In short terms, you get visitors from many worlds coming in here."



"But if you're wondering how different things are, I can't really tell you without knowing how your world is like. But I wouldn't worry too much about fitting in, since we get people from so many worlds, there aren't that many things that would seem strange around here."





'A link world?' Sasuke's mind turned first to Kaguya's Core Dimension, which enabled her to easily travel to any of her other realms... it wasn't quite the same. While Kaguya's Core Dimension had enabled easy travel to other worlds, no one had ever gone into that place unintentionally.


"How often do people end up in this world? And are there ways to go back?" Sasuke asked.



Candor City - Streets


7 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


As they walked through the city, Melina turns to Raina and stikes up a conversation.



So Raina...where your from...does everyone use magical powers like yours? It's funny.  It almost seems like you and Lilith are from the same place.




"Just about everyone who fights has magical abilities back home. Most people prefer to use magic to other abilities anyway, since that's what everyone has," Raina responded.


"Lilith's fighting style wouldn't be too out of place in Fantasia, actually..." Raina thought out loud... Fantasia was a paradise separate from the outside world created for mythological creatures. If there were others, was Lilith from one of them?


7 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


We could just walk around if you want. Although I'm not opposed to getting a closer look. It's up to you guys...




The crowd didn't look too thick. Raina guessed they could probably find their way through... but then again, the others might not be so patient to wade through the crowd.

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"Well first of all...Lucent, you should come back down here. Being up there for so long is going to get the guards here to be suspicious of you."



"Second of all, we're not far off from the hangout. I'm going around this crowd and passing through, I have no interest in whatever is going on. But if anyone is curious, feel free to stick around and meet up later at the hangout. Besides, Anwalt and Lucent are supposed to be on vacation anyway, they're the ones that should be taking in everything this place has to offer the most rather than following my own selfish desires."

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2 hours ago, Dumanios said:



'A link world?' Sasuke's mind turned first to Kaguya's Core Dimension, which enabled her to easily travel to any of her other realms... it wasn't quite the same. While Kaguya's Core Dimension had enabled easy travel to other worlds, no one had ever gone into that place unintentionally.


"How often do people end up in this world? And are there ways to go back?" Sasuke asked.


"Couldn't tell you how much. I see new people every day around here. In fact, most of the staff here come from different worlds especially the mercenary group. As for how to get back..."



"I would say come the same way you came from, but I get the feeling it's not as simple as that in your case."

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13 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Anwalt: I don't mind either one. I'll leave my decision to Lilith, since she's the one who wants to get to the Hangout.

13 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Umbra: There. We don't know what's going on, we can't describe it and it doesn't matter us one bit. Can we please go on?



I guess you guys are cool with going around...


13 hours ago, Dumanios said:



"Just about everyone who fights has magical abilities back home. Most people prefer to use magic to other abilities anyway, since that's what everyone has," Raina responded.


"Lilith's fighting style wouldn't be too out of place in Fantasia, actually..." Raina thought out loud... Fantasia was a paradise separate from the outside world created for mythological creatures. If there were others, was Lilith from one of them?




So you agree about Lilith as well? I guess well find out the truth once we get to the Hangout. I'm getting anxious to see this place up close actually...


12 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"Well first of all...Lucent, you should come back down here. Being up there for so long is going to get the guards here to be suspicious of you."



"Second of all, we're not far off from the hangout. I'm going around this crowd and passing through, I have no interest in whatever is going on. But if anyone is curious, feel free to stick around and meet up later at the hangout. Besides, Anwalt and Lucent are supposed to be on vacation anyway, they're the ones that should be taking in everything this place has to offer the most rather than following my own selfish desires."



Ok...around it is..


LightFlare leads the others around the large group of people...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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On 4/27/2019 at 8:06 PM, Darkflare said:


"Well first of all...Lucent, you should come back down here. Being up there for so long is going to get the guards here to be suspicious of you."



Lucent: Oh, right. Sorry.


Lucent descended to the ground and stood with the rest of the group.


On 4/27/2019 at 8:06 PM, Darkflare said:


"Second of all, we're not far off from the hangout. I'm going around this crowd and passing through, I have no interest in whatever is going on. But if anyone is curious, feel free to stick around and meet up later at the hangout. Besides, Anwalt and Lucent are supposed to be on vacation anyway, they're the ones that should be taking in everything this place has to offer the most rather than following my own selfish desires."



Anwalt: While that's true enough, I can't say that I'm going simply because of you anymore. Nowthat I heard about the Hangout, I'm rather interested in seeing how it works and which type of people go there. Who knows, I might get a hefty spar!


Lucent: ...


Umbra: (Good going, idiot. And I'm supposed to be the mean one.)


Lucent: In any case, I didn't manage to research tourist spots and historical sites to visit in this city, so I don't have places I want to go. Besides, I'm still technically a minor, so I can't just walk aimlessly around a city as if there was no problem.


Umbra: Wherever the Vestal of Illusions go, I must be there to protect him. It's my duty and I can't fail.


Anwalt: So as you can see, we're not going there just because of you, so relax. We can have our trip around Candor on another time.


Lucent: Once I book a hotel and get the fun spots to visit, that is.


Umbra: If we're done with pointless banter, then let's follow Light and get a move on.


Umbra began following LightFlare and so did Anwalt. Lucent had to stop checking the hotel so he can follow the others.


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On 4/27/2019 at 9:40 PM, Darkflare said:


"Couldn't tell you how much. I see new people every day around here. In fact, most of the staff here come from different worlds especially the mercenary group. As for how to get back..."



"I would say come the same way you came from, but I get the feeling it's not as simple as that in your case."




"I've tried leaving the same way I've entered, but something's preventing me from leaving this world..."

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"Now that's the first time I heard that one. I know many people come here, but never heard of anyone having trouble getting back home."



"Remember how I said this was a link world? There's places like an airport but for world traveling thanks to that fact. But if you ask me, if something is stopping you from leaving your usual way, I don't think they will let you leave that way as well. And that's without taking into account all the paperwork and expenses you need. And the nearest one is in Kalos which is another long trip in itself from here."



"Sorry I wasn't much help, but your situation is pretty unusual"

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Navigating around the large crowd was rather easy, and once they had managed to do so, it was a clear shot straight to the Hangout. Penelope was still busy savoring the truffles, so the most response she was giving at the moment was following their movements. She was also no longer paying attention to her surroundings, if it even mattered at this point: she was safe with all of them around her!

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On 4/28/2019 at 7:29 PM, Agni Blackheart said:

Umbra began following LightFlare and so did Anwalt. Lucent had to stop checking the hotel so he can follow the others.


5 hours ago, A person said:

Navigating around the large crowd was rather easy, and once they had managed to do so, it was a clear shot straight to the Hangout. Penelope was still busy savoring the truffles, so the most response she was giving at the moment was following their movements. She was also no longer paying attention to her surroundings, if it even mattered at this point: she was safe with all of them around her!


As they drew closer to the Hangout, a rather large and obscure building could be seen as they closed in on their destination...then...they arrive.



Ok guys. Where here. 


LightFlare leads the others inside. The place was a technological marvel. Various training facilities and devises could be seen from the lobby. And mechanical maids that seemingly skated across the area from one side to the other to point it is an amazing feet in itself that they don't collide. Melina is in awe...



(This place is incredible. I've got to take a close look at this place....)


...LightFlare approaches the front desk and spoke to the maid



Hello there. I'm here to see my old friend...Darkflare. Could you tell him LightFlare is here to see him. 




Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Rather than the mecha maid as Light expected, the front desk was manned by a different woman.



"Hm? You're friends with Darkflare? You're not just saying that to try and get a discount, are you?"



(So there's an Anna in this world as well...it would certainly explain a few things.)



"Lightflare...where have I heard that name before?"





The mecha maid's appearance was rather sudden even surprising the clerk.




"I can assure that he's telling the truth. Light-san and Flare-sama are friends."



(A Mech Hisui model? Actually, there seems to be a multitude of them in this place.)



"Oh? Now I remember where I heard his name. One of my sisters mentioned him as the hero of Kalos city. I guess I shouldn't be surprised a hero like him would visit this place."



"Regardless, Flare-sama is currently overlooking a team drill at the moment."



"While you're waiting, you should consider registering here as you won't be able to use the facility without doing so."



"It's 40 pompadillions for the first month and 15 for each additional month. Oh, don't worry about exchanging currency, I can take care of that for you."

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BGM: Today's Contract


The Warrior's Hangout was completely different from Kalos' Arena. Its high tech meant that much. In comparison to it, the Arena seemed really rundown, as if it still held itself back into past methods while this place seemed to come out of a sci-fi movie.



Anwalt: Whoa, this place is.really something. I mean, look at it!


Lucent: It's filled with high tech everywhere. It contrasts itself from the rest of the town.


Umbra: Well, it's a true sore thumb from the outside to the inside. It doesn't surprise me that it's something like this.


Anwalt: I can't wait to use the arenas! Hey Lucent, do our registration!


Lucent: Stop being such a hasty kid, will you? We're not here for sparring with each other, we're looking for this Darkflare person, remember?


Anwalt: But he's busy, right? A little mano-a-mano would kill time enough for him to leave.


Umbra: And as you can see, Lord Anwalt clearly doesn't care about your feelings in the situation.


Anwalt: What?! Umbra, can you please shut up for at least a moment?!


Umbra: Sure, keep on going, you heartless fighting maniac who forgets about someone's thoughts on the matter. Hey, make sure you try to survive those fights and send a postcard if you decide to die on them.


Lucent just took out the credit card he had been holding and gave it to Anwalt.



Lucent: ... Do whatever you want. I'll just sit over here and wait until you're done. Just... be careful.


Anwalt: Huh? Oh...


Like he said, Lucent left the group and sat at one table. He opened his terminal and went back to check the hotel as he did before.



Anwalt: The reconciliation is just becoming harder and harder...


Umbra: And whose fault is it? Whose?


Anwalt: You're not helping, Umbra.


Umbra: I know. It's just a reminder of how completely stupid, arrogant and senseless you're actually being.


Umbra: In any case, I'll wait with Lord Lucent. If you ever remember him during your fights, don't screw it up. Well, more than what you already did, anyway.


Anwalt: Umbra!


Umbra: And with that, I'm taking my leave too. Ta-ta!


Umbra also left the group and joined Lucent, standing right next to him. It was visible that Lucent returned to be bothered. He did nothing to stop Anwalt, since this was something that brought fun to his brother and he didn't want to ruin it. He already tried and failed miserably back at the airport.


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