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The Roleplay Paradise Redux Deluxe Edition: The Role-play strikes back!


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On 4/7/2019 at 7:07 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Let's go, Light.



Yea...maybe we can actually "enjoy" the reat of our flight.



Speak for yourself. I had a blast caving those pirates heads in.



Ok...me too a little...hehehe



I knew it. Tehehe! Raina! Lets go in, girlfriend!


Melina and LightFlare follow the others inside.





"No need to tell me twice," Raina replied, following the rest of the party inside the ship.


Her mind still turned toward Rufus... though the party had won, there was no guarantee they'd all be together if- no, when they next encountered Rufus. Raina could tell that man had every intention of following through with his threat...

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On 4/7/2019 at 4:21 PM, Darkflare said:


"Precisely. I told you to calm your mind and only concentrate on yourself. Hm....I should give some context to this."



"We all have an internal energy.flowing through us. There are many names such as lifeforce, aura and ki energy. With the proper training this energy can be manipulated in many ways. This is how Light, Melina and I primarily perform our abilities. I'm not too sure about the others, but I imagine their methods aren't any different."



"So meditating like this is a good first step. Eventually, this will become second nature to you."


Penelope: Man, I wish I was one of those prodigies right now...I'd have got this in a cinch!


She fell silent once more, and tried slowing her breathing. Maybe that could help her focus some more.


On 4/6/2019 at 3:57 PM, Agni Blackheart said:


Odin: "Attention, all passengers. The situation has been finally dealt with. Please refrain from accessing the upper lounge and the deck for the rest of the voyage. Security crew, please remove and lock the perpetrators immediately."

Until she heard that. That completely broke her concentration.



Penelope: Errrrgh...why can't we go up there if everything's fine now?! And why are they still on the ship?! Didn't you guys, like, knock them out or something? Why don't they just chuck them off?!


She caught herself soon afterwards, and took a moment to regain her focus.



Penelope: Oops...I, uh...let myself go for a bit there, hehe...


She slowed her breathing once more, and tried her hardest to focus on what was within her.

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Lilith kept silent as she also began to sit down. It did seem somewhat odd that the pirates were able to invade the ship rather easily. She didn't have any evidence as to how that was possible and figured the crew would be able to find clues so they can patch up their security flaws. There was also the brief moment where she fought alongside Lucent, Umbra and Jin although it didn't last long considering how weak the enemies were, but it was enough to let her know that they can trust each other when things get serious. Still, there was no guarantee they would stay together once they arrived at the destination.



(This attack certainly delayed things. I hope it doesn't take long to get back on track, there's still a long way to go.)


There was the original plan of looking around, but with the recent attack, things would be different with additional areas closed off and security even tighter than before. There was the chance that the allowed areas would be too limiting to bother exploring as they investigated everything. For now, she was just going to wait for the others to come back while monitoring Penelope.

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BGM: Troubled


While the security crew moved out, the rest stood at the upper lounge, now off-limits. They would take the chance to talk about how the invasion happened, based on what Umbra would have gathered from the pirates.



Lucent: I suppose we should talk about how the pirates invaded the ship with ease. Can we stay here even if it's off limits?


Odin: You have my permission.


Anwalt: With that out of the way, what you have for us, Umbra?


Umbra: First of all, this.


He took out a transceiver from his pocket and placed it on the table.



Anwalt: A transceiver?


Umbra: Someone from the inside gave us away from the beginning. They invaded one of the rooms up on the deck, opened a map and instructed the pirates on coordinates.


Anwalt: An insider, huh... I thought it was just a normal, unplanned attack but they were smart enough to make something like this.


Jin: Did they tell you who it was?


Umbra: It was one of the security crew. The guy, however, is no longer alive.


Lucent: One of the killed security by the android...


Anwalt: Seems like he forgot to take his clothes off before running away and ended up on the mix. He probably had planned to escape and join the pirates, but with the heavy security around there, he needed to play his part or it'd be very suspicious.


Lucent: We already know their ship was hidden inside the clouds, but they did select a specific time to attack. It was very well formulated and it didn't seem like something they would do.


Umbra: About that, Rufus was the responsible for choosing the moment. According to Okan, he's more than a pirate. Said he was something akin to an assassin or something of the sort.


Odin: It would explain how he would check the surroundings and choose the right time to attack the ship. Not to mention, why he was hunting lives in the first place.


Anwalt: Oh, what about this android you guys are talking about? How the hell they got him on their team?


Umbra: They said he was wandering and said "something, something, honor, something". Since he was blabbering about honor that much, they got into a specific conversation about it and convinced him to join them.


Umbra: Rufus, on the other hand, faced them and defeated them all by himself. He suddenly decided to join them, for reasons God knows why.


Lucent: I think he just needed a disposable set of pawns to use and get what he wanted. After all, he didn't waste time to leave the rest of them behind.


Jin: That son of a bitch... so even his allies are just some sort of tools for him?!


Anwalt: Piece of shit would discard anything and anyone as he pleases. I come from the yakuza and loyalty is the first thing one learns there.


Lucent: ...


Umbra: That's what I have to report about the invasion.


Lucent: I see. Thank you, Umbra. You did a great job.


Umbra: I-It wasn't a big deal. I got my fun out of it, so it was wonderful to do this interrogation.


Suddenly, the ship rumbled once more. Security guards got inside.


Security Guard: Captain Odin, we have detached the anchor of the rogue ship! Some of our men are there to pilot it to Candor, sir!


Odin: Good work, men. I will set the ship to sail once more.


Odin: Now then, I'll ask that you all leave the upper lounge since it's forbidden. Also, be sure to take a rest after this long fight.


Lucent: Alright then. Let's head back to our cabins.


Before they could leave, Odin grabbed a card from his pocket and tossed it at the group, with Anwalt catching it.



Odin: I won't be able to see you all for the rest of the voyage, but feel free to give me a call. I still owe you, so I'll help whenever necessary.


Anwalt: We'll make sure to remember that.


Lucent: It was a pleasure to help and meet you, Captain Odin.

Odin: The pleasure was mine, young Lucent.


Jin: See you around, Captain!


Odin left with some guards back to the operation room. Anwalt, Umbra, Lucent and Jin left the upper lounge and went towards the cabins.


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1 hour ago, Agni Blackheart said:

While the security crew moved out, the rest stood at the upper lounge, now off-limits. They would take the chance to talk about how the invasion happened, based on what Umbra would have gathered from the pirates.


Melina and LightFlare listened in as well..


1 hour ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Odin left with some guards back to the operation room. Anwalt, Umbra, Lucent and Jin left the upper lounge and went towards the cabins.




LightFlare and Melina follow the others to the cabins as well.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Raina followed the group to the cabins, having a few thoughts about the attack... someone from the inside helped them out? Worrying.


The cyborg escaping meant that he'd probably come back later as well, likely as an enemy like Rufus.

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With the matter of the pirate attack taken cared of, the ship soon proceeded to resume it's voyage to Candor City. After some time has passed, Lilith looked out the window as the city itself began to be visible. A large city with many tall buildings that could pass off as castles easily reaching the clouds in the sky.



"W-wha-? What the hell?"


Lilith's attention wasn't to the large building in the center. Her attention was to the building that looked like it was plucked from somewhere else and placed there, the more modern look making it stick out like a sore thumb compared to the rest of the city.



"That building doesn't even look like it belongs there."


Disregarding the blatant lack of attempt of even making the building blend in with the rest of the area, she could already tell this was the Hangout she sought.

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The airship would finally approach its dock and slowly come to a halt, it looming high above the city, allowing them to view it in its full glory. The city, known by the name Candor City, seemed to consist of large buildings that one could easily consider to be castles, many throughout the city having spires that reached up towards the clouds like the fingers of a hand pointing upwards. However, though the structures were big, a massive structure in the center of the city seemed to dwarf every single one of them, it itself being a castle. Four bridges seemed to arch towards it from each corner, each going over a massive moat filled with crystal blue waters that most likely betrayed their appearance. The castle seemed to also have a fog surrounding it, perhaps one produced by the moat, though the fog was too light to obscure view of anything. The castle also had its own spires which touched the clouds above, some even penetrating them. The main part of the castle itself touched the bottom of the clouds as well, a sign that there was most likely more than enough room for anything to go on within it. At the dock, a large crowd was already waiting for the ship to come in, most of them looking as though they belonged to high-ranking families. In front of the large group of hopefully patient passengers stood a well-dressed man with a badge latched onto his jacket. At a glance, the words "Candor Airship Service" were visible, along with his name and role.



Greeter: Greetings, everyone, and welcome to Candor City! It is a pleasure to see so many new faces today! Please do take some time to visit the Grand Castle during your stay, and enjoy your time here!


With that out of the way, the people already on the ship started to file out onto the dock while a group of five guards wearing close-fitting armor trimmed with purple lights that lit up the area around them started to push their way through the crowd that was currently standing on the deck, led by a rather large mechanical being wielding a rather menacing weapon: a large spear certainly intended for impaling something.



Mech Guard: Please clear out of the way; this ship shall be secured.


One by one, each guard began to make their way onto the ship, the mech leading the way.


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Location: Candor City - Airport


BGM: The Royal City of Rabanastre - Town Ward Upper Stratum


The enormous Candor City was definitely different than what expected from Kalos. Everything seemed far more rustic than the somewhat bustling metropolis they were before.



Lucent: So this is Candor... seeing it up close is more surprising than an image at the internet...


Anwalt: It's... old looking. Not to say it isn't cool, I just prefer Kalos more.


Umbra: We can do a sightseeing tour later. Right now, we should keep our progress to wherever we should head.


Jin: In that case, we part ways here. Kinda bummed about it, but I'm sure you guys will be fine without me screwing around.


Anwalt: You don't wanna come with us, Jin?


Jin: As much as I want to, I'm not going to bother you guys. Besides, I have somethings of my own to do here at Candor and they'll take some time.


Lucent: I see. Well, I'm glad to have met you, Jin. I hope everything ends up safe on your end.


Anwalt: Same here. You're free to join us once more, if you want to.


Umbra: I have nothing to say on my end. At least, I'll say "good luck".


Jin: Thanks, guys! Hopefull we'll meet each other again!


Jin waved and left the group, going on his own way. As the guards came, so did Okan and the pirates. In fact, all of them sounded pretty desperate.



Okan: Oh, the police! Thank the gods you guys are here! We needed you so damn much!


Okan: Listen, we confess everything, OK?! We raided the ship, tried to take the valuables away and even endangered the people! We did it all! So please, lock us! Take us to prison, to the catacombs, we don't care but please take us away!!


They looked at the group, specifically at Umbra. The pirates shivered as if a blizzard had suddenly attacked Candor, while begging to the police for them to be taken away.



Anwalt: They're really scared... never thought they would actually confess and plead for prison.


Umbra: Yeah. And to think things could've gotten more worse... I've really should've used that iron horse..


Lucent: S-Stop bringing deatils about this stuff, Umbra! We don't need to hear it!


Lucent: I-In any case, we should be going to the Warrior's Hangout, right? Which way should we go?


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2 hours ago, A person said:





(Candor...this place is amazing. It's medieval charm can't be denied. Why Darkflare chose this place however...I'll never quite understand.)



Wow...it's...so different...


22 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"That building doesn't even look like it belongs there."


Melina looks in the direction Lilith is looking...



That is a sore thumb on an otherwise normal looking hand. It looks like it belongs back in Kalos.



That's the Warriors Hangout...the infamous training center ran and operated by the it's possibly even more infamous caretaker...Darkflare.


2 hours ago, A person said:


Greeter: Greetings, everyone, and welcome to Candor City! It is a pleasure to see so many new faces today! Please do take some time to visit the Grand Castle during your stay, and enjoy your time here!



LightFlare smiles and nods at the greater as he walks by...



...Melina waves and says hello.


2 hours ago, A person said:

With that out of the way, the people already on the ship started to file out onto the dock while a group of five guards wearing close-fitting armor trimmed with purple lights that lit up the area around them started to push their way through the crowd that was currently standing on the deck, led by a rather large mechanical being wielding a rather menacing weapon: a large spear certainly intended for impaling something.



Mech Guard: Please clear out of the way; this ship shall be secured.


One by one, each guard began to make their way onto the ship, the mech leading the way.



...and the welcoming committee has arrived. 


LightFlare and Melina watch as guards board the ship.


1 hour ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Jin: Thanks, guys! Hopefull we'll meet each other again!


Jin waved and left the group, going on his own way. As the guards came, so did Okan and the pirates. In fact, all of them sounded pretty desperate.



(Take care young man...till our paths cross again...)



He seemed like a nice young man. I hope he's ok...



Im sure he'll be fine. I don't know why...but I don't think it was a confidence he crossed our path...



You getting deep on us, Light?! I thought you only did that during battle.



What!? I can't share my feelings? I'm not just all muscle...



Yea! That beard makes up the rest of you for sure! Am I right Lilith!?


Melina laughs as she teases LightFlare who chuckles along with her.


2 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


They looked at the group, specifically at Umbra. The pirates shivered as if a blizzard had suddenly attacked Candor, while begging to the police for them to be taken away.



Anwalt: They're really scared... never thought they would actually confess and plead for prison.


Umbra: Yeah. And to think things could've gotten more worse... I've really should've used that iron horse..


Lucent: S-Stop bringing deatils about this stuff, Umbra! We don't need to hear it!


Lucent: I-In any case, we should be going to the Warrior's Hangout, right? Which way should we go?



Well...its quite a walk. We could just go on foot or use public transportation. I'm fine with either. I'm sure if we catch a ride they'll take us right to the Hangout. But I know the way so if we're walking...I'll get us there.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Candor City - In front of the Warrior's Hangout




The Warrior's Hangout, a building that was highly out of place considering the rest of Kalos. Given how important it was, it made sense to be distinctive.


No sense waiting to go in...



Candor City - Airship Port


7 hours ago, A person said:
  Hide contents


Greeter: Greetings, everyone, and welcome to Candor City! It is a pleasure to see so many new faces today! Please do take some time to visit the Grand Castle during your stay, and enjoy your time here!


With that out of the way, the people already on the ship started to file out onto the dock while a group of five guards wearing close-fitting armor trimmed with purple lights that lit up the area around them started to push their way through the crowd that was currently standing on the deck, led by a rather large mechanical being wielding a rather menacing weapon: a large spear certainly intended for impaling something.



Mech Guard: Please clear out of the way; this ship shall be secured.


One by one, each guard began to make their way onto the ship, the mech leading the way.





'Wow... Candor's huge! It's even bigger that Kalos City was!'


That high-tech building though... was that the Warrior's Hangout? She'd find out soon enough.


4 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:




Well...its quite a walk. We could just go on foot or use public transportation. I'm fine with either. I'm sure if we catch a ride they'll take us right to the Hangout. But I know the way so if we're walking...I'll get us there.





"I'd be fine either way," Raina replied.


Okan's gang... whatever happened with them must've been pretty terrifying if they were running up to that mech guard... As for Jin, Raina somehow had a feeling they'd meet again. If the rest of this adventure was any indication, strong people tended to attract each other, and Jin seemed like a tough fellow.

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6 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


That's the Warriors Hangout...the infamous training center ran and operated by the it's possibly even more infamous caretaker...Darkflare.



"Infamous? You make it seem like both the place and Darkflare have some shady stuff going on."


6 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


What!? I can't share my feelings? I'm not just all muscle...



Yea! That beard makes up the rest of you for sure! Am I right Lilith!?


Melina laughs as she teases LightFlare who chuckles along with her.



"Well, it does make him seem rougher than he really is.. But then again, I barely know him to say for certain."


6 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Well...its quite a walk. We could just go on foot or use public transportation. I'm fine with either. I'm sure if we catch a ride they'll take us right to the Hangout. But I know the way so if we're walking...I'll get us there.



"As much as I can't wait to get there, I don't mind walking. It's not a bad idea to look at the rest of the city while we get there. Besides, it's the one building that looks like it doesn't belong, right? It's not exactly easy to miss."

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On 4/16/2019 at 7:32 PM, Agni Blackheart said:



Okan: Oh, the police! Thank the gods you guys are here! We needed you so damn much!


Okan: Listen, we confess everything, OK?! We raided the ship, tried to take the valuables away and even endangered the people! We did it all! So please, lock us! Take us to prison, to the catacombs, we don't care but please take us away!!


They looked at the group, specifically at Umbra. The pirates shivered as if a blizzard had suddenly attacked Candor, while begging to the police for them to be taken away.

Upon receiving the confession, the guards did not hesitate cuffing each pirate up with a set of glowing handcuffs designed to restrict the wearer's arms and injure them if they were to try and struggle within them. Once they were securely cuffed, the unit began to move out of the port and down towards the city. The mechanical guard, meanwhile, continued to scan the interior of the ship for anymore pirates stowed away within.


Penelope took some time to take in the city's atmosphere. She really liked how the place looked, but she wondered why they went with such a weird style instead of the more modern look most of the cities in the area had. Maybe one day they'd find out, but today wasn't that day. She was squealing with joy on the inside, but on the outside, she was quietly observing everything. Even though it was a big city, walking around probably wouldn't hurt. Probably. She noticed the one modern building out of the whole host of old-style buildings.



Penelope: Sooo, uhh...that's the hangout place, right? Are you guys suuure you wanna walk there? I mean, it's kinda deep in, and we don't really know the place...if they've got guards like that big metal guy walking around, weeeee might not wanna try walking around...


The thought of her having to fend for herself in Kalos were it not for Lilith was still in her mind, and she knew that it probably wouldn't have gone so smoothly if she wasn't there. She would probably be stuck in some weird guy's house right now! But, then again, they did take on a bunch of pirates and beat them so bad they pretty much threw themselves at the guards, so maybe she was worried for no reason...but it was better to be safe than sorry!



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LightFlare seemed to know how to get there, so they weren't worried about it. However, Penelope ended up different, seemingly cautious with the guards.



Umbra: Well, they'll be here whether we go by foot or bus, so the transportation doesn't change much of our situation about them.


Lucent: And as weird as we are, I hardly think we'll be confused for some shady group.


Anwalt: I'm sure we'll be fine. I'm up for a scenic route over a bus.


Lucent: I'll go flying slightly above you all. I'm going to check where we can sleep at this place.


Anwalt: We just arrived and you're already searching for hotels?


Lucent: Of course I am. We need somewhere to stay for the night.


Umbra: Assuming we'll stay here for the night. Best if we wait until we reach the Warrior's Hangout and see what happens there before booking anything, Lord Lucent.


Anwalt: I agree with Umbra. Let things happen first and then you can decide later about hotels and stuff like that.


Lucent: *sigh* Right, right, I get it...


Umbra: If that's decided, then we should get going. The place doesn't seem close from the port and we still need to know a little more about the city.


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On 4/17/2019 at 5:39 AM, Darkflare said:



"Infamous? You make it seem like both the place and Darkflare have some shady stuff going on."



Heh...no. It's just that all types of people show up there. Fighters. Bounty hunters. Royalty...from one end of the spectrum to the other. And Darkflare's..."infamy"...comes from his methods and state of the art facilty. If you're looking to learn more than just whether you and him are similar...like maybe a few new techniques...or maybe just refine the ones you have...his facilty is a good place to start.


On 4/17/2019 at 5:39 AM, Darkflare said:



"Well, it does make him seem rougher than he really is.. But then again, I barely know him to say for certain."



Yeah! He looks a bit menacing, but he's just a big ol' teddy bear...with the fur to match. Speaking of...hey, Walt! I bet you'd look super cute with a beard as well. It doesn't have to be too thick...just enough that I could..."stroke" it.


Melina winks at Anwalt as if her words had a double meaning...



On 4/17/2019 at 3:46 AM, Dumanios said:



"I'd be fine either way," Raina replied.


On 4/17/2019 at 5:39 AM, Darkflare said:


"As much as I can't wait to get there, I don't mind walking. It's not a bad idea to look at the rest of the city while we get there. Besides, it's the one building that looks like it doesn't belong, right? It's not exactly easy to miss."



Sounds like you guys want to take the scenic route. Walt...Lucent...?

18 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Anwalt: I'm sure we'll be fine. I'm up for a scenic route over a bus.


Lucent: I'll go flying slightly above you all. I'm going to check where we can sleep at this place.



Sounds good!


18 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Umbra: If that's decided, then we should get going. The place doesn't seem close from the port and we still need to know a little more about the city.



Roger that. Follow me, guys. 



With that, LightFlare begins to lead the others to The Warriors Hangout.




Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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11 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



Heh...no. It's just that all types of people show up there. Fighters. Bounty hunters. Royalty...from one end of the spectrum to the other. And Darkflare's..."infamy"...comes from his methods and state of the art facilty. If you're looking to learn more than just whether you and him are similar...like maybe a few new techniques...or maybe just refine the ones you have...his facilty is a good place to start.



"Sounds like a dream place for fighters like you. Being able to meet all sorts of people and refining your combat capabilities all in one place. I'm guessing his methods must be harsh."


11 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


With that, LightFlare begins to lead the others to The Warriors Hangout.




Lilith followed along, trusting that they would arrive soon. She did take a moment to look toward Lucent.



"You think you'll be alright, Lucent? This place clearly attracts a lot of people that enjoy fighting and you made it quite clear how much you hate violence."

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21 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



Heh...no. It's just that all types of people show up there. Fighters. Bounty hunters. Royalty...from one end of the spectrum to the other. And Darkflare's..."infamy"...comes from his methods and state of the art facilty. If you're looking to learn more than just whether you and him are similar...like maybe a few new techniques...or maybe just refine the ones you have...his facilty is a good place to start.




Yeah! He looks a bit menacing, but he's just a big ol' teddy bear...with the fur to match. Speaking of...hey, Walt! I bet you'd look super cute with a beard as well. It doesn't have to be too thick...just enough that I could..."stroke" it.


Melina winks at Anwalt as if her words had a double meaning...



Anwalt: Heh. Maybe I should try one then...


Umbra: AHEM! Excuse me, you indecent duo, but maybe you should go get a room and free our ears from your constant double meaning phrases that also suck.


Lucent: Umbra, stop. Let them have some fun once in a while.


Umbra: Well, maybe I should stop then...


Anwalt: Finally! Thank you so much, Lucent, you actually-


Umbra: ... but I refuse and I'll continue to be a little pest. Now stop this and behave in front of other people.


9 hours ago, Darkflare said:

Lilith followed along, trusting that they would arrive soon. She did take a moment to look toward Lucent.



"You think you'll be alright, Lucent? This place clearly attracts a lot of people that enjoy fighting and you made it quite clear how much you hate violence."

Lucent understood why Lilith would ask him that. She was right, though. The Hangout seemed like Kalos' Arena, so fighting seemed inevitable. Still, he needed to give another chance to differ friendly fighting from reasonless violence.



Lucent: I won't jump in into matches, so I'll be fine... for the most of it. I think it's also for the best for the long run that I apply the difference between those fights and the skirmish we had at the airship.


Lucent: I will ask, at least, that all of you don't resort to extremes in your fights, please. Other than that, it's a question of whether I will get used to friendly fighting or not.


Umbra: Not resorting to extremes when you're fighting is boring. Nothing is cooler than going in to hunt someone.


Anwalt: We're here, getting cooperation from Lucent at last, and then you need to open your mouth to screw everything up.


Umbra: I'm only being realistic. Or what, you're going to hoid back because your brother asked?


Anwalt: "Hold back" isn't written on my dictionary.


Umbra: Then good luck getting used to these fights, Lord Lucent.


Lucent: *sigh*


21 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Sounds good!



With that, LightFlare begins to lead the others to The Warriors Hangout.


Lucent's quick frustration soon dissipated as LightFlare seemed to agree with him on the hotel problem.



Lucent: I suppose I'm not the only one who agrees that we should book ourselves a place to stay earlier than usual. Time for me to get us a hotel.


Anwalt: It was just one single opinion... I hardly think the others-


Lucent: Now let me check it up... hmm, good services, a nice room...


Lucent followed his idea and floated above LightFlare and the rest while searching for a hotel in his terminal.



Anwalt: ... Well, at the very least he's distracted. He won't think about the fights for a good while.


Umbra: He'll remember them as soon as we get there.


Anwalt: Umbra...


Umbra: I'm not going to do anything, he's going to remember by himself. Besides we have five close combat fighters and only one of them seems to have self-control when it comes down to it.


Anwalt: And that one is...?


Umbra: Lord Anwalt, remember me to calibrate your brain- I mean, peanut for you to be smarter.


Anwalt: ... I swear to God, I'm killing you someday.


Umbra: Good luck on that endeavor. How about we follow them before we get left behind?


Umbra: Also, no more innuendos. They're hurting my ears of how cliché they're getting.


Umbra followed LightFlare and Lucent. Anwalt quietly mumbled, annoyed, and followed them as well.


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20 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"Sounds like a dream place for fighters like you. Being able to meet all sorts of people and refining your combat capabilities all in one place. I'm guessing his methods must be harsh."



Some would say...but there's a method to his madness. As far as dream place goes...sure. It shares some similarities to The Bottom. With one major difference. Darkflare himself. Any fight can be a learning experience, but having someone who watches from a far and give you constructive criticism from an angle you can't see...because your fighting...is beneficial. 


12 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Umbra: ... but I refuse and I'll continue to be a little pest. Now stop this and behave in front of other people.



Walt...I'm gonna need you to put your dog on a leash...before he ends up neutered...


12 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Lucent: Now let me check it up... hmm, good services, a nice room...


Lucent followed his idea and floated above LightFlare and the rest while searching for a hotel in his terminal.



(Heh..good. Glad he's in a good mood. The fight back there took him to a dark place. He's obviously been through a lot...)


As LightFlare leads the others, he continues on about The Warriors Hangout...



Liltih...I'd strongly suggest you take advantage of Darkflare's facilty. It's state of the art. He uses advanced equipment to analyze and "dissect" fighters in order to draw the best out of individuals. If he's hard on you...it's probably because he feels you can do better. And that's usually based on previous data, observations and experience. He's like a cross between a personal trainer and a scientist. Not to mention the mecha maids running around all over the place...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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38 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Some would say...but there's a method to his madness. As far as dream place goes...sure. It shares some similarities to The Bottom. With one major difference. Darkflare himself. Any fight can be a learning experience, but having someone who watches from a far and give you constructive criticism from an angle you can't see...because your fighting...is beneficial. 


As LightFlare leads the others, he continues on about The Warriors Hangout...



Liltih...I'd strongly suggest you take advantage of Darkflare's facilty. It's state of the art. He uses advanced equipment to analyze and "dissect" fighters in order to draw the best out of individuals. If he's hard on you...it's probably because he feels you can do better. And that's usually based on previous data, observations and experience. He's like a cross between a personal trainer and a scientist. Not to mention the mecha maids running around all over the place...



"I'm beginning to understand now. The way you speak of him...he was your mentor before. That's why you hold him in such high regard, he was the one that trained you to be such a talented fighter. It would explain your names as well. They're titles between a teacher and his student, proof that your training under him has been completed."

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13 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:




Some would say...but there's a method to his madness. As far as dream place goes...sure. It shares some similarities to The Bottom. With one major difference. Darkflare himself. Any fight can be a learning experience, but having someone who watches from a far and give you constructive criticism from an angle you can't see...because your fighting...is beneficial.




"Darkflare must be a pretty amazing guy, huh?"


Raina could see the benefit of a guy like that.



Candor City - The Warrior's Hangout




Sasuke entered the Warrior's Hangout, finding the inside to be as high-tech as the outside made it appear. Quite a few people appeared busy with tasks, but Sasuke noticed a purple-haired maid heading his way.


"Is there someone I could talk to for more information?" Sasuke asked the purple-haired maid... @Darkflare

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2 hours ago, Dumanios said:

Candor City - The Warrior's Hangout




Sasuke entered the Warrior's Hangout, finding the inside to be as high-tech as the outside made it appear. Quite a few people appeared busy with tasks, but Sasuke noticed a purple-haired maid heading his way.


"Is there someone I could talk to for more information?" Sasuke asked the purple-haired maid...





The Mecha maid proceeded to bow.



"Welcome to the Warrior's hangout. We offer a variety of combat related services. Is there something in particular you are interested in?"

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16 hours ago, Darkflare said:



"I'm beginning to understand now. The way you speak of him...he was your mentor before. That's why you hold him in such high regard, he was the one that trained you to be such a talented fighter. It would explain your names as well. They're titles between a teacher and his student, proof that your training under him has been completed."


A lighthearted smile came on LightFlare's face as he replied...



That's a great story. Seems logical...but it's not entirely accurate. I did train with him. And by with him...I mean I trained and he watched. I've used his facilty on a few occasions. In return I've been...for lack of a better term...his lab rat. But it wasn't all cheese mazes and beakers full of mystery fluid. I learned some things about myself as well. But our names are unrelated...well...as far I know...


LightFlare has wondered the same thing. He never questioned it..


3 hours ago, Dumanios said:



"Darkflare must be a pretty amazing guy, huh?"


Raina could see the benefit of a guy like that.



He's good...but he's no angel. But who is in this crazy world we live in. Actually...I know an "angel"...if you can believe that.


LightFlare chuckles to himself...



Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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As the group continued their travels through the bustling city, they would soon enter a what looked to be a shopping district, rows of shops lining both sides of the street. However, unlike the other districts, this district was devoid of any people or traffic, the only things that could be found around here being several mechanical guards and the occasional stray mechanization acting as though it were a normal human, walking down the other side of the sidewalk with a casual pace. Flashing lights could be seen up ahead, though no sounds could be picked up from where they were. Of course, this caused Penelope to visibly shake.



Penelope: Uhhh....I'm not sure flashing lights are a good sign...


She was already creeped out by how empty it was despite the signs of life behind them, but seeing lights was almost always a bad sign to her. What if there was a huge fight, or maybe even a murder?! Scary thoughts continued to fill her mind, a low whimper escaping her mouth. Truthfully, though, she really wanted to see what was going on. Maybe it would also be the first step on her journey to becoming a real hero! Err...heroine? Probably both!

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On 4/22/2019 at 6:07 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


He's good...but he's no angel. But who is in this crazy world we live in. Actually...I know an "angel"...if you can believe that.


LightFlare chuckles to himself...





"An angel huh? That sounds interesting."


On 4/22/2019 at 6:16 PM, A person said:

As the group continued their travels through the bustling city, they would soon enter a what looked to be a shopping district, rows of shops lining both sides of the street. However, unlike the other districts, this district was devoid of any people or traffic, the only things that could be found around here being several mechanical guards and the occasional stray mechanization acting as though it were a normal human, walking down the other side of the sidewalk with a casual pace. Flashing lights could be seen up ahead, though no sounds could be picked up from where they were. Of course, this caused Penelope to visibly shake.



Penelope: Uhhh....I'm not sure flashing lights are a good sign...


She was already creeped out by how empty it was despite the signs of life behind them, but seeing lights was almost always a bad sign to her. What if there was a huge fight, or maybe even a murder?! Scary thoughts continued to fill her mind, a low whimper escaping her mouth. Truthfully, though, she really wanted to see what was going on. Maybe it would also be the first step on her journey to becoming a real hero! Err...heroine? Probably both!





"Don't worry Penny, we're still here," Raina said, her voice low but encouraging. The area looked barren compared to the previous roads...



Candor City - The Warrior's Hangout


On 4/22/2019 at 5:16 PM, Darkflare said:





The Mecha maid proceeded to bow.



"Welcome to the Warrior's hangout. We offer a variety of combat related services. Is there something in particular you are interested in?"





"While I'm interested in those combat related services, I was more interested in getting some information about this world," Sasuke responded.

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On 4/22/2019 at 6:16 PM, A person said:

As the group continued their travels through the bustling city, they would soon enter a what looked to be a shopping district, rows of shops lining both sides of the street. However, unlike the other districts, this district was devoid of any people or traffic, the only things that could be found around here being several mechanical guards and the occasional stray mechanization acting as though it were a normal human, walking down the other side of the sidewalk with a casual pace. Flashing lights could be seen up ahead, though no sounds could be picked up from where they were. Of course, this caused Penelope to visibly shake.



Penelope: Uhhh....I'm not sure flashing lights are a good sign...


She was already creeped out by how empty it was despite the signs of life behind them, but seeing lights was almost always a bad sign to her. What if there was a huge fight, or maybe even a murder?! Scary thoughts continued to fill her mind, a low whimper escaping her mouth. Truthfully, though, she really wanted to see what was going on. Maybe it would also be the first step on her journey to becoming a real hero! Err...heroine? Probably both!



"Light, do you know another path to get there? I don't think we're supposed to be in this area."


3 hours ago, Dumanios said:




"While I'm interested in those combat related services, I was more interested in getting some information about this world," Sasuke responded.



"Information about this world? I'm afraid there's quite a lot of topics regarding this world."



"I think you better let me take care of this one, Hisui."


The two would be approached by a man.



"I get the feeling you're going to go in circles for a while."



"Are you certain Gordeau-san? I wouldn't want to intrude in your break time."



"Ah, don't worry about it. I was getting bored anyway. Pretty sure there are more important matters you better take care of."



"Understood. I'll leave this matter to you then, Gordeau-san."


The mecha maid bows before leaving



"Sorry about that. She and her sisters actually pretty reliable and could explain this whole place well, but anything else should probably be left to the rest of us."



"Anyway, you want to know about this world, right? Well for starters, this place is what they call a Link world. In short terms, you get visitors from many worlds coming in here."



"But if you're wondering how different things are, I can't really tell you without knowing how your world is like. But I wouldn't worry too much about fitting in, since we get people from so many worlds, there aren't that many things that would seem strange around here."

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