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The Roleplay Paradise Redux Deluxe Edition: The Role-play strikes back!


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6 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"You have my thanks."


She turned to signal the rest of the group to come over before heading inside.


 @A person @Agni Blackheart @Sinjik





"Oh good, skipping the line is great."


A fight club, huh? Although fighting people was something Raina was accustomed to, she her particular style of combat was known outside of Fantasia.


Besides, would the fight club lead to any clues about how she got here? Were the others present in the same situation as her? Lucent had said that everyone else was from out of town too...


Well, even if the fight club offered no new information, it could at least help her stay in shape.

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Anwalt: You heard her, let's go in.


Lucent: Fine... Anwalt, I hate you so much for this...


Anwalt: Did you say something?


Lucent: Shut up and keep moving.


Anwalt and Lucent followed the others in, each reacting in their different ways about the club as they went through it.


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Upon entering, Lilith did as instructed and followed the signs looking for the man in question. As she did, she concentrared on scanning the area, more specifically she attempted to sense the ki of others. As she had no idea how far the arena actually was, she simply focused on the group she came with. At least, she would know just how capable they really are.



(So... you're not all talk, right?)

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9 hours ago, Darkflare said:

Upon entering, Lilith did as instructed and followed the signs looking for the man in question. As she did, she concentrared on scanning the area, more specifically she attempted to sense the ki of others. As she had no idea how far the arena actually was, she simply focused on the group she came with. At least, she would know just how capable they really are.



(So... you're not all talk, right?)

What was Penelope's ki like? Just a small ember. Anyway, she was too busy gawking at the people in the club to notice anything possibly unusual with her fellow party members. After all, it's not every day you get to go into a place full of people who just wanna dance! Which meant that she was also on her best behavior...didn't wanna piss off one of the big mean brutes! Although that'd make for a good story at school, her parents would be really mad if they found out.



Penelope: Woooow...look at all of the people! Maybe I should use that observation thing to learn how to dance!


It was easy to tell that this was her first time inside of any club as she continued to ramble about how cool everything was. The blaring music and chatter all around didn't perturb her in the slightest.

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If Anwalt and Lucent had their auras felt, they could bring different reactions. Anwalt's aura was purely dark, since he was a half-demon who has the power of nightmares and devours dreams. Lucent, on the other hand, had a mixed aura. As he had the same nightmarish power as his brother, he had a holy aura thanks to his second power, which made them mix and become unrecognizable.



Anwalt: Whoa, there are a lot of people inside this place...


Lucent: Where's the bouncer the guard outside mentioned?


Anwalt: Blonde, tall hair... I guess that one?


Anwalt pointed at a strange bouncer standing at one end of the dance floor. He matched the descriptions given by the one outside.



Lucent: Yes, that's the one. Now we just have to go there, ask him where the arena is and get this done with.


Anwalt: Hold your horses, hasty. We don't even know if that guy's the right one-


Lucent: If you don't want to go, just say so. I'll go then.


Anwalt: ... (But I didn't say anything yet.)


Lucent went by himself and asked the bouncer about the entrance.



Lucent: Excuse me, but where is the entrance for the arena? My brother and some other people want to participate.




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16 hours ago, A person said:

What was Penelope's ki like? Just a small ember. 



(An undeveloped aura. She seems to be very young so it makes sense. Maybe she's not meant to be a fighter. Nothing wrong with that.)


6 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Anwalt and Lucent had their auras felt, they could bring different reactions. Anwalt's aura was purely dark, since he was a half-demon who has the power of nightmares and devours dreams. Lucent, on the other hand, had a mixed aura. As he had the same nightmarish power as his brother, he had a holy aura thanks to his second power, which made them mix and become unrecognizable.



(A dark aura, but it's different from other dark auras I've felt including mine. Curious. The other one seems.to have the same aura, but it's mixed with....light? Interesting...)



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13 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Lucent: Excuse me, but where is the entrance for the arena? My brother and some other people want to participate.


The bouncer speakes into his communication devise and responds speaking loud enough for all Lucent and his friends to hear as well...



The entrance to the arena is right behind me. You and your friends take this large elevator down. Once you get off, the receptionist will be waiting on you. She'll explain the rest. 


He opens the elevator and directs them all to step on...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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On 3/22/2018 at 2:14 AM, Darkflare said:

Upon entering, Lilith did as instructed and followed the signs looking for the man in question. As she did, she concentrared on scanning the area, more specifically she attempted to sense the ki of others. As she had no idea how far the arena actually was, she simply focused on the group she came with. At least, she would know just how capable they really are.



(So... you're not all talk, right?)




An aura... Raina come from a line of shrinemaidens, each of whom were dedicated to keeping the peace in Fantasia...


A holy woman, perhaps, though her faith holds few tenets and worshippers. Still, she'd solved her fair share of incidents, this one wasn't any different.


4 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


The bouncer speakes into his communication devise and responds speaking loud enough for all Lucent and his friends to hear as well...



The entrance to the arena is right behind me. You and your friends take this large elevator down. Once you get off, the receptionist will be waiting on you. She'll explain the rest. 


He opens the elevator and directs them all to step on...


Raina stepped into the elevator.


"Huh, the music's... interesting," she remarked. It wasn't bad, but she had the feeling James or Nanye would've appreciated the music more.

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Without a word, Lilith simply walked into the elevator and waited there.



(Except for Penelope, they all seem formidable just by their auras alone. Now it's a matter of seeing their techniques myself.)


She ceased her concentration for a moment waiting until the elevator moved and took them to their destination to resume.

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22 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


The bouncer speakes into his communication devise and responds speaking loud enough for all Lucent and his friends to hear as well...



The entrance to the arena is right behind me. You and your friends take this large elevator down. Once you get off, the receptionist will be waiting on you. She'll explain the rest. 


He opens the elevator and directs them all to step on...



Penelope: Let's go, go, go!


She quickly stepped into the elevator behind Lilith. Who and what would they see in there, she wondered? Did it look like a big ol' stone arena she read about in books, was it maybe some kind of cool one with laser fences around it? Did they use weapons down there, too? Was it simulated? Her mind kept going through all of the possibilities, and it made her visibly more excited as time went on. It almost made her look like she needed to use the restroom as she started to squeal and hop around lightly.

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On 3/23/2018 at 8:13 AM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


The bouncer speakes into his communication devise and responds speaking loud enough for all Lucent and his friends to hear as well...



The entrance to the arena is right behind me. You and your friends take this large elevator down. Once you get off, the receptionist will be waiting on you. She'll explain the rest. 


He opens the elevator and directs them all to step on...

(Hyde steps into the elevator, quietly listening to the music)


Hyde:(Not exactly my type of music, but I can chill to it)

Location: Unknown

(After hours of waiting, the portal finally turned into a different portal)


???: Heh, about time!

(The figure approaches the portal)

???: Hm, my body won't be completely stable here, but it should be enough.

(The figure then went through the portal)


???:(....I can already sense a huge cluster of energy?)

(The person looks in the direction of where the energy is coming from)


???:(Hehehe, Well, if there is this much energy I mind as well check it out)

(After fixing his hood, the person starts to head to the "Bottom")

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The large door shuts and the elevator descends to the bottom floor. Some time after the elevator stops. The large door opens and the receptionist can be see waving them over to the front desk.



Hello everyone! Please step this way. Everyone who is here to participate in the exhibition match, please fill out these forms. There are chairs to the right. Feel free to have a seat and complete the forms.  If you are here to watch the show then you will need to pay the fee of 20 gil per seat. Once you've paid, take the double doors to the left.


The receptionist begins handing out forms to the fighters.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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4 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

The large door shuts and the elevator descends to the bottom floor. Some time after the elevator stops. The large door opens and the receptionist can be see waving them over to the front desk.



Hello everyone! Please step this way. Everyone who is here to participate in the exhibition match, please fill out these forms. There are chairs to the right. Feel free to have a seat and complete the forms.  If you are here to watch the show then you will need to pay the fee of 20 gil per seat. Once you've paid, take the double doors to the left.


The receptionist begins handing out forms to the fighters.

20 gil a seat...she could definitely pay for that! She dug into her hoodie's pockets...only to find no change at all!



Penelope: (Aww, man...I don't have any money on me, either? I'm really in a bind, then!)


Seeing that she had no other choice, she decided to walk behind Lilith and tap on her shoulder, speaking in a whisper.



Penelope: Hey, umm...do you happen to have enough money to pay for a seat I can use? I...umm...don't have any money on me, either...I'm sorryyyyy!

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(20 gil per spectator. I see, so they rely on fighters to provide an audience for their profit)


Lilith proceeded to fill out the form before being tapped on the shoulder. Considering how things have been going, she wasn't surprised at all that Penelope would ask her for help.



"Give me a moment."


She reached into her outfit's pockets to take some money out. Though she didn't look it, she wasn't too bad a fighter, so she would look for the occasional small bounty at times as well as any other small jobs she could do. There was also that one time a punk tried to mug her at knife point, so she took what he had on him as compensation for "emotional damage".



"Here.... although I should have made you fight too..."


She handed the fee to Penelope. Of course, she was kidding about making Penelope fight especially after sensing her aura. Poor girl would get slaughtered if she did.


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Penelope: Eheheh...th-thank you...


The mere thought of getting into the arena was almost enough to make her run out of the arena. There was no way she would last even a second in there. She'd pass out after taking a single step into it! She took the money and handed it to the receptionist, wanting to get to her seat as soon as possible.



Penelope: Here you go! Umm, so...do I just pick a seat and sit down when I get in?

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1 hour ago, A person said:


Penelope: Here you go! Umm, so...do I just pick a seat and sit down when I get in?



Thank you. Just head through the doors on the left. There are several doors down the hall. Just enter any one of them and you will be in stands of the arena. I suggest waiting on your friends to finish if any of them are joing you. The arena is quite large but I'm sure you'll find a seat young lady.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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46 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



Thank you. Just head through the doors on the left. There are several doors down the hall. Just enter any one of them and you will be in stands of the arena. I suggest waiting on your friends to finish if any of them are joing you. The arena is quite large but I'm sure you'll find a seat young lady.


Penelope: Thank you very much, Miss!

Now, to play the waiting game! She knew she wasn't going to be the only one watching...hopefully. She'd be pretty lonely...and scared!

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BGM: Main Menu (Mario Strikers Charged)



Anwalt: So this is the Arena, huh...


Lucent: Hey, the form.


Anwalt: Oh, right! Here, I'll get one for you-


Lucent: Did you just forget that I'm not fighting? Don't you put my name, I'm going to watch the matches with Penelope.


Anwalt: OK then. Pay the fee.


As Anwalt filled the form, Lucent paid the the 20 gil fee.



Anwalt: There you go, miss.


Lucent: The double doors to the left, right? Shall we go then, Penelope?


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19 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

The large door shuts and the elevator descends to the bottom floor. Some time after the elevator stops. The large door opens and the receptionist can be see waving them over to the front desk.



Hello everyone! Please step this way. Everyone who is here to participate in the exhibition match, please fill out these forms. There are chairs to the right. Feel free to have a seat and complete the forms.  If you are here to watch the show then you will need to pay the fee of 20 gil per seat. Once you've paid, take the double doors to the left.


The receptionist begins handing out forms to the fighters.





'A form, huh? I wonder how they check these things... not sure if they'll accept Fantasia as a place of origin... eh, if they care that much they'll talk to me later.'


Form taken, Raina moved to the seating area.

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1 hour ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Lucent: The double doors to the left, right? Shall we go then, Penelope?


Penelope: To the seating area!


The girl proceeded to lead the way through the double doors, holding a door open for Lucent to enter the area through.



Penelope: This is gonna be sweeeeet!

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Kirimuri: Whew...


It seems that Kirimuri had too much fun with the shooting range. He checks the score of the top 50 highest score and finds himself... in the 48th place?



Kirimuri: (A minor achievement I guess. What if I became an archer instead...?)


He leaves the shooting range and goes back to the training room, where he occupies a small, free corner in the room and begins to spin his spear in order to keep his muscles in shape...


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