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The Roleplay Paradise Redux: Fortis Novum Mundum

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1 minute ago, A person said:


Queen Rupina: Seth...have you, perchance, lost something during your unexpected trip to this world?

ezgif-1-f57beb7d64.png......Some of my powers have went astray.  I feel some of it coming back bit by bit, but it's giving me slight headaches....

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Just now, Sinjik said:

ezgif-1-f57beb7d64.png......Some of my powers have went astray.  I feel some of it coming back bit by bit, but it's giving me slight headaches....

The Queen nodded.



Queen Rupina: As expected. 


She then pointed her staff at Edward.



Queen Rupina: What is your name?

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5 minutes ago, A person said:

The Queen nodded.



Queen Rupina: As expected. 


She then pointed her staff at Edward.



Queen Rupina: What is your name?


My name is Edward Thompson, member of the famous Thompson family.


Edward shrugged.



Well... famous on my home planet, anyways...

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3 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:


My name is Edward Thompson, member of the famous Thompson family.


Edward shrugged.



Well... famous on my home planet, anyways...

The queen couldn't help but chuckle to herself, earning her a gentle nudge from the king. She regained her composure.



Queen Rupina: And have you, perchance, lost something?

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2 minutes ago, A person said:

The queen couldn't help but chuckle to herself, earning her a gentle nudge from the king. She regained her composure.



Queen Rupina: And have you, perchance, lost something?


Not exactly...


Edward suddenly remembered something that he, in fact, did have.



...well, much like my fellow teammate Seth, I might have forgotten my powers...

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Just now, NijikakuFan61 said:


Not exactly...


Edward suddenly remembered something that he, in fact, did have.



...well, much like my fellow teammate Seth, I might have forgotten my powers...

The queen nodded her head slightly.



Queen Rupina: Of course...


She then pointed her staff at Nemesis.



Queen Rupina: And your name?


Nemesis bowed once again. There was no point in hiding the truth any longer.



Nemesis: My name...is Idealis. Idealis Furtivus. 



Queen Rupina: And I assume that you, too, have lost something?


Idealis nodded.



Idealis: Yes, your Majesty. Unlike them, I did not lose my skills, but, rather, I have lost most of my belongings during the travel between my world and this one.


The queen nodded her head slightly.



Queen Rupina: Ah, do not fret; yours is a similar story to others. 


She diverted her attention back to everyone in front of them.



Queen Rupina: There are many others who have had the same experience as those three, and they have also come here in the hopes of discovering the reason why they are here.


Her face grew serious.


BGM: 07. 降りてきた神秘



Queen Rupina: And, fortunately, we believe we have finally discovered the answer to that question. The answer lies within a kingdom to the north; there, resides a powerful oracle who has sensed that the world is in great danger, a danger that not even we are capable of handling alone. He was the one who has summoned everyone to our world. I must apologize in his stead; his decision was made entirely out of desperation, and though I am certain that your worlds are in no danger even if ours was to be destroyed, which is, unfortunately, inevitable, I believe he assumed that you would all be willing to aid us in protecting it. I understand if you are unwilling to; being dragged from your home planet without warning can be jarring, and the grief those close to you would experience must be unimaginable. I am certain that we can find a way to banish this threat without outside aid, but I suppose, since our enemy is unknown, we should attempt to gather as much aid as possible before a possible altercation. So, I ask you all; are you willing to join us in our quest to defend our world from that which threatens it?

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5 minutes ago, A person said:

The queen nodded her head slightly.



Queen Rupina: Of course...


She then pointed her staff at Nemesis.



Queen Rupina: And your name?


Nemesis bowed once again. There was no point in hiding the truth any longer.



Nemesis: My name...is Idealis. Idealis Furtivus. 



Queen Rupina: And I assume that you, too, have lost something?


Idealis nodded.



Idealis: Yes, your Majesty. Unlike them, I did not lose my skills, but, rather, I have lost most of my belongings during the travel between my world and this one.


The queen nodded her head slightly.



Queen Rupina: Ah, do not fret; yours is a similar story to others. 


She diverted her attention back to everyone in front of them.



Queen Rupina: There are many others who have had the same experience as those three, and they have also come here in the hopes of discovering the reason why they are here.


Her face grew serious.


BGM: 07. 降りてきた神秘



Queen Rupina: And, fortunately, we believe we have finally discovered the answer to that question. The answer lies within a kingdom to the north; there, resides a powerful oracle who has sensed that the world is in great danger, a danger that not even we are capable of handling alone. He was the one who has summoned everyone to our world. I must apologize in his stead; his decision was made entirely out of desperation, and though I am certain that your worlds are in no danger even if ours was to be destroyed, which is, unfortunately, inevitable, I believe he assumed that you would all be willing to aid us in protecting it. I understand if you are unwilling to; being dragged from your home planet without warning can be jarring, and the grief those close to you would experience must be unimaginable. I am certain that we can find a way to banish this threat without outside aid, but I suppose, since our enemy is unknown, we should attempt to gather as much aid as possible before a possible altercation. So, I ask you all; are you willing to join us in our quest to defend our world from that which threatens it?


Tch... I gave up on caring a long time ago... but my little brother's going to be much more eager about the whole "saving the world" thing...


Edward sighed.



...in that case, I guess I have no choice but to say "yes'.

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13 minutes ago, A person said:

Her face grew serious.


BGM: 07. 降りてきた神秘



Queen Rupina: And, fortunately, we believe we have finally discovered the answer to that question. The answer lies within a kingdom to the north; there, resides a powerful oracle who has sensed that the world is in great danger, a danger that not even we are capable of handling alone. He was the one who has summoned everyone to our world. I must apologize in his stead; his decision was made entirely out of desperation, and though I am certain that your worlds are in no danger even if ours was to be destroyed, which is, unfortunately, inevitable, I believe he assumed that you would all be willing to aid us in protecting it. I understand if you are unwilling to; being dragged from your home planet without warning can be jarring, and the grief those close to you would experience must be unimaginable. I am certain that we can find a way to banish this threat without outside aid, but I suppose, since our enemy is unknown, we should attempt to gather as much aid as possible before a possible altercation. So, I ask you all; are you willing to join us in our quest to defend our world from that which threatens it?


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6 minutes ago, A person said:



Queen Rupina: And, fortunately, we believe we have finally discovered the answer to that question. The answer lies within a kingdom to the north; there, resides a powerful oracle who has sensed that the world is in great danger, a danger that not even we are capable of handling alone. He was the one who has summoned everyone to our world. I must apologize in his stead; his decision was made entirely out of desperation, and though I am certain that your worlds are in no danger even if ours was to be destroyed, which is, unfortunately, inevitable, I believe he assumed that you would all be willing to aid us in protecting it. I understand if you are unwilling to; being dragged from your home planet without warning can be jarring, and the grief those close to you would experience must be unimaginable. I am certain that we can find a way to banish this threat without outside aid, but I suppose, since our enemy is unknown, we should attempt to gather as much aid as possible before a possible altercation. So, I ask you all; are you willing to join us in our quest to defend our world from that which threatens it?



Jude: I've made a promise to a friend of mine to help make a world a better place for Humans and Mana Spirits alike. Im betting everything in spyrite technology in order to accomplish this task. If the world is in great danger, there's no way I'm going to just sit back and watch. You can count on me.


Yomi: (The do-gooder boy just can't keep quiet huh? Jumping so easily to a dangerous situation like this... Still, A Oracle huh? Maybe I should ask my superiors about that before I take any conclusions...but it's hard to believe that all these people got summoned here to help...I mean, the selection is just...random... Plus, He could've just summoned everyone to his place...unless he did a sloppy job on it...which I don't doubt since I'm surrounded by un-professionalism.)


Jude: Miss Yoru? Aren't you going to answer?


Yomi: (Hope I'm not overthinking it...) Sure, If it gets my mission done, I'll do it.



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Seeing that the party was up for it, Idealis had decided against saying no. She nodded.



Idealis: I shall do my best, then, your Majesty; something like this is a chance of a lifetime! It would be an absolute honor!


The queen smiled. The king, however, spoke up.



King Randolph: Since you are all in agreement, it may be best to notify the oracle of the news. Hera!


A low, feminine voice came from one of the three rooms.



???: Yes, your Majesty?



King Randolph: Guide these visitors to the oracle in Verve. 



???: Right away, your Majesty!


The middle door opened, revealing a face to go with the voice.






The Horned Maiden

A woman cursed with the horns of a demon, she was exiled from city after city due to her appearance, hunted by those who didn't like the way she looked, and beaten by those who feared her horns. Eventually, she would turn to magic, and would use it to cause wide-spread atrocities throughout the world as revenge upon those who wronged there until she was finally stopped by King Randolph and Queen Rupina. After being defeated in battle, she begged for them to end her life only for them to instead spare her, much to her surprise. Because of their actions, she has sworn her allegiance to them, and promises to serve them eternally, no matter what happens to them, or her. The books she carries upon her dress are a mixture of spell tomes and informative books, and the sword she carries is a runeblade which serves as a catalyst for any spells she may cast.


Age: 78

Species: Tiefling

Element: Fire

System: N/A

Class: Mage

Weapons: Spell Tome and Runeblade

Universe: ???




The horned woman proceeded to curtsy with a warm smile. 


Hera: Greetings! I am the chief maid of the castle, Hera Nikitas, and I shall be your guide, Masters and Mistresses!


King Randolph spoke up again.



King Randolph: See to it that they safely arrive at Verve, Hera. Once you return, there are some...important matters...to discuss.


Hera nodded her head quickly.



Hera: A-ah, yes, yes, your Majesty!


She walked beyond a guard standing at the side of the carpet, and headed towards the door out of the throne room. She turned her head to look at the group.



Hera: Shall we?


Idealis nodded, retrieving her coat from the guard she gave it to. The guard seemed to stare at her as she walked by, but she didn't notice.



Idealis: Gladly!

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9 hours ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy: Okay!


Tommy hugged Agni.


Tommy: Anything you say, brother.


Tommy approached another random person, prepared to ask the exact questions that Agni wanted him to ask.


Tommy: Excuse me, ma'am; I happen to be a private detective, and I'm currently investigating an ongoing problem; do you have any idea about what's happened to the guards?


The lady said the guards were patrolling earlier and had a confrontation with two guys. It was only two of them but they were pretty strong. Now their leader has become more vocal. He wears s mask and is known as Hakuman. He supposedly is a Royal Knight assigned to this area for a special project. But what that is is unknown. He says it's to make our community a safer place. Who knows for sure..


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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8 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


The lady said the guards were patrolling earlier and had a confrontation with two guys. It was only two of them but they were pretty strong. Now their leader has become more vocal. He wears s mask and is known as Hakuman. He supposedly is a Royal Knight assigned to this area for a special project. But what that is is unknown. He says it's to make our community a safer place. Who knows for sure..

Tommy smiled. He had finally been rewarded for asking correctly.



Thank you for the help, ma'am. I'm forever grateful.

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Investigation Team 3 (Agni and Mirfah)


Tommy's jumpy hug startled Agni for a little bit, but he couldn't help but smile. However, as he left, something surprised him.



Agni: Did... he called me "brother" or was it just me...?


Agni: (Not that I mind it, anyway. He's just a kid, so getting worried about it doesn't fit.)


He left once again to continue asking in the area.


A few moments later...


Agni and Mirfah reunited and waited for the others to come back. However, they already started discussing what they found.



Agni: How were your finds? Did you manage to discover something?


Mirfah: It's all so scrambled... there are people who are in favor... people who are against... people that don't even know what's going on...


Agni: Those were the same results for me, I suppose. I don't have a single clue about the rebellion itself or who's leading it...


Mirfah: Maybe Hina and Yui have something.


Agni: Aren't you excluding someone?


Mirfah: That peanut-brained kiddo? He'll never find a clue. Heck, I don't even know how he's able to differ left from right.


Agni: Mirfah...


Audience Team (Seraph, Magnum and Elizabeth)


As they walked alongside Hera, Elizabeth and Magnum were happy about how everything worked. Seraph remained serious as usual.



Lize: Yes, we did it Everything went perfectly!!


Magnum: Yeah, whoo! I'm glad she didn't asked anything out of us!


Seraph: Don't commemorate inside the castle. You're making a ruckus.


Lize and Magnum: S-Sorry!


Seraph: (The Oracle in the Verve has called these people here... except for some of them who came here in free will, our missions connect in a sense. I suppose this is going to be a long journey... one that I'll be sure to end.)




Melina left another room with no success. She wasn't able to find the magatama to recover Emilia yet.



Melina: (Another room that does not help. Well, I have to keep looking. This magatama must be hidden somewhere and finding it is primordial.)


6 hours ago, DuckMannnn said:


"Pssst. 'Ey. It's Kirimuri. The guy dressed in black. The guy who was spiritually abused by a nun on drugs. The guy who was hit by a fookin' thunder of light and was left paralyzed for a moment. The guy who was brought back to the hangout by a yakuza who homosensually abused a thug. The guy who was brought to the infirmary by a nice mecha maid who wouldn't allow him to eat pasta and have a nice massage. The guy who had to lead a tanned bloke whose arm is bigger than his own head."


... Was he intending to be hidden? In her mind, he could never be a serious assassin. He was just a fool who wanted to play her serious job. However, she found it fun... seeing that was enjoyable.



Melina: My my, has the shining knight in armor appeared to save the day? I am sorry, but your princess is another castle.


Melina: At any rate and excluding your perverted, ludicrous and shameless way to tell a story, why did you came? Were you not supposed to be at the Warrior's Hangout?


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3 hours ago, A person said:



Hera: Greetings! I am the chief maid of the castle, Hera Nikitas, and I shall be your guide, Masters and Mistresses!


King Randolph spoke up again.



King Randolph: See to it that they safely arrive at Verve, Hera. Once you return, there are some...important matters...to discuss.


Hera nodded her head quickly.



Hera: A-ah, yes, yes, your Majesty!


She walked beyond a guard standing at the side of the carpet, and headed towards the door out of the throne room. She turned her head to look at the group.



Hera: Shall we?


Audience Team



Jude: Sure!


Yomi: We're right behind you.


Investigation Team - Team 2



Ludger: Alright, We've got far enough from the guards, Let's start asking.


Hugh: Okay. 


    Hugh looked for someone nearby and saw a middle-aged man.



Hugh: Excuse me sir...Can I bother you for a minute? I want to ask what do you think about all these guards around. We're kinda new here and we're wondering if there's some sort martial law going on right now.


Team 3


5 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:



Agni: Those were the same results for me, I suppose. I don't have a single clue about the rebellion itself or who's leading it...


Mirfah: Maybe Hina and Yui have something.



Yui: Sadly, it's the same for us.


Hinamori: No clues or anything...



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1 hour ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Investigation Team 3 (Agni and Mirfah)


Tommy's jumpy hug startled Agni for a little bit, but he couldn't help but smile. However, as he left, something surprised him.



Agni: Did... he called me "brother" or was it just me...?


Agni: (Not that I mind it, anyway. He's just a kid, so getting worried about it doesn't fit.)


He left once again to continue asking in the area.


A few moments later...


Agni and Mirfah reunited and waited for the others to come back. However, they already started discussing what they found.



Agni: How were your finds? Did you manage to discover something?


Mirfah: It's all so scrambled... there are people who are in favor... people who are against... people that don't even know what's going on...


Agni: Those were the same results for me, I suppose. I don't have a single clue about the rebellion itself or who's leading it...


Mirfah: Maybe Hina and Yui have something.


Agni: Aren't you excluding someone?


Mirfah: That peanut-brained kiddo? He'll never find a clue. Heck, I don't even know how he's able to differ left from right.


Agni: Mirfah...

Tommy heard exactly what Mirfah had said, and immediately walked over to him.


Tommy: Well, actually, I did get some answers...


Tommy cleared his throat, ready to give his speech.


Tommy: The lady that I had asked said that the guards were patrolling earlier and had a confrontation with two guys, both of whom I have no idea in term of names. Yet again, it was only two of them, but they were apparently pretty strong. Now their leader, whoever he is, has become more vocal, apparently. He wears s mask apparently and is known as Hakuman, no idea who he is, but I believe her. He supposedly is a Royal Knight, don't know what that is, assigned to this area for a special project, don't know what it is. But what that is is unknown, even to me. She said that apparently, "he says it's to make our community a safer place".


Tommy smirked at Mirfah, before turning over to Agni and smiling.


Tommy: Is that enough information for you, "brother" Agni?

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Audience Team

(While walking along with the group, Seth was looking a bit worried)


(I see.. .so this was all just to save a world that I... No, none of us knows about.  It seems i must hold more burdens upon me... "She" will have to wait longer.  Until then i have no choice... I need to endure longer.

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Team 1


Cu notices the man is ignoring him, and decides to not waste any more time asking them. He continues his search, and runs into another civilian; this time a female.



Excuse me, miss. Sorry to bother you, but there are a few things I'd like to ask. Would you happen to know anything about these guards around this part of town, and how they're affecting things?


Team 2



Right, let's get moving.


Dante and Joseph begin their searches. Dante is the first of the two to spot someone; he finds a young man, seemingly in has late teenage or early adult years.



Sorry to interrupt, but I'll only be a minute. Would you happen to know anything about the guards around here? Like, where they may have came from, when they started showing up, or what they've seemingly been up to? Anything you know about them would be appreciated.


Audience Team



Alright, let's go.



Lead the way.

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To the far north of the area known as Slum Village, stands a large facility. It sits on the edge of the city. It's purpose is to serve as a headquarters for a division of the Royal Knights know as, Knight's of the Forsaken. Their purpose, is to provide protection for the citizens of the Slum Village sector of Candor City. They're led by a Royal General known as...





...Hakumen. An extremely skilled swordsman. He acts as the figure head and leader of the KOTF. His message is that the KOTF are on the side of the community. He uses his status and influence to support and build his army. With financial backing from the Royal government, he has built a division of soldiers that may even rival the Royal Knights themselves. But the Royal government is not the only one backing him. He is also supported by his second in command...








Major Ocelot. The leader of the mercenary group known as, Diamond Dogs. He secretly supports Hakumen in hopes of attaining power through the success of Hakumen himself. Along with the training the KOTF received from the Royal Knights, the have also received combat training from Major Ocelot's trusted instructors. 


Together they plan to turn the people of Slum Village against Candor City, overthrow the government and build an empire to further expand their power...



Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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1 hour ago, Mister Fael said:


Hugh: Excuse me sir...Can I bother you for a minute? I want to ask what do you think about all these guards around. We're kinda new here and we're wondering if there's some sort martial law going on right now.


The man explained that there hasn't been a martial law. But the guards have been put on high alert. They seemed stressed out, but we're confident that the KOTF would protect them...

57 minutes ago, Tony Redgrave said:


Excuse me, miss. Sorry to bother you, but there are a few things I'd like to ask. Would you happen to know anything about these guards around this part of town, and how they're affecting things?


The lady shared that the Guards were known as the Knights of the Forsaken. That for some time the rest of Candor City have looked down on Slum Village, and that the KOTF where there to protect them.

57 minutes ago, Tony Redgrave said:


Sorry to interrupt, but I'll only be a minute. Would you happen to know anything about the guards around here? Like, where they may have came from, when they started showing up, or what they've seemingly been up to? Anything you know about them would be appreciated.


The young man seemed to know a lot about the guards. He said that they were a part of the Royal Knights. They were sent to ease the rising tension between Slum Village and the rest of the city. He explained that even though they are part of the very same government that oversees the city that shuns them, he somehow feels that they are on his side...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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1 hour ago, Agni Blackheart said:



Melina left another room with no success. She wasn't able to find the magatama to recover Emilia yet.



Melina: (Another room that does not help. Well, I have to keep looking. This magatama must be hidden somewhere and finding it is primordial.)



... Was he intending to be hidden? In her mind, he could never be a serious assassin. He was just a fool who wanted to play her serious job. However, she found it fun... seeing that was enjoyable.



Melina: My my, has the shining knight in armor appeared to save the day? I am sorry, but your princess is another castle.


Melina: At any rate and excluding your perverted, ludicrous and shameless way to tell a story, why did you came? Were you not supposed to be at the Warrior's Hangout?



"I believe I did tell you that I had to lead the owner of the hangout here. He wanted to check on what's happening here. Anyways, have you found any clue concerning the spiritual state of our possessed nun here?"


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Investigation Team 3 (Agni and Mirfah)



Agni: Good job, Tommy! *pets his head*


Mirfah: Oh wow, at least ONE job done right. It's going to rain meteors, everyone get your umbrellas.


Agni: C'mon, Mirfah, stop it. You're treating him as if he was a amulet of misfortune...


Mirfah: And I'm not wrong.


Agni: *sigh* Honestly, dealing with this is becoming slightly difficult..


Even if Tommy's smirk hasn't made Mirfah mad, hearing him call Agni as a "brother" made things slightly tense.



Mirfah: Hey, what the hell do you mean by "brother"?! He's not your family!


Agni: H-Hey, don't go overboard with this. I don't mind it, anyway...


Mirfah: Besides, a weirdo like you would just embarass him. Between us here, I'M qualified to be his brother, not you.


Agni: Wha- now you're going to discuss that?!


Mirfah: You can't deny that I'd actually be the best brother you'd ever have, right? *hugs Agni with one arm*


Agni: (What are you, a preschooler?)





Melina: Yes. Here.


She took the red gem and the notes from her pocket and gave them to Kirimuri.



Melina: According to the notes I read, there was an evil spirit in this jewel. However, it left through the crack and possessed Emilia. There are three ways we can save her. Killing her, exorcist or a magatama.


Melina: I, for one, am very comfortable with the first option. Seems rather easier. Of course, you are her galloping "gallant", so I guess you wouldn't want my knives piercing her bosom before she could ever give them to you.


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9 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Investigation Team 3 (Agni and Mirfah)



Agni: Good job, Tommy! *pets his head*


Mirfah: Oh wow, at least ONE job done right. It's going to rain meteors, everyone get your umbrellas.


Agni: C'mon, Mirfah, stop it. You're treating him as if he was a amulet of misfortune...


Mirfah: And I'm not wrong.


Agni: *sigh* Honestly, dealing with this is becoming slightly difficult..


Even if Tommy's smirk hasn't made Mirfah mad, hearing him call Agni as a "brother" made things slightly tense.



Mirfah: Hey, what the hell do you mean by "brother"?! He's not your family!


Agni: H-Hey, don't go overboard with this. I don't mind it, anyway...


Mirfah: Besides, a weirdo like you would just embarass him. Between us here, I'M qualified to be his brother, not you.


Agni: Wha- now you're going to discuss that?!


Mirfah: You can't deny that I'd actually be the best brother you'd ever have, right? *hugs Agni with one arm*


Agni: (What are you, a preschooler?)

Tommy: Alright...


Tommy had held it in with Mirfah up to this point; however, his judging of Tommy due to him calling Agni his brother finally pissed him off. He decided to make his anger blatant by creating a small explosion of flames behind him.


Tommy: Can I just say ONE FUCKING THING!? The reason why I consider him my brother is because he's arguably the ONLY FUCKING PERSON HERE THAT'S TREATED ME NICELY SO FAR OTHER THEN YUI! Nemesis is such a fucking temperamental bitch that she'd probably turn me into a fucking pin cushion JUST FOR A MINOR SLIP-UP! Meanwhile, Magnum's so occupied with his important little "job" for him to EVER FUCKING CARE ABOUT ME!


Tommy turned all his attention towards Mirfah, probably the person he was most upset at.




Tommy was so angry at Mirfah that he ended up pointing right at his face while he was yelling at him. He turned towards Agni... that anger had turned into tears.


Tommy: ...I'm sorry for yelling like that... eight years of pent-up anger over having your own race wiped out can change a person...

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