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The Roleplay Paradise Redux: Fortis Novum Mundum

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Meanwhile outside the Church Kiryu was dealing with a street thug who was being ignorant and wouldn't move from the front door of the church the Church,,,,,

http://imgur.com/ceKJTu0-how Kiryu resolved the situation

r5m9w0G.png-That'll teach ya I said not to go near this place you fool!

He then wonders what those giant white bright lights were coming from the Church and how they suddenly stopped

91TJrIy.png-....id better check I wonder if Kirimuri won

As Kiryu barges the old doors open he sees both Kirimuri and Emilia laying on the floor. Kiryu then runs over and looks at Kirimuri's wounds

r5m9w0G.png-(holy crap those are serious just what in the hell did she do to him)

 Kiryu then looked at the nun and thought about the obvious murderous intent that was pouring out of her when he first saw her he then ties her up with some rope he found lying around the church it was old but it should hold

yDiFTp4.png-(so what am I supposed to do here exactly? I cant really carry them both through the streets that would look weird as hell....guess the only thing to do is to wait to see if one of them wakes us or someone comes to find up either way I'm not too thrilled about watching over an injured man and a psychotic nun in an abandoned church....but oh well

He then opens up a bottle of water he got from a vending machine outside takes a sip, sits cross legged and waits



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When everything was said and done, Nemesis proceeded to respond with a nod. She exited the hangout and began to make her way to the castle in the distance, eager to learn what awaited them on their future journey. 



Nemesis: Let's try to make this as thorough as possible; this might be one of the few chances we have to find out all of the answers we seek. And if he's been blessed by a god, then he should surely know something that nobody else does.


Her exterior exuded confidence, but her interior was filled with worry; one misstep could mean the end of this attempt at a questionnaire and possibly the journey as a whole, so there was a lot riding upon this moment..


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14 minutes ago, A person said:

When everything was said and done, Nemesis proceeded to respond with a nod. She exited the hangout and began to make her way to the castle in the distance, eager to learn what awaited them on their future journey. 



Nemesis: Let's try to make this as thorough as possible; this might be one of the few chances we have to find out all of the answers we seek. And if he's been blessed by a god, then he should surely know something that nobody else does.


Her exterior exuded confidence, but her interior was filled with worry; one misstep could mean the end of this attempt at a questionnaire and possibly the journey as a whole, so there was a lot riding upon this moment..



Audience Team



Jude: (What if this "god" was actually a great spirit? It is possible that he made a pact with it...)


Yomi: Something on your mind Doctor Mathis?


Jude: Just an assumption...we won't know for sure until we meet him in person.


Investigation Team



Yui: ...


Hugh: Nervous?


Yui: Yeah...I'm...still not sure what I'm going to do if we confront Cousin Seila again...


Hugh: So...you're still on that dilemma huh?


Ludger: I know what you mean...I'm not sure if I can bring myself to harm my brother...despite all the things he's doing...


Yui: We're both really fools huh?


Ludger: You're right...


Hugh: I believe this is something you guys have to figure out on your own.


Yui: But...what if I don't find out the answer in time?


Hugh: I'm sure you will. I've noticed how much you've changed these past days, so I'm confident that you'll find it.


Yui: ...I hope you're right... (Or else...what business do I have wielding a weapon if I can't even make a decision as important as this?)



From afar, Elle was waving good-bye to the groups, promising to take care of Rollo when they are away.



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2 hours ago, Infinite Kyo said:

Meanwhile outside the Church Kiryu was dealing with a street thug who was being ignorant and wouldn't move from the front door of the church the Church,,,,,

http://imgur.com/ceKJTu0-how Kiryu resolved the situation

r5m9w0G.png-That'll teach ya I said not to go near this place you fool!

He then wonders what those giant white bright lights were coming from the Church and how they suddenly stopped

91TJrIy.png-....id better check I wonder if Kirimuri won

As Kiryu barges the old doors open he sees both Kirimuri and Emilia laying on the floor. Kiryu then runs over and looks at Kirimuri's wounds

r5m9w0G.png-(holy crap those are serious just what in the hell did she do to him)

 Kiryu then looked at the nun and thought about the obvious murderous intent that was pouring out of her when he first saw her he then ties her up with some rope he found lying around the church it was old but it should hold

yDiFTp4.png-(so what am I supposed to do here exactly? I cant really carry them both through the streets that would look weird as hell....guess the only thing to do is to wait to see if one of them wakes us or someone comes to find up either way I'm not too thrilled about watching over an injured man and a psychotic nun in an abandoned church....but oh well

He then opens up a bottle of water he got from a vending machine outside takes a sip, sits cross legged and waits



Kirimuri wakes up after a brief moment of unconsciousness.



Kirimuri: "...Urrghh... Whoa! Putain, la sale PUTE! Địt mẹ con đĩ...Wait, wrong language..."



Kirimuri: "My body still fucking hurts... but I can move my limbs for a bit now. I'm gonna need a nice, long massage from a cute girl..."


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2 minutes ago, DuckMannnn said:

Kirimuri wakes up after a brief moment of unconsciousness.



Kirimuri: "...Urrghh... Whoa! Putain, la sale PUTE! Địt mẹ con đĩ...Wait, wrong language..."



Kirimuri: "My body still fucking hurts... but I can move my limbs for a bit now. I'm gonna need a nice, long massage from a cute girl..."

Kiryu getting startled by Kirimuri suddenly getting up spins around and looks at him

3YIelyp.png-seems like you too two had fun...you're in pretty rough shape though.....want some water

As Kiryu offers the drink to Kirimuri he stares at the nun on the ground still unconscious

3YIelyp.png-so whats up with her you wanna tell me why she wanted to kill you?



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Just now, Infinite Kyo said:

Kiryu getting startled by Kirimuri suddenly getting up spins around and looks at him

3YIelyp.png-seems like you too two had fun...you're in pretty rough shape though.....want some water

As Kiryu offers the drink to Kirimuri he stares at the nun on the ground still unconscious

3YIelyp.png-so whats up with her you wanna tell me why she wanted to kill you?



Kirimuri takes a sip from the water bottle then answers:



Kirimuri: "Where do I start... some corrupted thot-of-a-soul possessed this poor nun's body and tried to kill me because I refused to become her servant."


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Investigation Team (Agni and Mirfah)



Agni: Hold on, where's Melina?!


Mirfah: Great, she just left on her own! Can't she help us once in a while?!


Agni: Leave her be. We'll never understand her correctly anyway...


Audience Team (Seraph, Magnum and Elizabeth)


Seraph grabbed the pouch and looked back at LightFlare.



Seraph: Well, I never used the bus, but I suppose that's the best option. Still, we have to be careful with the money we spend.


Seraph: That said, can you do me a favor? I don't want you to bother too much with this, but look after Agni for me. I'm sure he's more motivated now, but he's still a kid and can be rash sometimes.




Melina quickly left the Hangout. She had mentioned about continuing the investigation, but never in her mind passed the idea of staying alongside Light and Agni. She knew they were aware of her, but different from Kirimuri, they weren't assassins, but some "heroes".



Melina: (I have to continue this alone... or at least keep myself close to that fool.)


Melina: (He might have gone to the church. Either he wanted to investigate it or he was "brave" enough to distract himself with her.)


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2 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Investigation Team (Agni and Mirfah)



Agni: Hold on, where's Melina?!


Mirfah: Great, she just left on her own! Can't she help us once in a while?!


Agni: Leave her be. We'll never understand her correctly anyway...


Audience Team (Seraph, Magnum and Elizabeth)


Seraph grabbed the pouch and looked back at LightFlare.



Seraph: Well, I never used the bus, but I suppose that's the best option. Still, we have to be careful with the money we spend.


Seraph: That said, can you do me a favor? I don't want you to bother too much with this, but look after Agni for me. I'm sure he's more motivated now, but he's still a kid and can be rash sometimes.




Melina quickly left the Hangout. She had mentioned about continuing the investigation, but never in her mind passed the idea of staying alongside Light and Agni. She knew they were aware of her, but different from Kirimuri, they weren't assassins, but some "heroes".



Melina: (I have to continue this alone... or at least keep myself close to that fool.)


Melina: (He might have gone to the church. Either he wanted to investigate it or he was "brave" enough to distract himself with her.)


Thanks Seraph. I'll watch out for Agni. I promise. Let's load up. We'll arrive at Slum Village and split into teams. Agni, I suggest two to three teams.  Two teams gives us an advantage in a combat situation. But we can cover more ground with 3 of more. What do you suggest? 



How bout you...Ludger is it? Do you and your crew have any suggestions? We can discuss the game plan on the ride to Slum Village


LightFlare boards the bus and pays for the everyone's fare using the Pomp's he received from Seraph...


@Mister Fael


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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1 hour ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



How bout you...Ludger is it? Do you and your crew have any suggestions? We can discuss the game plan on the ride to Slum Village



Ludger: Nothing much to say over here. Three teams seems reasonable enough.


Hugh: I guess we'll do the split when we get there.



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BGM: Shironia (Calm)


The audience squad had finally arrived to the front of one of the bridges leading to the castle, two guards in armor that threw red light all around the area, their weapons having the same glowing blades as the ones at the gates, though, unlike the armor, it was instead orange. They slid their weapons in front of the group, preventing entry.



Protective Royal Guard: Unless you all wish to seek an audience with the king and queen, you have no business here. 


Nemesis slowly approached the guards.



Nemesis: We are here to seek an audience with His and Her Highness. Allow me to explain our circumstance...


She proceeded to explain to them everything that had gone down up until then, and added in what she knew, hoping it would be enough to convince them that it was very important. It worked. The two guards nodded.



Intelligent Royal Guard: Very well...allow me some time to contact them about your current situation. 


The guard proceeded to step aside for a moment, speaking into a communicator of some kind. The discussion seemed to be long-winded, so Nemesis glanced at the others.



Nemesis: I hope Darkman was right about this...otherwise, I don't know what else we can do.

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Investigation Team (Agni and Mirfah)


BGM: Lights, Camera, Action! still playing


They went inside the bus as LightFlare paid their fee. It was actually empty, which would help them to discuss plans without worrying people. The driver didn't seem to mind it much. Then, Light asked for his and Ludger's opinions about the division;



Agni: Well... this is hard. I can't imagine how tight will be once we arrive. I do have a feeling we'll end up finding a lot of trouble...


Mirfah: I think we should split into three groups. I mean, everyone here's well equipped and we're not losing that easily in a fight.


Agni: Problem is, we have to limit ourselves. We can't rush and use all of our powers. And while we're talking on that... Changing Paradigm to Medic.


Agni changes his skill set before arriving. He feels as if he'll be more useful healing. He could change to Synergist, but the situation doesn't seem to call it. As for the separation, he reached a conclusion. It was based on a hypotesis, but...



Agni: I'm positive they have informed about the incident with Light... it's hard to think about the situation being in favor to us, even if I'm speaking hypotetically... even so...


Agni: Let's separate in three groups. Light will lead Team 1, Ludger leads Team 2 and.I'll take Team 3, if you don't mind.


Mirfah: I don't! I call dibs on Team 3!!


Agni: D-Don't be hasty, we need to know if everyone agrees with the idea first!


Audience Team (Seraph, Magnum and Elizabeth)


BGM: The Old City of Vigrid (Bayonetta)


As the guards left, Seraph saw Nemesis' concerned face. He knew how it was pressuring: one slip and it was back to square zero with them.



Seraph: Your explanation was sufficient, Nemesis. Let's wait here until then.


Lize: I wonder if the king is a nice person. Maybe he'll let me sing if I ask nicely~


Magnum: Nah, let's stick to the plan. Talk what's important and that's that.


Lize: *sigh* Fine, fine...

Seraph: ...


Lize: Well, since we're already waiting, why don't we take the time to know each other?


Magnum: Wait, is this really a good time for it?


Lize: Of course it is. Or do you prefer to stay standing here, doing nothing?


Magnum: Well, when you put it like that...


Lize: See? So, let's start by the most mysterious person here... Seraph!


Seraph: I'm not interested in talking about my private life.


Lize: Huh? C'mon, you don't have to be that frigid.


Seraph: Enough with the ruckus. Be quiet and wait.




BGM: Palace of the Insane (Resident Evil CODE: Veronica)


The church was completely in shambles. It seems some sort of brawl had already happened there. The door was wide open, so she didn't lose time and went inside.



Melina: ... Just as I expected.


She saw Kiryu and Kirimuri inside. Near them was lying an unconscious Emilia.



Melina: How desperate were you to return here, Kirimuri? This place has indeed piqued curiosity, but was it actually to come after her?


Melina: Well, no matter. It helps since I can finally explore the enviroment without her bothering. Saves me the necessity of using my knives too.


She began to walk towards a corridor lying at the east side of the church's interior, from where the hole stood. Before she left, however, she saw his injury.



Melina: My, my, someone was careless. I would not expect that you would take a hit like that. Even your power is slightly tense, somehow.


Melina: Sir Kiryu, would you be so gentle and take him back? If she awakens, you will not be in a true condition to fight and carry him around at the same time.


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17 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Investigation Team (Agni and Mirfah)


BGM: Lights, Camera, Action! still playing


They went inside the bus as LightFlare paid their fee. It was actually empty, which would help them to discuss plans without worrying people. The driver didn't seem to mind it much. Then, Light asked for his and Ludger's opinions about the division;



Agni: Well... this is hard. I can't imagine how tight will be once we arrive. I do have a feeling we'll end up finding a lot of trouble...


Mirfah: I think we should split into three groups. I mean, everyone here's well equipped and we're not losing that easily in a fight.


Agni: Problem is, we have to limit ourselves. We can't rush and use all of our powers. And while we're talking on that... Changing Paradigm to Medic.


Agni changes his skill set before arriving. He feels as if he'll be more useful healing. He could change to Synergist, but the situation doesn't seem to call it. As for the separation, he reached a conclusion. It was based on a hypotesis, but...



Agni: I'm positive they have informed about the incident with Light... it's hard to think about the situation being in favor to us, even if I'm speaking hypotetically... even so...


Agni: Let's separate in three groups. Light will lead Team 1, Ludger leads Team 2 and.I'll take Team 3, if you don't mind.


Mirfah: I don't! I call dibs on Team 3!!


Agni: D-Don't be hasty, we need to know if everyone agrees with the idea first!


Eh, I agree; in case it does happen, I choose Team 3.



I choose Team 2; I think my photography might be fairly useful this time around.



Team 1, just so I won't get annoyed by these two morons.

Image result for howard dean yell gif





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Investigation Team



Etomo: I'll go team 1...And...


Ryuko: I know, I'm coming with you.


Yui: I'll go with Ni-Ni's team.


Hinamori: Same here.


Hugh: Then I'll go with Ludger's team.


Ludger: Alright.


Audience Team



Yomi: (I better not speak this out loud...Something's been bothering me...)


Yomi: (LightFlare said there were fake guards at the slums...How did they managed to get hold of a military garment like that?)


Yomi: (I doubt a civilian wouldn't be able to ask that to be made without authorization...So I assume it is...someone from inside that is providing clothing and weaponry...Would make sense since he hasn't been able to clean the slums away.)


Yomi: (I don't have any proof, so mentioning that to the king is a good way to get kicked out.)



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3 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

She began to walk towards a corridor lying at the east side of the church's interior, from where the hole stood. Before she left, however, she saw his injury.



Melina: My, my, someone was careless. I would not expect that you would take a hit like that. Even your power is slightly tense, somehow.



Kirimuri: "Pss. Thanks for your concern, but try capturing someone without killing them or getting yourself killed especially when you're fighting against a psychotic nun who somehow can stun you on every hit and summon a huge ass thunder of light from the sky..."


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Investigation Team (Agni and Mirfah)


BGM: Lights, Camera, Action! still playing



Agni: Alright, so it's Light, Etomo, Ryuko, Kyosuke and Cu Chulainn on team 1... Ludger, Hugh, Frank, Dante and Joseph on team 2... me, Mirfah, Lucina, Tommy, Yui and Hina on team 3...


Mirfah: I suppose that does it right. Now that we're ready, let's do our best!!


*BGM fades*


Agni seemed satisfied and returned to look at the window. However, the sight was indeed horrible.



Mirfah: Agni? What's wrong?


Agni: Oh no... Look right there.


BGM: Elsa Maria's Stage Theme (Grief Syndrome)


They reached the slums, but from the window they could see something. The security of the whole place was tightened. Guards were everywhere, from the street to the roofs. Heavily armed, for purposes unknown.



Mirfah: Holy hell... those're a damn lot of guards!


Agni: I already knew it was going to be bad... but something like this...


Suddenly, the bus stopped without reaching the bus stop they were going to land, near to the entrance to the Slums. When Agni looked at the driver, he made a strange signal, like a salutation to something in front of him, but he could get the message.



Agni: A guard is coming towards the bus! Get behind the seats and stay quiet at all cost!


He and Mirfah lowered the profile. It could be something overboard, but something told Agni this wasn't going to be an actual nice trip like Light said before...




BGM: Palace of the Insane still playing



Melina: That... isn't frightening. I came from a world with mages and gods. Something like thunder falling and light blasts are not surprising to me. Besides, I am not too concerned. I would be if you had actually lost.


Melina: In any case, the conversation ends here. I will check the interior of this side. Maybe I can find the source of that strange light that did this to her.


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6 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Investigation Team (Agni and Mirfah)


BGM: Lights, Camera, Action! still playing



Agni: Alright, so it's Light, Etomo, Ryuko, Kyosuke and Cu Chulainn on team 1... Ludger, Hugh, Frank, Dante and Joseph on team 2... me, Mirfah, Lucina, Tommy, Yui and Hina on team 3...


Mirfah: I suppose that does it right. Now that we're ready, let's do our best!!


*BGM fades*


Agni seemed satisfied and returned to look at the window. However, the sight was indeed horrible.



Mirfah: Agni? What's wrong?


Agni: Oh no... Look right there.


BGM: Elsa Maria's Stage Theme (Grief Syndrome)


They reached the slums, but from the window they could see something. The security of the whole place was tightened. Guards were everywhere, from the street to the roofs. Heavily armed, for purposes unknown.



Mirfah: Holy hell... those're a damn lot of guards!


Agni: I already knew it was going to be bad... but something like this...


Suddenly, the bus stopped without reaching the bus stop they were going to land, near to the entrance to the Slums. When Agni looked at the driver, he made a strange signal, like a salutation to something in front of him, but he could get the message.



Agni: A guard is coming towards the bus! Get behind the seats and stay quiet at all cost!


He and Mirfah lowered the profile. It could be something overboard, but something told Agni this wasn't going to be an actual nice trip like Light said before...

Tommy hid behind his seat, sneaking his guitar under one of the seats so it wouldn't make him be a dead giveaway. Frank and Kyosuke hid behind their seats as well, guns out in case they got noticed.


Tommy: (clearly scared, but quiet as a mouse) A - am I gonna die today? I - I don't wanna die young!

Image result for howard dean yell gif





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12 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:


They reached the slums, but from the window they could see something. The security of the whole place was tightened. Guards were everywhere, from the street to the roofs. Heavily armed, for purposes unknown.



Mirfah: Holy hell... those're a damn lot of guards!


Agni: I already knew it was going to be bad... but something like this...


Suddenly, the bus stopped without reaching the bus stop they were going to land, near to the entrance to the Slums. When Agni looked at the driver, he made a strange signal but he could get the message.



Agni: A guard is coming towards the bus! Get behind the seats and stay quiet at all cost!


He and Mirfah lowered the profile. It could be something overboard, but something told Agni this wasn't going to be an actual nice trip like Light said before...


Track: Growling Hound



Hugh: Shit shit shit!


   They did as Agni said and hid behind the seats.



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(It's even worse than I imagined...)


LightFlare gets down....


...the guard approaches the bus driver. Meanwhile two more gaurds approach the bus. On walks around the bus, while the other begins walking onto the bus. He here's a loud "no"...



Who's there?!


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Investigation Team (Agni and Mirfah)


BGM: Elsa Maria's Stage Theme still playing


Two guards entered the bus and began to check all of it. Soon, a loud "No!" from a certain voice could be heard.



Mirfah: (That damn idiot!! I'm going to kill him after this!!)


Agni: (Hell, this is bad...!! There's gotta be something that we can do!)


Soon, Agni noticed the guitar from under the a seat and Tommy hiding the most as he could. He looked at his shivering friend and while he couldn't speak to call attention, he silently spoke "Play the guitar!" with his lips.





@NijikakuFan61, it's guitar time!


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