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The Roleplay Paradise Redux: Fortis Novum Mundum

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After hearing the battle between Saber and Shovel Knight Kiryu hurries towards it but by the time he gets there no one was in sight

PDLSkLK.png-"hmmm I was sure it came from this direction wait what the hell?"

{Kiryu notices the burn marks on the trees he walks over and inspects them then folds his arms and tries to think}

gNBhlG2.png-"what the hell did this? a flamethrower? well regardless I'm gonna need to find them and get some answers"

{just then Morrigan flew down and landed in front of Kiryu and as she does it breaks Kiryu's train of thought


BaC4LVH.png-you know I did see then they headed that way if you wanted to know a small group but they seemed quite entertaining

{Kiryu looks back at Morrigan and gives her a confused look}

PDLSkLK.png-so you saw them but you didn't go and ask them where we are?

aOM7D0V.png-well I was watching from up in the trees and it was an interesting fight to say the least two blue knights a woman and a man one was wielding a shovel and another had an invisible sword it was really intriguing

gNBhlG2.png-well regardless we still need to catch up to them why don't you fly ahead and see if you can spot them I'm gonna be right behind you we may as well work together seeing as we are stuck here.....also cant you just fly out of here anyway?

{Morrigan folds her arms and becomes mildly annoyed}

v2PDqzu.png-well I would if I could but flying takes a lot of stamina and energy you know and when I appeared in this forest I was exhausted to say the least I can only fly for a short time and to make matters worse it doesn't look like my powers are coming back either

{Kiryu sighs}

gNBhlG2.png-well that sucks....I guess but can you at least fly ahead and see if you can find them please?

{Morrigan starts to calm down}

BaC4LVH.png-well since you said please I suppose I can Mr Kiryu

{Morrigan chuckles then flies ahead as Kiryu sighs again}

PDLSkLK.png-"why do I always meet such weird women? ah well she doesn't seem that bad and she said it herself she is kinda weak right now..........I still don't understand why a succubus is trying to help me tho hmm"

{Kiryu follows Morrigan on foot}



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Side: Etomo and Ryuko - Location: Unknown




Track: Misty Tress (Day)


      In an random clearing, two girls were laying on the ground. One of them got up holding her head.



Etomo Shuko: Urgh...Thank goodness the spinning stoped...


Etomo: What the hell was that anyway? Huh?


     Suddenly, she noticed that she was in a completely different place.



Etomo: Hey Ryuko, get up! This is bad.


Ryuko Oggy: Yeah...it is...we should be fighting right now... ((Oggy is not her real surname, but I didn't find a bio about her so I decided to roll with Oggy)


Etomo: Not that...Look!


Ryuko: Look at...whaaaaaat?


    The girl named Ryuko stared in disbelief.



Ryuko: What the...Trees everywhere...But I thought we...


Etomo: I'm as perplexed as you are...


Ryuko: So...that black swirling thing wasn't a dream?


Etomo: I still remember it vividly, so...


Ryuko: Geez...Just when I was about to wreck you...


Etomo: I'm as dissapointed as you are, but we'll rematch later...right now we have to figure out where we are.


Ryuko: Tch...Fine...Owch...my leg...


Etomo: What's wrong? Wait...


Ryuko: Seems like that punch of yours did some damage after all...


Etomo: Seriously, how that only now you're feeling the pain?


Ryuko: You know how I am.


Etomo: Am Idiot, yes.


Ryuko: That's...WRONG! I always fight my battles with good effort and guts. I have no time to feel pain.


Etomo: Yes yes...I get it...


   Etomo helps her rival to get up and both starts exploring the forest.



Ryuko: C'mon now...You know you're guilty of being just as hot-blooded as I am.


Etomo: ...Well, I won't lie...But I'm more disciplined than you.


Ryuko: More like convinced cocky brat...


Etomo: Why you...


**Music Stops**



Ryuko: Ah!


Etomo: What is it now?


Ryuko: Do you smell that?


Etomo: I do...Wait, I know where this is going...




Etomo: Wait you dumbass!


   Ryuko attempts to run to the source of the smell, but ends up falling on the ground thanks to her leg injury.



Ryuko: Urgh...


Etomo: You're lucky no man is here...


Ryuko: *quickly gets up* And I already told you it doesn't matter! If they want to see "it" during a fight, it's their funeral. Matter that values their lust, doesn't value their life.


Etomo: Anyway...Value your body first before charging ahead.


Ryuko: Hehehehehe...


Etomo: You're impossible...


Track: Peaceful Evidence


   Moments later, they arrived at the source of the smell. A group of three people and a cat where camping in the forest.



Ryuko: Civilization ahead! Kinda!


Etomo: Good news indeed. Um...Excuse me.


Little Girl: Hm? What is it?


Fat Cat: Meow!


Etomo: Well...(How can I explain this?) We kinda lost our way in this forest...


Man in a Coat: In that case we...whoa! Is your friend okay?


Etomo: Well...


White-Haired Man: Gah!


Ryuko: My good sir, I want to let you know that this soup looks delicious.


White-Haired Man: Oh...It's not ready yet but...thanks, I guess...


Etomo: I want to say she's just like that all the time...but actually, she sprained her ankle.


Man in a Coat: I see...Hey you.


Ryuko: It's not "Hey you"! it's Ryuko. Be sure to remember that Mister!


Little Girl: Geez...what's her problem?


Man in a Coat: I'm terribly sorry Miss Ryuko. Can you sit besides Elle over there?  I want to check your leg.


Ryuko: Well...You're rather polite...It's almost suspicious. You're not earning any points with me.


Man in a Coat: Um...


Etomo: Don't be rude, he's just trying to help.


Ryuko: Yeah, Yeah...


Etomo: I'm sorry, she just has bad impression on men. It takes a while to earn her trust.


Ryuko: T-That's not true...That cutie over there for example, I can already tell he's a nice guy just by how well his soup smells.


Elle Mel Marta: Seems like you got a fan Ludger. A really weird one.


Ludger Will Kresnik: *Looks at the soup in embarassement*


Etomo: Anyway, Let's get to the introductions. I'm Etomo Shuko and this here is Ryuko Oggy.


Jude Mathis: I'm Jude Mathis, and this is Elle and that one is Ludger.


Elle: Hello!


Ludger: Nice to meet you.


Etomo: Same he-


Fat Cat: Meow!


Jude: Oh, and this one is Rollo.


Ryuko: Hi there kitty! It seems you enjoy food as much as I do. It's good! Very good!


Etomo: Well, I guess I'll take a seat as well.


Jude: Please, make yourself at home.


     Etomo was relieved that they were able to find help that fast. However, she couldn't reconize the forest she was in at all. All that she had in her mind right now were questions that she was sure it would take a long time to be answered. For now, she decided to enjoy the company of her new friends, as well as mentally prepare herself to Ryuko's future fight-happy shenanigans.




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The man is seen hiding behind a tree trunk, apparently observing Morrigan and Kiryu.

portrait_edit_idk_by_duckmann18-dbjeko9."An 乇乂ㄒ尺卂 ㄒ卄丨匚匚 bat-winged chick and a heavy smoker? I don't think they're hostile at least. Looks like they're lost like me too..."

After a moment of hesitation, he decides to approach the couple.

portrait_edit_idk_by_duckmann18-dbjeko9."Hello there. Are you guys hurt anywhere? I can help."


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Deep in a large forest, a warrior honed his skills in the ways of martial arts. His name is LightFlare, Warrior in the Path of Light. Having fought in many tournaments in his younger day, he became well known at a very young age. He has faced men, beast creatures who may have been god-like. But because of his intense training, he is always prepared for battle. He is strong willed, and Noble...but battles a power within himself...a dark power that nearly took over his mind...and his body. So he trains not only to be the best...or to be prepared. He trains to be...in control of himself.



(Hmm...I'm usually alone way out here. Yet I sense something nearby. They seem to have appeared out of thin air. Are they human? Were they masking their power somehow? They seem to be getting closer. Looks like I'll find out soon enough...)


LightFlare continues to train. Not even visitors in his secluded training sight detur him from his training. He focuses on honing his skills as the mysterious power levels approach him...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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While continuing to follow Nemesis's lead, the man in green decides to give himself a proper introduction next.



Well, I suppose I ought to introduce myself as well. The name's Joseph Joestar. If you thought the upbringings of these guys were interesting, well you're in for something else now. I'll try to keep things as short as possible for you. Anyways, I have inherited the ability to use a special energy called Hamon from my grandfather. After being tasked with stopping the Pillar Men, a race of powerful---and pretty weird looking---beings, from gaining "ultimate power,"  I trained to master my skills with Hamon. It was quite an adventure, involving things like clackers, pranking, traveling to different countries, chariot races, kamikazeing air planes into volcanoes, blasting people into space using a special stone and reentering the atmosphere afterwards because I too was launched into space...yeah, they were some pretty tough battles. Especially the last one.



Because of it I now have this!


Joseph begins moving the fingers of his left hand around. While doing so, they emit a mechanical "clicking" sound.


After showing off his mechanical hand for a few seconds, Joseph returns to his story in order to wrap it up.



I made new friends....lost some friends....found out my Hamon training mentor---who I also peeked on through a keyhole---was my mother....



Well, it wasn't all bad. I also found the love of my life! I was supposed to return to America with her soon, but, you know. Portal troubles.



She must be worried sick about where I've went. Hopefully I can find my way back sooner rather than later.

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3 hours ago, DuckMannnn said:

The man is seen hiding behind a tree trunk, apparently observing Morrigan and Kiryu.

portrait_edit_idk_by_duckmann18-dbjeko9."An 乇乂ㄒ尺卂 ㄒ卄丨匚匚 bat-winged chick and a heavy smoker? I don't think they're hostile at least. Looks like they're lost like me too..."

After a moment of hesitation, he decides to approach the couple.

portrait_edit_idk_by_duckmann18-dbjeko9."Hello there. Are you guys hurt anywhere? I can help."

Kiryu turns around and sees a man dressed in all black attire and Morrigan hears his voice and returns landing beside Kiryu

ZhwNQtp.png-"who is this guy? well he does look suspicious but any guy dressed in all black would look sketchy besides he's the only other person I've seen other than Morrigan"

{Morrigan smiles and answers the mans question}

kXz69C5.png-No I think I'm fine but thanks for asking......I don't think I've seen you before you weren't with the others were you?

{Kiryu decides to answer as well}

ZhwNQtp.png-I'm okay too you I'm Kiryu and this is Morrigan....so are you lost in here too?

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Not too far off, yet another was in the forest. She dashed deeper into the forest as if on skates. She then slowed herself down to a stop and began to communicate with her master.



"I have arrived at the destination."


"Good. Please repeat to me the mission parameters."



"I am to search and locate the anomalies detected in the area if possible as well as investigate anyone that may have arrived due to the anomalies."


"Right. Try not to give your presence away until we figure out their intentions. Don't engage except in self defense. Actually, it would be preferable to avoid combat altogether as your weaponry has a high risk of causing a forest fire. Otherwise, prioritize self preservation above all else. Once you have found out their intentions be sure to report to me.



"Understood. Beginning scan for life signs in the area......life signs detected..... commencing mission."

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portrait_edit_idk_by_duckmann18-dbjeko9."Just a while ago I was still exploring a dungeon. Then suddenly some portal automagically threw me down here. Seems like we're on the same boat. Oh, forgot to introduce myself. Call me Kirimuri. It's not my real name in case if you are wondering, I just kinda prefer going with this nickname."



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5 hours ago, Tony Redgrave said:

While continuing to follow Nemesis's lead, the man in green decides to give himself a proper introduction next.



Well, I suppose I ought to introduce myself as well. The name's Joseph Joestar. If you thought the upbringings of these guys were interesting, well you're in for something else now. I'll try to keep things as short as possible for you. Anyways, I have inherited the ability to use a special energy called Hamon from my grandfather. After being tasked with stopping the Pillar Men, a race of powerful---and pretty weird looking---beings, from gaining "ultimate power,"  I trained to master my skills with Hamon. It was quite an adventure, involving things like clackers, pranking, traveling to different countries, chariot races, kamikazeing air planes into volcanoes, blasting people into space using a special stone and reentering the atmosphere afterwards because I too was launched into space...yeah, they were some pretty tough battles. Especially the last one.



Because of it I now have this!


Joseph begins moving the fingers of his left hand around. While doing so, they emit a mechanical "clicking" sound.


After showing off his mechanical hand for a few seconds, Joseph returns to his story in order to wrap it up.



I made new friends....lost some friends....found out my Hamon training mentor---who I also peeked on through a keyhole---was my mother....



Well, it wasn't all bad. I also found the love of my life! I was supposed to return to America with her soon, but, you know. Portal troubles.



She must be worried sick about where I've went. Hopefully I can find my way back sooner rather than later.

Nemesis nodded as she listened to Frank's story and Joseph's story, enjoying the simplicity of the former's story and feeling for the latter's situation. His adventures sounded very exciting to her, though also a bit strange...whatever the case may be, one thing was certain: he was a very interesting individual.



Nemesis: Sounds like you lead a very exciting life! I have a feeling our adventures are going to be very wild, especially with someone like you around to make sure it's so! 


After looking around at her newly-formed party to see if anyone else was willing to speak up as she continued through the forest, her gaze settled upon the three, mainly the white-haired man.



Nemesis: What about you three? What are your stories?

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I lived in a pretty normal city.  The only thing that wasn't normal was the "Hallow Night".  This certain night gatheres "In-births",which is what i am, and "Voids",which hunts for In-births.  The "Hallow Night" is basically a battlefield.  In-births and voids with different intentions.  Some wants to stop it.  Others want blood to spill.

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mens-magic-wizard-costume.jpg*Puts on his robe and wizard hat as he prepares for the ensuing madness of the roleplay thread*


(Side note: not that it's mandatory or anything, but do you guys mind shrinking the image sizes down a bit? Makes everything a bit more readable and also helps out those with slower PCs, especially since I'm seeing multiple images well over 800x800).

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3 hours ago, A person said:

Nemesis nodded as she listened to Frank's story and Joseph's story, enjoying the simplicity of the former's story and feeling for the latter's situation. His adventures sounded very exciting to her, though also a bit strange...whatever the case may be, one thing was certain: he was a very interesting individual.



Nemesis: Sounds like you lead a very exciting life! I have a feeling our adventures are going to be very wild, especially with someone like you around to make sure it's so! 


After looking around at her newly-formed party to see if anyone else was willing to speak up as she continued through the forest, her gaze settled upon the three, mainly the white-haired man.



Nemesis: What about you three? What are your stories?



Well, I suppose with the way things are turning out to be, this doesn't seem like the usual situation we're put in.



Meaning none of those dumb regulations we have to follow for once.



Right. Well, anyways, in our world there is a competition known as the "Holy Grail War," which is essentially what is known as a battle royale. The last one standing is rewarded with the Holy Grail, which will supposedly grant them any one wish that they desire. However, these people don't fight alone. They must summon a Heroic Spirit, a notable figure from history or legend, to aid them in battle. However, it is normally against the rules for a Heroic Spirit to share their identity with anyone else aside from their master, otherwise those familiar with whoever the Heroic Spirit is could know what attacks and abilities to look out for, or possibly in worse cases, their weaknesses if their story reveals them to have one.



Now you're probably wondering what Heroic Spirits we are. Well, I'll let the others speak for themselves, but my name is Cu Chulainn; otherwise known as a Lancer. I was born in Ulster, Ireland as the son of the Celtic god, Lugh. In my time I have slain the Hound of Culain, a guard dog with the strength of ten men, and have single-handedly defended Ulster from the armies of enemy Kingdoms. However, my life was destined to be rather short. Eventually the Queen of Connacht, Medb conspired for plans to have me killed, and I was put to death by a magic-forged spear.



My name is Artoria Pendragon, otherwise known as King Arthur. I was destined to lead Britain after being the one to pull the sword Caliburn out of the stone of appointment, since, according to prophecy, the one who did so was to be be appointed as Britain's next King. However, due to the role of King being affiliated with males, I concealed my true identity from the public. Only those close to me, and the knights I lead knew the truth. As a Heroic Spirit, I am classified as a Saber.



I suppose that just leaves me. Well, I'm the Heroic Spirit, Shirou Emiya. However, unlike the others, I'm a bit different. I lived through the Fifth Holy Grail War. Not only that, but I was actually one of the Magi competing. In fact, Saber was my servant. Lancer and...my older self were also among the Heroic Spirits involved that time around. Anyways, once I had become involved, I had only one goal: obtain the Holy Grail, and use it to help me become a hero. Unfortunately, as things turn out, the Grail isn't what it seems. In reality, it has been corrupted, and carries out the wishes through destruction. After destroying the Grail rather than using it, I decided to carry out my wish to become a hero to the best of my own ability. What followed was a terrible-feeling and unsatisfactory life of doing nothing but stopping those who planned to hurt others. Essentially, I was killing the few in order to save the majority. Ultimately, despite my efforts to make the world a better and safer place, I was branded as a criminal. Eventually, I was captured and executed, leading to the end of my story before becoming a Heroic Spirit classified as an Archer.

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Location: Forest of Illusions


Agni Artwaltz and Magnum Alexandria (To @OxyontheWolf)



Magnum: Lucina? Why does your name sounds so... familiar, I don't know...


Agni: That may be so because she came to our home in Magio's last visit two months ago.


Magnum: Really?


Agni: She stood outside with Argento for as long as I know. But Magio did told me how you two met. Seems like they went to your world and helped you and your allies with the ordeal you guys were facing. After that, he said you offered him to live in there alongside you and the rest of your family, but it ended up being you coming along.


Magnum: I see, so that's how their paths connect. But what she said worries me...


According to Lucina, the mission ended up unwell. It seems that the three of them fell into a trap and ended up caught in a corner. She did described that they managed to defeat one of those enemies but the other still seems to be alive...



Agni: Lucina, we'll need more information about how everything went. If you can at least fill us up on the moment you all were fighting, it'll be useful.


Mirfah (New Addition) (To @Tony Redgrave, @A person, @Sinjik and @NijikakuFan61)


BGM: Peaceful Sleep (NieR: Automata)


Not too far from the strange group that already formed right there, a red-heaired young man was sleeping peacefully. His snoring was a little loud and a bubble was even formed at his nose. With his last snore, the bubble bursted and he woke up.



???: Gah!! What the-


With a quick glance, he noticed this wasn't the forest he was staying. He could also see that this wasn't Ishgria, the land of demons. The dark scenery was replaced with a rather beautiful one. It reminded him of the human world he once belonged to.



???: Huh... this isn't Ishgria anymore...? Where the hell am I, anyway?


???: H-Hey, why am I back in my human form?! What is this?!


He wasn't able to understand. As long as he knew, he was a demon. After losing all his comrades, being the only survivor of the squad he was a part of, he exchanged his humanity for demonic power. It was a sin he wanted to carry, just so he could fulfill his revenge.



???: (Since I was sleeping... maybe this is a dream? Let's do the old way to try it out.)


???: *pinches himself strongly* Oww! OK, so this isn't a dream... if so, then...


When he looked around a little more, he saw a group of unfamiliar people there. He got up and walked there to understand the situation, to see if they knew something.



???: Hey, if you guys excuse me, but does any of you know where is this place?


Melina (New Addition) (To @LightFlare_Da_Realest)


BGM: Fortress of Lies (NieR: Automata)



???: Ugh... where am I...


She woke up and looked around. This wasn't the outskirts of Bariura. For as long as she knew, her uncle was right there with her. But now, he was nowhere to be seen...



???: (Where is Uncle Chrome? Wasn't I with him? More importantly, where is this place?)


She walked around quietly, since there could be someone around. Right she was, because with a few steps, a person could be already seen. Yet, what was he doing? Was those fists being thrown in thin air? It wasn't understandable... no one in her home did that. Not even the most stupid of her brothers would do it.



???: (This stranger seems rather strong... in an unknown place like this, I have to make use of what I have.)


???: *approaches* Excuse me, mister. I am sorry to interrupt you, but can you tell me where I am?


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Tommy went back to playing on his guitar, too distracted to pay attention to anything else at the moment.


BGM: Backwater



And when I wake up in the morning... to feel the daybreak on my face...



Tommy... can you please pay attention to more important matters that don't involve your guitar?


Tommy ignored Edward and continued to play on his guitar.



There's a blood that's flowin', through the feeling, with a knife to open up the sky's veins...

Image result for howard dean yell gif





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The mecha maid proceed to carefully get closer to the group.



"Sending scan data..."


"Wh-what? Hisui, you didn't scan some random animal, did you?"



"Negative. I have refined the search to humanoid beings only."


"That's a lot more people than I expected. This is easily the size of a small strike force."



"Your orders?"


"Proceed as planned. Try to find a spot to listen in but remain low. We still need to figure out what's going on."



"Understood. Beginning surveillance."

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17 hours ago, DuckMannnn said:

portrait_edit_idk_by_duckmann18-dbjeko9."Just a while ago I was still exploring a dungeon. Then suddenly some portal automagically threw me down here. Seems like we're on the same boat. Oh, forgot to introduce myself. Call me Kirimuri. It's not my real name in case if you are wondering, I just kinda prefer going with this nickname."


Kiryu and Morrigan try to recall what they were doing when they got sucked into the portal

3f3r7hI.png-well I remember that I was in a fight against this drunkard in the street he was causing a commotion so I calmed him down Image result for Kiryu Kazuma heat action gifs-what he actually did

MFO0LY9.png-After that I was walking home down a back alley to avoid attention next thing I know I got sucked into that portal thing

{Morrigan laughs slightly then explains her story}

Mm72tWE.png- I was having a bath it was an amazing bath too the water was just right not too hot yet not too cold...anyway I got dressed then literally got sucked into that portal its a good thing i got my clothes on before hand otherwise id be walking around here completely naked haha

{Kiryu looks at her and sighs}

MFO0LY9.png-"this woman......good grief"



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4 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Location: Forest of Illusions


Agni Artwaltz and Magnum Alexandria (To @OxyontheWolf)



Magnum: Lucina? Why does your name sounds so... familiar, I don't know...


Agni: That may be so because she came to our home in Magio's last visit two months ago.


Magnum: Really?


Agni: She stood outside with Argento for as long as I know. But Magio did told me how you two met. Seems like they went to your world and helped you and your allies with the ordeal you guys were facing. After that, he said you offered him to live in there alongside you and the rest of your family, but it ended up being you coming along.


Magnum: I see, so that's how their paths connect. But what she said worries me...


According to Lucina, the mission ended up unwell. It seems that the three of them fell into a trap and ended up caught in a corner. She did described that they managed to defeat one of those enemies but the other still seems to be alive...



Agni: Lucina, we'll need more information about how everything went. If you can at least fill us up on the moment you all were fighting, it'll be useful.


Mirfah (New Addition) (To @Tony Redgrave, @A person, @Sinjik and @NijikakuFan61)


BGM: Peaceful Sleep (NieR: Automata)


Not too far from the strange group that already formed right there, a red-heaired young man was sleeping peacefully. His snoring was a little loud and a bubble was even formed at his nose. With his last snore, the bubble bursted and he woke up.



???: Gah!! What the-


With a quick glance, he noticed this wasn't the forest he was staying. He could also see that this wasn't Ishgria, the land of demons. The dark scenery was replaced with a rather beautiful one. It reminded him of the human world he once belonged to.



???: Huh... this isn't Ishgria anymore...? Where the hell am I, anyway?


???: H-Hey, why am I back in my human form?! What is this?!


He wasn't able to understand. As long as he knew, he was a demon. After losing all his comrades, being the only survivor of the squad he was a part of, he exchanged his humanity for demonic power. It was a sin he wanted to carry, just so he could fulfill his revenge.



???: (Since I was sleeping... maybe this is a dream? Let's do the old way to try it out.)


???: *pinches himself strongly* Oww! OK, so this isn't a dream... if so, then...


When he looked around a little more, he saw a group of unfamiliar people there. He got up and walked there to understand the situation, to see if they knew something.



???: Hey, if you guys excuse me, but does any of you know where is this place?


Melina (New Addition) (To @LightFlare_Da_Realest)


BGM: Fortress of Lies (NieR: Automata)



???: Ugh... where am I...


She woke up and looked around. This wasn't the outskirts of Bariura. For as long as she knew, her uncle was right there with her. But now, he was nowhere to be seen...



???: (Where is Uncle Chrome? Wasn't I with him? More importantly, where is this place?)


She walked around quietly, since there could be someone around. Right she was, because with a few steps, a person could be already seen. Yet, what was he doing? Was those fists being thrown in thin air? It wasn't understandable... no one in her home did that. Not even the most stupid of her brothers would do it.



???: (This stranger seems rather strong... in an unknown place like this, I have to make use of what I have.)


???: *approaches* Excuse me, mister. I am sorry to interrupt you, but can you tell me where I am?



LightFlare pauses. He looks at the young lady with slight curiosity. She appears to be prepared for battle but, she is qute polite and seems to be just lost. 



(I don't sense any malicious intent)


Hello, young lady. You are In the La'Mure Forest. It's rather large. And can be a bit of a maze. But for you to make it all the way here your either extremely lucky....or you don't come on foot. Are you OK?



Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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5 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Location: Forest of Illusions


Agni Artwaltz and Magnum Alexandria (To @OxyontheWolf)



Magnum: Lucina? Why does your name sounds so... familiar, I don't know...


Agni: That may be so because she came to our home in Magio's last visit two months ago.


Magnum: Really?


Agni: She stood outside with Argento for as long as I know. But Magio did told me how you two met. Seems like they went to your world and helped you and your allies with the ordeal you guys were facing. After that, he said you offered him to live in there alongside you and the rest of your family, but it ended up being you coming along.


Magnum: I see, so that's how their paths connect. But what she said worries me...


According to Lucina, the mission ended up unwell. It seems that the three of them fell into a trap and ended up caught in a corner. She did described that they managed to defeat one of those enemies but the other still seems to be alive...



Agni: Lucina, we'll need more information about how everything went. If you can at least fill us up on the moment you all were fighting, it'll be useful.

Normal.pngFrom what I can remember, we went to El Cairo, Egypt, to wipe out a swarm of Heartless, however, it was all an ambush, we were attacked by those two men, and the one that did not succumb to Magio's power called himself "D'Bo the Haunted"...I might be wrong...but it went like that, and he purposely annoyed us, I did not understand a thing, he always carried a doll with himself, and for some reason, that doll could counter every single one of my moves! it's like if it was possesed or something!...it doesn't matter, I'll travel with you two, hopefully we can find answers to our questions

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Well, I suppose with the way things are turning out to be, this doesn't seem like the usual situation we're put in.



Meaning none of those dumb regulations we have to follow for once.



Right. Well, anyways, in our world there is a competition known as the "Holy Grail War," which is essentially what is known as a battle royale. The last one standing is rewarded with the Holy Grail, which will supposedly grant them any one wish that they desire. However, these people don't fight alone. They must summon a Heroic Spirit, a notable figure from history or legend, to aid them in battle. However, it is normally against the rules for a Heroic Spirit to share their identity with anyone else aside from their master, otherwise those familiar with whoever the Heroic Spirit is could know what attacks and abilities to look out for, or possibly in worse cases, their weaknesses if their story reveals them to have one.



Now you're probably wondering what Heroic Spirits we are. Well, I'll let the others speak for themselves, but my name is Cu Chulainn; otherwise known as a Lancer. I was born in Ulster, Ireland as the son of the Celtic god, Lugh. In my time I have slain the Hound of Culain, a guard dog with the strength of ten men, and have single-handedly defended Ulster from the armies of enemy Kingdoms. However, my life was destined to be rather short. Eventually the Queen of Connacht, Medb conspired for plans to have me killed, and I was put to death by a magic-forged spear.



My name is Artoria Pendragon, otherwise known as King Arthur. I was destined to lead Britain after being the one to pull the sword Caliburn out of the stone of appointment, since, according to prophecy, the one who did so was to be be appointed as Britain's next King. However, due to the role of King being affiliated with males, I concealed my true identity from the public. Only those close to me, and the knights I lead knew the truth. As a Heroic Spirit, I am classified as a Saber.



I suppose that just leaves me. Well, I'm the Heroic Spirit, Shirou Emiya. However, unlike the others, I'm a bit different. I lived through the Fifth Holy Grail War. Not only that, but I was actually one of the Magi competing. In fact, Saber was my servant. Lancer and...my older self were also among the Heroic Spirits involved that time around. Anyways, once I had become involved, I had only one goal: obtain the Holy Grail, and use it to help me become a hero. Unfortunately, as things turn out, the Grail isn't what it seems. In reality, it has been corrupted, and carries out the wishes through destruction. After destroying the Grail rather than using it, I decided to carry out my wish to become a hero to the best of my own ability. What followed was a terrible-feeling and unsatisfactory life of doing nothing but stopping those who planned to hurt others. Essentially, I was killing the few in order to save the majority. Ultimately, despite my efforts to make the world a better and safer place, I was branded as a criminal. Eventually, I was captured and executed, leading to the end of my story before becoming a Heroic Spirit classified as an Archer.

Nemesis listened to their stories intently, nodding as she did so. A world with a recurring war sounded interesting, but the chaos that would ensue was something unappealing to her, and the winner of the war getting something that only caused destruction? It sounded entirely pointless. 



Nemesis: Putting all of that effort into a fight just to find out it's a waste of time...I can't even imagine how mad that would make me.



Nemesis: Still, though, it's nice to be in the presence of heroes! I have a feeling I might be able to learn some things from you three.


She seemed to disregard the fact that Cu and Shirou had both been executed at the end of their stories. 



Nemesis: Anyway, it looks like it's my turn, finally. My name is-

6 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Mirfah (New Addition) (To @Tony Redgrave, @A person, @Sinjik and @NijikakuFan61)


BGM: Peaceful Sleep (NieR: Automata)


Not too far from the strange group that already formed right there, a red-heaired young man was sleeping peacefully. His snoring was a little loud and a bubble was even formed at his nose. With his last snore, the bubble bursted and he woke up.



???: Gah!! What the-


With a quick glance, he noticed this wasn't the forest he was staying. He could also see that this wasn't Ishgria, the land of demons. The dark scenery was replaced with a rather beautiful one. It reminded him of the human world he once belonged to.



???: Huh... this isn't Ishgria anymore...? Where the hell am I, anyway?


???: H-Hey, why am I back in my human form?! What is this?!


He wasn't able to understand. As long as he knew, he was a demon. After losing all his comrades, being the only survivor of the squad he was a part of, he exchanged his humanity for demonic power. It was a sin he wanted to carry, just so he could fulfill his revenge.



???: (Since I was sleeping... maybe this is a dream? Let's do the old way to try it out.)


???: *pinches himself strongly* Oww! OK, so this isn't a dream... if so, then...


When he looked around a little more, he saw a group of unfamiliar people there. He got up and walked there to understand the situation, to see if they knew something.



???: Hey, if you guys excuse me, but does any of you know where is this place?

Nemesis came to a halt and looked back at the young male that approached the group. Another person lost in the forest. Could this mean that there are even more...?


Nemesis: I think we know about as much about it as you do. I'm guessing you got pulled into a portal and found yourself here, too?

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f9eac2d40a.png?width=273&height=250 Wait, hold the chivalry for a minute, all the time I was fighting KING ARTHUR HIMSELF!? (kneels to Saber) sorry, your Majesty...I hope you can forgive this knight's idiocy...but I was hoping you knew the directions to the exit, so I could get on with my quest and save Aline...hopefully she's still alive...

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Side Yui,Hugh, Hinamori and Yomi - Location: Forest



Track: Steel Floor that obstructs the path


    In another part of the forest, a group of four people were exploring the place in search of something. One of them was a brown-haired girl with golden-colored eyes that was cutting the plants that were standing in the groups path. Right behind her was another girl with blue hair whose wine-colored eyes were closed at the moment and was relying on her friend from directions. She had a reason for that, as she had high spiritual awareness, being able to communicate with the souls of the deceased. Behind her were both a boy and a girl. The dark-blue haired boy had an expression of boredom, while the purple haired girl just stared at the vicinity of the forest.



Hugh Maxy Black: ((Changed his family name just in case I decide to introduce Milla Maxwell.)) Mmmmmm....


Yui Lilly Celest: What's wrong Hugie? Still sleepy?


Hugh: That's not it...Argh...No matter how much I try think about it...stuff gets boring without your brother around.


Yui: I know...I miss him too.


Hugh: I'm aware...What I'm talking about is that I can tease him about showing up with a random girl anymore. I'm the one who looks like is in a harem right now.


Hinamori Yurei Seimei: That's your problem alone...not ours.


Hugh: Plus, you girls barely react to my jokes. Yui is too dense.


Yui: That's me~!


Hugh: Hina spent all of her life in her home so she doesn't get my jokes...No offense.


Hinamori: Some taken.


Hugh: And then we have this shady scary bi-


    Suddenly, Hugh feels a knive slowly sliding in his back.


*insert random creepy scary chord*



Yomi (Codename: Yoru Mizu): What about me Mr. Maxy?




    He uses his high speed to hide behind a tree.



Hugh: I-I mean, you're too sofisticated with my jokes Miss Yo-


Yomi: *appears behind him* You will call me Yoru Mizu when I'm disguised.




Yui: Hihihi!


Hugh: D-Don't laugh...


Yui: Sorry...I couldn't contain myself.


Hinamori: That was rather entertaining.


Yomi: Maybe we'll use Hugh as our comic relief.


Hinamori: Agreed.


Hugh: Give me a break...


Yomi: Anyway, did you find something yet Miss Seimei?


Hinamori: ...No...I can't feel a single spirit around.


Hugh: You're joking right? We heard that almost any search team that was looking for that city dissapeared.


Hinamori: I know...But it is as what I said.


Yomi: So...It's not out of the question to assume they've been captured alive.


Hugh: You've got a point.


Yui: At least we now know they will be fine when we find them. (And Cousin Seila might be alright as well.)


Hinamori: Ah!


Track: Astrolabe



Hugh: What is it? Finally found something?


Hinamori: Yes...There's three spirits that just appeared north from here.


Yui: Nice! Let's go there!


Hinamori: (Still, that's odd. They are way really powerful...yet they are still human souls.)


Hinamori: (When a living being dies, their soul can't manifest their powers anymore...but it seems that these ones...)


Yui: Hina? What's the matter?


Hinamori: No...Nothing important. Let's go check it out.


Yui: Okay~! Lead the way captain.


Hugh: Finally we have a lead...I'm more a fan of urban envirioments.


Yomi: Your fault for being bored so easily.




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Tommy still didn't understand what was going on somehow.



Oh... why does everybody want to find out where we are...? I thought we would be pretty used to this place by now...


Tommy looked at his guitar and a tear ran down his cheek.



...is it because you guys think I suck at the guitar?



Tommy... that's not why...





Tommy dropped his guitar to the ground, got down on his knees and started crying.



TOMMY... (sigh)

Image result for howard dean yell gif





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10 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy still didn't understand what was going on somehow.



Oh... why does everybody want to find out where we are...? I thought we would be pretty used to this place by now...


Tommy looked at his guitar and a tear ran down his cheek.



...is it because you guys think I suck at the guitar?



Tommy... that's not why...





Tommy dropped his guitar to the ground, got down on his knees and started crying.



TOMMY... (sigh)

Nemesis twisted her head to shoot a death glare at Tommy.





She returned her attention to the young male.



Nemesis: Please excuse him, he isn't used to everything yet.

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