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about the guild vs archive war


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about the guild vs archive war

http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/ <Mod edit: Blacklisted URL removed>

archive rank 38,852 -> 38,396


guild rank 50,736 -> 50,834


it seems like guild got pretty much wrecked in this war and archive is now leading by a landslide

the irony is they censored archive because they hoped to contain its popularity, but it turned out it backfired right at them


I think guild decline is logical, formus have been dying for a long time, people are all over social medias nowadays

it's obvious guild which is nothing more than a plain ass old forum has no future, so yeah RIP guild


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May I ask what the purpose of this thread is, other then bashing the guild?


Statistics mean nothing, many people still visit both sites, some people, such as myself, just prefer some sites over others, that doesn't make the other site any better then the other. Mugen is not about which site is better, it's about creating content for everyone to enjoy, characters, stages, etc. 


Stuff like this, all this drama is one of the main reason why the Mugen community as a whole is in decline. 

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I simply report the outcome of a very important dispute in the mugen community, the operation "kill mugenarchive" is a failure, mugen archive is now stronger than ever, leader of all mugen sites,  and site which started the war is now weaker and lost leadership


it is very important for people to know that


and it's guild who started the drama nobody else, so blame guild for the drama


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Bored, were you? Needed some attention? It's hilarious that you even consider it a war, but then again, you're literally the only person who keeps kicking up the dust.


Loads of site views? Well duh, people come looking for MUGEN downloads and pornographic content.

Loads of users? People having to sign up to download stuff.
Loads of forum activity? People having to post in the forums just to get their rank high enough to bypass download restrictions.


Mystery solved. Now zip it.

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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15 minutes ago, Jirobou said:

I simply report the outcome of a very important dispute in the mugen community, the operation "kill mugenarchive" is a failure, mugen archive is now stronger than ever, leader of all mugen sites,  and site which started the war is now weaker and lost leadership


it is very important for people to know that


and it's guild who started the drama nobody else, so blame guild for the drama

 I see no importance in any of this, your literally beating a dead horse here, it's like what GarchompMatt said, the only reason why MA see's more traffic is due to people having to upload characters to reach a specific rank, that way they their is no limit to how much they can download. As far as I'm concerned this so called war is long over and your adding fuel to a fire that has been put out a long time ago.

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6 hours ago, GarchompMatt said:

Bored, were you? Needed some attention? It's hilarious that you even consider it a war, but then again, you're literally the only person who keeps kicking up the dust.


Loads of site views? Well duh, people come looking for MUGEN downloads and pornographic content.

Loads of users? People having to sign up to download stuff.
Loads of forum activity? People having to post in the forums just to get their rank high enough to bypass download restrictions.


Mystery solved. Now zip it.


what is your point? archive traffic and community not legitimate?

if true then why i can't post on guild without an account, surely their community is not legitimate then right?

why i can't edit mugen wiki without an account surely their community is not legitimate either right?

why I'm not an admin of wiki by default, why do I have to earn that privilege this is unfair

that nonsense has no end, each site has different restrictions for different user classes, period


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54 minutes ago, Darkflare said:

In terms of having an actual community, Guild has Archive beaten by miles.


And the fact that you claim that Guild started the drama proves further that you lack analytical skills and that you're a white knight for Archive.


point #1 : archive has currently more member and more user activity items than guild, just look at their respective activity streams, so you're very misinformed to say the least


point #2 : You seem to be a very manipulated child for thinking otherwise, guild did start operation "kill archive" and they just ended killing themselves by isolating themselves from what was bound to become the most popular mugen site, guild thought people are  stupid and just saying "archive is evil" was enough to keep people away from it LMAO, but guess what people are not stupid they know where the good stuff is, they don't care about an ass old forum like guild which is isolated from good mugen sites, and that's why they are dying now


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1 hour ago, Jirobou said:


what is your point? archive traffic and community not legitimate?

if true then why i can't post on guild without an account, surely their community is not legitimate then right?

why i can't edit mugen wiki without an account surely their community is not legitimate either right?

why I'm not an admin of wiki by default, why do I have to earn that privilege this is unfair

that nonsense has no end, each site has different restrictions for different user classes, period

Yeah but the restrictions are different each other you can join a community to post or edit (which is practical) while archive you have to join  then get a high rank to download. The restrictions are a lot more unfair and greedy imo and Garchomp has a point here the only reason why Archive has more members is because of those restrictions, Guild and Wiki don't because they're restrictions aren't strict about getting a file someone really wants.


54 minutes ago, Jirobou said:


point #1 : archive has currently more member and more user activity items than guild, just look at their respective activity streams, so you're very misinformed to say the least


point #2 : You seem to be a very manipulated child for thinking otherwise, guild did start operation "kill archive" and they just ended killing themselves by isolating themselves from what was bound to become the most popular mugen site, guild thought people are  stupid and just saying "archive is evil" was enough to keep people away from it LMAO, but guess what people are not stupid they know where the good stuff is, they don't care about an ass old forum like guild which is isolated from good mugen sites, and that's why they are dying now

Please no name calling and no attacking another site or this thread might get closed. 

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This thread should be closed anyway. It's just a silly user trying to play soldier in a war that doesn't exist.

59 minutes ago, Jirobou said:


what is your point? archive traffic and community not legitimate?

if true then why i can't post on guild without an account, surely their community is not legitimate then right?

why i can't edit mugen wiki without an account surely their community is not legitimate either right?

why I'm not an admin of wiki by default, why do I have to earn that privilege this is unfair

that nonsense has no end, each site has different restrictions for different user classes, period

Please don't be stupid.

Both the Guild's and the Database's content is unrestricted to everyone; you do not need an account to view and/or download content from either website, only if you wish to participate in their respective communities.

The Archive is primarily a warehouse, yet access to its content is restricted; people are effectively required to create an account and post in the forums just to bypass any download restrictions.

Your remark about site moderation is legitimately one of the dumbest things I've ever read and I can't be bothered to dignify it with an actual response.

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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@GarchompMatt forums and wikis do have content restrictions though, such as admin restricted forums & space


anyway all download sites have restrictions, because that might come as a surprise to you but bandwidth is expensive and making everything unlimited for everyone, means certain death for the server


mugen wiki is hosted by wikia and paid by ads so they don't pay shit, guild is just a forum with low bandwidth and hosted on a home computer in mom's basement so don't they pay shit either

archive on the other hand has high bandwidth high storage, and expensive server fees so their specific content restrictions are entirely legitimate I would guess


unless you're willing to buy them unlimited server resources to provide unrestricted content, your complains are silly and useless


too much restrictions and no restriction at all both lead to certain death for a site, so archive being now the biggest and most successful mugen site ought to mean their settings are correct and reasonable, that's all there is to it, only end result matters


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1 hour ago, Jirobou said:

@GarchompMatt forums and wikis do have content restrictions though, such as admin restricted forums & space

Because regular users have no need to be there, since they exist for admins to discuss private matters; the actual part of the website people are interested in is fully viewable. You go to a wiki to read articles about the wiki's topic, not to see what the admins are up to; similarly, you go to a forum for its help topics or to see what new content has shown up.


You go to the Archive to download content, yet a lot of that content isn't accessible. What does restricting user access have to do with paying for the site's servers?

Also, do you really feel the Archive needs you going around making topics like these just to stay relevant? I mean, what part of this was necessary?

1 hour ago, Jirobou said:

guild is just a forum with low bandwidth and hosted on a home computer in mom's basement so don't they pay shit either

In fact, what part of this entire thread was necessary? You're beating the dead horse's ghost's ectoplasm at this point.

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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1 hour ago, Jirobou said:

@GarchompMatt forums and wikis do have content restrictions though, such as admin restricted forums & space


anyway all download sites have restrictions, because that might come as a surprise to you but bandwidth is expensive and making everything unlimited for everyone, means certain death for the server


mugen wiki is hosted by wikia and paid by ads so they don't pay shit, guild is just a forum with low bandwidth and hosted on a home computer in mom's basement so don't they pay shit either

archive on the other hand has high bandwidth high storage, and expensive server fees so their specific content restrictions are entirely legitimate I would guess


unless you're willing to buy them unlimited server resources to provide unrestricted content, your complains are silly and useless


too much restrictions and no restriction at all both lead to certain death for a site, so archive being now the biggest and most successful mugen site ought to mean their settings are correct and reasonable, that's all there is to it, only end result matters

(Sigh) their is really no point in trying to explain this to you.


From what I'm getting from this is that you either:


A: have a personal grudge against MFG, or.....


B: enjoying causing drama just to get a thrill.


Imo I don't care about the statistics because they are never 100% accurate, as they change constantly.  Do you like Mugen Free For All? Fine. Mugen Fighters Guild? Fine. Mugen Archive? Fine. Mugen Multiverse? Fine. CrusaderCast? Fine. But saying that MA is the best and constantly ignoring bashing other sites is wrong a thousand times over.  Just take everyone's opinion as is, don't just try listing reason after reason why MA is the best.


Opinions are  like a**holes, everyone has one, but for some reason you think yours is the most special brown eye surprise out their.

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10 minutes ago, White Ranger said:

From what I'm getting from this is that you either:

A: have a personal grudge against MFG, or.....

B: enjoying causing drama just to get a thrill.


A is correct I guess, I despise guild, why should I deny it, they always think highly of themselves, brainwash their users, they think they're better but all they do is start drama and wars like a bunch of little children


archive isn't even my favorite mugen site, but I hate guild so much I'm glad to see they got wrecked really hard, they always think they can crush anyone and anything, that they rule all of mugen, well no luck this time they got rekt like a bunch of lowlifes, and the funny thing is they fucked themselves this time,archive didn't even have to lift a finger


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3 hours ago, Jirobou said:


point #1 : archive has currently more member and more user activity items than guild, just look at their respective activity streams, so you're very misinformed to say the least


point #2 : You seem to be a very manipulated child for thinking otherwise, guild did start operation "kill archive" and they just ended killing themselves by isolating themselves from what was bound to become the most popular mugen site, guild thought people are  stupid and just saying "archive is evil" was enough to keep people away from it LMAO, but guess what people are not stupid they know where the good stuff is, they don't care about an ass old forum like guild which is isolated from good mugen sites, and that's why they are dying now

Point #1 - Yea, members that only register solely to download characters. Activity? If you count shitposting as activity, then yea you're right. Sorry kid, this one's a case of quantity vs. quality


Point #2 - Resorting to petty insults, sticking to false infornation, putting a lmao in thetr. Damn kid, you're making this too easy. You've already put your credibility down the toilet. The only thing Guild did was warn people that Archive was using ad.fly links for their downloads and that said ad.fly links ran the risk of infecting your computer. A Mugen character is not worth risking losing your comouter over. As for Guild being isolated from good mugen sites. That's quite an amusing thought. I've seen plenty of sites link back to Guild including a few japanese ones. Old ass Guild is still goibg strong, still has plebty of activity on a daily basis and has shown no sign of slowing down yet.


Sorry kid, you're grasping at straws here your arguments hold no weight to them and manipulated child? Yea, I bet you see one when you look in the mirror.


Just a deluded Archive White Knight looking to stir up some drama.

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6 minutes ago, GarchompMatt said:

Meanwhile, this thread...


that's just your opinion, I made this thread to provide objective info and data about the state of an important conflict in the mugen community


this is just an information thread not a drama thread


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2 minutes ago, Darkflare said:

Point #1 - Yea, members that only register solely to download characters. Activity? If you count shitposting as activity, then yea you're right. Sorry kid, this one's a case of quantity vs. quality


Point #2 - Resorting to petty insults, sticking to false infornation, putting a lmao in thetr. Damn kid, you're making this too easy. You've already put your credibility down the toilet. The only thing Guild did was warn people that Archive was using ad.fly links for their downloads and that said ad.fly links ran the risk of infecting your computer. A Mugen character is not worth risking losing your comouter over. As for Guild being isolated from good mugen sites. That's quite an amusing thought. I've seen plenty of sites link back to Guild including a few japanese ones. Old ass Guild is still goibg strong, still has plebty of activity on a daily basis and has shown no sign of slowing down yet.


Sorry kid, you're grasping at straws here your arguments hold no weight to them and manipulated child? Yea, I bet you see one when you look in the mirror.


Just a deluded Archive White Knight looking to stir up some drama.


the adfly thing again lol, nice you bring that up like a good brainwashed guild child


this is perfect example of guild brainwashing their users, they make something up, despite being proven wrong by online scans, guild users get brainwashed, if they dispute the official truth of guild with evidence, like online virus scan, they get banned, like in the darkest most fanatic dictatorships


and this is just one example among other guild "TRUTH"

-mugen 1.0 is what you must use, other mugen versions are evil

-AI must not be hard, otherwise it is evil

-MMV is an evil site, and their affiliate are bad people (because we're butthurt they're a better site)

-MA is an evil site, and their affiliate are bad people (because we're butthurt they're a better site)



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