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Platinum The Trinity release


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Im pretty sure the note to increase the helpermax is because of the intensive use of helpers in this character that would cause it to bug out if played with mugen's default settings. Some source-accurate Touhou characters also have instructions to increase the helpermax for the same reason.

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I'm kinda on the fence about characters that have the be custom set for mugen, mainly because they tend to wreck the game or affect other characters. I'm hoping This will be a change in the right direction as I've been wanting to try out this character for quite some time.

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What? FUCK! Why does live have to fuck me in the ass so hard?
Why cannot MUGEN 1.0 just have a good Platinum? Why? WHY?!

You seriously need to stop whining about creations being 1.1 exclusive, Trin. You've done this again and again despite being told several times to stop. This is like the third time this year you've complained about it in one of Websta's release threads too.

Just upgrade to 1.1 already, or keep your complaints of version exclusivity to yourself. 


That One Zio said:

a furious as fuck shoto against a dictator that's supposed to be dead but came back for no raisin

The King and the Zio said:

invisible sonic booms are the way of the future

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