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[GR Style] Ten characters updated (11/25/21, Thanksgiving Update)


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Reimu and Yuyuko updated

Reimu changes:



06/04/16 - Version 2016.06.06

Changes from Version 2016.06.04:


- Corrected awkward AI behavior when blocking.
- Rain Dance: Corrected bug in air version where Reimu could fall through the ground.




Yuyuko changes:



06/06/15 - Version 2016.06.06

Changes from Version 2016.06.05


- Light of the Undead: Fixed interactivity with Yukari's Ride the Waves.
- Light of the Undead: Fixed issue where lasers would duplicate when landing from air version.
- Ghost Butterfly: Fixed issue where butterflies would duplicate when landing from air version.




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Komachi updated




06/08/16 - Version 2016.06.08

Changes from Version 2016.05.17


- Spirits of the Firm: Is now properly absorbed by Yukari's Ride the Waves.
- The Endless Way: Is no longer absorbed by Yukari's Ride the Waves.
- "Scythe of Final Judgement": Damage increased (380 -> 400).
- "Scythe of Final Judgement": Is no longer absorbed by Yukari's Ride the Waves.
- "Short Life Expectancy": Startup reduced by 3f.
- "Short Life Expectancy": Now deals an additional static 50 damage in addition to its normal damage.



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Eirin updated




06/09/16 - Version 2016.06.09

Changes from Version 2016.04.28:


- Revamped juggle system.
- Fixed control bug in palette & spellcard selection.
- Burst Shot: Air version startup increased by 3f.
- Omoikane's Brain: Is no longer absorbed by Yukari's Ride the Waves.
- "Apollo 13": Now applies 92.5% proration when comboed into.
- "Genealogy of the Skyborn": Removed. Replaced with Genius Sign "Lunar Weapon -Brahmastra-"



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  • 2 weeks later...

Koishi updated. Fixes a major bug that was recently discovered.


06/20/16 - Version 2016.06.20

Changes from Version 2016.05.27


- Catch & Rose: Can no longer become "detached" from Koishi.
- Catch & Rose: Rose now releases opponent if Koishi is somehow hit.



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Utsuho updated




06/21/16 - Version 2016.06.21

Changes from Version 2016.06.02


- Control Rod: Fixed bug where Utsuho would not fire projectile at certain times.
- Rocket Dive: Charged versions will no longer prevent Utsuho from being KOed.



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  • 2 weeks later...
18 minutes ago, Ricepigeon said:

And that's a bug how?


Anyways, Sanae reuploaded. Fixed a bug involving her victory quotes.

I find it off, in the same way as Akuma SGSing M.Bison/Vega while M.Bison/Vega watches is off. (Reference to using Warusaki's Akuma against any M. Bison/Vega)

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During one of her taunts (the one where she doesn't pull a smug expression), part of the dress shares a colour with the lines on the top of her outfit.




With your other characters, it is not possible to move until the landing animation has finished, yet Sanae can move the moment she lands.


I find it peculiar that you can combo into Sanae's level 1s, but she still suffers the cornerpush from the previous attack, often causing them to miss; saying that, halting cornerpush upon activating a Hyper seems to be an inconsistent thing with your characters, so I guess it's intentional, but the cornerpush itself seems a lot more than your other characters'.

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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Sanae updated, some balance tweaks and bugfixes ahoy




07/06/16 - Version 2016.07.06


Changes from Version 2016.07.04.01

- Wind Gauge regeneration speed increased.
- Wind Gauge no longer recharges while Sanae is airborne.
- Corrected animation error when Sanae gets up from knockdown.
- Wind Goddess ~ Thrust: No longer preserves Sanae's vertical momentum at beginning of dash.
- Wind Goddess ~ Thrust: Now causes Soft Knockdown.
- Wind Call: Now causes Soft Knockdown.
- Omikuji Bomb (Bad Luck): Corrected glitch in projectile homing.
- Esoterica "Forgotten Ritual": Corrected misplaced effects.



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Sanae and Lie Meiling updated:


Sanae changes:



07/07/16 - Version 2016.07.07

Changes from Version 2016.07.06


- Wind Goddess ~ Thrust: Corrected air version's inability to cause Soft Knockdowns.




Lie Meiling changes:



07/07/16 - Version 2016.07.07

Changes from Version 2016.05.19


- Throw: Corrected forward throw's inability to KO opponent.
- 5z: Startup decreased by 1f.
- Air 2y: Hitstun decreased by 2f, blockstun reduced by 4f.
- Ultraviolet Flip ~ Divekick: Hitstun decreased by 2f, blockstun reduced by 4f.
- Ultraviolet Flip ~ Divekick: Corrected bug where Lie Meiling regains control early upon landing.
- Descending Dragon Slam: Z version startup decreased by 1f.
- Piercing Heaven "Youkai Armageddon": Now costs 3000 power. Command changed to U,U,x+y+z
- Piercing Heaven "Youkai Armageddon": Minimum damage scaling increased to 100%
- Piercing Heaven "Youkai Armageddon": Damage increased (355 -> 420)
- Piercing Heaven "Youkai Armageddon": Startup decreased by 1f.
- "Descent of the Black Dragon": Damage increased (420 -> 430)



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  • 5 weeks later...

Byakuren updated. Rebalances and retweaks her stock mechanic somewhat.




08/06/16 - Version 2016.08.06

Changes from Version 2016.05.28


- Byakuren can now store partial charges. Visible gauge added showing both charge progress and
  time remaining for 'Superhuman "Byakuren Hijiri"'.
- Skill Declare: command changed to X+Y+Z.
- Skill Declare: Animation time drastically changed. Minimum total animation time reduced to 17f.
- Skill Declare: Normals can now be cancelled into Skill Declare.
- Skill Declare: Gains slight boost to charge speed when cancelled into from normals.
- Durga's Soul: Startup time reduced to 33f.
- Durga's Soul: Effects changed.
- Durga's Soul: Hitbox size increased.
- Dance of Hanuman: Forward velocity & hit velocity increased.
- Dance of Hanuman: Horizontal hitbox size on all versions increased.
- Dance of Hanuman: Sword effect size increased. Sounds renewed.
- Virupaska's Eye: Startup invincibility time increased by 3f on all versions.



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Patchouli updated


08/07/16 - Version 2016.08.07

Changes from Version 2016.01.06


- Corrected control bug in palette selection.
- Life increased (850 -> 900).
- Walk speed slightly increased.
- Jumping gravity increased.
- 5y: Damage per hit increased (30 -> 35).
- Throw/Back Throw: Opponent now bounces off the ground.
- Throw/Back Throw: Startup decreased by 1f.
- Spring Wind: Startup time on all versions decreased by 2f. Startup invincibility decreased by 2f.
- Spring Wind [Z Version]: Now has additional 16f of Projectile invincibility at startup.
- Dew Spear: Now causes Groundbounce.
- Winter Element: Vertical size increased on both normal and Philosopher's Stone versions.



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Hong Meiling updated




08/08/16 - Version 2016.08.08

Changes from Version 2016.01.07


- Fixed control issues during palette selection.
- Revised hitboxes on many animations.
- Resolved issues with Fall teching.
- 5x: Startup decreased by 1f.
- 2y: Opponent now recovers at peak of launch.
- New Command Normal: 4y & j.4y.
- 5z: Startup decreased by 1f.
- 2z: Fixed issue with applying additional proration on hit.
- 3z: Startup on non-Tiger version decreased by 1f.
- 6z: Startup decreased by 1f.
- Throw/Backthrow: Startup decreased by 1f.
- Fixed issues with certain Specials causing Hard Knockdown instead of Soft Knockdown, except for Scarlet Cannon [Tiger Strength].
- Fixed inability to cancel dashes into specials and supers.
- Scarlet Cannon [X Version]: Now has startup invincibility.
- Scarlet Cannon [Y Version]: Now has upper body invincibility.
- Cyclone Light Step: Startup on all non-Fierce Tiger versions decreased by 1f.
- Descending Flower Slam: Damage on all versions increased (X/Y: 80 -> 100, Z: 100 -> 120)



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Alice updated




Version 2016.08.10

Changes from Version 2016.04.30:


- Fixed control bug during spellcard selection.
- Throw/Back Throw: Hitbox size increased. Opponent now bounces off the ground.
- Doll Arrangement: Removed. Replaced with Thousand Spear Dolls (B,D,DB + X/Y/Z).
- Doll Set: Can now be hit by an opponent's non-throw attacks.
- Doll Set: Number of dolls Alice can have onscreen increased to 2.
- Doll Activation: Doll velocity increased.
- "Goliath Doll MkII": Fixed lag glitch in IKEMEN.



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Yuyuko updated




08/12/15 - Version 2016.08.12

Changes from Version 2016.06.06


- BUGFIX: Corrected behaviors with Soft Knockdowns and resets.
- Fixed Fall tech behavior.
- j.2z: Added 10f recovery lag upon landing.
- j.2z: Hitstun reduced by 1f.
- Light of the Undead: fixed bug with hitspark positioning.
- Light of the Undead: Now causes Soft Knockdown



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Alice updated again




Version 2016.08.13

Changes from Version 2016.08.10:


- 2y: Recovery reduced by 3f.
- Fixed issues with Ground teching.
- Fixed bug where specials would cause Hard Knockdown.
- Doll Set: Fixed bug where dolls would return to Alice if previous doll was destroyed.
- Volatile Doll: Vertical hit velocity decreased.
- Thousand Spear Dolls [X Version]: Hit velocity of first three hits decreased.
- "Return Inanimate": Is now properly absorbed by Yukari Yakumo's "Ride the Waves".



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