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Trophy Ranking System for Contributors

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Ok, so I have this idea that I think might make for some good fun. The basic idea is to sort of make becoming a mugen creator and reputable forum member like a game in and of itself, where you get "trophies" for various contributions to the community.  It's a bit lofty, but on the positive side I think it would provide some good incentives for people to create content.  Not to mention a lot of other fun and productive benefits.

So here's how I'm thinking to go about it. Create a topic with a list similar to this:

  __/ Character Creator


Bronze = create 1 playable character (not a sprite swap, that would be an edit)
Silver = create 3 playable characters
Gold = create 5 playable characters
Platinum = create 10 playable characters


__/ Stage Creator

[trophy images here for the rest of the titles]

Bronze = create 5 decent stages
Silver = create 15 stages
Gold = create 50 stages
Platinum = create 100 stages

__/ Motif Master
Bronze = create a set of life bars
Silver = create a screen pack with an intro and ending
Gold = create 3 screen packs with multiple slot numbers
Platinum = create 5 screen packs with life bars

__/ Sprite Artist
Bronze = Create a set of 12 sprite edits
Silver = Sprite a new attack for an existing character
Gold = Hand sprite an entire character
Platinum = Hand sprite 3 characters and 3 large portraits

__/ Palette Master
Bronze = Create 5 complete palette sets (6 or 12? palettes) for different existing characters
Silver = Create 25 complete palette sets for existing characters
Gold = Color separate a character and create 50 complete palette sets
Platinum = Color separate 3 characters and create 100 complete palette sets

__/ Portrait Artist
Bronze = Create 5 large or small portraits
Silver = Create 25 large portraits
Gold = Create 50 large and 25 small or custom portraits
Platinum = Create 100 large portraits, at least 25 of which are custom

__/ Content Editor
Bronze = make a different number of slots patch for an existing screen pack
Silver = remove all bugs and properly align the animations and clsns for 3 existing "misaligned" characters
Gold = add one hyper and one special to 3 existing characters and add zoom to 3 existing stages
Platinum = completely debug and upgrade 5 existing characters and stages to finished status answering all relevant feedback

__/ Mugen Sensei
Bronze = Answer 5 help topics (correctly)
Silver = Answer 15 help topics
Gold = Make a contribution to the code library and answer 25 help topics
Platinum = Make a tutorial and answer 50 help topics

__/ Social Sage
Bronze = Peacefully defuse 3 conflicts
Silver = Earn 150 reputation points  
Gold = Go 500 posts without getting any warning points (starting whenever)
Platinum = Get nominated and have 5 supporting votes

__/ Stand Alone Ranks
Vault Hunter = Post 3 hidden or hard to find characters to the warehouse collections
Story Teller = Create 12 endings for existing characters (or all chars from a single game)
Sprite Seeker = Link to a previously unreleased or unknown sprite set.
Image Ripper = For contributing your sprite rips of either a full character, stage, or motif.
Games Critic = Get nominated + 3 supporting votes for demonstrating excellent taste and knowledge of gaming
Code Ninja = Get nominated + 3 supporting votes for consistently demonstrating excellent knowledge of mugen coding
Peace Keeper = Get nominated + 3 supporting votes for defusing multiple conflicts and not being a dick
Mugen Legend = Get nominated + 5 supporting votes for being around for a while and contributing high quality content
Tech Savvy = Create a character with and air throw, hunter chain, alpha counter and parry
                       and an animated hr stage with super jump and either zoom or parallax


Logistics:  Create a thread where people can submit links for review if they think they've earned a particular title or rank, or if they think someone else has.  Start the topic off by saying "Review may take some time, please be patient." Leave it public and let forum members verify and discuss whether or not they think the person should earn it.  Occasionally a vote may be necessary to decide, but of course sometimes minds change too.  Sort of a democracy set up so people would know that if a person has a title they actually earned it, they didn't just minimally fulfill whatever requirements.  If the contributor does earns the rank, they can copy the link to the trophy and paste it in the "About Me" section of their profile, or their signature depending on their taste.  It would obviously be working on an honor system here, but I think that would say something in and of itself.

Steps:  First thing would be to start a thread for people to discuss what the qualifications for different ranks should be, as well as what titles should exist altogether.  Next anyone who wants to could create, submit and vote on trophy icons.  Then, once the titles and level requirements are set and the trophy icons are created, open up the "promotion democracy" thread, and let people have at it.  It would basically run itself once it got going, and I'd be willing to see to getting it off the ground if enough people are actually interested.



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as cool as that would be Idk if ryon is not lazy enough to keep track of these things lol. I do support this idea though Even staff could have extra shit on their profile from it. Not a fan of ryu though.


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I completely disagree with the idea of ranking members per quantity of work. For me, a single good-quality work means much more than 50 half-assed and hastly delivered and unfinished projects. The old system took care of this pretty well.


EDIT: BTW, what's with this "Miserable pile of secrets" in my profile?


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  If the contributor does earns the rank, they can copy the link to the trophy and paste it in the "About Me" section of their profile, or their signature depending on their taste.  It would obviously be working on an honor system here, but I think that would say something in and of itself.


Not necessarily has to be staff, all you will earn, is the "right" to post a trophy image at your profile.(not ranks created by staff like Author, Creator, etc..) , therefore, anyone willing can help.

The idea seems ok, that, if everyone follows the rules (I mean, anyone would be able to post the trophies without actually doing anything)

Yes, quality over quantity.



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Im all for recognition.

But I don't feel we need to recognize when people make a FEW characters, its nothing amazing.

The people I do recognize I give them there own section. I think that speaks for itself.

Myself I've got about 50 characters under my belt.

- Characters -  / - Stages - / - Screenpacks - / - Lifebars - / - Fonts - / - Full Games - / - Templates -


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I have to say I'm pretty stoked with you guys response to the idea.

Yea I think a Kung-Fu man trophy would certainly be more appropriate.  I just kind of grabbed a Ryu off google images and Gimped up a quick 10 min demo to show you guys basically what I was envisioning by the word "trophy".   Really what I think we should do is have a public discussion of different ideas for all the trophies pics, ranks and titles until everyone's satisfied.

No extra work on the staffs part at all, this thing would be completely handled by any and all members interested in it.

As far as I can tell, and correct me if I'm wrong Ryon but, Ryon's dismissal of the idea was in regards to using it as the official ranking system. 

He had a thread where he was just asking for titles based on post count, and I suggested this not understanding fully what he was looking for.   A couple people really seemed to like the idea, so I just figured if the trophies went somewhere else, no staff involvement was necessary.  So I thumbed through the profile, and figured the About Me section or the Signature was the next best spot, and it makes the whole thing hands free for the staff.  No extra work for them, just a fun democratic system of recognition for peoples hard work.

@Ryon:  Yea I hear you, 10 playable characters for a platinum rank might be a bit soft.  I think that's why we need a group discussion about the qualifications for the specific ranks.  Like I said tho, I'd be willing to head up that part of it until it gets going.  Once it's going it should essentially run itself.  So what do you say, do we have your permission to start trying to get this thing off the ground?



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