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Wario WIP by RobotMonkeyHead

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@DarkWolf13:  Targetbind fixed.  Those commands don't look like they'll interfere with anything that's in place, but if you run into any difficulty switching them over I'll be happy to help.  And yes the opponent can tech hit out of the throws, relatively easily given the chain potential.  Throw attempt has 10 frame start up followed by 12 frame grab / escape window.  Hold any single directional for 10 of the 12 frames (can switch during) or tap a+x, b+y or c+z.



Here's the last beta I'm going to upload for testing purposes before the actual release.  It has parry, alpha counter, focus attack, focus canceling and 4 ground throws.  Check the change log file for other updates to the code and the Moves List + Strategy file for details on the game play.  Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Download Updated WarioRMH_Beta2




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Awesome! Nice job on making him seem like a completely different character. Although, he freezes up in a lot of states, like dashing, the Odd Swoosh Attack, and his taunt. His motorcycle also causes enemies to freeze up if they are hit by it, too, and if blocked, it would turn into Wario. And, he has a ground pound air hyper that doesn't really hurt all that much, too. It doesn't seem to be listed in the Move List file, either, and I was able to do it out of hitstun. Also, after winning with his new focus attack, this happened: mugen002_zps2yovsv3u.png


He kept slowly sliding left, too. Sometimes, the clones would vanish and a new set would appear. Another thing is that a little before I won, the 100 Hand Wimp Slap became electric based. Was that intentional? But, thanks for all of the edits. so far.

Everything close to me fades away. (Insert emoji here)


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Awesome! Nice job on making him seem like a completely different character. Although, he freezes up in a lot of states, like dashing, the Odd Swoosh Attack, and his taunt. His motorcycle also causes enemies to freeze up if they are hit by it, too, and if blocked, it would turn into Wario. And, he has a ground pound air hyper that doesn't really hurt all that much, too. It doesn't seem to be listed in the Move List file, either, and I was able to do it out of hitstun. Also, after winning with his new focus attack, this happened:


He kept slowly sliding left, too. Sometimes, the clones would vanish and a new set would appear. Another thing is that a little before I won, the 100 Hand Wimp Slap became electric based. Was that intentional? But, thanks for all of the edits. so far.

Thanks very much for the complements and feedback.  I know he's not exactly what you originally asked for, but I'm glad you're enjoying the changes so far.

*Freeze on dash:  I was able to replicate this by entering a focus attack during the dash.  This should be an easy fix.

*Freeze on odd swoosh thing:   I still haven't even touched the hypers, so whatever's going on there will almost certainly get worked out.

*Freeze on taunt:  I wasn't able to replicate this.  Does it happen every time?

*Motorcycle causes enemies to freeze:  Fixed.  Silly last minute mistake, forgot to change custom state number.

*Motorcycle turns into Wario when blocked:  I wasn't able to replicate that. Does this happen every time for you?

*Ground pound hyper damage low:  It's actually very likely going to be turned into a special, down +attack in the air.  I didn't add it in the moves list yet because I haven't touched it really.

*Winning with focus attack causes screen to go nuts:  I wasn't able to reproduce that either.  Again, does it happen every time for you, or only in certain instances?

*100 hand wimp slap electrified:  That's supposed to be an effect that Dark Wario has.  It's also on his dash attack, so it is sort of intentional. It's only triggered by a vairable in Wario's config file tho, which should be hard coded to off.  That, along with some other stuff you mentioned makes me wonder if the character you're testing him against is affecting his variables somehow.

What character and stage are you testing him on?  What version of mugen are you running?



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Nah, I turned Dark Wario on. I tried him on like 7 different stages, as well as with different characters each time. Mostly, if you press Start after K.O. he'll freeze in whatever animation he was in last and generate clones, I did it with his taunt, Piledriver, grab, Focus Attack as well as some others. The motorcycle thing turns out like this and seems to happen every time it happened, no matter who I tested it on:



The taunt freeze only seemed to happen that once, though. Every time Odd Swoosh finishes, Wario gets frozen, though. I use 1.0, not sure which sub-version.

Everything close to me fades away. (Insert emoji here)


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Ok I was finally able to replicate the clones bug after k.o.  Pressing start was what I was missing.  I'll see if I can get that taken care of tonight.  EDIT:  I see what was going on.  I had some code started for an in game moves list that used taunt to trigger.  That should be fixed now.

 As for the Motorcycle problems and the dash freeze, silly mistakes.  I made a couple changes right before I uploaded the 2nd beta and I just missed a few state names.  I fixed those and updated the download link, if you want to see if the fixes work on your end.

The only problems left of the ones you pointed out should be the hypers, and again I haven't even touched those yet so don't worry about them too much.



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4 air throws implemented, all similar in style to the ground throws that share their same button combination.


____/ AIR THROWS                    ___/ GROUND THROWS
1) Spin pile driver   x+y               1) Spin       x+y

2) Air roll                 y+z               2) Roll        y+z

3) Air slam              b+c               3) Slam      b+c

4) Air toss               a+b               4) Toss       a+b


The throw chaining works in the same 4 throw pattern, whether you start in the air or on the ground.  Each throw can be chained only to the next number in the sequence above.  spin > roll > slam > toss, beginning with any one you want.  You could think of their order as a circle on the button pad.


      1   ->   2
(X )     (Y )     (Z )

(A )     (B )     (C )

      4   <-   3



The air pile driver and air roll can also be chained into the next ground counterparts in the sequence.  e.g  pile-driver > roll > slam > toss     or    air roll > slam > toss.


Throws are chained by pressing their command right before the previous throw terminates.  20 tic window, to be exact.  Pressing them to early means you do not get another chance to press them at the right time, so mashing is not an option.  Pressing other buttons accidentally doesn't forfeit your chance to press the right ones.


Obviously starting with spin does the most damage, but there are other advantages worth considering.  If you miss the link on a spin it has no juggle potential, unlike a roll or a toss, which also might make them worth ending on.  Slam leaves the opponent very close which makes it a suitable ender in some circumstances.  It's also very quick which can make it a decent stand-alone. 

It's also possible with a more difficult command "up, down, x+y" to chain the pile-driver into the ground spin resulting in a 5 throw chain, rather than 4 (spinning pile-driver > spin > roll > slam > toss) for a little extra mayhem.


SPRI YAR ZON, did those fixes work out ok for you?



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Yeah, for the most part. Occasionally, he'll still freeze in taunt after K.O, but that's probably my fault. I keep pressing Start after I win, it's just kinda hard not to...

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Yeah, for the most part. Occasionally, he'll still freeze in taunt after K.O, but that's probably my fault. I keep pressing Start after I win, it's just kinda hard not to...

Na, that's not your fault, I'll look into it today and see if I can fish out what you're talking about.  Thanks.



Already plays smoother than the other version!


However, when the QCF + X+Y hyper connects, the opponent goes away from Wario and isn't being held (Was this a problem with the original character?).

Glad you like so far.  Now that the throws are finished, I'll be starting on the hypers very soon, so that's going to get bulldozed, paved, and rebuilt from the ground up resembling its original form, like almost everything else.




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just wondering do you have any sprites of him opening his mouth? He could eat things like in smash as well, just a suggestion.


I would also love to help you with hyper/super ideas unless you alredy came up with them lemme know dude :).


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Here's what I've got to work with in terms of sprites.  Plus the frankensprites that were already in his file.  I've already processed / paletted all of his sprites from that site, so anything there that wasn't originally in the character is accessible now as well. 

If there isn't some with his mouth open, I can easily make them.  I like that idea. 

As for his hypers, now would be a perfect time for suggestions.  I just finished processing all those sheets so I could use the sprites to create some new ones.  I want to do something with the snowball (roll across the screen, then drop from above and explode probably), and something with the fire (self immolate, then run around back and forth a few times, center out on the screen and burst into flames probably) and I also was thinking of having him drop that submarine on the opponent from the top of the screen. 

That's about all I've got so far tho, any more ideas from you would be more than welcome.




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one of wariors customs is "Garlic breath" it stuns the opponent I was thinking make it like a beam of bad breath so to speak.


im saddened his bike isn't there as that would of been a good charge super


I don't much care about the submarine honestly lol.


for a normal move he could do his Bite grab from smash if you plan to sprite those frames anyway, would be pretty funny seeing it in mugen lol.


I was trying to think of a way to incorporate waluigi but idk what sprites would fit this kind of thing.


what about something referencing the gamecube wario game? all about collecting money, not to sure but it would have to do with money or money bags I will brainstorm on how that could work.


I will keep thinking on more ideas with what we have to work with.


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I like the garlic breath thing... I'm not quite sure how to make it work tho.  He already has a move to knock opponents dizzy at close range.  Maybe a belch and a slowly traveling projectile cloud, sort of like Gen-An's poison?

The bike is actually one of his specials already.  It's only 2 sprites tho, I was considering making a few more sprites, a side skid and a wheelie, but that's pretty low on the priority list right now.  I want to get his hypers done first.

For the sub I was thinking it might be cool to fill the stage with water momentarily (just a full screen overlay of light aquamarine tone with some bubbles, and let him drive around in the sub for a bit and shoot at the opponents till they deal enough damage to the sub.  Still not sure about it tho.  I think I'm just trying to figure something out for it cause I have the sprite :)

I don't know about the game cube thing either...  One thing that would certainly be possible for a hyper would be to use one of the bosses, either blooms day, shake king or large fry, and have Wario sort of summon them.  Their sprites are on that site too...



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I would of suggested that staub but those sprites are not in there? unless I am blind and they are then yes that should definitely be part of something.


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Spent pretty much the last 3 days processing Wario's sprites.  I was able to get him down to a 64 color palette, and reloaded all of his sprites 1 by 1 twice (messed up the first time!) and now he's Mostly separated. 

I tried my ass off to get complete color separation, but alas my monkey style Gimp fu was not strong enough.  I think the closest I got was applying a .33 radius gaussian blur which didn't obscure the sprites, but localized the colors so they weren't Exact matches depending on what they were surrounded by.  Still no success. 

He's close to separated tho, and his entire sheet from spriter's resource has been filtered and converted to that 64 color pal, so once the hypers are done and all the sprites are added, the color separation should be easier. 

Anyway, now that all the sprites are accessible and uniform, on to actually coding the hypers.



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I like the ideas so far.  Is there an existing Wario that anyone knows of that has Wario-Man sprites in it?  Or an existing Walouigie that is a similar style to this Wario?

Laharl, for the coins, what about one of those time blocks that make a bunch of coins appear for a limited time (ticker sound effect) and then make it so when Wario get's a coin he throws it at the opponent.  So you sort of have to run around the screen "collecting" all the coins that appear and throwing them at the opponent?

He also does have a bite sprite, and I'm absolutely going to program that projectile eating special.  Also made some wheelie sprites for the bike today.



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Maybe there could be a Shake It! grab, where he shakes coins out of the opponent. Also, another obscure source for attacks is Wario Blast: Featuring Bomberman. He could use bombs.

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He also does have a bite sprite, and I'm absolutely going to program that projectile eating special.


That would be nice."Waro Waft" fart attack raises in effectivity when Wario eats something in SSB4, maybe you can do something with this idea.



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