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Akame_Ga_Kill by AnToR_M updated (08/08/2015)


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Wow, nice sprite. For some reason it looks familiar as if it was edited from another character, but I can't think of who...


EDIT - Alright, the gameplay gave it away. It's Lyn!



What a strange joke you made. :/

Your icon

is Akame, after all!


I thought he was just being tsundere? :P

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Lyn? As in Lyn from Fire Emblem?


Yup! The sfx, stance, and some of the basic specials match Lyn's moves.



I thought it was an edit of Kamui from Arcana Heart.


To be fair, Lyn is also an edit, so... :P (I think from Big Bang Beat character though). 




Looking further into this character, it seems to be not just one edit, but a combination? That or its moves are unique, I'm not too sure. I do like what the author has done with the 'strikers' though.


She definitely needs some tweaking. A palette on her default colour scheme would be nice too.

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Why her super move slow/lag?Problem came from my PC or not"?!


your pc sucks basically. I have some friends who have the same issue I run it fine but I guess lower video cards can't run it as well.


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Damn, i'm a fan of Akame Ga Kill series. I'm really hyped with this char. :D


She become AI controlled when i used her for a while

Akame have a "no AI" mode Ryoucchi. Just retire the "seize_AI" things in the .def file. Also her AI is configurable. ;)


You guys that doesn't know Akame Ga Kill (the manga and the anime aswell), i highly recommend to read/watch it.

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Trying this character.  Liked anime. 


Though it was like if they got George RR. Martin from Game of Thrones to consult with.



"Hey kids, like this character?  DEAD.  Like this one with the cool powers?  DEAD.  Howsabout this one who just got some back story?  DEAD.  Look its almost over and your fave--  DEAD!!!!!"

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