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Street Fighter 5 announced


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Don't pay attention to the "Blanka" text along with the figure he has of him (since "Blanka" is his buddy when it comes to reveal). Pay attention to the little "screen" he has that's behind the Blanka figure.

Screens of said hint:


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Another Street Fighter Zero character? :omg: that is sure surprising :awesome now four more characters left, two new characters and another two return characters left to be announced. They have not reveal any Street Fighter 3's characters yet. Anyway, I don't care which character(s) are announced, all I know is that I will use Ryu to parry all of their attacks :bringitout:

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now four more characters left, two new characters and another two return characters left to be announced.

How many characters for the launch? They have revealed it? If only two returning characters left, well that kinda hard to chose. I only see Alex and Akuma left since Alex was the highest requested character from fans while Akuma is a "must" in SF games. 

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How many characters for the launch? They have revealed it? If only two returning characters left, well that kinda hard to chose. I only see Alex and Akuma left since Alex was the highest requested character from fans while Akuma is a "must" in SF games. 

Maybe Gouki might be hidden character again like he is in the original sf4, maybe they might bring one sf4's character back :confuse:

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You. Have. To. Be. Shitting me.

ARGH! I freaking hated her in Alpha 3 because she's nothing more then some rich spoiled bitch with nothing better to do then fight... and guess what? Namco made a better version of that kind of character in Lili.

To me, it's like Capcom is purposely trying to get me pissed off. I hated R. Mika... I hated Karin.. and they're back!! Only way they could make this a total hate fest on my part is if they someone brought the Idiot Twins Yun and Yang back.

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