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Symbiote Captain America by Farengeit & Predator

Sir Ghostler

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Original Topic: http://mugenmultiverse.fanbb.net/t4725-symbiote-captain-america-beta-release

Direct Download: https://yadi.sk/d/S6AxL0PQcTjDv


It's a Beta.


That One Zio said:

a furious as fuck shoto against a dictator that's supposed to be dead but came back for no raisin

The King and the Zio said:

invisible sonic booms are the way of the future

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Oh yes! ;P


And i agree with Dissidia. That's really one of MMV best releases. Hope that Farengeit and Predator working in an update.

Yeah, but you know the... level of... things... that are released at MMV, so, "being one of their best releases" wasn't something that convinced me. But, he is not that bad, I'll accept the errors since its just a beta.

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Farengeit was not an original member of MMV I had his Sketch Turner when it was just on a russian site. It has its share of issues but its actually decent. I don't consider him a part of their "team". This char isn't that bad hopefully its fixed up.


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