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Ecole Software Taking Action On Melty Blood MUGEN Creators


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Ehhh I wouldnt be surprised if it was all a troll action or if it was an actual Ecole employee. Still being that direct and pretty much asking them for permission to "TAKE"and use their MB stuff for public use....kinda risky and as said could seriously backfire. Open a floodgate of issues. Some person might take that as an ok to start rippin anything they made new too.

Whoever told that info as it was indeed ecole..might have to wait till ecole just comes out full blast and say...IT WAS US! lol. Scray crap if they do that tho.



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Well let's see the alternatives at hand:


1. - Contact Ecole about this whole issue:

Pros: We will know the truth behind everything

         It will be confirmed that Ecole might have or might not have problems with MUGEN

         It might put the people who might be posing as Ecole (if any) into serious problems and stop them.

Cons: Might draw Ecole's attention into MUGEN if they're not behind this takedown.

          Might do nothing about stopping the troll group if they were fake


2.- Don't contact Ecole

Pros: Not drawing the company's attention to MUGEN, if they're not the ones responsible for the takedown.

Cons: The whole taking down characters will still go on.

          The trolls (if any) will still be fed via fear.

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Might draw Ecole's attention into MUGEN if they're not behind this takedown.

And what exactly are we losing if this happens? We're already losing Melty Blood stuff in MUGEN as it is, so it can't possibly get any worse.



Current scenario: Someone claiming to be Ecole is issuing copyright takedowns of Melty Blood creations for Mugen.


Possible outcomes from contacting Ecole directly:

  1. Ecole was not behind the takedowns, and tracks down the guys responsible while letting us continue with Melty Blood stuff. Mugen Communities win
  2. Ecole was behind the takedowns all along. Nothing changes.
  3. Ecole was not behind the takedowns, but becomes aware of Mugen's existence and begins issuing takedowns of their own. Nothing changes.

TLDR; we have nothing to lose but everything to gain by contacting Ecole directly.

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According to their website, its [email protected]

Just advice though, I strongly suggest not contacting them unless you are one of the ones who personally had an uploaded file removed by a copyright claim from "them". Its a basic legal premise called standing, which basically means that unless you actually had a takedown notice happen to you, there can either be serious legal consequences for making a false claim or Ecole will be under no obligation to respond to you, depending on the circumstances and jurisdiction.

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Hmm.. so this is like walking to a bomb either it going blow everything or we may be able to stop this from destroying part of the Mugen community. :-P

Pretty much ..yup. If it was me, I wouldnt contact them since the MB property is theirs to begin with. Plus even with the person whose files were taken and makin the claim, what exactly would you even ask of Ecole to do? The "person " who made the complaint to have stuff yanked had to not just do a report but make a legitimate report to host spots that would look at material being hosted and come to the conclusion to have stuff removed based on the merit of the complaint.

From my own findings, readings and understanding of copyright laws if you make a complaint and want to have a firmer standing then the work used in the complaint must have your own said work involved, not the companies work rips material. So yeah as Rice said there indeed some consequences involved depending on how all 3 sides of it plays out. The accuser, the accused and the property holder. Its a tricky trail to walk on so tread very lightly unless saidperson files have good standing merit to even hold up against Ecole themselves.

Too much info in details to go all out bananas to write it all in deep scale. I just hope this just blows over and folks go back to normal mugen work with their stuff.



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Well, We all know what we have to do then. The same thing many other did for other companies and has since then had positive answers and even problems solved.

We must contact Ecole and find out for ourselves.

I have written a draft letter as we speak and with a permission from this community and others will continue to send this to Ecole.

the sooner we have an answer the better but I need your guys opinions. I understand the risks but if we don't know this "troll" will go about and start wrecking havoc wherever he can get his hands on.

Yes or No.


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Well, We all know what we have to do then. The same thing many other did for other companies and has since then had positive answers and even problems solved.

We must contact Ecole and find out for ourselves.

I have written a draft letter as we speak and with a permission from this community and others will continue to send this to Ecole.

the sooner we have an answer the better but I need your guys opinions. I understand the risks but if we don't know this "troll" will go about and start wrecking havoc wherever he can get his hands on.

Yes or No.

I would say Yes but as taking the advice from RicePigeon we must approach this in caution when contacting Ecole as Legal consequences can happen. 


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Well, We all know what we have to do then. The same thing many other did for other companies and has since then had positive answers and even problems solved.

We must contact Ecole and find out for ourselves.

I have written a draft letter as we speak and with a permission from this community and others will continue to send this to Ecole.

the sooner we have an answer the better but I need your guys opinions. I understand the risks but if we don't know this "troll" will go about and start wrecking havoc wherever he can get his hands on.

Yes or No.


I'd say no.


Guys, chill down. As much as I'm corncerned too, take these factors in count.


The e-mail is just one of them, but you guys forget one important detail too.


Why would Ecole bother doing this so suddenly since MB characters have been made on Mugen since late 2003/early 2004? Why would Ecole take more than 10 years to do this? It would be illogical from a standpoint for them to do, and remember, while japanese communities might be respectful about copyright issues, they might also stop supporting a company that would pull such moves when they could have done this 10 years ago or so (the fact Sennou-Room came back once he found the mail way too suspicious, (and Ecole already has its own domain for its email contact) prooves this must be a troll's job).



Credit belongs to Watta for the siggy.

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Well, We all know what we have to do then. The same thing many other did for other companies and has since then had positive answers and even problems solved.

We must contact Ecole and find out for ourselves.

I have written a draft letter as we speak and with a permission from this community and others will continue to send this to Ecole.

the sooner we have an answer the better but I need your guys opinions. I understand the risks but if we don't know this "troll" will go about and start wrecking havoc wherever he can get his hands on.

Yes or No.


*refer to Ricepigeon's post*

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You kind of misinterpreted what I said.

I said only send an email IF you actually had something taken down from "Ecole", so that way you can confirm with certainty whether it was them or not. The consequences will occur if you're a 3rd person who DID NOT receive an actual copyright claim.

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alright then. No it is.

I just hope we find this troll and put an end to his/her stupidity.



Instead of putting curses to the troll which is proven to be quite ineffective, how bout doing something more useful like...archiving those MB-related creations? :P

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I'll go get the saving sack. Stop me if it seems to not go to anyone's direction on saving (almost) every single one of dem MB creations.


...Then again, if this troll were to attack the archived MB creations too (in some way or another), any other suggestions?



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Instead of putting curses to the troll which is proven to be quite ineffective, how bout doing something more useful like...archiving those MB-related creations? :P


I'll go get the saving sack. Stop me if it seems to not go to anyone's direction on saving (almost) every single one of dem MB creations.

I say that the only best Plan to do.  :-P


I have some MB characters and stages on my back-up storage. Though to be Honest most of them are Anime character edits. I just have to take a look and see what I have.


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