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1 hour ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


OK given the circumstances. But I'm in a very volatile situation. We're definitely surrounded. But mostly by small lesser powerd creatures. Although I can definitely sense a strong aura. If it were Iblis it would have some similarly to the Iblis creatures. It would be significantly higher, but still share some similarity.  However it's different. But enough about me. Who are YOU?


Kahrelimi: I see...I'm certain you'll be able to make it out of there, considering what Oro has told me about you. As far as I go, my name is Kahrelimi. I'm an old friend of Oro's. We met...mmm...I don't really remember how long ago now! But we've met before, and we knew each other very well. Anyway, if I were able to go to your location right now, I'd gladly assist you in the situation you're in. After all, all I've done here so far is wander around mindlessly and mingle with Oro, so a little bit of excitement wouldn't hurt! However, I should ask...where exactly ARE you?

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37 minutes ago, A person said:


Kahrelimi: I see...I'm certain you'll be able to make it out of there, considering what Oro has told me about you. As far as I go, my name is Kahrelimi. I'm an old friend of Oro's. We met...mmm...I don't really remember how long ago now! But we've met before, and we knew each other very well. Anyway, if I were able to go to your location right now, I'd gladly assist you in the situation you're in. After all, all I've done here so far is wander around mindlessly and mingle with Oro, so a little bit of excitement wouldn't hurt! However, I should ask...where exactly ARE you?


Something called "Distortion". Based on what I've gathered, there can many of these. Each one different from the last. I was brought here by Giovanni, The Grimm Angel. He used a portal to bring us outside of the Distortion. We then  went through another portal. But these were made by a possibly more skilled Dimensional Traveler. I'm not sure if you will be able to come here...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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17 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Something called "Distortion". Based on what I've gathered, there can many of these. Each one different from the last. I was brought here by Giovanni, The Grimm Angel. He used a portal to bring us outside of the Distortion. We then  went through another portal. But these were made by a possibly more skilled Dimensional Traveler. I'm not sure if you will be able to come here...


Kahrelimi: -She lets out a sigh.- Doesn't sound like it, unfortunately...but it sounds like a very interesting place. Is that Giovanni there with you? Maybe that other Traveler? Perhaps I could convince them to allow me to help you...

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Lapis didn't have much trouble spotting Argento and Mephilia from up in the skies. The only issues that plagued her were trying to get close enough so that she wouldn't lose track of the two from afar. Once she saw Argento enter further into the Distortion, Lapis landed right in front of Mephilia and introduced herself........



"I don't believe we've been aquainted. My name is Lapis Lazuli.........and you were there when Argento retaliated against me in the castle!"


Meanwhile, back with the group. They followed Victoria and Anna towards where Argento was and where their ally Lapis was heading.........



"You know, I'm kinda concerned for Lapis. I mean, I know Argento ticked her off, but do you think she went after him for the beatdown he gave her earlier?  I know I'd do something like that if Argento tried to kill me."


"You know, I wouldn't be surprised if Lapis went after Argento for that reason. I guess her anger got the best of her."latest?cb=20130708113115

"Come to think if it, she's been pretty pissed off since we got here. I guess her gem being healed didn't make her feel better."



"Honestly, I'm not sure what she's supposed to be.....she looks human, though......"


"From what Yoku told most of us, she's part of a Gem species. The gem on her back projects her physical appearance and gives her powers. I don't know if any others like her exist.......but I'd like to ask her once we finish with this mission."



"Hmmm.....sounds interesting..........."



Back in the Underworld..........


Malin and Yamazaki were very careful not to get struck by any of the meteors sent their way after Magio pushed them out of the way. Yamazaki was looking more and more bloodthirsty by the second, and that certainly made Alice seem nervous as she was watching the escalation of the battle........



"......Something's.......not right with Yamazaki......"



"It seems......like Ryuji has some sort of evil in him.........."



"Oh, I'm enjoying this! Come at me, Gomorrah!!!"



"You blinded him, so he's all yours!"




And then..................................




Yamazaki went ballistic against the damaged beast with all his rage and attacked with the ferociousness only a Hakkesshu can display.

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Jebediah watched in awe at the beating the dragon was taking. He felt somewhat bad for it...which had given him an idea. It was a gamble, but it was worth seeing what would happen if he did it.



Jebediah: It's time to turn their own skill upon them...but afterwards, I'm going to have to go far away.




Jebediah proceeded to conjure an orb of darkness, and fired it towards the sun. Afterwards, several orbs appeared, and sent rays of darkness into his body, causing him to radiate with a dark energy.


7367dc3cb6.pngTaste the power of darkness! Dark Filament!


With that, Jebediah proceeded to fire a massive beam of darkness down at the group below, including the dragon. He didn't care what happened, as long as something was badly injured or even killed in the attack. As he was using it, however, he could feel his knowledge of the skill slipping away.



So it's a one-time use...a shame; I was hoping to be able to use it more! No matter...I'll just find something more...permanent...next time. 


He knew that what would come afterwards would force him to flee, so he had steeled himself for what was to come.




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As Yamazaki was busy pummeling Gomorrah to death, the others took notice of the giant beam heading towards them. Yamazaki stopped to look at the beam and quite menacingly told them......



"You bastards better run! You don't want to end up like Gomorrah.......do you?! HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!"


Yamazaki led the others out of the way to avoid being obliterated by the beam........

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11 minutes ago, OxyontheWolf said:

2rFhUI5.png A....gem? last time I checked Gems were extinct...what happened with the Homeworld Incident?


"As far as I know, there might be more gems, but we'll have to talk to YokuMan about it. He has plenty of knowledge on that subject."

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Tommy: Shit! Hold on, I've got it!


Tommy collided both of his arms vertically.




A large barrier covered all of Team Underworld, thus disabling the attack even further, to the point of reflecting the attack back to Jebediah.

Image result for howard dean yell gif





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  • World: Multiversal Netherworld
  • Location: Scarlet Megalopolis Ruins

Combined with Ralf and Ichigo's Getsuga Juujishou and all of Yamazaki and Malin's attacks, the last Dark Filament was enough to drive Gomorrah to defeat. The dragon finally went down and unconscious. The meteors were all done too, so Giovanni and Magnazorda descended near the rest.



Magio: I'm so glad that it's over...


Giovanni: Nice shot, Necrox. Didn't knew that you had one hidden.


Necrox: What the hell are you babbling? That wasn't me.


Magio: It wasn't you? But then, who-

Maribel: Magio!!


Maribel came running to see if he was hurt. She kept analyzing from every corner.



Maribel: Are you OK?! When I saw that meteor hit you-


Magio: I'm fine, I'm fine.


Necrox: Where are the others?


Maribel: Oh, I ran so fast that I... came here without them...


Then, Renko came by.



Renko: Don't just run off like that!!


Maribel: Sorry.


Magio: Anyway... we should try to find somewhere to rest.


Necrox: Don't worry about that. I just got what you need.


Giovanni: Eh? And what would that be?


Necrox: Hey, Afla Dilith!! Get your ass here right now!!!


Then, the ground started to shake again. Soon, another demonic being appeared.



Afla Dilith: Lord Necrox, I have come as you have asked.




Necrox: That's not a thing. That's Afla Dilith. Fallen God, my servant and castle. It's like a 3-in-1 that helps a lot!


Giovanni: W-W-Wait, wait, wait, that castle on his back is your castle?!


Necrox: You have something against it?


Giovanni: N-No, absolutely not!!


Magio: Well, it's what we have right now. How about we hop aboard?


Necrox: Just a moment. I want to see something before.


Necrox walked a little away. Magio and Giovanni went to Ralf and Ichigo to greet them.



Giovanni: It's good to see you two again, Ralf and Ichigo.


Magio: Thanks for rescuing me back then. Guess I still depend on you too much, right?


While they all spoke, Necrox looked at a certain building. He knew the demon who was there and was ready to cause turmoil again.



Necrox: I know you're here, Jebediah. You have the nerve of copying my move right into my face, don't you? Fine. I'll give you two choices.


Necrox: Fight me head on or I'll go after you. And don't even think of flying away from the ruins. I have the perimeter already covered and your precious little slaves already beaten down.

  • World: World of Distortions
  • Location: Crisis City (?)

Mephilia looked at Lapis. No matter who were, she would never change from that emotionless face she held. That is because herself is void of emotional feelings, being a total puppet. However, her eyes went wide open and blank.


Mephilia: Presence confirmed. Name is Lapis Lazuli. Species is gem. Has affinity with Water element. Basical identification complete and updated data for future sentences...


After gathering Lapis' data, her eyes returned to normal and she returned to her usual staring face.


Mephilia: Now that I have the information I missed on you, presentation is necessary. My name is Mephilia Divinae, False Shadow Inquisitor. Yes, I was there alongside Argento in his retaliation. However, I do hope you not expect that I am here for him or for any of you. My mission is to carry Iblis' sentence accordingly to plan, so I will stay focused to it. And in consideration...


A blue aura started to cover her. Mephilia decided to use one of the Truths to warn the others.


Mephilia: Argento has already deployed to the next part of the Distortion.


Her blue worlds traveled to the direction where the others were.


Mephilia: The rest will receive the message and the we will reunite soon.


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Suddenly, the Unlimited Force (and everyone else with them) have received a message.

bX7E6Ba.pngA message from Miss Mephilia. The message says that Argento has already reached the "next part" of the Distortion.

fkmBYO9.pngNext part? That's Flame Core, Iblis' resting place. That means we have to speed up now.

bX7E6Ba.pngUhm...what about the slow people?


u4EsOao.pngYou know, maybe it's easy for you and Blaze to speed up, but only because you two have the ability to reach such speeds, and not everyone has that.

fkmBYO9.pngOh shoot, I completely forgot about that! So what now?

bX7E6Ba.pngThe only thing we can do now is to continue to walk and to think.

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15 hours ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:

Lapis didn't have much trouble spotting Argento and Mephilia from up in the skies. The only issues that plagued her were trying to get close enough so that she wouldn't lose track of the two from afar. Once she saw Argento enter further into the Distortion, Lapis landed right in front of Mephilia and introduced herself........



"I don't believe we've been aquainted. My name is Lapis Lazuli.........and you were there when Argento retaliated against me in the castle!"



LightFlare catches up to Lapis...



Lapis wait. It's obvious your heart is in the right place, but I'm not sure if your head is. We must remain cool...

22 hours ago, A person said:


Kahrelimi: -She lets out a sigh.- Doesn't sound like it, unfortunately...but it sounds like a very interesting place. Is that Giovanni there with you? Maybe that other Traveler? Perhaps I could convince them to allow me to help you...



I can only suggest that Oro tries to contact Giovanni or Magio. I doubt Argento will be of any assistance right now. And since Giovanni may only get you as far as just outside the Distortion, Magio may be your only hope. For now, I'm sorry Kahrelimi. I must be going. I fellow comrade is in need of assistance. I have to focus on the mission at hand. 


LightFlare focuses on Lapis, who doesn't seem to respond to his plee right away. LightFlare looked at Mephillia. He tried to sense the "beings" energy but he couldn't. In fact it didn't really seem to acknowledge LightFlare's presence. LightFlare begin to speak to Mephillia but was interrupted...


7 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:
  • World: World of Distortions
  • Location: Crisis City (?)

Mephilia looked at Lapis. No matter who were, she would never change from that emotionless face she held. That is because herself is void of emotional feelings, being a total puppet. However, her eyes went wide open and blank.


Mephilia: Presence confirmed. Name is Lapis Lazuli. Species is gem. Has affinity with Water element. Basical identification complete and updated data for future sentences...


After gathering Lapis' data, her eyes returned to normal and she returned to her usual staring face.


Mephilia: Now that I have the information I missed on you, presentation is necessary. My name is Mephilia Divinae, False Shadow Inquisitor. Yes, I was there alongside Argento in his retaliation. However, I do hope you not expect that I am here for him or for any of you. My mission is to carry Iblis' sentence accordingly to plan, so I will stay focused to it. And in consideration...


A blue aura started to cover her. Mephilia decided to use one of the Truths to warn the others.


Mephilia: Argento has already deployed to the next part of the Distortion.


Her blue worlds traveled to the direction where the others were.


Mephilia: The rest will receive the message and the we will reunite soon.


(Carry his sentence? Seems she is another being here only, or at leads for the most part, to observe) Ok. At least we have something to go on. Lapis...you ok?



Well Kahri...looks like I'm going to need to contact Magio.



Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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1 hour ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Well Kahri...looks like I'm going to need to contact Magio.


Kahrelimi: Very well...this isn't of any trouble to you, right? If it is, I think we should stop for now.



8 hours ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:

As Yamazaki was busy pummeling Gomorrah to death, the others took notice of the giant beam heading towards them. Yamazaki stopped to look at the beam and quite menacingly told them......



"You bastards better run! You don't want to end up like Gomorrah.......do you?! HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!"


Yamazaki led the others out of the way to avoid being obliterated by the beam........


5 hours ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy: Shit! Hold on, I've got it!


Tommy collided both of his arms vertically.




A large barrier covered all of Team Underworld, thus disabling the attack even further, to the point of reflecting the attack back to Jebediah.


2 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

While they all spoke, Necrox looked at a certain building. He knew the demon who was there and was ready to cause turmoil again.



Necrox: I know you're here, Jebediah. You have the nerve of copying my move right into my face, don't you? Fine. I'll give you two choices.


Necrox: Fight me head on or I'll go after you. And don't even think of flying away from the ruins. I have the perimeter already covered and your precious little slaves already beaten down.



Jebediah quickly flew out of the way of the reflected beam, narrowly avoiding heavy damage. However, a skill orb had come from Tommy's body and flew to Jebediah, giving him a copy of the Atomic Barrier ability. He was disappointed with the result of the attack, but he was at least happy something went down. He flew out from the top of the building, looking down at the group from high in the air, and shouted down at Necrox.



Jebediah: I knew they'd go down easily. They always seem to disappoint me greatly...oh well, why don't we see which one of us is stronger now, Necrox? Perhaps you'll be surprised...


7367dc3cb6.pngJust make sure nobody else tries to get involved, or I'll have to give them my..."personal"...treatment.


Of course, he more than likely wasn't going to stay for long. He knew Necrox was a force to be reckoned with, but dealing with him alone would be difficult. It would also make things more difficult if his other "friends" had gotten involved, so he had to think carefully about his actions.

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1 minute ago, Captain Papyrus said:

OOC: I really hope the Unlimited Force can later on interact with Jebediah as well, I have an interesting idea about such interaction.

OOC:(I plan on having him leave the Underworld along with the others when they attempt to escape the trap there, so there's a high chance of it happening.)

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Ralf: You're welcome Magio. But it's only natural. I can't stand seeing you in danger.


Ichigo: Ralf does depend on me a lot though.


Ralf: Hey Hey.


Ichigo: Just kidding. We all help each other. Just like that guy that used that barrier. Nice reaction there...Wait...


Ralf: Yeah Ichigo, that beam was going to hit us as well.


Ichigo: The hell?


Ralf: Take the complaints to whoever Necrox is talking right now.


Ichigo: Yeah. Be back in a second.


   Ichigo went to Necrox's side, looked at the same direction he was looking and started to shout at Jedediah.



Ichigo: Hey! What's the big deal?


   Distortion World: Crisis City


(Lyna and Naruto.)


   Lyna was flying, while Naruto was running.



Naruto: This is taking a while...


Lyna: Yeah...i should've probably told you that.


Naruto: Nah, don't worry. I can walk long distances just fine.


Lyna: I see...Sooo...How did you and Ichigo met?


Naruto: Oh! Well...it's a long story...you don't mind a short version right?


Lyna: I don't mind.


Naruto: Ok so...Ah yes, Granny Tsunade told us that there was this mysterious mass murder of ninjas around the countries, and if it wasn't dealt with it fast enough, there was going to be some trouble.


Lyna: (I feel like i'm escaping a really long explanation.)


Naruto: So anyway, me, Sakura, Sai and Captain Yamato went to investigate a recent mysterious murder...until we got attacked by this ugly monster.


Lyna: Monster...was it a Hollow?


Naruto: Yeah, i think that was the name.


Lyna: (Why Hollows are doing in his world anyway...but then again...It could've been the work of a distortion.)


Naruto: So...Ichigo with Rukia, Renji and Ishida showed up and helped us defeated it. You know these other ones i mentioned right?


Lyna: Yes, i do. (Now that i think about it...how Naruto is able to see Ichigo? Chakra is diferent from Spiritual Pressure...unless i'm wrong.)


Naruto: So...At the start, i couldn't get along with Ichigo...he kept calling me an idiot...but after a while, we started to tolerate each other...


Naruto: Kinda similar to a friend of mine.


Lyna: Hm?


Naruto: Anyway, after we dealt with the problem, i met Lerry and Fall and they fixed the Distortion at my world, and then, Ichigo and his friends went back to their world.


Lyna: I see. You seemed to be pretty attached to him.


Naruto: Well, kind of. He's really a nice guy. Determined to protect his friends. 


Lyna: Just like you right? I had a hunch that you would be just like him.


Naruto: We're not that alike. He frowns all the time.


Lyna: Yeah...But as you know, he's really a cool guy once you get to know him.


Naruto: *nods* So...How did you meet him?


Lyna: Well...I think it's better ask that to Ralf. When i met him, he was already with Ichigo, so i don't have much stories besides that we fought together against enemies.


Naruto: Oh, okay, i'll do that when we meet again. Ralf seems like a cool guy too.


Lyna: (Ralf is more than cool.)


   They continued on ahead. They would arrive at the group shortly if they kept their current pacing.



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15 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:




Ralf: You're welcome Magio. But it's only natural. I can't stand seeing you in danger.


Ichigo: Ralf does depend on me a lot though.


Ralf: Hey Hey.


Ichigo: Just kidding. We all help each other. Just like that guy that used that barrier. Nice reaction there...Wait...


Ralf: Yeah Ichigo, that beam was going to hit us as well.


Ichigo: The hell?


Ralf: Take the complaints to whoever Necrox is talking right now.


Ichigo: Yeah. Be back in a second.


   Ichigo went to Necrox's side, looked at the same direction he was looking and started to shout at Jedediah.



Ichigo: Hey! What's the big deal?



BGM: Spiral Tracker -Val Rodos-


Jebediah had shot a death glare at Ichigo.


7367dc3cb6.png Jebediah: I can tell that you have a lot to live for, soulless one. This is a matter that you shouldn't get yourself involved in. In fact...


A powder started to fall from Jebediah's wings. He started to fly in circles above the group, causing the powder to slowly fall down upon them. Those who would inhale it would begin to feel drowsy...and would soon fall into a deep sleep.



Jebediah: Sleep now...you will soon find yourselves in a better place.


SLEEP DUST: The user of this ability will produce and scatter a dust about the area that induces exhaustion which shortly leads into sleep. Whatever the user can use to scatter the dust will be the source of the dust.

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17 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Mephilia looked at Lapis. No matter who were, she would never change from that emotionless face she held. That is because herself is void of emotional feelings, being a total puppet. However, her eyes went wide open and blank.


Mephilia: Presence confirmed. Name is Lapis Lazuli. Species is gem. Has affinity with Water element. Basical identification complete and updated data for future sentences...


After gathering Lapis' data, her eyes returned to normal and she returned to her usual staring face.


Mephilia: Now that I have the information I missed on you, presentation is necessary. My name is Mephilia Divinae, False Shadow Inquisitor. Yes, I was there alongside Argento in his retaliation. However, I do hope you not expect that I am here for him or for any of you. My mission is to carry Iblis' sentence accordingly to plan, so I will stay focused to it. And in consideration...


A blue aura started to cover her. Mephilia decided to use one of the Truths to warn the others.


Mephilia: Argento has already deployed to the next part of the Distortion.


Her blue worlds traveled to the direction where the others were.


Mephilia: The rest will receive the message and the we will reunite soon.

Lapis deep down was okay with the others getting the message and would soon arrive, but there was something off about what Mephilia said........


"What do you mean "Iblis' sentence"? Are you with him?!"


16 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

LightFlare catches up to Lapis...



Lapis wait. It's obvious your heart is in the right place, but I'm not sure if your head is. We must remain cool...


LightFlare focuses on Lapis, who doesn't seem to respond to his plee right away. LightFlare looked at Mephillia. He tried to sense the "beings" energy but he couldn't. In fact it didn't really seem to acknowledge LightFlare's presence. LightFlare begin to speak to Mephillia but was interrupted...



(Carry his sentence? Seems she is another being here only, or at leads for the most part, to observe) Ok. At least we have something to go on. Lapis...you ok?


Lapis heard LightFlare but had no time to respond as she awaited Mephilia's response............she could only think about what he told her.......


(Thinking) "He's right, but I need to know Argento's plans.........it's for everyone's sake........."


@Agni Blackheart, you're up!


Meanwhile, back with the rest of the group........


Argento has already deployed to the next part of the Distortion.


The group recognized Mephilia's voice and the message was clear: they needed to hurry if they were going to catch up to Argento........



"Ah, crap! We better hurry! We can't let that punk get away!"



"Geez, didn't realize you guys hated this Argento guy so much."



"Erza.......you don't even know the half of it."



5 hours ago, A person said:



BGM: Spiral Tracker -Val Rodos-


Jebediah had shot a death glare at Ichigo.


7367dc3cb6.png Jebediah: I can tell that you have a lot to live for, soulless one. This is a matter that you shouldn't get yourself involved in. In fact...


A powder started to fall from Jebediah's wings. He started to fly in circles above the group, causing the powder to slowly fall down upon them. Those who would inhale it would begin to feel drowsy...and would soon fall into a deep sleep.



Jebediah: Sleep now...you will soon find yourselves in a better place.


SLEEP DUST: The user of this ability will produce and scatter a dust about the area that induces exhaustion which shortly leads into sleep. Whatever the user can use to scatter the dust will be the source of the dust.

Yamazaki and Alice were fortunate enough to avoid Jebediah's Sleep Dust, though Malin ended up not getting out of the way in time, and Elias was accidently pushed into the incoming dust attack........



"Okay, Alice........you know what comes next, right?"



"...........We fight this creature?"



"Exactly! I think now would be the perfect time to tell you.........that Elias will die by my hands if you don't help me!"


Almost by force, Yamazaki managed to get Alice to unleash the Black Dragon spirit that laid dormant in her soul, and subsequently possess the orphan..........all by means of threatning the life of her caretaker, Elias..........





The possessed orphan then shot a beam of energy towards Jebediah...........



@A person, you're up!

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2 minutes ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:

Yamazaki and Alice were fortunate enough to avoid Jebediah's Sleep Dust, though Malin ended up not getting out of the way in time, and Elias was accidently pushed into the incoming dust attack........



"Okay, Alice........you know what comes next, right?"



"...........We fight this creature?"



"Exactly! I think now would be the perfect time to tell you.........that Elias will die by my hands if you don't help me!"


Almost by force, Yamazaki managed to get Alice to unleash the Black Dragon spirit that laid dormant in her soul, and subsequently possess the orphan..........all by means of threatning the life of her caretaker, Elias..........





The possessed orphan then shot a beam of energy towards Jebediah...........



@A person, you're up!

Seeing the beam approaching, Jebediah had thought quickly, then remembered the skill he copied from Tommy. He wrapped himself with his wings...


7367dc3cb6.png Jebediah: ACTIVATE ATOMIC BARRIER!


A large barrier had covered his body, protecting him from the beam. It was promptly reflected back at Alice by the barrier. Jebediah chuckled from within as he continued flapping his wings to keep himself in the air, still protected by the barrier. A skill orb had come from Alice's body and made its way to Jebediah, but he let it fade away.



Jebediah: I can already tell this is going to be very enjoyable! Come on, you motherless dogs! Show me what you're truly capable of!



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6 minutes ago, A person said:

Seeing the beam approaching, Jebediah had thought quickly, then remembered the skill he copied from Tommy. He wrapped himself with his wings...


7367dc3cb6.png Jebediah: ACTIVATE ATOMIC BARRIER!


A large barrier had covered his body, protecting him from the beam. It was promptly reflected back at Alice by the barrier. Jebediah chuckled from within as he continued flapping his wings to keep himself in the air, still protected by the barrier. A skill orb had come from Alice's body and made its way to Jebediah, but he let it fade away.



Jebediah: I can already tell this is going to be very enjoyable! Come on, you motherless dogs! Show me what you're truly capable of!



Alice dodged out of the way, just in time to see what Jebediah was capable of........



"Is that all you've got in your bag of tricks?! I've fought wiser opponents than you!"



"Let me have at him.......I know what I need to do......."



Yamazaki got close to the creature and went ballistic once more........


@A person, you're up!

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(Crisis City, Distortion World)

BB9vEnm.pngOy, I have an idea! YokuMan, get the Unlimited Chariot!

p49qVEg.pngOh, I already know what you have planned.

YokuMan then creates a portal, and the Unlimited Chariot comes out of it. It's a big chariot that can easily carry the heroes around.

kPBulr5.pngGuys, welcome aboard the Unlimited Chariot, the go-to speed express of the Unlimited Force. And don't worry about too much weight, me and Jetster can handle that.

BB9vEnm.pngYep, the Chariot is powered by us, Megatropolis' fastest flight robots alive. So guys, what are you waiting for.

Silver decides to hop in and waits for a response from Blaze and the rest.

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3 minutes ago, Captain Papyrus said:

(Crisis City, Distortion World)

BB9vEnm.pngOy, I have an idea! YokuMan, get the Unlimited Chariot!

p49qVEg.pngOh, I already know what you have planned.

YokuMan then creates a portal, and the Unlimited Chariot comes out of it. It's a big chariot that can easily carry the heroes around.

kPBulr5.pngGuys, welcome aboard the Unlimited Chariot, the go-to speed express of the Unlimited Force. And don't worry about too much weight, me and Jetster can handle that.

BB9vEnm.pngYep, the Chariot is powered by us, Megatropolis' fastest flight robots alive. So guys, what are you waiting for.

Silver decides to hop in and waits for a response from Blaze and the rest.


"You guys are a resourceful crew.....and I respect that!"


The rest of the group got the chariot and then Mary turned to Mirror Knight and co.



"So? You coming, MK?"


@OxyontheWolf, you're up!

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8 minutes ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:


"You guys are a resourceful crew.....and I respect that!"


The rest of the group got the chariot and then Mary turned to Mirror Knight and co.



"So? You coming, MK?"


@OxyontheWolf, you're up!

2bLqPRG.png yes, yes I am miss Hughes, I just got sidetracked because I think I heard Iblis (steps in, followed by Deadpool and Blaze)


2rFhUI5.png (gets in...right next to Erza)


2bLqPRG.png (chuckles) Zero and Erza sittin' on a tree...

2rFhUI5.png(the equivalent of blushing for an Ultraman) finish that sentence! I DARE YOU! I DOUBLE DARE YOU!


2bLqPRG.png Okay okay, jeesh, no need to get all hot headed

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