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(ooc: please do note that this is after they got beaten up. they must've gotten healed somehow...)


(and yes, G.T did smuggle the lawn chairs... don't ask me how me did)


The 3 clones, completely unaware of what was happening, were all just lying down on their lawn chairs. G.T's, which was made by Tommy, was somehow made up of all the money had had robbed from other people. Perhaps it was being held together with super-glue, I really don't know.


_JfjTUPG-a5VoLRg-VZrjyK61N3xU1NfZBdCA4dV G.T: Damn, dis lawn chair is tha dopest shiznit since 1948! Thanks so much fo' makin' it, bro!


UR-uexsxy_5qw0UwuxDiYk8EDUXqchCqSuJcb8pK Tommy: I'm not your brother, G.T... but other then that, you're welcome.


fB1GnI61sBLFoUQNJPDW9CaY8Y7jbkzUsh03lotq E.T: Jesus christ, G.T, this is the longest you've went WITHOUT trying to rob something... maybe this really is the best day of m-


And then, while E.T was talking, G.T stole a tiny bit of his money without anybody noticing.


_JfjTUPG-a5VoLRg-VZrjyK61N3xU1NfZBdCA4dVG.T: Yo, dawg dawwwwg! Thanks fo' all tha free scrilla!


fB1GnI61sBLFoUQNJPDW9CaY8Y7jbkzUsh03lotqE.T: ...I spoke too soon.


(ooc: yeah, they don't really care that much where they sit)

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20 minutes ago, OxyontheWolf said:

9xAAf7u.png  (arrives at the main hall, where everyone is) THERE'S POISON GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Most if not all of the people inside the castle listened to Deadpool's warning, even if  some of them though he was being his wacky self.


OOC: No need for dialogue. This speaks for itself.

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BGM: Signs of the Enemy Invasion

  • Location: Main Hall



Renko: We'll be going... soon...


Maribel: I... what is going... on...


Even thought they were warned, Maribel and Renko couldn't resist the gas and ended up falling on the floor.

  • Location: Diamond Lake



Magio: The barrier was already fixed and it's unbreakable! How did this gas got-


Magio: Damned ZTAR, that bastard of a star created a portal using the remnants of his energy he left behind! When I get my hands on him, I'm going to-


However, he was still human, so even if the sleeping part didn't worked, the poison part did. Magio's body refused to move thanks to the gas.



Magio: I... my body... the poison isn't letting my body move rightly!

  • Location: Magio and Argento's Room

The gas reached Argento as well. For him to be affected by gas, Magio has to be affected first. And since that happened...



Argento: (Magio must have entered in contact with the gas already... this is why my body refuses to move...!)

  • Location: Corridor near the Basement

Being holder of the Four Truths as the False Shadow Inquisitor, Mephilia isn't affected by poison gas. But that wasn't the problem. To wait for the preparations to be done, she sttond in some kind of "deactivated" or "standby" mode where she stood like a statue, with her eyes closed. With that said, she couldn't feel the gas, but she couldn't help anyone until the time she set went off...

  • Location: Guestroom Hall

Anna had finished doing everyone's preparations. Then, the gas had quickly came near her. As an angel, no such thing could work on her, but that just turned her worriness with the others "ON".




Anna: Oh no! The others...!!


OOC: And to help you all with this and to give Victoria her moments of shine.

She ran quickly to the corridor, but a dark barrier raised just in front of her. And since she had no offensive abilities, she was trapped.



Anna: No!! Not now!! W-Who rose this barrier?! Please, someone help me!!


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OOC: RPing from my mobile phone, can't make Dusk's image link works


Dusk: "This isn't good at all... We're being attacked again."


Dusk is completely unharmed due to the fact that he is wearing a mask to protect himself from the poisonous gas. He is carrying Haruna, who is unfortunately unconcious after exposing herself to the gas.


Haruna : "Ugh... I don't feel very well... I can't move either..."


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Once the rest of the team had exited, there was a check to see who had been affected by the gas. As it turned out, Magio, Argento, Maribel, Renko, Yamazaki, Ruby, Blake, and Malin had been affected and had to be either carried out by shoulder or by being lifted. Since Lapis and Alice had covered their mouths and noses to get away from the noxious gas, they were among the ones unaffected alongside Deadpool, Yang, Trap-Jaw, Mirror Knight, Wizrock, the 3 Thomas clones, Dusk, Peko, Fuyuhiko, Mary, and Elias.......



"Who did this?! What's going on?!


"I don't know, Lapis......Someone's trying to kill us.....and I have a feeling I know who it might be....."


"You're damn right with who it might be! It was that damn star from earlier!"


"Please stop, Fuyuhiko. We need a plan and with Magio out of action, we need to think of something..........or else....."



"What do you think, Elias?"


"We need to fight this evil once again. With half of the group out of the action, we'll need to persevere. I'll look after the ones that have been taken out of commission. I have a feeling that once this fight is over, we will need Anna's help in healing them."


"Look after them! Do whatever you must to help these people!"


Peko then noticed the 3 clones relaxing, not giving a care in the world about the situation......


"Hey, you three! Quit being lazy and contribute!"


OOC: Your move, NijikakuFan61

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Meanwhile LightFlare and Oro are training when Oro suddenly stops...



Lightflare...Magio. He seems to be fading. There are two others who are close to him in danger as well. I can't reach the boy. But the other is...a women. She seems to be from...the Celestial Plane.



Celestial Plain? You mean...an angel?



Correct. She seems distressed but not hurt. Her name...is Anna. I'll try communicating with her. Anna! Anna, can you hear me?!


Oro focuses his chi and begins to call out to Anna...



Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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YokuMan heard Deadpool's warning and noticed people collapsing around him.

bX7E6Ba.pngUgh...based on my readings, ZTAR is back. He just doesn't want to give up. Well then, time to call Sil-

YokuMan then saw Silver collapsing unconscious as well, since even though he had telekinetic powers, he was still just a hedgehog.

bX7E6Ba.pngDanm, looks like we wont get his help this time around...

u4EsOao.pngThankfully, robots are immune to any type of gas. However, I still need to warn my comrades.

YokuMan then proceeds to warn the remaining members of the Unlimited Force, including TrinitroMan and YoyoMan, who were showing Tokio the castle.

pi5Wlrr.png*to YokuMan* Wait, ZTAR is back and released poisonous gas?! *to Tokio* Tokio, are you okay?

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7 hours ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:

Once the rest of the team had exited, there was a check to see who had been affected by the gas. As it turned out, Magio, Argento, Maribel, Renko, Yamazaki, Ruby, Blake, and Malin had been affected and had to be either carried out by shoulder or by being lifted. Since Lapis and Alice had covered their mouths and noses to get away from the noxious gas, they were among the ones unaffected alongside Deadpool, Yang, Trap-Jaw, Mirror Knight, Wizrock, the 3 Thomas clones, Dusk, Peko, Fuyuhiko, Mary, and Elias.......



"Who did this?! What's going on?!


"I don't know, Lapis......Someone's trying to kill us.....and I have a feeling I know who it might be....."


"You're damn right with who it might be! It was that damn star from earlier!"


"Please stop, Fuyuhiko. We need a plan and with Magio out of action, we need to think of something..........or else....."



"What do you think, Elias?"


"We need to fight this evil once again. With half of the group out of the action, we'll need to persevere. I'll look after the ones that have been taken out of commission. I have a feeling that once this fight is over, we will need Anna's help in healing them."


"Look after them! Do whatever you must to help these people!"


Peko then noticed the 3 clones relaxing, not giving a care in the world about the situation......


"Hey, you three! Quit being lazy and contribute!"


OOC: Your move, NijikakuFan61


OOC: Yang was affected by the gas alongside the rest of team RWBY, so no Weiss or Yang action yet

9xAAf7u.png  there's no time! we must find that treacherous star and kill it!

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Finally, everyone of Unlimited Force (except for TrinitroMan and YoyoMan, who are taking care of Tokio's safety) have arrived and met with Deadpool, Alice, Elias and the rest.

kPBulr5.pngI will send that star straight to the orbit, where it belongs.

Z8fDPVU.pngPerfect. ZTAR could then suffer the same fate like Kars many years ago.

u4EsOao.pngBut ZTAR can use portals, too. No, what we need is to defeat ZTAR now for real. And for that, we need to get him under our crosshair, and I know the perfect way to do that.

8ar9neR.pngMr. Deadpool. Please call Wizrock. We need him as a bait right now.

034iVMI.pngNo. No we don't. Are you crazy?

u4EsOao.pngWhat? My idea is fool-proof.

T1ZCAgD.pngBut what if something happens to Wizrock?

bX7E6Ba.pngUhm...Anna can heal him. Did you forgot already?

034iVMI.pngI...man, why do I even bother arguing with you at this point?

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10 hours ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:

Once the rest of the team had exited, there was a check to see who had been affected by the gas. As it turned out, Magio, Argento, Maribel, Renko, Yamazaki, Ruby, Blake, and Malin had been affected and had to be either carried out by shoulder or by being lifted. Since Lapis and Alice had covered their mouths and noses to get away from the noxious gas, they were among the ones unaffected alongside Deadpool, Yang, Trap-Jaw, Mirror Knight, Wizrock, the 3 Thomas clones, Dusk, Peko, Fuyuhiko, Mary, and Elias.......



"Who did this?! What's going on?!


"I don't know, Lapis......Someone's trying to kill us.....and I have a feeling I know who it might be....."


"You're damn right with who it might be! It was that damn star from earlier!"


"Please stop, Fuyuhiko. We need a plan and with Magio out of action, we need to think of something..........or else....."



"What do you think, Elias?"


"We need to fight this evil once again. With half of the group out of the action, we'll need to persevere. I'll look after the ones that have been taken out of commission. I have a feeling that once this fight is over, we will need Anna's help in healing them."


"Look after them! Do whatever you must to help these people!"


Peko then noticed the 3 clones relaxing, not giving a care in the world about the situation......


"Hey, you three! Quit being lazy and contribute!"


OOC: Your move, NijikakuFan61

G.T pretended not to hear Peko, instead holding a pack of his money up as if they were cards.


_JfjTUPG-a5VoLRg-VZrjyK61N3xU1NfZBdCA4dV G.T: Damn, dis has ta be tha dopest damn thang since puber-


fB1GnI61sBLFoUQNJPDW9CaY8Y7jbkzUsh03lotq E.T: G.T, get your ass of your seat before I make you.


_JfjTUPG-a5VoLRg-VZrjyK61N3xU1NfZBdCA4dVG.T: Whatever, E.T! This scrilla has gots ta be tha freshest damn amou-


E.T knocked out G.T before he had a chance to finish his sentence, and Tommy picked him up off the seat. Tommy turned his head towards Peko.


UR-uexsxy_5qw0UwuxDiYk8EDUXqchCqSuJcb8pK Tommy: "Contributing", as you do say? What type of "contributing", exactly?

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3 minutes ago, Captain Papyrus said:

u4EsOao.pngIf I had to take a wild guess: Preventing certain disaster caused by a black star to happen.

Tommy's face suddenly became more suspicious as to what was going on.


UR-uexsxy_5qw0UwuxDiYk8EDUXqchCqSuJcb8pK Tommy: So, this black star you seem to be referring to... who exactly is he?


fB1GnI61sBLFoUQNJPDW9CaY8Y7jbkzUsh03lotq E.T: Maybe he tried to rob a ba-


UR-uexsxy_5qw0UwuxDiYk8EDUXqchCqSuJcb8pKTommy: E.T, be quiet, okay?


fB1GnI61sBLFoUQNJPDW9CaY8Y7jbkzUsh03lotqE.T: For one second? Oka-


UR-uexsxy_5qw0UwuxDiYk8EDUXqchCqSuJcb8pKTommy: No. Longer then one second.


fB1GnI61sBLFoUQNJPDW9CaY8Y7jbkzUsh03lotqE.T: Two seco-


UR-uexsxy_5qw0UwuxDiYk8EDUXqchCqSuJcb8pKTommy: How about "for an hour"?

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35 minutes ago, Captain Papyrus said:

u4EsOao.pngThat black star calls himself "ZTAR" and is Wizrock's nemesis. ZTAR also has a split personality called "ZTOAD". Basically, in a place like this, ZTAR sticks out like a sore thumb.

UR-uexsxy_5qw0UwuxDiYk8EDUXqchCqSuJcb8pK Tommy: So, his name's ZTAR? That's quite an insteresting name... And, er, another question...


Tommy raised his eyebrow as he asked.


UR-uexsxy_5qw0UwuxDiYk8EDUXqchCqSuJcb8pKTommy: How exactly DOES he act in his split personality?


E.T still had his mouth shut since Tommy told him to, and, well, G.T was... still knocked out and being carried on Tommy's shoulders.


UR-uexsxy_5qw0UwuxDiYk8EDUXqchCqSuJcb8pKTommy: Is it as obnoxious as G.T is, or even worse?

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7 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

UR-uexsxy_5qw0UwuxDiYk8EDUXqchCqSuJcb8pK Tommy: So, his name's ZTAR? That's quite a... whoo boy. And, er, another question...


Tommy raised his eyebrow as he asked.


UR-uexsxy_5qw0UwuxDiYk8EDUXqchCqSuJcb8pKTommy: How exactly DOES he act in his split personality?


E.T still had his mouth shut since Tommy told him to, and, well, G.T was... still knocked out and being carried on Tommy's shoulders.


UR-uexsxy_5qw0UwuxDiYk8EDUXqchCqSuJcb8pKTommy: Is it as obnoxious as G.T is, or even worse?


from what I've heard it's worse...picture a rabid Justin Bieber fanboy, add salt, add two months of cocaine and you get his split personality

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Just now, OxyontheWolf said:


from what I've heard it's worse...picture a rabid Justin Bieber fanboy, add salt, add two months of cocaine and you get his split personality

UR-uexsxy_5qw0UwuxDiYk8EDUXqchCqSuJcb8pK Tommy: ...That's... pretty obnoxious...


UR-uexsxy_5qw0UwuxDiYk8EDUXqchCqSuJcb8pKTommy: Especially the Bieber part.


UR-uexsxy_5qw0UwuxDiYk8EDUXqchCqSuJcb8pKTommy: So, how exactly are we going to find a way to defeat/subdue him?


E.T suddenly STOPPED being quiet.


fB1GnI61sBLFoUQNJPDW9CaY8Y7jbkzUsh03lotq E.T: Oh, I have my ways...


UR-uexsxy_5qw0UwuxDiYk8EDUXqchCqSuJcb8pKTommy: E.T, you're grounded for a week.


fB1GnI61sBLFoUQNJPDW9CaY8Y7jbkzUsh03lotqE.T: Oh, come on, it'd help a lot!


UR-uexsxy_5qw0UwuxDiYk8EDUXqchCqSuJcb8pKTommy: ...You're grounded for 2 days, now.

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1 hour ago, OxyontheWolf said:


from what I've heard it's worse...picture a rabid Justin Bieber fanboy, add salt, add two months of cocaine and you get his split personality


"Okay, there was no need to describe ZTOAD like that! You made him sound twice as annoying, and I haven't even met him yet!"


"........Really? What's this cocaine that you speak of? Or for that matter, Justin Bieber?"

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17 minutes ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:


"Okay, there was no need to describe ZTOAD like that! You made him sound twice as annoying, and I haven't even met him yet!"


"........Really? What's this cocaine that you speak of? Or for that matter, Justin Bieber?"

9xAAf7u.png You don't know what JB is? you're lucky

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bX7E6Ba.pngLapis, I can definitely explain the cocaine part: It's what humans call a "drug". In other words: a sorta-poison that gives the user the illusion that they help, hence why some people are addicted to drugs. All I can say is this: Do not take drugs if you care for your health.

0i89CPI.pngAnd remember, kids: Winners don't use drugs!

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