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19 minutes ago, DuckMannnn said:

oie_transparent__2__by_duckmann18-d9p082"Well... she's Haruna, a childhood friend of mine.... she's a special kind of magical girl called "Magiclad Girl" and unlike normal magical girls, she wields a chainsaw because it's more powerful and more badass... She's a brat most of the times but she's actually very kind, so now if you excuse me, I'm going to re-bandage this wound before going to sleep again. Take her to Malin, they might get along very fast..."


images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRIT55gmWtDOEkmA2jPfml"Malin? She sounds like a cool person! Where is she?"


"Oh, trust me, Haruna, you and Malin would definitely get along! Come on, me and Yamazaki will take you to meet the rest of the group."

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u4EsOao.pngGreetings, Anna. My name is YokuMan, named after the disappearing and reappearing blocks, the Yoku Blocks. And those are my comrades, TrinitroMan, YoyoMan, TankMan, RainbowMan, GlueMan, JetMan, CometWoman, NailMan and HammerMan. Together we are-hey, TrinitroMan, where are you looking?!

LG1wLF4.pngHoly molly, Ruby Rose is here. And Blake. And Weiss. Now RWBY is united again! YES!

u4EsOao.png*sigh* Okay, where did we left? Oh right. Together we are the Robot Master team "The Unlimited Force", helping and researching whenever possible. We even have a big database, just so we can be almost always prepared. So according to the database, you have special healing powers, am I correct, Anna? That would be a perfect timing, since a black hedgehog without red stripes needs help right now.

bX7E6Ba.pngSeriously, knowing that two different black hedgehogs exist really requires me to update the database to properly document all differences. Please excuse me. *proceeds to update the database*

pi5Wlrr.png*notices Anna* Oh, hi Anna. Sorry, I got carried away. But yeah, it's really nice to meet more of Magio's friends in person.

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6 hours ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:

Two loud screams echoed inside the castle: One belonging to the Ultimate Yakuza, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu, and the other to the recently de-brainwashed Dusk. Peko went to check on Fuyuhiko, Yamazaki and Mary both ran to Dusk's aide, and Malin stayed in the main room to introduce everyone else to Anna.........


  Reveal hidden contents

Malin pretty much introduces Anna to every character, plain and simple. No need to lengthen this post too much


At around the same time, Wizrock's portal closed and the figures all got up, revealing their identities in the process.........



"Okay, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to push Weiss first. I still ended up on the very bottom of the pile."



"Oh, come on, Blake! It wasn't that bad! Besides, I think we're in the right place! Wait did you hear that?"


Ruby Rose was referring to the loud screams emanating throughout the castle, though Blake Belladonna wasn't about to jump right into those issues right away......



"You know what? Let's find Yang first before we think about funding the source of those screams. Weiss, you okay?"


Peko then went to find Fuyuhiko, who was looking very hysterical in front of an unfazed Elias and flabbergasted Alice.......



"Fuyuhiko, what's going on?!"


"It's that mirror Malin found! It's f**king possessed or something! It actually spoke to me!"



"Really? The mirror talked to you? Come on, Fuyuhiko. I think you need some rest."


"But it's true, Peko! Look!"


*Fuyuhiko then pointed the mirror right into Peko's face, while she continue to think he was joking*


"Okay. You can stop with the shenanigans! You're acting silly, Master!"


"But it's true!"





"Wait......you weren't.......lying?......."



"It's okay.......I don't want to hurt you........"


(finally stands up) Blake, don't EVER do THAT again....well....this is the place (notices Trinitro Man's cheering) ....ah, a fan of us I see....I suppose you'll be wanting autographs?

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LG1wLF4.pngYes, autographs. From every of you four. *prepares a physical copy of RWBY Grimm Eclipse for Nintendo NX*

OOC: MegaMan characters are from the distant future, so surely, RWBY Grimm Eclipse could get a physical Nintendo NX release in at least some universe.

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44 minutes ago, Captain Papyrus said:

LG1wLF4.pngYes, autographs. From every of you four. *prepares a physical copy of RWBY Grimm Eclipse for Nintendo NX*

OOC: MegaMan characters are from the distant future, so surely, RWBY Grimm Eclipse could get a physical Nintendo NX release in at least some universe.

KfxmAaC.png Very well (signs "for Trinitro Man, from your pal Weiss Schnee") also, are you voting for us in the next Smash Ballot?


latest?cb=20070209021542 Hey T-Nitro, you sure look excited, but, aren't we forgetting something? like that mirror Malin found? and did ya hear the screams comin' from the castle?

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"Really? I'd be happy to give you guys autographs!"


Ruby and Blake gladly autographed the games the robots had in their possessions.....



"Say, shouldn't we find Yang already, Ruby?"



"That's next on our agenda! Let's go!"

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(somebody walks at the other 3 members of RWBY)

5Nxf7yS.png I found you girls! (squeezes all the gang in a big BIG hug) I missed you all!


  KfxmAaC.png Y-Yang please....stop squeezing us


5Nxf7yS.png okay (lets them go) I missed you girls, let me introduce you all to the gang (Yang proceeds to introduce everyone she has met on the good side)



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3 minutes ago, OxyontheWolf said:


Long story short, I found myself enlisting on a team called the "Deadpool Corps", alongside Mirror Knight, Trap-Jaw and Wizrock, our leader Deadpool guided us on an amazing adventure trough the Distortion World and I wanted to invite you 3


"Interesting.......Now, you were gonna introduce us to your partners?

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 (Yang takes a deep breath) Weiss, Blake, Ruby; this is all the people I've met so far: Magio, he owns this castle, Argento, he's his best friend, Alice, she's a bit shy, Trap-Jaw, he lost his jaw when it was normal...


....this is Mirror Knight, he has the hots for Mary, that is Trinitro Man, he's a fan of our show, over there's Dusk, he's a bit nutty, that's Wizrock, the guy who made the portal, that's Yoku Man, baptized after the infamous Yoku Blocks aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand that's Malin, she loves weapons

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pi5Wlrr.pngWait, it was not just a Distortion, but the Distortion World?! Damn, that means I did not see things.

bX7E6Ba.pngWhat did you saw?

pi5Wlrr.pngI saw some kind of firey creature with wings swooping in the distance. I thought that was just my imagination at first, so I didn't say anything. But now I know that what I saw was real.

bX7E6Ba.pngDistortion World? And it had a fire creature? Damn, we need to go back to the Distortion World as soon as possible!

u4EsOao.pngIf my database is not lying, then Iblis has returned! And knowing how unstable the Distortion World is, it could easily escape its dimension and attack other dimensions next!

OOC: I'm so sorry, but I saw the opportunity and took it.

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Luckily for Mirror Knight, Mary didn't hear Yang's remark. THAT would have been embarrassing for her to find out his secret. Following Yang's long string of intros.......



"Wow, Yang. That was a mouthful."



"That's my sister for ya! It's nice to meet you all!"



"Nice to meet you all as well! It's cool that Yang has family and friends wanting to help us out!"


*At this point, Malin noticed the staff in Ruby's hands*



"Neat looking staff, does it do anything special?"



"Does it ever!"


*Ruby then extended the staff to reveal the hidden scythe hidden within it*



"Say hello to the Crescent Rose! It's got all the unique things you'd expect: A scythe for close-range combat, and........


*Ruby switches her weapon to it's sniper form*


"....a sniper for long-range attacks! Pretty neat, huh?"


All of this info left Malin in a stunned silence, prompting her to pull out her vast arsenal of weaponry, from her knives and bladed yo-yos to her trusty hammer. What happened next seemed completely unreal.......






"I know right! Custom-made for combat at any range, from long-to-close range, anything's a possibility!"



"Well, here we go again......"

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  • Location: Cosmic Castle Entrance

BGM: Fallen Down -Reprise- still playing


She didn't wanted to bother anyone, but still... Anna clapped twice to call their attention.



Anna: OK, everyone. I am sorry to interrupt you, but I believe it is time that you all went to your rooms. But first, I shall explain how it works here. Each of you has a separate room. Once you touch the doorknob, the room will be automatically made to match yourself and your likes and tastes.


Renko: Cool!! This castle gets more interesting by the minute!!


Maribel: Well, I have to agree. In any case, we should get going too.


Anna: Ah, about the food for today. They will be too in your rooms.


Renko: That's good 'cuz I'm hungry.


Anna: Now please follow me. Oh, but before anything.


Anna directed both hands at him as an angel magic circle appeared behind her. She started to incantate something that no one could understand. Then, a light bathed everyone as their recent wounds were completely healed by her.



Anna: There. Now all of you are succesfully healed. This includes physical wounds, magical energy and everything else.


Maribel: (I wasn't able to understand what she incantated, but it seemed powerful...)

Anna: Now, to your rooms.


Anna walked inside and towards the guest rooms. Maribel and Renko followed suit.

  • Location: Magio and Argento's Room

BGM: Silent Sadness



Magio: Hey.


Argento: We have to talk about this.


Magio: I know where you want to begin. It's about them.


Argento: You are insistent on being social with everyone you encounter. Do you know that this could possibly lead you to your death?


Magio: I have a good eye to distinct whom should I trust or not.


Argento: Naive. I suppose your "sharpness" will tell you the time to do whatever it takes to fulfill your mission.

Magio: Enough about me. And you?


Argento: Do not go expecting I will change my opinion. For me, they could all die and I would never be sad about it. The only person that matters for me is you.

Magio: Of course. If I die, you die. That's why you need me alive.


Argento: Do not mistook my reasons!! I do this because I care for you!!


Magio: That's not a reason or excuse for your antipathic way towards them!! They did nothing to you and yet you treat them as enemies!!


Argento: Oh, now the fault is on me?! No one needs to be involved into our problems!!


Magio: Now that they know about the Distortions, do you really expect they will simply leave as that?!


Argento: ... So you will stay by their side instead of mine. Is that it?


Magio: I'm trying to be reasonable with everyone. But with you discussing everytime, it makes hard.


Both sighed as no sign of agreement has risen. By the looks of it, Argento would keep looking at the rest as if they were enemies to him. But he would still accompany them, to make sure nothing happened to Magio in the way.



Argento: ... You are going to help Maribel. I can already see it.


Magio: I can't just ignore it. This will become a massive problem if we don't deal with it now.


Argento: I know. I suggest that we see him tomorrow.


Magio: Yeah. It's best to confirm what's up ahead for us and then we'll know what we should plan to do.


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oie_transparent__2__by_duckmann18-d9p082"Wish I still had my staff... lost it at the Distortion."

2810370_1340191172517.0res_225_350.jpg"Don't worry, I'll get you a new one!"

Haruna takes out her chainsaw and casts a spell. A pink portal opened and then a bunch of staffs fell down from it.


2810370_1340191172517.0res_225_350.jpg"There ya go! You better take me out for a good meal next time."

oie_transparent__2__by_duckmann18-d9p082"Wow, those are great handmade wooden staffs...Wait a second, isn't that a vibrator??"


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Then suddenly, TrinitroMan and YokuMan burst into Magio's and Argento's room.

pi5Wlrr.pngI'm so sorry, but this is an emergency!

bX7E6Ba.pngWe need to return to the Distortion World. Iblis has returned and it's possible that it can escape from the Distortion World and then attack the other dimensions.

???: I see that you guys discovered Iblis' return. I guess I might as well just reveal myself.

And then, out of the shadows came out a hedgehog. But unlike Dusk, this hedgehog was white, had longer spines and glowing circles on his hand palms.

pi5Wlrr.pngWait, I know you. You're Silver The Hedgehog!

gGqnUbw.pngI never thought I would end up being that popular.

bX7E6Ba.pngPerfect timing, Mr. Silver. Your past expieriences with Iblis should give us the edge.

u4EsOao.pngIf you want to help us, that is.

gGqnUbw.pngYou guys seem to be heroes, so I'll help you out. I can definitely confirm that Iblis could easily escape the Distortion World when it gets help.

p49qVEg.pngOkay, let me check...uh-oh...

pi5Wlrr.pngWhat happened?

bX7E6Ba.pngMedusa's remaining commander, God of Death "Thanatos", is inside the Distortion. And knowing Medusa, she plans to use Iblis in order to bring chaos to the human world. We need to work up a plan as fast as possible!

Will the heroes destroy Iblis in time? How did Silver end up in the room? And where are the other badguys like the Foxhound renegades and Vezon? Find out next time!

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oie_transparent__2__by_duckmann18-d9p082"Eh... who's is he and why is he naked?

Dusk points at Silver, who isn't wearing any clothes apart a pair of shoes unlike Dusk, who is wearing a pair of blue trainers and black sweaters.

Haruna charges at Silver, knocking him down then she starts to punch him.



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gGqnUbw.png*quickly dodges Haruna's punches after falling down* Okay, some of your friends have real temper problems, though.

u4EsOao.pngMiss. Haruna, please stop, he's an ally of us.

bX7E6Ba.pngMr. Dusk, please calm Miss Haruna down somehow. Or anyone else please calm Miss Haruna down. I don't even care at this point who calms her down, but I know that I wont.

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there is a chance, notice the gem on its back, it could be one of those "Crystal Gems" a race of humanoid rocks that assume female bodies...altough I'm sure all went extinct some millions ago

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gGqnUbw.pngWait...what? I...better check out if anything is wrong with the emeralds I brought.

Silver then proceeded to examine the two colored jewels he brought, just to be sure they don't happen to be humanoid rocks. YokuMan recognized the two jewels immidiatelly.

bX7E6Ba.pngWait, you have two Chaos Emeralds?

gGqnUbw.pngYeah. One of them is for me, and the second one is for the second participant.

u4EsOao.pngOh, now I get it. If two Chaos Controls collide, a portal can be created to travel around in time and space. However, I have no idea if Dusk is compatible with Chaos Emeralds, and I have no idea if this method can work even if you don't have two hedgehogs right now.

OOC: My ramblings about two colliding Chaos Controls and time portals is based on Sonic'06. That, Silver and Iblis are the only things from Sonic'06 I intend to use, so no Mephiles for you.

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17 minutes ago, Captain Papyrus said:

gGqnUbw.pngWait...what? I...better check out if anything is wrong with the emeralds I brought.

Silver then proceeded to examine the two colored jewels he brought, just to be sure they don't happen to be humanoid rocks. YokuMan recognized the two jewels immidiatelly.

bX7E6Ba.pngWait, you have two Chaos Emeralds?

gGqnUbw.pngYeah. One of them is for me, and the second one is for the second participant.

u4EsOao.pngOh, now I get it. If two Chaos Controls collide, a portal can be created to travel around in time and space. However, I have no idea if Dusk is compatible with Chaos Emeralds, and I have no idea if this method can work even if you don't have two hedgehogs right now.

OOC: My ramblings about two colliding Chaos Controls and time portals is based on Sonic'06. That, Silver and Iblis are the only things from Sonic'06 I intend to use, so no Mephiles for you.

´kay, but Silver ain't being alone, remember I took dibs on some Sanic chars?

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