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1 hour ago, Captain Papyrus said:

OOC: Okay, who is this guy? I don't remember him from Metal Gear Solid 1. Liquid Snake's group always consisted out of Sniper Wolf, Psycho Mantis, Vulcan Raven, Octopus Decoy, Revolver Ocelot and Liquid Snake himself.

I had no intention to bring back Octopus Decoy, because he hardly does anything in the original Metal Gear Solid 1, but the other 5 I planned to make them return.

OOC: I believe @OxyontheWolf is using Vezon from Bionicle as a villian and is having him be connected to FoxHound for this RP. The whole paid mercenary deal fits him perfectly.

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Just now, TotalDramaXtremist said:

OOC: I believe @OxyontheWolf is using Vezon from Bionicle as a villian and is having him be connected to FoxHound for this RP.

actually I and Pap are thinking on ways of making him and some "special guests" part of the plot, and sadly, no Yang in action yet... aaaaaaaaw!  

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That reminds me: I want to make the Foxhound renegades more active soon, but I am lacking in renders. I just hope someone manages to help me out on that front.

That, and more fanart of the Unlimited Force...they have so little fanart... ;_;

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  • World: Ultima Knight's Pocket Universe
  • Location: Skies below the Cosmic Castle

BGM: The Ark


They slowly opened their eyes. Renko and Maribel were not alone, since Fuyuhiko and the rest came too. But they were in some sort of wood floor.



Maribel: Huh...? Where are we...?


Renko: Is this... a ship?


Renko looked around and saw nothing more than the sky. Upon seeing the scenery, she immediately jumped and backed off, really startled.






Fantasy Castle On Fantasy Island Wallpaper


Maribel ran and looked and saw more than just the sky. A floating island with a castle stood not too away from them. The ship was going to its direction.



Maribel: H-Hold on!! H-How did we end up here?!


Magio: *appears* I brought you all here through that portal.


Maribel: Ah, Magio! Thank goodnes you are safe!


Renko: But that place... where are we going?


Magio: That's my house. I call it The Cosmic Castle.


Renko: That's your HOUSE?! Put a cap on that "house" word and address it right!


Magio: I'm sorry if it was a subtle and rushed decision, but I can't think of any other way of thanking you all for helping me with that Distortion other than treating you at my house.


Renko: Aw, it's no deal. After all, it's a castle!!


Maribel: Renko!! That's not the way to say "thank you"!! *hits Renko*


Renko: Oww!! OK, OK, I'm sorry!!


Magio: Don't worry. I capted the message.


Maribel: I'm worried about these other people... are they all fine?


Magio: They seem to be waking up now. I wonder if they'll be surprised by seeing this...


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Dusk wakes up and starts to throw up. He asks Magio :

oie_transparent__2__by_duckmann18-d9p082"Dude... where's the toilet? My body doesn't tolerate strong sunlight...And I need to bandage this wound quickly, since it's starting to become infected..."

Dusk points at his wound caused by Sniper Wolf and the wound has started to become unusually red and swollen. Ironically, there are footprints of Argento's boots on the wound when he attempted to step on Dusk's chest to make him unconcious.



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bX7E6Ba.png*boots up* Oh...a flying ship? And a flying castle? I guess the castle is yours, Magio, right?

LG1wLF4.png*boots up* Oh goodie, this could be a splendid place to plan out our next steps.

The other Robot Masters boot up as well and also react on the ship and the castle in their own way.

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Upon leaving the Distortion, the group all found themselves knocked unconscious by some mysterious force, and upon waking up, they found themselves on a flying ship.......




"Man, I needed that after those fights.......WHOA! Guys, check out the castle!"



"What castle? Oh my god, Malin's right, look!"


"Holy sh*t that castle's huge!



"Impressive....I never would've expected something like this to exist, Magio."



"It's beautiful."



"Damn.....and to think we're on a flying ship headed to that castle in the skies......."



"I dig this a lot! You must be pretty wealthy to have something like a castle as your residence!"



"Hey, someone help Dusk, he's bleeding pretty bad!"



"Leave that to me and Alice. He needs all the help he can get after what transpired back there. Malin, check on the rest of the crew."



"Gotcha covered, Elias!"


With that, Malin proceeded to wake up Yang, Deadpool, and the rest of the third team........though she discovered an interesting item on the way......



"Hmmmm..........this mirror looks cool and all......



*Malin turns the mirror over*




"......though the gem piece on the back could be repaired.....oh well, I'll figure it out inside the castle. Yang! Deadpool! Lock-Jaw! Kamer Rider Guy! You guys awake, yet?"





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4 hours ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:

Upon leaving the Distortion, the group all found themselves knocked unconscious by some mysterious force, and upon waking up, they found themselves on a flying ship.......




"Man, I needed that after those fights.......WHOA! Guys, check out the castle!"



"What castle? Oh my god, Malin's right, look!"


"Holy sh*t that castle's huge!



"Impressive....I never would've expected something like this to exist, Magio."



"It's beautiful."



"Damn.....and to think we're on a flying ship headed to that castle in the skies......."



"I dig this a lot! You must be pretty wealthy to have something like a castle as your residence!"



"Hey, someone help Dusk, he's bleeding pretty bad!"



"Leave that to me and Alice. He needs all the help he can get after what transpired back there. Malin, check on the rest of the crew."



"Gotcha covered, Elias!"


With that, Malin proceeded to wake up Yang, Deadpool, and the rest of the third team........though she discovered an interesting item on the way......



"Hmmmm..........this mirror looks cool and all......



*Malin turns the mirror over*




"......though the gem piece on the back could be repaired.....oh well, I'll figure it out inside the castle. Yang! Deadpool! Lock-Jaw! Kamer Rider Guy! You guys awake, yet?"


  Reveal hidden contents




Ugh.....my arm.....yes I'm awake.....hey, Malin, would you mind if I invited some friends in? I have the feeling backup might be needed



Vezon...that double crossing son of a gun.....I hope he gets what he deserves


latest?cb=20070209021542 Yeh...I'm awake....hey maybe we could spit some answers from Vezon! what do you guys say?




latest?cb=20140106220431 ...I think I've seen that gem...before...



and OOC: Mirror Knight is from the Ultraman universe, not the Kamen Rider universe...altough I must admit MK would look nice on that world too


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I'm having problems with Photobucket right now, so images will come later.


BGM: The Ark still playing


Magio: I'm glad everyone's safe... sort of.


Maribel: But... why I never saw your castle? I mean, are we that high from town?


Magio: Actually... this is a world I created, so we're not on the town anymore,


Renko: Wait, wait, wait!! YOU created everything around here?!


Magio: This is my Pocket Universe. It's where I live. A world created by and for the Ultima Knight.


Maribel: A Pocket Universe... that sounds so efficient!


Renko: Man, now I'm jealous...


Soon, the ship stopped right at the castle's main door. It was a big, white door that shined. Then, it opened without a single movement and Argento appeared.


Argento: You took your time.


Magio: Sorry, I went a little slow because of the others.


Argento: Oh... you brought them...


Renko and Maribel immediately threw stares at Argento. He literally looked away, not caring for what they had to say.



Argento: ... Do whatever you want. I could care less.


Magio: Argento, we seriously need to talk. I'm not kidding.


Argento: Fine for me. I will wait for you in our room. Just for curiosity, how long will this tour around the castle take?


Magio: I don't know.


Argento: Well, have your fun.


Argento left for his and Magio's room. Renko was already angered to stnd near him.



Renko: This guy... he gives me the nerves!!


Magio: Just ignore him. He's a cool guy, I assure you.


Maribel: It's hard to believe that when he is shooing us with stares and warnings...




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ooc, haven't been on in a bit, so going to rush stuff to catch up.


The necromancer looked around to find the human wasn't a human at all it was a hedgehog of some sort. Just as he had figured this out, the hedge hog began to disappear.

"Hmm, where's he going, and why is it I sense an odd aura around him? As he was pondering this, the landscape was wrappidly crumbling inward.

Damn! this demention is collapseing. Quickly making some mentle calculations, the necro warrior waited until the tentacle was on top of him, about to capture him, lept out of the way at the last minute, and flew threw a hole in reality as the demention finally vanished out of existence, a scream issuing from the tentacle controller's host.

When the necromancer warrior appeared out of the portal, he looked around to find himself in the same castle as the others.

"What is this place?" Why of all places did the hole in reality land me here? And one more thing... where's my minions? Sure they're easy to restore... just kill a guard and make a minion from the corpse of my choosing, but still... Where?


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oie_transparent__2__by_duckmann18-d9p082"Is it normal that after all that fighting, I'm the only one who got brainwashed by a mastermind and seriously injured by a hitman?"

Dusk appears, with his wounds carefully bandaged thanks to Alice and Elias (The Priest).

oie_transparent__2__by_duckmann18-d9p082" *yawn* I'm going to take a very looooooooong and nice nap now, since I'm getting pretty tired after what happened today."

Dusk cracks his knuckles and his neck before heading to a guest bedroom in the castle.


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1 hour ago, darkblade0v said:

ooc, haven't been on in a bit, so going to rush stuff to catch up.


The necromancer looked around to find the human wasn't a human at all it was a hedgehog of some sort. Just as he had figured this out, the hedge hog began to disappear.

"Hmm, where's he going, and why is it I sense an odd aura around him? As he was pondering this, the landscape was wrappidly crumbling inward.

Damn! this demention is collapseing. Quickly making some mentle calculations, the necro warrior waited until the tentacle was on top of him, about to capture him, lept out of the way at the last minute, and flew threw a hole in reality as the demention finally vanished out of existence, a scream issuing from the tentacle controller's host.

When the necromancer warrior appeared out of the portal, he looked around to find himself in the same castle as the others.

"What is this place?" Why of all places did the hole in reality land me here? And one more thing... where's my minions? Sure they're easy to restore... just kill a guard and make a minion from the corpse of my choosing, but still... Where?


OOC: I'm sorry, but your roleplay is destroying the flow of our roleplay.

Please try to integrate your roleplay to our story arc. For more instructions, ask Agni Blackheart.

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"Wait, Dusk, do you even know where the bedrooms are in this castle? Magio and Argento haven't exactly explained where the rooms are at."


Peko then noticed the mirror in Malin's hands.......



"Hey, Malin. Where'd you find that mirror?"



"Oh, this thing? I found it on the ship when I went to wake up Yang and the others. The gem piece on the back is cracked, though."



"Well, if you plan to fix it, let Magio know."



"Yeah, maybe he's got some adhesive or something like that."


Mary then walked up to Magic and asked........



"So, Magio, you got this huge castle in the skies, and it's in some sort of alternate dimension. Has anyone other than your group found their way here?"

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20 hours ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:


"Wait, Dusk, do you even know where the bedrooms are in this  castle? Magic and Argentina haven't exactly explained where the rooms are at."


Peko then noticed the mirror in Malin's hands.......



"Hey, Malin. Where'd you find that mirror?"



"Oh, this thing? I found it on the ship when I went to wake up Yang and the others. The gem piece on the back is cracked, though."



"Well, if you plan to fix it, let Magio know."



"Yeah, maybe he's got some adhesive or something like that."


Mary then walked up to Magic and asked........



"So, Magio, you got this huge castle in the skies, and it's in some sort of alternate dimension. Has anyone other than your group found their way here?"

Malin : "Wait, Dusk, do you even know where the bedrooms are in this  castle? Magic and Argentina haven't exactly explained where the rooms are at."

Magic and Argentina.





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Come with us, Yang. Alice and I will tend to your wound."


With that, Alice and Elias went to Yang's side. Malin then walked up to Alice........



"Hey, Alice. You mind hanging on to this mirror for me? I gotta see what that rock is doing."



"Sure. It looks nice, too."


Malin handed the mirror to Alice and she proceeded to follow Elias and Yang to a private area. As they were walking, Alice could have sworn she heard a voice that she didn't recognize. Little did she know that there was something inside that mirror.......

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1 minute ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:


Come with us, Yang. Alice and I will tend to your wound."


With that, Alice and Elias went to Yang's side. Malin then walked up to Alice........



"Hey, Alice. You mind hanging on to this mirror for me? I gotta see what that rock is doing."



"Sure. It looks nice, too."


Malin handed the mirror to Alice and she proceeded to follow Elias and Yang to a private area. As they were walking, Alice could have sworn she heard a voice that she didn't recognize. Little did she know that there was something inside that mirror.......

latest?cb=20140106220431 (researching a portal generating spell) ....strange...I could've sworn there was one in my spellbook

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