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Arc II: Prologue

Visions of an Distorted Future

  • Location: ???

In a bridge of the city, two people were driving at high speeds. Those were Magio and Argento. Each was driving their bike, being Magio on his Sneakster and Argento on his Phantom.



Argento: Is there any necessity on driving? We could have gone flying.


Magio: I know, I know, but I felt like driving. And you can't disagree that it's nice to differ the ways we reach the Distortions once in a while, right?


Argento: Nice or not, we are not alone on this bridge! And look at our speed! It is overboard compared to the other cars and bikes!


Magio: You said that we had to hurry, so there's your reason for our high speed.


Argento: Do not use my argument to justify your recklessness!


Magio: It's fine. Besides, if anyone can see us, it'll be just a glimpse. Now, c'mon, we're taking a detour.


Argento: *sigh*... Why, if I may ask?


Magio, Because of that behind you.


BGM: Riders of the Light


As Argento looked back, they were being followed by a horde of Roadersenemies from the Subspace, a place that is the inverse of their dimension. They counted at least 10 or 13 Roaders;



Argento: Wonderful. Roaders from the Subspace.


Magio: Now's not the perfect time for complaints. To the water!


Argento: Wait, are we going to drive in the water?!


Magio: I said "no complaints"! Just go!


With a wild 180° spin on the middle of the bridge, Magio accelerated at all will and jumped directly at the water, without leaving his foot out of the gas. It would be impossible followeing the laws of physics, but he was truly driving as if the water was actually a road. Sighing hardly, Argento did the same movement and followed Magio through the ocean. Unfortunately, the horde jumped too and they were being able to go through the water as well.



Magio: Hey, what's going on? Roaders are supposed to sink, not drive!


Argento: At least we are away of the bridge. Any causalities have been evaded.


Magio: Well, that surely reassures me. Now, let's go and tire them out.


Argento: Would you not prefer to shoot them right here?


Magio: Well, that could work too.


Magio summoned his weapon, the Keyblade Destiny Fulfilled as Argento summoned his Keyblade, Fates Aligned. After holding them, both knights aimed them behind at the Roaders and used their techniques.



Magio: Prism Rain!!


Argento: Dark Volley!!


Magio shot a salvo of lrainbow-colored orbs as Argento kept shooting dark orbs repeatedly. While Magio focused on area attacks, Argento focus on single enemies. Soon, the horde was blown away.



Argento: Alright, let us keep going. If Roaders are here, it would not be any surprise to have another enemies following us.


Magio: I'm already predicting a big number of Primids once we reach there, so it won't be surprising for us to be raided once we reach the ground...


They kept driving through the ocean, almost reaching the ground.

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My characters so far:



*TrinitroMan (previously known as NitroMan)


Meanwhile, in the Unlimited Force HQ:

bX7E6Ba.pngGentlemen, I think I have bad news right now.

4VW7xNM.pngDid some reploid prototypes go maverick again?

bX7E6Ba.png...actually, yes. But that's not our problem right now.

LG1wLF4.pngOhohoho, that means serious business!

p49qVEg.pngToday, I was receiving bizarre energy waves, so I had analized them throughly and made a shocking discovery:

u4EsOao.pngThe Subspace Army has returned!

ufuug8S.pngWHAT?! That's impossible!

bX7E6Ba.pngNot really. Tabuu might be dead, but any survived member of the Subspace Army could easily rebuild it again and just find a new leader.

u4EsOao.pngDuon and Galleom are guaranteed to return. Maybe they are even upgraded this time around.

0i89CPI.pngSo...what are the next instructions, sir?

bX7E6Ba.pngRemember Magio?

pi5Wlrr.pngYou mean that white Ultima Knight from the Maribel incident? Sure thing!

u4EsOao.pngWell...he's in for some Subspace trouble.

p49qVEg.pngI'm also reading big energy waves from the Distortions' general direction, so I think that Primids would not be the only thing he will encounter.

LG1wLF4.pngOkay guys, you know what that means!


In the blink of an eye, the Unlimited Force mega-teleport away near the latest location of the Distortions, since they cannot teleport directly into the Distortions. Will they reach Magio in time? And where is Maribel at?

OOC: Agni, I hope you don't mind that I'm sending my team as reinforcement. They will also appear just in time (just when you will encounter the Primids).

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  • World: ???
  • Location: Streets near the Pier

A lone girl walked through the streets, looking at her cellphone really worried. She picked up a certain contact and sent a message.



???: Merry, are you there? It's me, Renko. Please answer!


The girl closed her phone once again and looked at the sky. Said girl of the name Renko was used to know the time just by looking at the night sky and she knew it was very late of the night. She went with Maribel in one of her trips to the unnatural, but the second girl ended up disappearing.



Renko: It's the 5th voice message I sent her and I still have no answer. I'm starting to get worried.


Suddenly, small black dust fell on the ground and started to take form. The dust, known as Shadow Bugs, gave form to the Primids, who looked around the area. They were on a big number, counting 50 to more.



Renko: What's going on?! What are those things?!


Renko backed off towards the alley near the street she was, but as soon as she moved, the Primids started to move towards her.



Renko: No!! Get away from me!!


But the Primids kept getting closer. Filled with fear, she looked at the sky.



Renko: (P-Please...!! Someone, help me...!!!)


BGM: Fly me to the Moon (∞ Climax Mix)


Then, when she looked, two bikes came from the water towards the place she stood. Magio and Argento jumped from their motorcycles as they landed on the alley near the street. Landed on the middle of the Primids, they looked around.



Magio: It's never that easy. I would just hope that once it won't be this big bunch...


Argento: Now who is complaining?


Magio: ... Touché...


Argento: As you said, there is no use for complaints. Let us resolve this and go to the Distortion.


Magio: ... Match to see who kills more Primids?


Argento: If you insist.


They went to different sides, attracting the Primids' attention. Magio attacked with normal slashes, however he mixed his Illusion techniques to confuse enemies. As for Argento, he went to a different approach, attacking enemies using a classic fencing style.



Renko: (Those two... Ah!)


Magio: *slashes Primid* Hmmm? Hey, you're-


Upon seeing her, Magio immediately cut a way and went to Renko, who seemed really glad that they arrived.



Renko: Magio! Oh, I'm so glad to see you!


Magio: Renko? You're all alone...?


Renko: I was with Maribel... but she disappeared...


Magio: I see... she disappeared?


Argento: *reappears next to Magio* There, we have our Distortion victim. Instead of talking about it, could you please help me here? *runs back to the Primids*


Magio: Stay right here. If there's any need, defend yourself with this.


Magio gave to Renko a little pouch. When she opened, it was filled with stardust. She didn't knew in what this would help but it was better than nothing at the moment they were. The knight soon followed to his brother's side. There was no time to waste, as Maribel might have fallen inside the Distortion...

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Meanwhile, on the same streets, two barely visible dots were flying above the scene. As it turns out, the Unlimited Force sended out two of their robot masters to scout out for the definitive location of the Distortions, but found something different instead.

CmqxW2S.png*talking into a speaker while flying* Hey guys, I think I found Magio and his other half. And there's also a brown-haired girl with them.

bX7E6Ba.png*responding* A brown-haired girl? That's probably Renko. Is Maribel with her?

CmqxW2S.png*talking into a speaker* Doesn't look like it. They are being attacked by Primids, although it looks like the Primids have no chance anyway.

zEkO9fx.png*talking into a speaker while flying* Uhm...I don't like to be the one to give out bad news, but...there is a big blue three-headed flying dragon heading to the scene.

bX7E6Ba.png*responding* The color of the heads?

zEkO9fx.png*talking into a speaker* What?! Uhm...one blue, one purple, one red.

u4EsOao.png*respoding* Well then, what you see is Hewdra, one of the commanders of the Underworld Army.

zEkO9fx.png*talking into a speaker* Well...damn, I think they spotted me now, since their flying is now aimed more at me and Jet.

u4EsOao.png*responding* Good good. Then you two can take care of them before they can cause Magio and friends some trouble

zEkO9fx.png*talking into a speaker* Oh great...

bX7E6Ba.png*responding* I'm glad that you like my idea.

zEkO9fx.png*talking into a speaker* ...that was sarcasm...
QC6pA15.pngHaha, great! Two snacks for the price of one!

rsZg8pR.png...they are robots, and metal is not very tasty.

X020QJU.pngThen we should crush and destroy them for ruining our surprise attack!

QC6pA15.pngB-b-but I'm hungry...

rsZg8pR.pngHey, we had plenty to eat before, how could you still be hungry?

X020QJU.pngHe's probably only thinking with his stomach...

QC6pA15.pngI mean, how could you know that metal is not tasty?

rsZg8pR.pngDo you know that thing called "logic"?

X020QJU.pngYo, let's crush those robots already!

QC6pA15.pngNo, eat them!

rsZg8pR.pngNo, burn them!

X020QJU.pngNo, crush them!

The three heads continued to argue about how to destroy the robots.

CmqxW2S.pngUhm...now what?

zEkO9fx.pngTheir bickering is never going to end. Let us just attack already.


The three heads proceeded to attack the robots, each on with its own type fire. Will JetMan and CometWoman prevail? And what has the Underworld Army to do with the Subspace Army?

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  • World: ???
  • Location: Streets near the Alley

BGM: Fly me to the Moon (∞ Climax Mix) still playing


Magio and Argento kept fighting against the Primids. It wasn't that problematic until Magio noticed a big dragon flying in the sky and some dots flying around it.



Magio: Hold it. Isn't that Hewdra?


Argento: ... And to think that he is a Tyrant Overlord, yet he cannot control some beast like that...


Magio: Don't be so harsh on him. Plenty of demons are aiming to his throne, so it isn't his fault if some beast or another escapes to the human world...


Argento: For the sake of the everlasting God, could you please stop with this?! We have to finish these Primids so we can deal with Hewdra!


Magio: I think that... somethings are dealing with Hewdra right now...


Argento: What somethings?!


Magio: I don't know! How do you expect me to define what it is when the only thing I see is a dot?!


Argento: ... Those are robots... and those robots...


Upon a little more of inspection, Argento saw more colors out of these dots. Soon, the identity of them became clear and it was something that he disliked.



Argento: Are you serious that THEY came to do some sort of rescue?!


Magio: They... who?


Argento: The "Unlimited Force"...


Magio: Really? Then, that's not bad. Why you're so mad about it?


Argento: The last thing I need is a bunch of loud robots.


Magio: You always complain of people that come to help us. Why is that?


Argento: Give me a good reason to why I should trust them.


Magio: Because they're our friends.


Argento: Correct that. They are YOUR friends. I never stated that I will be friend with those robots.


Magio: One day you will. Now, let's finish what we have here and help them.

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Meanwhile, in the skies

CmqxW2S.png*firing missiles* Yo, I think the armor is exposed soon.

a05soep.png*shooting mini-comets* You're right, something is begin to shine beneath it.

QC6pA15.pngIs it just me, or did we really become rusty?

rsZg8pR.pngNo, they are speedy robots and have the clever plan at shooting anything but our heads.

X020QJU.pngNah, I think it's because we are fighting 3-on-2. I'll fix that. *shoots a homing fireball*

Y214MIo.png*shoots one last missile* Yes, the armor is gone now. Now we can concentrate both our attacks to do the fi-

Suddenly, one of JetMan's wings gets hit by the Hewdra's fireball.


QC6pA15.pngIs he dead yet?

rsZg8pR.pngNo, but at least he wont be able to help this blue one.

X020QJU.pngPerfect, no we can really go haywire!

zEkO9fx.pngNot so fast, I still have got one last trump card!

a05soep.pngHow do you guys like these?

Suddenly, CometWoman shoots out two small satalite drones firing of electricity and rocks of extreme coldness (even colder than the Antarctis), which were orbiting in a way to assist CometWoman both in defence and in shooting power.

QC6pA15.pngWHAT?! Orbitars?

rsZg8pR.pngRobots have that, too?!

X020QJU.pngThat's nothing but a deja vu, let's just concentrate our fire!

The Hewdra heads were then launching a real stream of fire of all kinds, but CometWoman simply dodged that in the blink of an eye.

QC6pA15.pngWait, that robot was there a second ago.

rsZg8pR.pngAnd to think that robot was holding back before. We should have expected that!

X020QJU.pngOrbitars incoming!

The Hewdra heads get desperate and start shooting both at CometWoman and the satalites at even faster intervals.

However, everytime a satalite gets destroyed, CometWoman creates a new one shortly after.

zEkO9fx.png*gets grazed by a fireball* Damn, I think something barely hit my shoulder. Better should handle that situation from a different angle.

CometWoman then proceeds to fly under the Hewdra and then spots the weakpoint.

zEkO9fx.pngGotcha! And now it's time for you...

a05soep.png...to fall! Meteorain!

Suddenly, CometWoman began to shoot out a big spray of small meteors from both her arm cannon and the satalites, which increased in size the further the traveled.

Thankfully, CometWoman aimed just about right, sinve the stream manage to shoot a hole through the Hewdra's chest!

zEkO9fx.pngHaha, jackpot!


rsZg8pR.pngWe may...be defeated, but...at least...it was...honourable...

X020QJU.pngHourable? More like...embarissing...

rsZg8pR.pngTo think...we would argue...even at...our last breath...

And with that, the Hewdra finally fall, being taken care of for good. But what about JetMan?

Hlh4tF2.png*on the ground* One of my wings don't work, but I can still fight.

Then, JetMan spots some Primids, which are now joined up by Monoeyes.

DbNTxZJ.pngOkay, that means Magio and co are not far away either. Better help out then.

Then, JetMan scanned a group of Primids and Monoeyes rushing towards him, just to be sure that the group only consists of Primids and Monoeyes.

Afterwards, JetMan fires a rocket at the group, which explodes on contact.

Meanwhile, the remaining Unlimited Force member almost reached what seemed to be the fighting scene, when suddenly, YokuMan noticed something odd.

8ar9neR.pngWait! Everybody wait!

pi5Wlrr.pngWhat's the matter?

bX7E6Ba.pngTake a close look at the battle scene.

I7nXesJ.pngWait a second, nothing is casting shadow there?

pi5Wlrr.pngWait, could it mean...

bX7E6Ba.pngYes, that's right. It's an illusionary trap!

8ar9neR.pngAnd we have only noticed it too late!

With a fingersnip, YokuMan revealed the true identity of their location, which looked like an unfinished enviroment in a videogame.

bX7E6Ba.pngThat design...

u4EsOao.pngYep, we ended up inside one of Pandora's illusionary traps.

pi5Wlrr.pngFirst Hewdra, now Pandora? What comes next, Thanatos?!

bX7E6Ba.pngAt least I can safely say that CometWoman and JetMan are outside the illusion, which is also true for Magio and his friends and also the enemies they fight.

I7nXesJ.pngSo...what now?

bX7E6Ba.pngIn theory, it's as easy as ABC.

u4EsOao.pngWe just need to find Pandora and defeat her. Then we can get out.

pi5Wlrr.pngLet me guess: Finding her will be much harder than actually fighting her, right?

bX7E6Ba.pngYou guessed, and unlike anyone with supernatural powers, we cannot just talk to somebody not in the room unless both parties have a speaker.

Will the Unlimited Force find Pandora?

Answer: yes, but this will be saved for my next post, which is either tommorow or one day later (partly depends on Agni's posting).


OOC: I actually have a plan for at least the Kid Icarus villians and some additional ones, which I will talk out with Agni.


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OOC: Time to join in. :)


My characters ATM:

Malin (KOF)

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu

Peko Pekoyama

A certain water gem will also join the fray eventually............


*Meanwhile, a couple of miles away........*


???: "It's a good thing we got away from those robots, otherwise we would've been dead long ago. How you holding up?"



"I've been better.........At least the wound that Fury gave me is all bandaged up. I'm gonna be honest, I didn't think Peko was gonna make it out of that mess."


*As it turns out, some people had witnessed the brawl brought on by Fist Dracon and his allies against Geese Howard's staff. Needless to say, one witness got involved and fended off the robots with some unusual tactics. Fuyuhiko refused to get involved considering the damage done to him by a rage-fueled Nick Fury and another spectator properly bandaged up his wounds.*


???: "It's all in how you approach your enemies. I just had to use my knives, hammer, and yo-yos to do the trick. Sometimes you just gotta be dirty to get the job done!"



"While I did appreciate your help, I didn't see the need to pull out a giant hammer. By the way, you never introduced yourself."




"Oh, right! Where are my manners? The name's Malin, leader of the Anti-Kyokugenryu Team!"



"I go by Peko, and the man next to me is Fuyuhiko."


*Before Fuyuhiko could further interject, however........*



"What the hell is that?!"


*Peko turns to see what Fuyuhiko was referring to, and sees a giant sphere a few miles from where they are*



"What the...........?!"

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OOC: Alright sorry for the hold up I actually was really busy last week and I couldn't enter that much ANYWAY MOVING ON!!!

  • World: ???
  • Location: Streets near the Alley

They eventually finished the Primids and Hewdra was already dealt with. After that, they moved back to Renko.


BGM: Area infinitia



Magio: Alright. Now that they're dealt with and Hewdra is gone too... let's go to the point.


Argento: It is in the alley.


Renko: Huh?


Magio moved towards and inside the alley. He stopped a few meters away from them, grabbed his Keyblade and slashed thin space. However, it immediately broke and a black portal showed up.



Renko: Whoa!


Magio: Here it is. The Distortion.


Argento: Such a horrid view. It does not combine with the ambient. In fact, it is a crime to existence itself.


Magio: ... Ugh...


Renko: Is he OK?


Argento: That is actually a good sign. Whenever it pains him, it means someone alive is inside the Distortion.


Magio: But... this was a soft pain. We have to hurry then.


Argento: What about your robot friends? Are you simply going without them?


Magio: I don't want to, but if the pain was soft, that can't be a true good sign. The Distortion won't close immediately, so if they're fast, they'll be able to come.


Argento: If you say so.


Renko: Wait!


As they were heading towards it, Renko moved forward. She was determined to do something.



Renko: P-Please, let me go with you!


Argento: You will only be a bother if we take you along.


Renko: If Maribel's inside, I wanna save her! I don't know how, but I want to!


Magio: ...


Argento: Let me guess. She is coming too.


Magio: They're friends, I understand that she wants to come, and I really don't know if keeping her here all alone would be a good thing...


Argento: ... I will leave her into your responsibility. If anything happens, it will be your fault.


Argento walked and entered inside the Distortion. Renko looked at it a little worried.



Renko: ...


Magio: Don't worry. He's usually a nice person... sometimes...


Magio: And I'll be there to protect you, so you don't have to be scared, OK?


Renko: O-OK... thanks, Magio.


And then, both went after him. The Distortion's entrance kept open, waiting more victims or people to interfere.

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As Peko's group moves towards the portal, they question whether or not to follow the other group that went into it, but not before Malin's reinforcements arrive...........



"It doesn't look very safe to follow those three. What do you think, Malin?"









"Oh, sorry, Peko. I was thinking about the backup I called for on the way over here."


"So that's why you asked to borrow my phone earlier? I don't see why we would need help anyways."



"Hey, we need all the help we can get in case we do have to go into that portal. You're still pretty banged up and I'm pretty sure my weapons long with Peko's sword will only be of protection for so long."


"Alright, you got a point. How long do we have to wait for your backup?"




"Not too long, because here they come right this way!"


*As Peko and Fuyuhiko turn behind Malin, they spotted a tall man in priest attire approaching them*


???: "Malin, I presume?"



"Yup, that's me! I'm glad you took me up on my offer to help us out!"


"It would a disservice if I did not expel the evil lurking ahead. I am Elias Patrick, and I wish to assist you three."


"Okay......was not expecting someone that tall.......but then again, Nekomaru was a bit on the tall and dangerous spectrum. The name's Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu."



"I am Peko Pekoyama, and I'm a part of the Kuzuryuu clan along with Fuyuhiko."



"You said you specialized in exorcism?"



"That is correct, Miss Malin."



"So we've got an exorcist, and who else?"



"There are two others, and one of them was supposed to be with Elias..........oh, wait, there she is."


*As Malin finished her sentence, the next of the reinforcements walked up from behind Elias.*





"You'll have to excuse Alice, she's been through a lot and tends to not talk a lot."



"Yeah! That little kid wouldn't talk even after I offered to help out Malin!"



".........What's Yamazaki doing here, Malin?"



"Aw, come on, Peko. Cut this guy some slack! Besides, he needed something to do after that driver's exam."



"Whatever. All in favor of entering the portal, say aye."


The group gives a collective "aye!", and as they step into the portal, Alice quietly says to herself.......



"A great evil awaits us all........."

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  • World: ???
  • Location: Dimension Distortion #1

BGM: Castle Bleck


The Dimension Distortion. A threat to the existence of worlds itself. Its malevolous energy took form of whatever world you can imagine. Of course, it never meant to be pleasant, even if it looked like a peaceful place to stay. The trio entered on the Distortion's highest spot, seeing that it was a strange hole that only led down...



Renko: T-T-This is rather c-creepy...


Argento: You have the chance to go back. The entrance is still open.


Renko: J-Just because I'm scared doesn't mean I'm going to step back, got it?!


Argento: Fine for me. Magio is the one watching you anyway.


Renko: So you're saying that you'll leave me to die?!


Argento: I have little to no time for being a babysitter! This is not a game!




The discussion ended as his scream echoed in the Distortion.



Magio: Geez, I don't know what will be more troublesome now.


Argento: Anyway, do you feel her anywhere?


Magio: She's way below. Probably on the last level of this... hole.


Renko: What do you mean by "probably"?!


Argento: There is a high interference blocking us from getting Maribel's full signal. Most probably, it comes from the monster behind this Distortion...


Renko: B-But she's here, right?!


Magio: Yeah, without a doubt, she's here. We just have to get down.


Argento: Wait.


Magio: What?


Argento: More people are coming...

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BGM: Super Dangaronpa 2 OST- Re_Buzzkill


After steeping through the portal, Malin and her crew take a moment to view their surroundings and speak their minds........



"I sense...........a great evil in this place. Alice, my child, be careful. We don't know what's to come for us."






"What the heck kind of place is this? Sure beats doing Geese's work for a day, that's for sure"



"You think you're the only one, Ryuji? I'm just having trouble figuring out where this portal is leading to."



"This place gives me the creeps. Last time I was this f**king weirded out was back in that simulation me and Peko were trapped in. That brings back some bad memories that neither of us like to talk about."



"Tell me about it. It wasn't bad enough that we were stranded on a virtual island, we were forced to kill to survive. Damn that Monokuma!"






"Yeah, what she said. You two were stuck in a simulation?"


Before Peko and Fuyuhiko could continue to reminisce about their past, an echo could be heard and the words "WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP?!" could be audible. Alice spoke up, further surprising the group as a whole."



"Are you people done talking yet? We've got company."


The group looked ahead to see three teenagers heading the same path as them. Yamazaki would be the first to interject.



"Would you look at that, the little girl's got a point. Hey! What are you three punks doing in a place like this?"

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  • World: ???
  • Location: Dimension Distortion #1

BGM: Castle Bleck still playing


Upon hearing Yamazaki's question, Argento took out his Keyblade and pointed at them.



Argento: I could ask you all the same thing.


Magio: H-Hey, calm down. Don't go pulling unnecessary fights.


Argento: I am not going to become a babysitter!! We have lots of problems to deal with already!!


Magio: Yeah, I know. But they don't look that weak at the point that we need to protect them.


Renko: Anyway... shouldn't we introduce yourselves now?

Argento: We do not have the time to leisure!!


BGM: Lazy Afternoons



Magio: Well, since we're already here, why not?


Argento: Eh?!


Magio: My name is Magio Toadstool. I'm an Ultima Knight. I would talk more about it, but we don't have much time. It's a pleasure to meet you all.


Renko: I'm Renko Usami and... I'm just a normal human, for the most part. My friend fell here, so I came with them to get her back.


Argento: ...


Magio: And this is Argento Von Karmia. He's... uh... my brother. Sort of...


Argento: Not pleased to even encounter with you all.


Magio: He's... a little grumpy, but a nice guy, nonetheless.


Argento: Well, if you are going to waste our time with these introductions, then I am going right ahead. Every second I spend time in this shared space, I lose more of my patience...


Still holding his Keyblade, Argento started to go down by jumping in the gaps between each "floor". Magio scratched his head and sighed hardly.



Magio: (He's always like that. I wonder what's going on...)


Magio: Anyway, what about you all?

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Then, JetMan and CometWoman show up, who have entered the Distortion as well

DbNTxZJ.pngPfew, finally catched up with you guys. I still feel bad for not waiting for my comrades.

muXgg2o.pngNo need to worry about them, hun. We are the Unlimited Force after all. Whatever problem they are in, they can get out of it with no problem.

vQF6DWS.pngWait, I see that Argento seems to be hurrying to somewhere. Magio, since YokuMan is not around right now, I'll simply ask you for further instructions.

So what about the rest of the Unlimited Force? Well, I'll tell you later on, how to they found what they seeked, which will lead to another battle. Hoo boy, I wonder what will happen next.

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"That Argento guy's got a temper..........cool! My name's Malin, and these guys are Peko Pekoyama, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu, Elias Patrick, Ryuji Yamazaki, and Alice..............what's your last name, Alice? None of us got it."






"Like Lewis Carroll. Interesting."



"Well, Magio, we figured that you and your group needed help, so here we are. Just tell your friend that he's not going to babysit anyone. We all came to help, and if he doesn't like it, he's gonna have to deal with with, because we're not going back until we finish what we came to do!"



"Now if you'll excuse us......."


Malin then proceeded to follow Argento by jumping down the gaps, and soon the others followed suit. Except for Yamazaki, who had one other question for Magio.......



"So what's the girl doing with you anyways? Seems a bit dangerous to be here with your and your brother, don't you think?"

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vQF6DWS.pngAt this point, Magio, Argento, Renko and the whole of the Unlimited Force suspect that Renko's best friend Maribel is inside the Distortion.

aq4fiF1.pngAnd knowing who she becomes in the future, the whole predicament could potentially become even more dangerous than the Distortion itself.

Meanwhile, at Pandora's trap...

pi5Wlrr.pngOh my god, I wasn't ready for this!

bX7E6Ba.pngWhat happened?

pi5Wlrr.pngThe horror!

I7nXesJ.pngWhat's the matter, scared?

pi5Wlrr.pngI'm being serious right now!

u4EsOao.pngSheesh, what happened?


LG1wLF4.png...I am seeing a PIXELATED Pandora!!!

tsRJBfO.pngWhat the-

RAj8kpF.pngGRAAAAAAH! I wasn't finished with regenerating yet!

bX7E6Ba.pngPixelated Pandora? What do you-*sees Pandora* Oh jeez, this is awkward.

tsRJBfO.pngUgh, I can't believe this...


RkWIIeq.pngBut how can you be sure that I'm really the real deal, huh?

u4EsOao.pngEasy: highly-evolved robot technology that allowes for a matter-scanning visor. You ARE the real deal.

tsRJBfO.pngAnd what makes you think that I'm not tricking your visors, huh?

u4EsOao.pngOne word: Logic! And it shows that you have absolutely no idea how robotic engineering even works.

tsRJBfO.pngH-hey! That's not very nice!


RkWIIeq.pngAnyway, let me see...*looks at her own reflection*...yeah, I don't look too shabby. Not really fiery enough, but still okay.

tsRJBfO.pngIf I'm going to fight, then at least with style! And now, have at you!

And then, Pandora proceeds to shoot many rings and spirals of fire orbs at the robots.

pi5Wlrr.png*barely dodges* Holy molly, this comes dangerously to Spell Cards in terms of bullet insanity.

P4yIXrv.png*dodges* Eh, I've seen worse. Although the lack of space to move around can be problematic.

How much trouble will the Unlimited Force have with defeating Pandora, although she will be defeated nonetheless?

And what about the reinforcements that they wanted to call? Will they find the Distortion and then find at least two of the members?

Will the rest of the Unlimited Force get out in time? Find that out in the next episode! Same Mega-time (not really), same Mega-channel!

OOC: Is the Distortion portal still there? Because the characters of OxyontheWolf also want to join the frey.

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OOC: Yes, it's open.


BGM: Lazy Afternoons still playing


Seeing how Yamazaki was right on asking that, Magio scratched his head again.



Magio: Well, yeah, it's dangerous... this isn't a safe place in general...


Renko: To be honest... I insisted on coming. I want to save my friend too. And for that... I disobeyed them and came too.


Magio: Renko...


Renko: B-But I'll be careful! I'll listen to everything you guys say!


Magio felt a little worried about her, but he saw that she was clearly going to do what she said: listen to them.



Magio: About the instructions, let's just say we have to get to the last floor, way below. I think it's 10 floors.


Renko: Merry... I hope she's alright...


Magio: I'm sure she is. Fow now, why don't we go down and follow them?


Renko: OK.


Magio and Renko started going through the gap as both jumped on the 2nd floor. The next gap was bit too distant.


Meanwhile... in a hurry to go down, Argento already reached the fifth floor. He walked all alone, thinking about things... mainly being Magio.



Argento: (Why does he always trust others so blindly? Is he so unable to detect who can actually be helpful and who is not?)


Argento: (... Well, I cannot blame him for being like that. He always was soft-hearted. Maybe that is what makes people trust him so much as well...)


He held and looked at his Keyblade.



Argento: (If only Magio trusts me, there is no need for anyone to trust me. I just need his company.)

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"Ah, I see. Well then, I'll meet you down with others, Magio. AH HA HA HA HA HA!"


Laughing like a madman, Yamazaki proceeded to follow his allies down the floors.




Malin and Fuyuhiko were the first to catch up to Argento, and quite appropriately asked about his intentions.........



"Hey Bone Face, what's the big idea leaving behind your brother and your escort? Don't want to live out a real life rage quit situation?" 



"Yeah, Fuyuhiko's got a point. Don't you think you should wait for Magio and that girl that was with you? I know you probably don't want to look after her, but I don't think you have much of an option at this point."

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