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The Role-Play Paradise


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Thanks everyone for your input on the subject. If I understand it well, we can all agree that :


1) a separate role-play section would be desired;


2) all current story-lines need to reach their end first;


3) all future story-lines will have their own thread in the separate RP section?


Is that about right, guys 'n' gals?


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Well, we reached an impasse. How are we going to resolve this problem?


Well, we have to consider that all of us are not controlling one single character, but many. Considering the sagas we currently have, it's hard for me to say that we should stay with only one thread.


However, we have to consider that we'll might have to start all over again. After all, in a point or another, the Shrine Maiden and the Dimensional Master sagas were born from the Lightflare saga. Not only that, but we'll have to see if we can do this separation. I RPed a 1x1 story here once with Fael, but our topic got considered as spam and we had to move out to another forum to do it.


That's my opinion.

I certainly remember that. We were all a part of the original role-playing thread. A lot of people dropped out. Including myself. But you and Fael developed a very deep and complex storyline.

Is there a way for all of us to write our storylines in a way where our characters never cross paths? I guess the only way WOULD be to end the current arcs. If I continue on as planned, this story arc will end in the near future. I intend on having a large scale battle. Some of you will be in it. If you would like to be. Afterwards LightFlare will go his own way again. Some of you are still linked to him however and are welcome to continue on with me as I expand his story. Particularly Darkflare and his group of mercenaries. In fact I would like for them to be involved in the final battle as well. Trailblazer and TrinitroMan are also part of the original story. As well as TimeWeaver. Others may join as well. But the storylines must not intercept. Or we're back where we started. Lol!


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Thanks everyone for your input on the subject. If I understand it well, we can all agree that :


1) a separate role-play section would be desired;


2) all current story-lines need to reach their end first;


3) all future story-lines will have their own thread in the separate RP section?


Is that about right, guys 'n' gals?

Eh...I guess it could work.

I just hope that, in case saga crosses happen again, threads with sagas that cross can be merged into one thread, just like how my original Shit Thread has been katamari'd with the "Spit it out in the gutter" thread.

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I think we have a general idea of how we're going to do this. Finish the current sagas and then continue in it's own section.

Who knows, maybe this way I'll start bringing my actual OCs instead of my Mugenverse characters.

Edit: NEVER MIND LOL. Guess all that's left is to wrap this up.

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I hope we can have a Role-Play Section. Imagine how many stories will begin to appear.


Well I asked our awesome Admin Alexei if he could create a sub forum for the roleplaying and he already did. So I'd like to thank you all not only for bringing your needs under my attention, but also for sharing your input with each other and me.


And of course special thanks goes to Alexei for making this sub forum possible.


If any of you still have questions or certain needs, be it now or in the future, please contact me via PM so we can work things out.


That said, happy role-playing everyone! :)


This signature would not have been possible without the combined efforts of RyoucchiZenesis. All credit goes to them for making this!

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And we were reaching the end! But, was it really complex?

 Sorta. You and Fael controlled so many characters at once. It got difficult to keep up. But it was cool. 

Please tell me all the sagas are coming to a close??? :( 

I've really enjoyed everyone's storyline so far....  :(

 Don't worry, with every ending comes a new beginning.

Well I asked our awesome Admin Alexei if he could create a sub forum for the roleplaying and he already did. So I'd like to thank you all not only for bringing your needs under my attention, but also for sharing your input with each other and me.


And of course special thanks goes to Alexei for making this sub forum possible.


If any of you still have questions or certain needs, be it now or in the future, please contact me via PM so we can work things out.


That said, happy role-playing everyone! :)

 Awwww yeeeeeah! It's on now! 

Well, since this is more organized now, i might make my return...probably.

The return of Shinigami? This will be good...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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seems ive mive a very important discussion.


if i still have the chance i'd like to say that our current set  up is fine and there is no need to seperate every story as we have an intermeshed world as it is.... unless someone wants to make an "oficial characters only thread" or sumthin i dont see the point in seperation.


But i am glad we got our own section and we're no longer considered random chat


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seems ive mive a very important discussion.


if i still have the chance i'd like to say that our current set  up is fine and there is no need to seperate every story as we have an intermeshed world as it is.... unless someone wants to make an "oficial characters only thread" or sumthin i dont see the point in seperation.


But i am glad we got our own section and we're no longer considered random chat

Man I honestly see your point. But I think with so many writers and points of view it may be for the best. I like how our worlds blended but I think that kind think would only work in an anime. Trying to read it may have been confusing. Dont worry bro...there's plenty of action to go around.



Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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OK then. With that, I suppose we can continue...?


Also, I have the sudden urge of creating a Danganronpa RP...


I don't see why you guys can't continue with finishing up the current story arcs in order to post new ones in this new separate subforum, so yeah, let the show go on I'd say.


Also as a fan of Danganronpa, I'm curious to know what your idea for a Danganronpa RP is all about, Magio. If I like it, I'll definitely join in on it! ^_^


This signature would not have been possible without the combined efforts of RyoucchiZenesis. All credit goes to them for making this!

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*meanwhile, in a castle far away*

Unknown guy: "Hrrm...I don't like it, how those self-proclaimed heroes try to foil the great plans."

A voice: "Maybe I could be of assistance..."

Suddenly, a girl with blonde hair and angelic wings came out of the shadows. Her smile would make a normal person very uncanny.

3zoQCPd.gifDon't worry, me and my sister will do you good~

Unknown guy: "Hrrngh...okay, but don't cause too much ruckus. I don't want too much attention."

3zoQCPd.gifSorry, but I cannot guarantee you something that boring. *flies away*

Unknown guy: "Ugh,,,why did I had to hire psychopathic killers?"

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While deep in meditation LightFlare finds himself in a dark void. Before LightFlare stood the one thing he has ever ran from. He was face to face with himself. Few men can say that. He begjn to understand how Kyo must feel...and quite possibly Darkflare as well.


As the two stand face to face LightFlars begins to realize why he's here...


So...we finally meet face to face. I would have never thought it were possible...yet deep down, I almost believed this day would come.


I know. It's what has driven me. After all...your thoughts...are my thoughts. Do you know why you are here?


To defeat this curse. To master my abilities...to...


No need to be polite. YOU ARE HERE...TO CONTROL ME. That is your ultimate goal, correct?


Your thoughts ARE mine...yes. But coexisting is a better description.


It may SOUND better, but we both know it's not true.


In past..."control" would have been the appropriate word. But now I seek a different goal.


So you truly believe that we can coexist?


Yes. You believe it as well...


What I "believe"...is that I have an opportunity to finally escape here...for good...BY DEFEATING YOU!



*NightFlare assults LightFlare*



With that LightFlare and NightFlare engage in a battle to determine who will leave the subconscious world...and who will be left behind. It is a battle that may very well determine the fate of all. If LightFlare wins, he may be able to stop Igniz. If NightFlare wins...God help us all.


Look around you. This is where have been. In a dark, barron plain. With nothing in all directions. You created this place for me. And now you get to see first hand the MARVELOUS WORLD YOU CREATED...FOR ME!





The two blasts collide creating a sphere of light and dark energy. The two push each other as the world around them shook. Neither has ever given up...and neither plan on starting now.



*LightFlare pushes threw and stuns NightFlare*


*LightFlare closes in for the finish*







*NightFlare warps behind Lightflare*



*NightFlare crushes LightFlare*


*cough* Am I really the weak one?


Heh...even now you question yourself. You've always questioned yourself. That is your the difference between you an I. I've never questioned myself. I've always known...I was stronger than you. And deep down...you know it as well. Now...sleep...forever....



*NightFlare warps towards LightFlare*


Your arrogance...




*LightFlare counters NightFlare and sends him into the air*








*NightFlare is sealed*


It's over. You will remain here. I know now...that I AM the strongest.

NightFlare cannot move. All he can do is watch as LightFlare stands over him and walks away. NightFlare's eyes are filled with rage but he cannot speak.


LightFlare heads towards the light...

To be continued.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Meanwhile in the mercenarie,s base, the sun goddess sits in one of the chairs located in the base's break room. She holds a cup of warm tea which she calmly sips.

"Fu fu fu, if it were so easy, it would not be much of a test, now would it?"

She didn't speak to anyone in particular. In fact, some of the other members in the room looked at her in confusion but didn't speak up. She had gotten a reputation of being an oddball so her behaiviour was relatively normal to them.

"Warrior, can you truly say that you have passed this test?"

She looked over at her teammates who continued to look at her in confusion.

"Ah, I did it again, didn't I? Please don't mind me, I'm simply spectating an event that will decide a warrior's fate. It has become quite interesting to me."

She closed her eyes and gave a reassuring smile to her teammates. Although, it didn't prevent them from still being confused, they did as they were told and went back to their activities.

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LightFlare awakens from his meditation. With a new level of confidence, he now feels he can truly move forward on his quest.


I see you've returned...you where so deep in meditation. At times you seemed to be in pain. I fealt a strong, yet dark presence. The same feeling I had during our battle.


That was NightFlare. It is the dark half of me. I met him face to face for the first time. It was also the first time I'd ever heard his name. He is more than just a part of me. Now it seemz he may be a separate being all together. At least mentally. He has not yet physically manifested without using my body. I'm not sure if that's possible. My guess is that his plan was to leave the subconscious world and leave me trapped. It would be much easier to use my body and leave me than use another body and have to face me. That's assuming such a thing is possible.



Incredible. You are a warrior like no other. Sounds like you have met your objective. Will you be staying night?


Thanks. But I must go. I have something I need to do.


Is there anything I can do to help?


Again thank you. But I'll rest on the flight back to Kalos City. Besides you are needed here.





With that LightFlare gathered his things and said goodbye and thank you to the Hyuga Clan. He heads back to the Airport and books a flight to Kalos City. With his new self understanding and enlightenment he rests on his flight to Kalos City.


Kyo and Shingo train hard. Kyo is ready and Shingo...well, he should be fine.


Heavy-D trains at a local gym.


Cody trains...in typical Cody fashion. By beating up local street thugs...


Potemkin meditates and prepares his mind as well as his body for what he knows will be the greatest challenge he has ever faced.


As our heros prepare for the worst...the worst...prepares for them...

To be continued...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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With nothing left to do, Hikari makes her way to the Scarlet Devil Mansion in the current timeline



(I don't know if I can save her in this universe, but I have to at least try to reawaken her heart... In the very least I can prevent her apprentice from succumbing to her inner darkness)

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Already having gone inside, Meimu takes a moment to let her realization of a strange detail regarding the mansion sink in.

"This place is a lot bigger inside than it seemed. This could be a problem..."

She proceeded to reach for her cell phone opening the Music player in it as she plugged earphones in it and then put them on.

"If I'm going to be here a while..."

Meimu proceeded to begin playing

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