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SFxT Ryu and Ken Released by chuchoryu


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They are

1- palette swaps (of Ryu by PotS and Ken by Vyn), there are still the other palettes though, I guess he used the Normal Ryu .def file;

2- he took out the normal Tatsumaki Senpukyaku sprites to put ugly rescaled SF3 ones,

3- he disabled some techniques,

4- he added his badly sprited custom stance instead of the normal one from CvS.

5- Why did he leave Hadouken sprites in the folder? They are not even used!


Regarding the point 2,

if you do the Air Tatsumaki in air (with Ken) there's an instant in which there is no sprite;

with Ryu, if you do the Ex Tatsumaki (on ground) he first spins in a direction but when he hasn't his leg stretched he spins in the opposite sense (let's say, he spins anti clockwise using the badly scaled SF3 sprites when doing the Ex Tatsumaki, when he falls he spins clockwise using CvS sprites).


And they're not SFxT styled. They're just "edits", don't be fooled by the label.


Why does everyone have the urge to label their chars with a wrong name is what I'm not going to understand any sooner.


Ah, forgot to add, great choice of small portraits. I would have used others that could show more of their faces, but maybe it's just nitpicking.

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They are

1- palette swaps (of Ryu by PotS and Ken by Vyn), there are still the other palettes though, I guess he used the Normal Ryu .def file;

2- he took out the normal Tatsumaki Senpukyaku sprites to put ugly rescaled SF3 ones,

3- he disabled some techniques,

4- he added his badly sprited custom stance instead of the normal one from CvS.

5- Why did he leave Hadouken sprites in the folder? They are not even used!


Regarding the point 2,

if you do the Air Tatsumaki in air (with Ken) there's an instant in which there is no sprite;

with Ryu, if you do the Ex Tatsumaki (on ground) he first spins in a direction but when he hasn't his leg stretched he spins in the opposite sense (let's say, he spins anti clockwise using the badly scaled SF3 sprites when doing the Ex Tatsumaki, when he falls he spins clockwise using CvS sprites).


And they're not SFxT styled. They're just "edits", don't be fooled by the label.


Why does everyone have the urge to label their chars with a wrong name is what I'm not going to understand any sooner.


Ah, forgot to add, great choice of small portraits. I would have used others that could show more of their faces, but maybe it's just nitpicking.


So, he turns into SF3 sprites when he does a spin kick? Wow...

Everything close to me fades away. (Insert emoji here)


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Leave him alone (don't read it with a bad tone of voice, like "HEY! LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!), if he likes the sprites, don't try to change his mind. We have different/higher aesthetics standards, that's all.  :watchout:


The reason why we find them bad is because he took a part of a SF3 sprite, recoloured and rescaled it, without even changing the details on the gi and on the gloves (yes, even the gloves are different in SF3). It also looks wrong, put together with CvS legs and lower part of the gi. At least to me.


I like these emoticons! :=D:


10/07/2014 (tenth of July 2014)


Hey, I actually found out the sprite Chuchoryu animated was made by Armentis!


Good job Chuchoryu, keep stealing, you idiot!

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Leave him alone (don't read it with a bad tone of voice, like "HEY! LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!), if he likes the sprites, don't try to change his mind. We have different/higher aesthetics standards, that's all.  :watchout:


The reason why we find them bad is because he took a part of a SF3 sprite, recoloured and rescaled it, without even changing the details on the gi and on the gloves (yes, even the gloves are different in SF3). It also looks wrong, put together with CvS legs and lower part of the gi. At least to me.


I like these emoticons! :=D:

I agree with you, I like the stands of the chars, the others sprites you are right, the colors are aceptable, the face of stand in ryu is better than the origial cvs sprite, is my opinion, in the original the eyes are bad, in this case the eyes are better.

sorry my bad english.

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