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Ax is Quitting! - FOR YHWH


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That's right, I've put this off long enough. I'm quitting mugen forever. I've deleted all my wips and characters on my PC and I' m no longer working on anymore wips from now on and I won't be coming back either to do this stuff.

I'm going to devote my time to following the GOD of Abraham, The God of Isaac, and the GOD of Israel - formally known as Jacob or a.k.a. LORD YHWH and his only begotten SON, Yashua the anointed meshia, a.k.a. Jesus Christ. I'm gonna sell everything I own, including my computer/Laptop and I may also be leaving my family to go out and preaching the gospel from town to town and state to state and hopefully country to country if I am able to communicate.

It was fun and I am bumbd out that I didn't get to finish all my full game projects but nevertheless I gave you all around 30-35 or something like that?

But I'm happy to rid myself of this idolatry finally and once and for all. I highly recommend that you all do the same to.

My reasons for this is the following

(Luke 10).

(Luke 14: 33).

(Matthew 10: 34-36).

(Mark 6).

(Mark 10:29-30).


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It's not to be holier than thou but to look for people who want to hear it. If I don't go and say something to them then how will they know? There are people out there who don't know or never heard or who have it all wrong and because of these causes they will never know that they could have been saved.


The book of Job is basically about a guy who was called by God to preach to a city to repent but instead he tried running away from that but God told him if he does not go to warn them then the city would be destroyed. So he goes back and tells them to change or else and because he did many heard his words and they all prayed and were spared God's judgement.


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It's not to be holier than thou but to look for people who want to hear it. If I don't go and say something to them then how will they know? There are people out there who don't know or never heard or who have it all wrong and because of these causes they will never know that they could have been saved.

They'll know by voluntarily going to church or something. You're acting more like a religious nutbar.

May I remind you that this is the reason why you were banned from Guild?

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I commend you on seeking a closer relationship with God.


yeah uh hes not being serious he does this when hes leaving a forum. he did this on guild to


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he did this on guild to

Over a year ago, February 27, 2013, 10:47:48 am, to be exact.

AxKingsXRevengeX here!

Matthew 5:12

"Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you."

That being said I expected this and I am not bothered by the ban nor did I ever "fear" it from the mods or whatever,,, considering ban evasion is as easy as making another account. D'oh! When I decided to do all of this I knew the consequences from the very start and how this subject is treated and of course my bad history and ban evasion reputation...heh...but my faith is strong. And of course in the bible it says Christians would be persecuted, go figure :p

No duh! LOL

Obviously I'll be banned again, though this one post is just for clearing stuff up and to say that surprise surprise I was aware of what was going to happen! and saying goodbye :) , I can leave knowing that I spread enough to get others to start re-thinking again about Christianity; whether it was successful or not doesn't bother me as mnay have been pointing out for the last 5 pages. I am not sad to know that I won't be able to come back to this great forum, there are many other forums, though I am not sure if mugen can be apart of my walk of life anymore? Mugen characters kinda do get worshiped? It may actually be a form of idolatry! I'll have to read up more about it to be sure if it's forbidden.


MFG was my target forum for the religion debate for obvious reasons; by their actions they demonstrate that they don't hold good values in their hearts, which was the purpose of bringing in Christ here at MFG. Some members can't accept my change from bad to good but I had hoped that maybe they would accept change in themselves one day after my better threads recently. Maybe not today, maybe later on someday they'll remember some stuff, even if they deny it while laughing, I don't know, whatever they decide to do. I did my part to minister to them a little for another chance at salvation. I hope they eventually find though, they don't know any better and I can't blame too much since they are clearly confused!

Good luck MFG and no hard feelings towards you or any of the members here and mods, what do ya know LOL; it was fun ;)

@MissBHaven, "If you really believe this, this forum is not for you."

It may or may not be, but this topic about Christianity was for the non-believers, not me. God desires that no one go to hell, in fact it was created only for the devil and his angels. Sadly many of us will choose to follow him "Lucifer" there...

For anyone who is confused, this post was made under an alt account after he his main account got banned from guild for pretty much saying shit along the lines of "jews, niggers, and gays are subhuman creatures because the bible said so" and calling it religiously protected speech, so he created an alt account that posted the exact same thing which you now see before you in the OP.

Hes not fooling anyone with his crying wolf.

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Also, you spelled the name of the jewish god wrong...  :jackiechan:

I used this instead




The name is considered very holy and throughout tradition they wrote it like this. I would guess to protect anyone from misusing. It's good we don't know the name exactly for the majority of us around the world. I should have just written LORD now that I think about it? But I wanted to demonstrate that I acknowledge that he is the GOD of the jews above all because I have to show respect to the people I've been defaming/slandering/libel/etc. for years.




Church is good but they can really only reach a few who are all ready believing. Before Christ left he ordered that his disciples go out into all the nations and preach the gospel.


Also I was banned at guild because I lost my temper and grew impatient and I did not preach in love. That was my fault. I should have known better. Though I am posting all of this as a testimony that I am really gonna go legit this time and I am absolutely gonna live for GOD.


I don't seek praise or admiration from any of you but I want you to see that GOD is a big deal if I'm going to actually do all of this in his name. I'm hoping that you will all start thinking about looking into the bible again. I beg you all to please reconsider the GOD of the jews.




It's very likely that no one will even listen or even convert. In the old testament one man was warning his people for about 40 years and no one listened at all or was affected.


Though for me and likely others it's not about becoming popular or making a name for yourself but it's abut obeying GOD's will, doing what he wants for you and he's told me through scripture to go out to all the nations and preach the gospel. So even if I am a total failure at converting anyone, it won't matter. I did what he asked and this pleases him.


If I am a fool in the eyes of men then so be it as long as I am a faithful servant in God's eyes.




I only tried quitting mugen and converting/preaching to the forum but I was unable to quit at the time. I regret it because I myself didn't rid myself of the practice but now I have. I have no wips whatsoever and all my updated characters have been deleted completely as well as anything else I had that was pleasurable such as video, images, etc. I'm serious this time and I'm gonna go all the way. My full games are gone. I'm deadly serious and I'm gonna sell my PC to just as soon as I finish preaching with it to my family. I like to use youtube video to teach.  It makes it quicker to teach. I have only 1 more of my family members to convert and then I'll leave absolutely.


I'm gonna get baptized this week to, Lord willing.


Read my text,



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yeesh this is just like everyone else who says dey quit mugen, going and deletein everythin


if i were to quit mugen i'd actually release the stuff before i left.

but that won't happen now will it? i'm still waiting for electbyte to make the dream of official mugen online mode :P


-play gaem, gaem iz kul

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Its not god that he's seeking, I'll tell you that much...


yeah uh hes not being serious he does this when hes leaving a forum. he did this on guild to

So I've heard...

Won't kill me to encourage him either way. If your lucky, maybe he means it this time...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Okay this Tuesday the 20th 2014 I will sell my laptop when I wake up and then after I will go get baptized in a walk in church. This may be the last time you'll see me for sure. I'll pray for you all to find GOD. Goodbye and I love you all my friends and Enemies.


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Just hope you're not kidding this time. If you do appear tomorrow, then I'll either jump to conclusions that you're mentally insane, or assume that you haven't found someone to sell your laptop to. (But if "you" do appear, but "sound" different, then you're... Hopefully telling the truth, considering that someone's using your account)

Otherwise, see ya soon.. I guess. :p

P.S: If you are selling your Laptop, I'd suggest re-formatting everything, so that the user who uses your laptop can have a fresh start on putting his/her personal things on the laptop.



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Okay this Tuesday the 20th 2014 I will sell my laptop when I wake up and then after I will go get baptized in a walk in church. This may be the last time you'll see me for sure. I'll pray for you all to find GOD. Goodbye and I love you all my friends and Enemies.


Every time I see a MUGEN'er rage-quit or peace-quit I feel uneasy.............. :omg:


How many more have to be quitting like this in the near future?

"I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood

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Every time I see a MUGEN'er rage-quit or peace-quit I feel uneasy.............. :omg:


How many more have to be quitting like this in the near future?


...are you really believing in that?

What's the matter, Werewood? Also, there is no reason to be salty on MFG and calling yourself Borewood.

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Child please.

Leave the trolling to the professionals.


Yup. He's so bad that if he gets a pain in his neck, he doesn't go to the chiropractor, he throws himself out the window.
"Hump... be right back...." *drops 40 stories* "Feel better now."

Geese's doctor calls it "fall king Kong therapy."


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