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Best and worst things you found upon discovering Mugen?


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A big reason why I got into mugen was the crazy dream matches. While nowadays I really don't care about "OROCHI RYU VS. SHIN SOL BADGUY DREAM MATCH OF THE CENTURY" aspect of mugen, I really dig the thoughts and create processes of guys who make mugen stuff and I've seen stuff that I've probably never would of seen anywhere else.


The worst thing about mugen in my opinion is the holier than thou attitude that some creators have. In many cases it's worse than stuff you'll see on places like deviantart. It kinda drives me nuts how people would just ignore any form of criticism. Especially if said creator probably hasn't played any fighting games outside the occasional shitty doujin fighter, smash bros, Mortal Kombat when they were twelve, or some Dragon Ball Z/Naruto button masher


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Best things :

1) I discovered you could create any kind of match-up in M.U.G.E.N., regardless of the universes the combatants came from

2) I discovered and learned about more fighting games thanks to M.U.G.E.N. like Blazblue, Guilty Gear, Marvel vs Capcom, Capcom vs Snk, Snk vs Capcom, and more while before my initial discovery of the engine, I knew little to none about any kind of fighting games

3) I discovered that you could literally customize everything regarding M.U.G.E.N. from Screenpacks and lifebars, to stages, characters and even Arcade orders

4) Thanks to M.U.G.E.N. (and the appropriate wiki's) I was able to go more in-depth in my favourite fighting game franchises like Street Fighter and even King of Fighters, which I initially did not like

5) I came to know you can make your own stages and characters, which is something I thought only professional corporate programmers could do

6) I found other communities which were built with M.U.G.E.N. as a base interest in mind, bringing countless people from all over the world together

7) I met new and fascinating people when joining those communities. Some of them I view as more of a friend than others.

Worst things :

1) The mental struggle of trying to understand the Mugen docs, which serve as a base to get to know the technical aspects of M.U.G.E.N. and general content creating

2) Meeting and dealing with annoying people I met over the years in the M.U.G.E.N. community but you find such people everywhere, be it irl or online

3) Creators not being open to any kind of criticism

4) Stupid arguments like "if you don't like it, shut up about it", "if you can do it better, than do it" or a variation on it "you can't do it better so shut up". Also people not providing any kind of feedback to improve stages, characters, screenpacks or lifebars but instead only saying "nice char/stage/screenpack/lifebars +1

5) Retarded characters clearly made with little to no effort

6) Creators deliberately making broken characters (won't drop names here, you all know which people I'm talking about)

7) Overly cheap characters like the "God, Shin, Evil, Dark, Holy, Master, Orochi" characters of the old days primarily

8) Losing track of time because of having way too much fun with M.U.G.E.N. causing me to go to bed a tad too late or forget to do my homework (I'm sure I'm not the only one) back during the first couple of months I discovered the M.U.G.E.N. engine

9) Feeling really really really bad (to put it very lightly) if you lose your entire M.U.G.E.N. collection due to whatever reason.

10) Having the feeling that creators or any member of a moderating team feel like they are too good to talk to you because they have made things for M.U.G.E.N./are a member of a moderating team while you have not/are not.


This signature would not have been possible without the combined efforts of RyoucchiZenesis. All credit goes to them for making this!

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-The creativity you can put into a character,stage or screen pack using the engine

-Learning to code and create characters

-The wide choice of creations to choose from other creators

-You can learn from different forums and new people about different software other than mugen. it opens new doors

-How creations can influence game companies with new ideas for old material

-The new games it can introduce you to you never knew of




-the negative side of the community all together


-How trolling gets too out of hand and more the focus


-People who are annoying accuracy snobs. Yes the ones that get mad ranting because MVC2 magneto is made to play like CVS2 or CVS2 Geese howard is made to play like MVC2 for mugen


-People in the community that talk down to others because they may know less than them or isnt as good as them at creating for mugen


-when feedback blows a character thread up into a huge flame war that goes beyond that one creation


-pointless forum wars. it usually takes one douchebag to start that up and more just like him to follow. no one is getting paid or their name added to Capcom or SNK payroll so its all pointless to me and stupid


-When unfinished and buggy creations stay unfinished and buggy with no future at all on a update to the fixes needed

personally i dont cry about it out loud. if its that bad i just delete it usually. oh well move on. ill download the better version by someone else thats all. simple


-Releasing a obviously horrible beta and getting eaten alive by the evil mugen mob for weeks about it....it doesnt matter if you said its your first try or not. expect the troll nightmares to come^^ lol

I gotta laugh at it all now since ive come a

long way from those times

Never limit your imagination as a Visionary 4FIwcw8.png

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This was my response at MFG, since Xan brought it here, I might as well bring my response here too.
-So many dream matches and seeing characters who never appeared in any crossover series get to fight those who did. 
Examples: Talbain Vs M. Bison, Jedah Vs Rugal, Lilith Vs Athena, Demitri vs Magneto, Cammy Vs Earthquake, Zangief vs Tizoc
-Understanding the coding
-SO MANY characters!!!! I just can't seem to get enough! I have a roster of over 800 characters and so far I have at least 2 versions of these:

Morrigan, M. Bison, Magneto, J. Talbain, B. B. Hood, Cammy, WereGarurumon, Ken, Dan, Ryu, Akuma, Rugal, Iori

-Learning about Mouser and the way he codes. His MvC2 chars are out-of-the-world amazing... I got nothing more to say.
-People who expects 100% accuracy in characters and get mad if even 1% of accuracy is missing.
-People butthurting because non-Marvel or non-Capcom characters are converted to MvC1 or MvC2 style.
-People showing hate on chibis and characters that aren't originally fighters. (This is MUGEN... use your imagination... don't get mad if someone else has a different imagination than you)
-Cheap Palettes that OHKO without even attacking.
-Nude characters
-Female characters that shows TOO MUCH fanservice. (CvS Ver. of Yoko's a good example but I keep her because of her fighting skills, NOT the fanservice)
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-Having alot of charcters in every universe in one game

-Learning how to code and making characters

-Dream Matches

-Learning from Creators how they make Characters and stages Like Toshio, Ricepigeon, Garchompmatt and a few others :goodmood:



- The 'Lagging' in Mugen (though I know it depends on how powerfull your PC is)

- The unnecessary arguments that happens in forums. >:(

- Extreamly Hard AI (don't give me wrong I love challenges but it sholdn't be soo hard for someone to beat the CPU)

- Cheap characters (as well as Cheap Palettes and Modes on characters)


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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-The dream matches.

-How fun some characters can play.

-The immense amount of customization.

-The fact that literally any character can be made.

-The immense amount of hype that you get when a creator's creating someone you like.




-Genuinely bad characters.

-Characters that are unfinished. (Although I don't care if there exist better versions)

-People who bitch about characters being not source accurate/broken/whatever.

-Cheap characters who pretty much kill you before the match starts.  (I don't mind cheap characters as long as they're fun to use.)

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Best :

- The dream matches. (Pretty much all people who play mugen say this is the most best things ever in mugen)

- The awesome screenpack with custom port, make people who see it will asked you - "Is this an official game???"


Worst :

- When people start a war in characters thread, no matter the characters is good or bad.


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- have a dream to making a mugen character which he plays exactly in the game.

- have fun with wtf mugen characters.

- Kick ass to Crappy characters.

- have Ideas for Stages Making.



- Bugs and crash.

- The Annoying Errors of mugen.

- Brokens link when i try to download a character.

- unavailable character.

- When members try to being Asshole. [it's simply a mugen community dammit]

When people start a war in characters thread about Bad or good characters (the same opinion of sham)

- Hypocrisie in mugen forum's.




My Signature 

Fuck U :D I Don't Have one Asshole.

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- Create Dream Fighting Game to my liking by adding characters that I like

- Able to create characters in anyway I like



- Addicted to it

- Waiting for some creators to release certain characters that I want if I have no talent in making characters

- Keep re-making my roster often

- Super Cheap AI

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Also people not providing any kind of feedback to improve stages, characters, screenpacks or lifebars but instead only saying "nice char/stage/screenpack/lifebars +1

And if there's nothing you really can feedback on, is it still inappropriate to simply praise the character and leave it at that? C'mon, I want some more thought here.




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And if there's nothing you really can feedback on, is it still inappropriate to simply praise the character and leave it at that? C'mon, I want some more thought here.


Alright then, allow me to go more in-depth on the reasoning behind that statement of mine :


I'm not saying you may never praise a M.U.G.E.N. creation since there has always been some work put into it which deserves some praising imho however telling people how to improve their creations is just as important as telling them how good it is or has become. One does need to watch out to not overpraise somebody's work because that might increase some people's ego which is not unheard of.


Also if you're not the feedback kind of guy, that's okay. Just praise the character or creation in question and leave it at that but if you can give feedback and are willing to do it, I believe you should. Afterall it's impossible to not give feedback on a character since no character has ever been perfect on launch exceptions being AF characters which may intentionally f*** things up for the fun factor of it.


This signature would not have been possible without the combined efforts of RyoucchiZenesis. All credit goes to them for making this!

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only thing i hate really is just people thinking ai is funny


if you didn't want the character beaten you shouldn't have made the shit in the first place


oh wait also characters that dont attack and are invincible to win


u made dat? u need go. leave premisis bybye.


everythin else is good.


-play gaem, gaem iz kul

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Oh i forgot to add. The other thing that's the worst experience for me is when im on a PC that cant fully handle those super Hi res stages that EX shadow and others make or screen packs that some folks make. Not their fault of course but it does make me feel like this though when i see my pc crying like its on fuckin dial up running slow as hell




Never limit your imagination as a Visionary 4FIwcw8.png

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Oh i forgot to add. The other thing that's the worst experience for me is when im on a PC that cant fully handle those super Hi res stages that EX shadow and others make or screen packs that some folks make. Not their fault of course but it does make me feel like this though when i see my pc crying like its on fuckin dial up running slow as hell




Okay then. LOL

My Signature 

Fuck U :D I Don't Have one Asshole.

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Oh i forgot to add. The other thing that's the worst experience for me is when im on a PC that cant fully handle those super Hi res stages that EX shadow and others make or screen packs that some folks make. Not their fault of course but it does make me feel like this though when i see my pc crying like its on fuckin dial up running slow as hell




The same feel when I using my old PC before :=D:


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The Freedom

Full Customizablity

Ryo-2005 Kof/ROTD chars

Finding a large screen pack that tickles my fancy (1000+)



Trying to nerf O.P characters & not being able to find the damage values

Unorganized Palette sheets

No designated Pause button


The need to restart mugen if you don't have a controller plugged in or need to plug another controller in. (Yea, Yea JoyToKey fixes this but when training with a char & looking through the readme, it types random nonsense)


Creators who don't include move lists

Creators who make incomprehensible move lists (Warusaki3)

(I use .cmd>Edit when this happens but they don't clearly say everything)



Any SuperMystery char

Stages with unfitting music or music not included 




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Any SuperMystery char

SuperMystery's UB22 DB are rightfully known as bad for good reasons but what about his Sonic characters? They're more source-accurate than most Sonic characters so does that make them (Sonic chars + Eggman bosses) horrible?

Also I could be misinterpreting your statement but doesn't M.U.G.E.N. have a designated pause button via the pause/break key on your keyboard?


This signature would not have been possible without the combined efforts of RyoucchiZenesis. All credit goes to them for making this!

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Oh i forgot to add. The other thing that's the worst experience for me is when im on a PC that cant fully handle those super Hi res stages that EX shadow and others make or screen packs that some folks make. Not their fault of course but it does make me feel like this though when i see my pc crying like its on fuckin dial up running slow as hell



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SuperMystery's UB22 DB are rightfully known as bad for good reasons but what about his Sonic characters? They're more source-accurate than most Sonic characters so does that make them (Sonic chars + Eggman bosses) horrible?

Also I could be misinterpreting your statement but doesn't M.U.G.E.N. have a designated pause button via the pause/break key on your keyboard?


I Don't care for Sonic chars

You slightly misinterpreted, I meant as a button in joystick config

That aside I knew pause was universal, just didn't know It worked for mugen as well.




Edit: No it doesn't....At least not for my screenpack




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Best: Having people from different games, shows and stuff all fight each other. I think it's cool to have a game where Scorpion can team up with Kirby to fight Ronald McDonald and Cirno. MUGEN also introduced me to a lot of fighting games and shows. If a saw a character and thought it was cool, I'd look it up and see where they came from. That's how I got into Melty Blood, Samurai Shodown, Street Fighter (yes, I didn't know what it was before I downloaded a Ryu...), Bleach, and some other stuff.


Worst: I've seen some people treat any sort of criticism of their work as a personal attack against them. I could understand being upset if the person was being a condescending fuck boy while describing their stuff, but if they're being sincere, then they shouldn't get upset by someone trying to help them out.


I also hate it when I see a really cool looking screenpack or character, only to see that the filesize is too damn big and won't probably load. There was a certain character I really wanted, but it had a 100+ MB size, while still compressed. It's not really that big of an issue, but it still annoys me.


There's also a disturbing, yet unsurprising amount of hentai related stuff.


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The Good:

1: Being able to recreate battles within the engine, or having crazy new battles occur.

2: Discovering new characters and series (Tsukihime, for example.)

3: The great feeling of finally defeating someone I'd been having trouble with.

4: Some of the cool original characters.

The Bad:


2: When unfinished glitchy stuff remains so.

3: When something is clearly half-assed and rushed.

4: When creators get butthurt over the fact their stuff isn't good.

5: Hate characters in general.

6: Not including a movelist. Yes, I can go into Fighter Factory, but that's not what I want to do in order to know how to do a special.

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  • 2 months later...


- The ability to create whatever you want and have it work in the game.

- Sharing your creations to the public.

- Idiot's creations (They're bad, but they're fun to watch when drunk.)

- Cheap characters (That actually fight, not those that auto-ko.)

- The_None's charactes

- Saltybets

- Unbalenced (Depends, really.)



- Creators acting like MUGEN is a giant competition of how good their characters are. (Okay, I was like this back then. I'll admit.)

- Mugen players whining over a bad Mugen character insulting the creator of that said character.

- CheapIES (Characters that delete other characters your computer to win.)


- Characters made to make fun of other creators/mugen fans ( The Jenngra505 and TheIranSonic Punching bad just makes me wanna facepalm.)

W.I.P (Will only do one at a time. Sorry.):2qcjoy8.gif Status: Currently having someone test it out and fix the mistakes (Besides the missing sprites) I missed.

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