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OMK B.Battler


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when the hell you started this?

Does this means you already mained how to code OMK style?

Cuz thats awesome man

You should probably check Guild more often.

Anyway, I'm digging him so far but I'm almost positive he was able to DC c.5C in the source game? Because I can't do it at all here.

(Why must the 1.0 version look ugly :<)


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You should probably check Guild more often.

Cahm was trolling (somewhat)


How did you even got those sprites? I searched like crazy for them.

They're easy to find and ripping tools are available which make the process just as easy.

If you want my released works, go here.

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Wow, is it some MUGEN OMK month in 2014?  Shiroto's iron virgin now your Umineko (true) culprit!




How could you manage to mugenize and release two (2) OMK MUGEN characters (your not-long-ago ΛΔ and this B.Battler of yours) so nicely and quickly?  To me OMK MUGEN characters are very complicated and especially the source game ripped sprites (VFXs mainly) are quite.....unsorted.....042.gif


I wish I had your OMK MUGEN authoring skill...............only half of yours is enough to me......give me gimme... :bringitout:

"I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood

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