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Dlanor A. Knox Updated (100% Complete) by Shiroto 3/2/14


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You know, the first time I tested this character, I didn't noticed any kind of bug.


So what have you found? I've only found a couple of bugs, and that is HCB + B/C whiffing (unless linked from an attack), and there are times where Dlanor would crouch ...and be unable to do anything until she got hit.


Also, QCF + A/B/C has a bit too much blockstun and does a bit too much chip damage. May be an original move but I still don't think it's right.

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So what have you found? I've only found a couple of bugs, and that is HCB + B/C whiffing (unless linked from an attack), and there are times where Dlanor would crouch ...and be unable to do anything until she got hit.


Also, QCF + A/B/C has a bit too much blockstun and does a bit too much chip damage. May be an original move but I still don't think it's right.

If you use the move of the "Meta World" just a bit after the "K.O." and there is another round after, the "Meta World" will be still active, even if the sprites of the move will be not shown (and cost of the power bar = 0).

Most of the times if you press the C button with the key arrow back, sometimes she doesn't attack.

And for last, the second bug you said.


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If you use the move of the "Meta World" just a bit after the "K.O." and there is another round after, the "Meta World" will be still active, even if the sprites of the move will be not shown (and cost of the power bar = 0).

Most of the times if you press the C button with the key arrow back, sometimes she doesn't attack.

And for last, the second bug you said.


The Meta World being active during the next round is actually a feature from the source game. Ange (by YU-TOHARU) also has this feature too.

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The Meta World being active during the next round is actually a feature from the source game. Ange (by YU-TOHARU) also has this feature too.

But it's cheap. In that way, Dlanor doesn't use power bars for the technique if used after the K.O. Anyway, the fact of the missing sprites during the "Meta World" on the "next round", I think it's actually a bug.


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But it's cheap. In that way, Dlanor doesn't use power bars for the technique if used after the K.O. Anyway, the fact of the missing sprites during the "Meta World" on the "next round", I think it's actually a bug.


Cheap? Not really. Dlanor isn't a character that really gets to benefit much from Metaworld carrying over. Of course there is no power cost for the move, because that's the way it works i.e. you can use the Meta World super as many times as you want while it's active.


For someone such as Dlanor, the animation of her super takes a fair bit of time in that IF you successfully land it, you will be able to perform the Meta super twice at best. And this is when the Metaworld bar is filled at 100%. Note that when Mugen is in the win state or while the next round commences, the Metaworld bar continues to deplete.


I do agree with you on the missing sprites of the Metaworld though, it may be a bug. Then again, this character still has some bugs.

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Which is weird because Shiroto's older characters has pretty tough AI. 


Tried to scale her AI in cns and she's still standing and do nothing as a CPU.

Maybe he will add the A.I. in a next update.


Cheap? Not really. Dlanor isn't a character that really gets to benefit much from Metaworld carrying over. Of course there is no power cost for the move, because that's the way it works i.e. you can use the Meta World super as many times as you want while it's active.


For someone such as Dlanor, the animation of her super takes a fair bit of time in that IF you successfully land it, you will be able to perform the Meta super twice at best. And this is when the Metaworld bar is filled at 100%. Note that when Mugen is in the win state or while the next round commences, the Metaworld bar continues to deplete.


I do agree with you on the missing sprites of the Metaworld though, it may be a bug. Then again, this character still has some bugs.

If you say so.

Shiroto has already updated the character (03/09/2014), but I didn't noticed any bug correction...


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Wow, is it some MUGEN OMK month in 2014?  Can my Custom_OMK_Virgilia catch up with the pace?


From my observation, Shiroto is one MUGEN Author who is used to update his MUGEN stuff constantly.

Yet, I doubt that Shiroto may never come to see the feedback posted here..............

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