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Copypasta from MFG and MMV, courtesy of Sanae63/Daniel9x7 and Erroratu:




If this doesn't speak enough of the character, I don't know what does, I can't capture the frame for the collision of her whip without trying a million times (My laptop has no pause key), but trust me, it doesn't even cover the Whip. Another swap to add to the list.



Oh sweet momma,text incoming -Her intro just switches to her stand abruptly -Completely same walk forward and backward,so it looks like she is Moonwalking -Her big portrait.....Is a sprite... -xnrcet.png The red CLSN should be on the whip,not on her stomach when she is attacking -It looks like you forgot to change Kung Fu Mans CLSNS 32zlt3c.png -2vv7uz5.png KFM again -2e5mups.png Her red CLSN should be on her hand. She is uppercutting,not headbutting

I never use KFM as basis for anything since everything clashes for the character itself.


It's better to follow tutorials than trying sprite swaps.


A good idea is always checking if the clsn fit the sprite.

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