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Everything posted by RobotMonkeyHead

  1. No, it's not. If persistent isn't 0 or 1 it causes the trigger to activate once every nth occurrence of its truth value. It's a logical truth modulation function, similar to the mathematical %.
  2. Battletoads Double Dragon was easily one of the best NES games made too, imo. Goes from side scrolling (with depth movement) to racing to side scrolling (no depth movement) to a space shooter style, some primitive parallax in a few levels. That game had so much going on in it, if they recreated something like that now... I can't even imagine.
  3. Well, I can't take credit for creating the sprite (maybe a little for the moving funnel part, that I had to make). I just downloaded a wii emulator that has a sprite dump function, and a Wario Land shake it rom, so the sprites are all direct from the game. I use that to screen capture each frame to get the motion, angels, effects right too tho. In mugen, the dasherator has animated lights, and rotates / wobbles when it fires. FF doesn't export rotation angles or overlays to the gifs tho. That's actually how I got the Snowman hyper accurate too. I screenshot every single frame of the snowball, load it into gimp, overlay the snowball sprite, and get each rotation angle for each frame exact, as well as its position. It's fucking painstaking time heavy work, but in the end it winds up looking almost identical to the source, which is what I'm after in these instances.
  4. I've created a helper that's a large box. It has a default blue clsn box, and I'd like to make it so neither character can walk through it, but instead either can jump and land on top of it. Any idea how this could be done? For the landing on top part, it seems like I could take care of this with a red clsn box that triggers a standing type state, and sets the y pos. I'm still not sure about the walking through it part. If there's a way to take care of both things in a single shot, that would of course be ideal.
  5. The sparks, and sounds are commented as "not added yet", because the character this came from is currently under construction, but they will be there in the end. Even when absent, however, they default to the players constants (as noted in the op), so this hitdef would actually have them, be they random and misaligned as all hell. As for the trigger, this came from a helper that stays in a single state while its root / parent goes through a number of different states which each trigger various animations and hitdefs in the helper in this way. Your point is solid tho, I could have used a simpler example for a demo's sake. Here's what the one above would look like if I'd taken that into consideration: [State 0, HitDef ] type = HitDef trigger1 = animelem = 6 damage = 75, 5 attr = SCA, HA hitflag = MAFD guardflag = MA priority = 7, Hit p1sprpriority = 5 sparkxy = 40, 20 sparkno = 6300 hitsound = S10, 1 guard.sparkno = 6340 guardsound = S20, 1 ground.velocity = -6, -12 air.velocity = -6, -12 fall = 1 fall.recover = 0 persistent = 24
  6. Dhillon521 just joined the beta testing team. Thanks for gettin in on this, looking forward to hearing some fresh feedback / ideas. --- AxSeeker & Ballsdeep69: Yea I might pillage a few sfx from Mario Kart. What was his special in that anyway? --- Ballsdeep69: I've got his motorcycle in there right now as a special (under construction at the moment). Charge back, forward and punch, he rides forward on it and wheelies. His "waft" has also been added as an alpha counter. He eat's opponents projectiles, and when he does, a garlic meter appears over his head, adding 1 clove (up to 9 max) per projectile. The fart is coded as an alpha counter, and its force / damage is determined by the garlic meter. He also has a belching Garlic Breath hyper that uses up the garlic meter which determines the size and travel of a green cloud. If it connects it turns the opponent green and dizzy while their life drains. I really do appreciate the suggestions tho. Any ideas are more than welcome at this point. Glad you dig the run too, I gotta say it looks pretty good in action too :) Here's a quick look at the Max Fastosity Dasherator I've thrown together over the last couple days. The moving part had to be hand done, because the game just used some algorithm to bend / deform the original sprite. Came out decent imo. Took a screenshot for every frame of it's workings, loaded them into gimp, and worked very closely to recreate it as similar as possible to the original. In game it has some rotation to it to make it rock as he fires out of it (exact angles / tics used in the game for that as well).
  7. Ok well, the door remains open for suggestions at any point if you change your mind. I like Warner's version quite a bit. I don't see any reason to consider multiple versions of the same character as a competitive sort of thing at all anyway. They're just 2 versions, and the more options for people the better. I wouldn't even worry about people taking it that way if I were you, but that's just me. Anyway on another note, I'm thinking about changing the normal dash animation, unless everyone is really against it. The new one is custom frankensprite work by either Ax, Flammableking, or Set555, realigned by myself to match the "Flaming Wario Run" from which it was borrowed. New Old Also progress update: Garlic Breath Hyper is finished. Sprites are ripped for the Max Fastosity Dasherator hyper, starting coding on that tonight. Added horizontal control to Wustache Twister by holding directionals.
  8. Sure thing. Here's an example of the hitdef for the rolling part of Wario's Snowman hyper. Notice literally every single unnecessary thing is gone, because I knew what its default was, or what other variable it depended on so I could delete it without worry. That usually takes less than 2 minutes. I also trim off the section labels and usually the comments. Once I have it down to just the variables I need, working with it is cake. :) [State 0, HitDef for Rolling Attack] type = HitDef trigger1 = root, stateno = 2105 damage = 75,10 attr = SCA, HA hitflag = MAFD guardflag = MA priority = 7, Hit p1sprpriority = 5 sparkxy = 0,0 ;sparkno = ; not added yet ;hitsound = ; not added yet ;guard.sparkno = ; not added yet ;guardsound = ; not added yet ground.velocity = -6, -12 air.velocity = -6, -12 fall = 1 fall.recover = 0 persistent = 24
  9. Thanks, I'm happy to hear someone else finding this useful too :) I might do the same thing for Projectiles, Explods and Helpers soon, so if ya like this, keep an eye out. Thank you :) I actually wind up with much smaller more efficient hit defs this way. Relatively tiny actually. Everything's set to it's default, so the first thing I do after I paste this is delete every line I don't plan on messing with (including the section labels and comments). In the OP, that's what I meant by "it trims down to next to nothing (or the bare minimum anyway) very quickly and easily." Starting with all the variables is just so you can see all the options off the bat, and the grouping makes it easy to eliminate huge chunks at a time.
  10. Here's a fun little coding story. So I'm trying to code a cloud of garlic breath that makes the opponent dizzy for a certain amount of time, depending on how many projectiles Wario's eaten (his garlic meter). Seems easy enough, right? Fucking wrong. So at first I'm like, ok I'll just redirect the trigger to Wario's var(42) which is the garlic counter, and use that to get the value for how long they should stay dizzy. Nope. I gotta transfer Wario's var(42) to the burp cloud helper's var(42) as soon as it launches out of his face, in case Wario decides to burp more than once in the span of a couple seconds. Ok, so I'll just reference the burp cloud helpers var(42) to get the dizzy time, right? No again. The opponent can't redirect a trigger to Wario's helper apparently, only to his own helpers. The plot thickens... I try spawning x number of explods, where x is the value of var(42), so this way the opponent can just count numexplods(id) = what ever the fuck. Nope. Either it won't work because of the custom state, or it just won't work. I'm not dwelling on it. At this point, the opponent is in a custom dizzy state, which ends when the timer hits x. x has to be determined by the burp cloud helpers var(42). The opponent can't 'trigger redirect' to the helper and can't count Wario's explods, so I have to get that data in to the opponent somehow on the hit def. My first move was to go for the hit velocity, set it to var(42), set the opponents physics to neutral, and correct the position with posadd x = -vel x. No good. The hit velocity won't transfer through to the custom state that the hitdef puts the opponent in. Why? At this point why anything. My next move is to have the opponent try to make a helper and use one of it's constants (size.height) to store the var(42) value. Of course the helper spawned by the opponent winds up using the opponents state/anim data, not Wario's states, so that's out because I can't destroyself the helper. Shit. Finally I realize that the ONLY variable that I can alter to smuggle in the var(42) data is the actual custom stateno that the hitdef puts p2 into. Seeing as var(42) is only a value from 1-9 at this point I'm like fine, fuck it, I just make 9 different states that the hitdef puts the opponent into depending var(42). It winds up looking like p2stateno = 2320 + var(42). Then each state is simple as shit, just sets the x velocity to equal its own stateno - 2320, so the opponents vel x is finally fucking equal to var(42). Then it changes to the damn dizzy state, where I use a combination of 'Physics = N' and 'Posadd x = -vel x' to hold the position, while using that 'vel x' to reference the garlic counter's value that was in var(42). Finally fucking works. Hot damn crazy ass work around much? And the worst part is this whole time I know somewhere in the back of my mind there's probably a piece of cake way to do this whole thing. I'm still sure there is. Damn it in advance. I think I need a cold shower. tl;dr Coding is a bitch sometimes. Feel like Wiley fucking Coyote building some monstrosity of a contraption to do the simplest little thing.
  11. Yea as someone who's been coding over 2 decades, I hear that loud and clear. Anyway, now that the lags not so bad on the post editor, I've updated the first post with the one I've been using lately. The formula for it goes: * Every variable is set to it's default value (except guardflag). * If the default value is not a number, but instead is dependent on another value, that value is listed as a comment. * All variables who's value depends on another variable are commented out. This is for easy optimizing and so it's ready to go as pasted. * Notes are added to clarify the defaults of some variables.
  12. Hey Ax, good to see you on this thread! I was wondering if you or flammableking were going to stumble upon it XD I'm glad you're liking Wario's update so far... well it's sort of turned into a major overhaul at this point. I PMed you a beta just for the hell of it :) I like that palette you did too, I'll def snag that as an alt for the final version. And if you have any suggestions or things you wanted to see in the final version but never got around to or anything like that, please do post them on here. Hell if you want to do any beta testing, I can just keep sending you the beta updates if you want? Again, I'm really glad you're liking his progress so far and it's great to hear from you on it! EDIT: Garlic Breath hyper almost finished.
  13. I guess I'm still not clear about what exactly you thought was a waste of time. Reducing the number of colors, or altering the palette? What would you have done differently? Gad you like the new hyper. The damage is intentionally low because the coins replenish health and power.
  14. The Gimme Your Lunch Money hyper is basically finished. A few kinks to work out regarding the superpause, and the fact that the hyper bg uses "time" to scale and rotate pretty much everything... anyway: Level 3 hyper. Avg 30 coins. currently bronze coins +50 power, silver coins +25 life, gold coins +50 power and +25 life might lower it to bronze +25 power, silver +10 life, gold +50 power and +25 life. Much like his other throw chaining, this hyper can be chained into the spin throw instead of the normal toss at the end by pushing the spin command right before the throw executes. Of course, the spin can then be chained into the roll, slam and toss chain for extra damage. --- @SPRI YAR ZON - I finally figured out that you mean the hyper pile driver is causing the problems. I thought you were talking about the regular air throw pile driver (x+y in the air). Don't worry about that hyper pile driver, that thing hasn't been touched yet. The code is just a jumble of shit at the moment.
  15. Well you're certainly entitled to your opinion about it, but I disagree completely. Download this Wario and try him against my edit. This is the one I started the edit from, and the sprites it uses are the Exact sprites from Wario Land Shake it, to the pixel, color for color, no change or resizing at all whatsoever (no resizing on mine either). If you think this one looks better than mine, then you'll be happy to know I plan to use it's colors for one of the palettes, but it's def not going to be the default. I know the amount of work I put into them doesn't make them look any better, but there were about 7-8 days of straight 12-16 hours of work each put into getting them how I want them. What I have here is the best I can possibly (or am willing to) do by my own standards. There were a few problems with the originals. Mostly that there was a lot of overlapping colors between the skin and shirt, and also between the pants and darker parts of the nose which made multiple palettes impossible (unfixable despite 3 solid days of hard effort). On top of that there were over 256 colors used, many of which had no visible distinction. Reducing the number of colors to around 64 (what I have now) made almost zero noticeable difference in appearance, yet makes multiple palettes actually doable. ...well once manual color separation is done anyway, to remove the overlapping colors. (e.g. Original sized sprites directly from Shake It. One of these is 256 colors, the other is 64. Can you tell the difference?) Once that was done, there was the problem of the sprites looking kind of greyed out in mugen, because Wario Land Shake It had a certain "clay toned" color scheme to the whole thing, which looked a bit sketchy when Wario was blown up to Mugen scale. The filters I added (which make the Only visible difference between my sprites and the ones in the actual game) applied purely to the colors, for palettes sake, to make him more vivid. They did nothing to the pixel arrangement. Granted I do plan to darken the skin and lighten the shoes a tiny bit in the final version, here's an example: (e.g. Original vs filtered.) Once the "original palette" I mentioned above is added, they will essentially be the exact sprites from the game if you select that palette. Personally I don't feel at all like I've wasted my time on them. I'm happy with how they came out. Sorry to hear you disapprove tho. I'm not sure what you would do differently. It sounds to me like Ghost Killer might have just overestimated the size of the original sprites, and gotten your hopes up. If I thought I could have done better I would have, but all things considered, I'm keepin what I got. EDIT: Sorry for the ramble, it's just that I put a lot of time into them, so there was a lot I wanted to say.
  16. I'll fix the air floaty coal thing. The reason I have it set up the way I do is for timing it tactically. Once the coal bursts into flames, you can touch it whenever you want and start the hyper. So you could do a couple of things. For example you could set the flaming coal up behind you when you go in for a combo, so if its blocked or if the opponent counter hits you it will knock you into the coal triggering the hyper as a counter strike. Another thing is you can drop the coal between you and the opponent, throw a fireball / bobomb, and then immediately run into the coal so the projectile and hyper hit at nearly the same time. You can also use the flaming coal as a barrier between you and the opponent. There are more tactical advantages to it, but those are some of the main reasons I have it set up this way. Also, responses to the rest of the feedback: the motorcycle sprites are done, but I'm going to finish the hypers before I go back to revamp the specials again. Sorry, there's a lot of unfinished shit still hanging around in the beta. I'll check through his punches and see if I can find it. Thanks... I want to get them to light up orange (almost sunset like) on a hyper ko. Palette fx probably. His jumping fierce kick is 3 kicks in a row, each one is slightly different. It does look weird tho, I agree. I've been considering replacing it. I spent soooooo fucking long on the sprites, there's no way I'm going back to the originals at this point. Ultimately tho, that's just a palette issue in the end, and I do plan to make a palette that's true to the original sprites. IMO, the originals look great in their original context because that whole game has a certain "clay toned" color scheme, and outside of Wario Land in Mugen the sprites just look greyed out. Before I edited him Wario used the original untouched sprites. Check him out if you want to see how they look in action.
  17. The coal hyper actually works the way it does intentionally. What don't you like about it?
  18. I'm working a hyper for Wario where a bunch of coins (helpers) appear on the screen and they give you life and/or power as you collect them. The problem I'm running into is that TargetPowerAdd and TargetLifeAdd don't seem to work at all for helpers, and also in the hitdef setting ground.type and air.type to "none" (so that no hit animation happens when he picks up a coin) makes it so the hit can not deal damage which means I can't set the damage to a negative value to add life to the character. With those two things in the way I can't figure out how to get the coins to add life to Wario. Any suggestions?
  19. @SPRI YAR ZON Yea I was really happy with the way that cloud hyper bg came out too. I can't seem to get his mid section to vanish during any of his throws... Who are you playing him against? The odd swoosh attack is just lingering garbage the only reason I' haven't deleted it yet is in case I think of something creative to do with it... Feel free to ignore it completely for now tho, unless you have any ideas for something completely different to do with it? I also can't get the piledriver to leave the opponent in a stand state at the end of it... Again, who are you playing him against? ---------- Progress: Just about finished with the Lunch Money Shake hyper.
  20. Welcome to MFFA Whiplash. Yea I'm able to change my title and I only have 183 posts.
  21. My apologies for keeping this project in the dark momentarily. We got into some feedback discussions via email (the beta testers and myself), but from here on out we're going to keep everything related to the project out in the open on the thread. Suggestions are totally appreciated from anyone and everyone, and this way is a lot more conducive to that format. So I'm going to copy the relevant emails from our discussion so far and post them here, just to keep everyone who might be interested up to speed:
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