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Everything posted by RobotMonkeyHead

  1. On the surface, a description of my computer. Essentially "robot brain". The "monkey" part is an unnecessary jab at creationism, as is the prophetic flavor of the whole name itself, really.
  2. Drawing, piano, guitar, drums (weird time signatures = ma fav), bass, vocs, midi composing, coding, writing a story, poetry, chef (kitchen management for over a decade), studied nutrition, certified in macrobiotics, cranio-sacral massage, and nutrition counseling, love philosophy (esp ethics), currently designing a system of logic, a business model, just finished a real-estate course (career change ahead), skiing / snowboarding, speak some French, currently learning Japanese and of course working on mugen.
  3. Yea combo ability is a huge factor for me too. I also really like Samurai Shodown's play style. Technical stuff is fun, dodges, parries, air throws, counters and the like. I'm also a fan of the huge boss character types, and bonus games. Those two just make playing mugen so much more fun for me.
  4. Surprised I didn't see a music sharing thread in the first four pages, so here's one :) (Mods please feel free to merge it if one already exists somewhere) Fuck Shit Stack brought to us by the mighty Reggie Watts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2FiYq55oac
  5. Ok, I realize this is a pretty basic question. For example if I run the following code, it produces a debug flood, saying truncated float to int. alpha = 256 - (256 / (time * .25)), 256 Is there an easy way to just round that noise inside the parenthesis to an int?
  6. Makes sense... Maybe he could just toss a huge ass shroobabomb or something.
  7. A thread to talk about how much time it takes you to create certain things in mugen, and time saving tips you've discovered over the years. It seems to mostly go unspoken. Granted some things take an ENORMOUS amount of time to do, and some things don't take very much at all, but this seems to lead to 2 things: First, 'non-creators' can often be seen taking the creative process for granted. For example someone might have no idea how much time it really takes to create a characters etc so they'll start off on some huge project that most creators know they'll never finish (like hand spriting an entire game for example). e.g. Bob: Check out this single sprite I did in paint brush. I have plans to sprite and code a full game with 18 playable characters all in this style, each with a custom stage. Fred: Good luck. Second, missed opportunities to share time saving tips, because someone didn't want to sound like they were complaining by saying how long it took them to do something that seems relatively simple. Of course a lot of the time creators ask questions or look at other peoples work to figure out efficient ways to do things, but sometimes people just get stuck in a rut of doing things a certain way, and don't bother asking about it. e.g Bob: Here we go again for the 4th time, another 16 hours of loading a sprite sheet in 1 by 1. Fred: Dude, you don't have to do it that way. Here's a link to the aligned sprites with the axis in tact, just load them in by groups like this...
  8. Video preview of Flaming Wario hyper, Snowman Wario Hyper and new hyper bg: While in the small snowball state you can walk , turn and jump (which works as an attack) for up to 10 seconds. During that time you're immune to regular attacks, but projectiles will destroy the snowball, causing no damage. Any attack button causes the large rolling snowball. During the Flaming Wario hyper you have no control while running, but once Wario is completely engulfed in flames you can turn him left and right, as per source. The coal thing that falls from the ceiling can be avoided. If touched by an opponent it will disappear, unless it's already flaming then it will deal them a small amount of damage. All animations are as close as I could possibly get to source accurate, including exact angle rotations of the snowball, and exact number of tics per frame all around. The actual pixels are exact from source, but the colors have seen the same filters as Wario's sprites. The only sprites I couldn't get were for the smoke and sparks, so I had to remake those, but I think they came out decent enough.
  9. http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/skullgirls-spriterips-156597.0.html Looks good so far!
  10. Finally, got the dark swirling clouds from Wario Land Shake It to work for a hyper bg! Bye bye MvC hyper bg, hello good lookin custom hyper bg! Acap to source accurate. So the Flaming Wario and Snowman hypers are basically complete. Moving on to the Lunch Money hyper, and then to the Bobomb hyper, which is still completely open to suggestion. I was thinking a bunch of parachuting bobombs + a bunch of bobombs marching in from the sides...
  11. I like these a lot. Not distracting at all, very elegant in their minimalism. Nice work.
  12. Yea for me, deleting the parts I don't need includes deleting variables that are going to be set to the defaults anyway. Maybe I'll update the original post at some point to include all the default variables with a note reminding coders to delete the variable if they're not going to change it, for the reason you're pointing out. Thanks for the tip. EDIT: First post updated.
  13. I don't completely understand... I think something might be getting lost in translation. None the less, yes he will do what he wants with everyone's vote in mind, and the more opinions accounted for, the better for sure. :)
  14. Seeing that you posted a detailed suggestion on here was the only reason I posted one as well. It did seem worthwhile. However, if it's too late for that type of suggestion from me, it's probably too late for one from you as well.
  15. Always good to have multiple options tho.
  16. Nice catch. Added. Also updated sprpriority to 1.1s p1sprpriority and p2sprpriority.
  17. Personally I'm not a huge fan of the way the default HitDef controller is laid out in FF. So I organized it in a way that makes sense to me. Now, I just opened up FF and replaced the HitDef Sctrl's automatic text with it, so now when I select HitDef from the Sctrls column on the right side of the cns editor, I get this instead. But of course you could just save it as a txt file and copy / paste it, if that's worth the extra little hassle for you. Every line is set to it's default value, and if it's default is derived from another variable, a comment says how. It looks like a lot at first, but the first thing I do after calling this is delete all the lines I don't need to change. It trims down to the minimum variables very quickly and easily. I just figured I'd share it on here in case anyone else happened to find it useful as well. Hope it helps someone at least! [State 0, HitDef] type = null; HitDef trigger1 = 1 ;_________________________________/ Basics ; SCA: stand, crouch, air ; N: normal, S: special, H: hyper ; A: attack, P: projectile, T: throw damage = 0,0 getpower = 0,0 givepower = 0,0 attr = SC, HA ; SCA, NA NP NT SA SP ST HA HP HT hitflag = MAF ; MHLAFD+- medium(=HL), high, low, air, fall, down guardflag = MA ; MHLAFD+- default = empty / unguardable affectteam = E ; EFB enemy, friend, both priority = 4, Hit ; on mutual hit: (1-7), (Hit, Miss, Dodge) p1sprpriority = 1 p2sprpriority = 0 ;_________________________________/ Sparks, Sounds & Pauses sparkxy = 0,0 ;sparkno = ; player const ;hitsound = ; player const pausetime = 0,0 ;guard.sparkno = ; player const ;guardsound = ; player const guard.pausetime = 0,0 ;_________________________________/ Ground Hit animtype = light ; light,medium,hard,back,up,diagup ground.type = high ; high,low,trip,none ground.velocity = 0,0 ground.hittime = 0 ground.slidetime = 0 ;ground.cornerpush.veloff = ; 1.3 * guard.velocity unless attr = A, ... then 0 ;_________________________________/ Air Hit ;air.animtype = ; animtype ;air.type = ; ground.type air.velocity = 0,0 air.hittime = 20 ;air.cornerpush.veloff = ; ground.cornerpush.veloff ;air.fall = ; fall air.juggle = 0 ;_________________________________/ Down Hit ;down.velocity = ; air.velocity down.hittime = 0 ; ignored if down.velocity y != 0 down.bounce = 0 ;down.cornerpush.veloff = ; ground.cornerpush.veloff ;_________________________________/ Guarded ;guard.velocity = ; x value of ground.velocity ;guard.hittime = ; ground.hittime ;guard.slidetime = ; guard.hittime ;guard.ctrltime = ; guard.slidetime ;guard.cornerpush.veloff = ; ground.cornerpush.veloff ;guard.dist = ; player const ;_________________________________/ Air Guarded ;airguard.velocity = ; air.velocity x * 1.5, air.velocity y / 2 ;airguard.ctrltime = ; guard.ctrltime ;airguard.cornerpush.veloff = ; guard.cornerpush.veloff ;_________________________________/ Falling yaccel = 1 ; 240p: .35 480p: .7 720p: 1.4 fall = 0 fall.damage = 0 fall.animtype = Back ; up if air.animtype is up, back otherwise ;fall.xvelocity = ; no change ;fall.yvelocity = ; no change fall.recover = 1 fall.recovertime = 4 ;_________________________________/ Hit Specifics hitonce = 0 ; unless attr arg2 = ..., T then 1 numhits = 1 kill = 1 guard.kill = 1 fall.kill = 1 id = 0 chainID = -1 nochainID = -1 ;mindist = 0,0 ; default = no change ;maxdist = 0,0 ; default = no change ;snap = 0,0 ; default = no change ;_________________________________/ States ;p1stateno = -1 ; default = no change ;p1facing = 0 ; default = no change ;p2stateno = -1 ; default = no change ;p2facing = 0 ; default = no change p2getp1state = 1 ;p1getp2facing = 0 ; default = no change ;forcestand = 0 ; default = 0 unless ground.velocity y != 0, then 1 forcenofall = 0 ;_________________________________/ Palette palfx.time = 0 palfx.mul = 1,1,1 palfx.add = 0,0,0 ;_________________________________/ Shake envshake.time = 0 envshake.freq = 0 envshake.ampl = 0 envshake.phase = 0 fall.envshake.time = 0 fall.envshake.freq = 0 fall.envshake.ampl = 0 fall.envshake.phase = 0 ;_________________________________/ Universals ;ignorehitpause = 0 ;persistent = 0
  18. @ SPRI YAR ZON, sorry man I missed that comment. No prob :) It's been pretty fun working on him so far. --- More work done on hypers: Flaming Wario essentially finished 99%, Snowman Wario about 80% Projectile eating animation updated Anyone happen to know any good *free* screen-video capture for mac? The one I was using before was a demo and it ran out. EDIT: Progress update, new hyper BG ripped (swirling clouds from Wario Land Shake It)
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