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Everything posted by RobotMonkeyHead

  1. Thanks TopKirby :) @Laharl: As much as this means a crazy amount more work, I just realized something about the sprites I think you'll get a kick out of. The big sprite sheet I was using at first had 256+ colors. The aligned Wario sprites that I found later on, have about 189... so I'm going to redo the sprites again using the original palette. Once I get color separate him I'll remake the high contrast default palette. But if I don't post for another week or so, it's because I'm refurbishing over 1000 sprites for the 4th time.
  2. Another thing you might find useful is that I was able to get the players to land on and fall off the box with a single clsn and 4 hitdefs. Hope this helps: (These hitdefs are in the block helper, obviously, and the clsn is just around its top surface) [State 0, P1 Land On Box] type = HitDef trigger1 = root, vel y > 0 && root, pos y < -80 && root, pos y + root, vel y > -80 trigger1 = abs(pos x - root, pos x) < 50 attr = SCA, NA hitflag = MAFD affectteam = F priority = 7, Hit ground.type = none p2stateno = 2415 p1sprpriority = -1 guard.dist = 0 sparkno = -1 guard.sparkno = -1 [State 0, P1 Fall Off Box] type = HitDef triggerall = root, vel y = 0 && root, pos y = -80 trigger1 = abs(pos x - root, pos x) >= 50 attr = SCA, NA hitflag = MAFD affectteam = F priority = 7, Hit ground.type = none p2stateno = 2416 p1sprpriority = -1 guard.dist = 0 sparkno = -1 guard.sparkno = -1 [State 0, P2 Land On Box] type = HitDef trigger1 = enemynear, vel y > 0 && enemynear, pos y < -80 && enemynear, pos y + enemynear, vel y > -80 trigger1 = abs(pos x - enemynear, pos x) < 50 attr = SCA, NA hitflag = MAFD affectteam = E priority = 7, Hit ground.type = none p2stateno = 2415 p1sprpriority = -1 guard.dist = 0 sparkno = -1 guard.sparkno = -1 [State 0, P2 Fall Off Box] type = HitDef triggerall = enemynear, vel y = 0 && enemynear, pos y = -80 trigger1 = abs(pos x - enemynear, pos x) >= 50 attr = SCA, NA hitflag = MAFD affectteam = E priority = 7, Hit ground.type = none p2stateno = 2416 p1sprpriority = -1 guard.dist = 0 sparkno = -1 guard.sparkno = -1 ;--------------------------------------------- [Statedef 2415, Box - Land on it] physics = S [State 0, PosSet] type = PosSet trigger1 = vel y > 0 y = -80 [State 0, VelSet] type = VelSet trigger1 = vel y > 0 y = 0 [State 0, SelfState] type = SelfState trigger1 = 1 value = -1 ctrl = 1 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Statedef 2416, Box - Fall off it] physics = A [State 0, VelSet] type = VelSet trigger1 = pos y = -80 y = 1 [State 0, SelfState] type = SelfState trigger1 = 1 value = 50 ctrl = 1
  3. All the interpolate commands work like so: They take the number of ticks from the frame directly before they're called, and over the course of those ticks they smoothly space out whatever changes come between that frame (the frame before), and the frame after. So say you wanted to use "interpolate blend" to make a sprite go from invisible to opaque over the course of 20 ticks, and then remain opaque for 10 ticks. In text form, that would look like this: 1, 1, 0, 0, 20, , AS0D255 interpolate blend 1, 1, 0, 0, 10, , AS255D0 ; It's possible to make this last frame 0 ticks if you want. You can add it using either the animation text, or through the regular FF interface. Either way, open FF3 go to the animation tab and open the animation you want. ___/ Using the Animation Text In the left panel, click the "open animation as a text file" button, just to the left of that cactus lookin the "save animation as .gif" button. Find the frame you want the interpolation to begin on, and directly under it on a new line, write "interpolate offset" (or blend or whatever you want). Make sure the line above has the number of frames you want the interpolation to take and all the values you want it to start at. Then on the line after "interpolate whatever", make sure the data has all the values you want the interpolation to end on. When that frame begins, normal animation resumes. (see the above example) ___/ Using the Regular Interface In the top panel, click the "Show / Hide the Organizer (right panel)" button, so the right panel is a series of thumbnails, rather than a list of the characters animations. Then go to the frame in the animation you want the interpolation to start at. In the right panel, underneath X scale Y scale Angle you'll see "Interpolate:" Check the box underneath it that corresponds to the type of interpolation you want. Then go to the next frame, and make sure everything is set where you want the interpolation to end. The beginning of that frame will be where the interpolation gradates to, and normal animation resumes. Hope this helps :) EDIT: There's a bit of a bug I forgot to mention. Sometimes if you mess with just the angel, FF will erase it. To get by it, you'll need to add in the x and y scale as 1. Assuming that's what you want them to be anyway. e.g. group, element, x offset, y offset, ticks, flip, alpha, x scale, y scale, angle g, e, x, y, t ,f , a, X, Y, A 1, 1, 0, 0, 20, , , , , 13.25 ; <- might break FF 1, 1, 0, 0, 20, , , 1 ,1 , 13.25 ; <- should be ok
  4. @Trin: Yea good point Trin, I didn't even think of using the indicator anims. I certainly will, but I'm not sure how often they're generally added to characters so I think a list of names will be needed none the less. Also, the reason I was saying the bob-ombs took a long time wasn't just to complain (trust me, I know 20+ hours isn't shit in mugen time) but because a lot of the intuitive ways I thought I could do that were impossible due to limitations in the engine I didn't know existed. I thought they were interesting, and instead of segueing into 'why' in that already tl;dr post, I made a separate post on the mugen help board. I'll just touch on it quickly here in case it turns out to be helpful for someone sometime. If a hitdef is set so affectteam = F (friendly) or B (both) rathern then E (enemy), none of the target triggers or movecontact triggers seem to work. So there's no real way to identify the target of a hit if it's your own helper (other than having the helper use a hitoverride). In other words, a target must be an opponent. Maybe there's some way to get it working that I don't know about but I tried everything I could think of, including displaying the triggers directly to the clipboard. Just thought that was an interesting "feature" of the engine that knowing in advance might save some other coders some trouble at some point. anyway Progress Update: The bob-ombs are almost done, still. Their mechanics have been updated some. Fireballs now light the bob-ombs fuse putting them directly into pre-explode squinty glowing state. Flaming Wario hyper also lights them.
  5. Ok, I know I promised a video preview of the bob-omb soon, but adding an extra hitdef into every one of his attacks has lead me on a couple of side tangents. I'm kicking around this idea, and I'm wondering what people think. In the code have (easily updatable) lists of characters who aren't affected by certain moves. E.g. Characters who are too heavy to be lifted by the Ground Pound / Butt Drop move, or characters who are too big to be thrown, or who are not affected by fire based attacks, or are not affected by the snowball attack or are not affected by the belch / fart moves, are too broke to have their lunch money stolen, or any other custom interaction you can think of. These lists could be as long as they need to, there's no limit, and it's very easy to code. So that's the idea...
  6. That's an interesting idea for the shake it sprite. I might actually do something like that, replacing the 100-Hand Wimp Slap with it. As for the bob-omb, I checked out those sprites, and they are decent. Laharl also sent me a couple suggestions, but in the end I decided to go with the one posted above. I really liked the shading on it, and I thought and the style / feel really fit with Wario. I did wind up using that second explosion tho and it looks fucking great in action. Can't wait to post a video preview of the bob-omb in action so you guys can see it. I just got a little more to do on it first. Yea that's pretty much how I work amigo. I just get as many resources and ideas as I can together, and the just let the inspiration flow and do the best I can with what I got. It's really great to have all you guys suggestions to work with to. It just makes the spectrum of options and ideas so much greater. It's been a blast working on him, I have to say, and most of it comes you guys comments on this thread. :) Progress Update: Finally, after 2 straight days of work (easily 20+ hours of coding) I got the bob-omb mechanics working. Wario sets down a bob-omb and it blinks > turns to face the opponent > winds up 3 cranks > hops > lands > and does it again. After 3 hops, its fuse lights, it squints, begins to glow red and after exactly 2 seconds it explodes. 1, 2, boom. While it's hopping around it can be hit by either Wario or the opponent, and essentially knocked around the screen. It takes the actual hit velocity from the hitdef that hits it too, so a lifter will lift it, juggernaut will send it flying etc. All that's for the QCF quick punch. QCF medium or strong punch will throw a bob-omb in an arc. Medium bob-omb will not have a lit fuse, and after it lands it will carry out it's normal 3 hop cycle before exploding. Strong will be thrown with a lit fuse. It will explode on impact with the opponent, or if it misses and lands on the ground it will carry out it it's 2 second count down, starting from the time it was thrown. Video preview soon to come.
  7. After an arduous day of picking away at this, I've pretty much gotten it working. There were some interesting issues that prevented easier ways of doing things that I'm going to list for reference sake. They've all been double / triple / quadruple checked with the in game clipboard: trigger = target(hit_id), id = helper(helper_id) does not work. trigger = target(hit_id) = "whatever it was set to in the hit def" does not work. trigger = numtarget(helper id) does not work. trigger = numtarget(target id from hitdef) does not work. movecontact returns 0 after the hit connects with the bob-omb helper. Any of these would have allowed the original hitdef (meant for the opponent) to retrigger after the bob-omb one connected. The apparent issue here is that mugen will not recognize a helper as a target, or even a legitimate point of "contact" for a hit. I considered adding an extra hitdef to each of Wario's basics which triggers 1 tick before the normal hitdef. Of course that meant adding a new clsn to every basic attack as well, right before the normal one. In the end I had the bob-omb use ParentVarSet to let Wario know if it was in hit range. There's an additional hitdef added to each one of his basics that triggers only on the first tick of the hit if that var is non-zero. The original hitdef then retriggers immediately.
  8. I'm not sure how both at once would look, or how you would even do that... You could try it? Here's an example of suggestion 2 in action, from :15 to :20 (if it lags, lower the vid quality to get a better look at the timing). Sorry for increasing the load time of the page as well, for some reason it won't let me spoiler the video.
  9. Glad to see you're enjoying it here. It's refreshing to see nice people joining the community. Hope you have fun, and thanks for all the suggestions on the Wario thread already!
  10. If you do, you've already got a pretty good start with just this post. Afik there aren't too many of them out there. I have to say it would be nice to see em centralized. Either way, hell yes to the Manji Vally and Warzone stages!
  11. Wario drop's a bob-omb on the ground, which sits, blinks, winds up, hops and repeats a couple times before exploding. I've gotten it so the opponent can knock it around the screen using hitoverride and gethitvar(xvel and yvel). Now I'd like Wario to be able to hit it, without adding an additional hitdef with "affectteam = F" to every single attack he has. As of now, I've got an extra hitdef in each of the basic attack states with affectteam = f, strictly for the bob-omb....maybe the coal too? __/ Considerable approaches so far
  12. Very nice! Is there a Tekken stages collection these can (or already have been) added to?
  13. Just found this thread, I gotta say this is looking pretty good amigo! About the transformation, I agree it's a bit to "instant". I'd go either one of two ways. 1) Either open the before and after transformation as separate layers in photoshop / gimp whatever and try to create a medium frame. Or a couple even. 2) alternate between the before and after transformation frames sort of like this. Imagine the before and after are both group 0, and before is index 0 and after is index 1. 0,0 ,0,0, 16 0,1 ,0,0, 2 0,0 ,0,0, 12 0,1 ,0,0, 2 0,0 ,0,0, 8 0,1 ,0,0, 2 0,0 ,0,0, 4 0,1 ,0,0, 2 0,0 ,0,0, 2 0,1 ,0,0, 2 0,0 ,0,0, 2 0,1 ,0,0, 2 0,0 ,0,0, 2 0,1 ,0,0, 4 0,0 ,0,0, 2 0,1 ,0,0, 8 0,0 ,0,0, 2 0,1 ,0,0, 12 0,0 ,0,0, 2 0,1 ,0,0, 16 The amount of work you put in and the fact that you're taking feedback at every step of the process is really showing through. I have to say to, I completely agree with Cayne's post about people bullying Ax.
  14. haha that's true. I take it you mean that crazy shake it sprite. I'll come at it from the other side then, if I end up needing it I'll use it, otherwise fuck it.
  15. hahahaa, chill Trin, it's all good, I think we're gonna make it :) Ok, yea I have to agree. The second one does fit the animation style more closely. Well, 2nd one it is then. The first one... maybe I could use that for the motorcycle exploding? I don't know, it is a gorgeous animation. I'll see if I can find something for it.
  16. Dude, an Attack on Titan boss by OMEGAPSYCHO!? Symphony of the Night bosses (including fucking Legion AND Beelzebub), Mortal Kombat 1 & 2, Ninja Gaiden boss rush, Indiana Jones, and now this? Impeccable taste, once again. You, sir, are among the gods of mugen!
  17. @Clownman: Tanks! The flexing animation I'm pretty sure is going to be a taunt. As for the sounds, sounds great. I'm doing all of them once I'm done coding the moves, so there's still plenty of time. Yea nice clean rips from Shake It / Brawl would be great. :) @AxSeeker: Intro-esting idea... maybe like a lose by time over pos or something where he's frustrated? Still not totally sure... Maybe I could use it to replace the 100 hand wimp slap and just have it be a knock back, sort of anti air special... Progress Update: Got the Bob-omb sprites just about finished, and ready to load. Figured out a mechanic for the Motorcycle special: Charge back, forward and punch, Motorcycle rides in from off the screen behind Wario, and through clean off the other side of the screen. Sort of a large unmanned projectile. Wario can jump and land on the bike, and if he does he can wheelie it by pressing an attack button essentially increasing its height. Or by pressing throw, he can hop off and pick up the motorcycle and carry it around. He can throw it by pressing any attack button, or hop back on it by pressing throw again. While carried it will also act as a bit of a damage shield, taking one hit to destroy. Also figured out a mechanic for the Bob-omb moves: Specials - QCF punch. QP - he sets down a bob-omb where he's standing, and it hops toward the opponent, lighting it's own fuse if it gets close enough. MP - throws a bob-omb in a high but short arc which explodes on contact with either ground or opponent. SP - same as medium but a long shallow arc. Max 3 on the screen at once. Hyper - Wario eats a bob-omb, essentially triggering the old combustion hyper where he's surround by a ball of fire. Adds 3 garlics to his meter. I'm having a little trouble deciding between these 2 explosions....
  18. Wait till you see it with the launch explosion. the dust and the hit mechanics at work. :) Yea agreed. I'm going to need to come up with something else for these sprites...
  19. Yea it did actually occurred to me too that it might be a bit of an overused parody move. I was just going to go with it because I don't know what else to do with those sprites really, but given you guys responses I'll probably rethink that. What I was imagining for it was the sprites for that "weird shake it thing hyper" slowly moving toward the opponent and if it hit, just have the screen black out, and a whole bunch of random hit sparks go off. After that the screen would fade back in with the opponent down and Wario standing with his back turned to the camera. Any other ideas for that animation? By all means, allow Emily and Tyomi to explain.
  20. Progress Update: I updated Wario's throw linking mechanics to the following: x + y = throw 1 (spin) y + z = throw 2 (roll) a + b = throw 3 (toss) b + c = throw 4 (slam) Essentially /1\ /2\ (x) (y) (z) (a) (b) (c) \3/ \4/ - The ground throw chain still goes 1, 2, 4, 3. It's sort of a circle around the 'square' of possible button combinations, if that makes any sense. - The air throw chain is now 1, 4, 2, 3. It's sort of an X shape in the 'square'. - There is now the additional possibility of a ground roll or an air roll followed by 3 consecutive slams: 2, 4, 4, 4 - The 3 consecutive slams can also just be done on their own, with no roll / air roll lead in: 4, 4, 4 - The first throw deals the full 80 damage. Each additional throw deals 1/4 damage (or 20) meaning a chain of 4 throws deals 140 damage. - The last throw in any of these chains can be replaced by either the Lunch Money hyper, or the Captains Pile Driver hyper. Normal SF4 damage scaling applies to the hypers. Don't worry he's going to have an in game moves list :)
  21. Oooo, ok. I really like "Instant Hell Murder". It's got a nice ring to it. I guess that'll be the title of Wario's. On that note I shorted the name of "Captain Syrups Pile Driver" to just "Captain's Pile Driver". Keeps the dirty humor, but a little less overt.
  22. I certainly will add those sfx. I plan on doing all Wario's sounds in one shot, once everything else is finished, so a lot of the shit is missing sounds right now. Progress Update: Sparks, dust and explosions added to Dasherator hyper. Also started and finished Captain Syrup Pile Driver hyper. That's 6 hypers total so far. Starting on Ground Pound hyper now which will be 7, then the Bob-omb one will make 8. What's that hyper called that Akuma has where everything goes black and he beats the shit out of the opponent, then it gets light and he's standing there with the "heaven" kanji on his back? I kind of want to add one of those to Wario too using that weird shake it animation thing.
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