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Posts posted by OldGamer

  1. YHS4GUs.png
    The Stage been rip by me and I used Nebula Emulator to get all the sprite images content
    The Stage sound is been rip by me and I used the Neo Geo Emulator CD main source
    The Last Blade Yuki Stage for mugen 1.1 & 1.0
    The Stage have mid super jump
    The Stage have animation
    The Stage have Zoom effect for mugen 1.1
    The Stage come with  mugen 1.0 :hyo:


    also here the other Last Blade Stage for mugen 1.1 & 1.0

    Juzoh Stage 1.1 & 1.0

    Akari Stage 1.1 & 1.0

    Kaede Stage 1.1 & 1.0

    there will be more to come :hyo:

  2. 1 hour ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

    Fantastic Job, bro. I wanted to superjump this stage myself a while back...

     its time for me to take it over the last blade stage making for good. I always wanted a mid super jump for them with accurate zoom effect . I made 3 so far and I got more to go xD

    1 hour ago, gui0007 said:

    My favorite Last Blade stage!! :D
    Thanks bruh!

    your welcome :D

  3. kxcmkg1.png

    The Stage been rip by me and I used Nebula Emulator to get all the sprite images content
    The Stage sound is been rip by me and I used the Neo Geo Emulator CD main source
    The Last Blade : Juzo Stage for mugen 1.0 & 1.1
    The Stage have mid super jump
    The Stage have animation
    The Stage have Zoom effect for mugen 1.1
    The Stage come with  mugen 1.0 :OhYeah:


    Juzo Stage 1.1 & 1.0

    Akari Stage 1.1 & 1.0
    Kaede Stage 1.1 & 1.0


  4. On 7/5/2016 at 11:17 AM, DoodlebobGamer12 said:

    But i want to know, how to do this without making screenpack confuse

    i want a great screenpack who is 640x480 localcoord and dont confuses me on making 9000 slots 

    there no other way around this. you have to tamper with the small portrait size and also make the small boxes and make the cursor size.  you have no other choose but to do to this. if you want to have 9000+ for your screen pack that is 640x480 or 1280x720. you need to tamper with the sprites and edit them to fix on the 6x6 small boxes and the cursor box and also position it to fix on your select screen. there is no other way around it but do its the way I shown you and you have to play with the Values Number. I know that its confusing at first but play around it until you get it. you have learn work some way to fit all 9000+ for your screen pack. just work around it until you get it right

  5. Okay I dont know what screen pack your using but its dont matter what its like.


    Before we can get started.

    You need Fight Factory and gimp

    Fighter Factory 3.0.2 x64 64 bit version

    Fighter Factory 3.0.2 x86 32 bit version


    Gimp Download



    what you need to do is go to your data folder and find System.def  and scroll down and find this here

    Because you don't know what they do I will color them in green text to explain what they are


    [VS Screen]
    time = 700            ;Time to show screen <----- this how long your versus screen can be played for a long times
    fadein.time = 20 <-- this to make fade in
    fadeout.time = 20 <-- this to make fade out
    match.text = "BATTLE %i" <-- this here for you the text on screen

    match.offset = 322, 320 <-- this here is position

    match.font = 7,0,0, 0,210,255 <-- this here is set your font number

    ;Big portraits
    p1.spr = 9000, 1 <-- this here is set portrait group/index number

    p1.offset =  126,158 <-- this here is set position your Big portrait group/index number
    p1.facing = 1 <-- this here is set invert your position Big portrait 
    p1.scale = .5,.5 <-- this here is to resize your Big portrait 
    p2.spr = 9000, 1
    p2.offset = 512,158
    p2.facing = -1
    p2.scale = .5,.5
    p1.name.offset  =  185,148  <-- this here is set position the characters's name 
    p1.name.spacing = 0,600 <-- this here is set spacing position the characters's name 
    p1.name.font =   6,0,0, 0,210,255 <-- this here is set your font number your characters's name 
    p2.name.offset  = 455,148
    p2.name.spacing = 0,600
    p2.name.font =   6,0,0, 0,210,255

    Okay now that I explain that setting do  scroll down unit you find this here


    [VersusBG 2]
    type  = normal
    spriteno = 0,0
    layerno = 0
    start = 0,0
    mask = 1


    Now run your Fighter Factory and find your screen pack's SYSTEM.SFF

    Scroll threw the page until you find the versus screen sprite images its very important to find the Group and Index for the Versus screen

    best way to search is by clicking this icon my picture will show the way and what they do



    okay now you have to know where is the group and index for the versus screen sprite image

    then you need to make a new sprite image to replace it


    for examples


    [VersusBG 2]
    type  = normal <-- this here set to normal

    spriteno = 200,0 <-- this number is the group/index
    layerno = 0
    start = 0,0
    mask = 1


    well pretty mush you have to change everything an also position them as well.

    Here video will help you understand what the versus screen does. I know this person sound bit annoying but he does make a good point how versus screen work





    also go to this video and Ryon explain on how to make versus screen into animation go to the timer video to 25:23 and he explain a lot more about

    versus screen






    well I hope that help you out buddy and hope you understand where to go from here :OhYeah:





  6. there some things that you need to make it a 9000 slots


    1. you need to make small box cell for the small portraits must be 6x6 size pixel

    this is how  a very small box should look j9H2ziU.png


    2. you need to make the player one and player two cursor box the same size  6x6 size pixel

    this is how  a very small cursor should look i2gdpFX.png


    now that you made the cursor and the small box to be 6x6 pixel go and index them by using Gimp

    Gimp is free , so you have no problem installing it



    Also get these tools as well you need them



    Fighter Factory 3.0.2 x64 64 bit version


    Fighter Factory 3.0.2 x86 32 bit version


    I best recommend going here because on my video guide I explain how to inxde the small boxs for gimp


    This will safe me some  time to explain everything in text so go and watch my video guide

    and on my video please go to the timer at 59:35 that will show how to index the boxes. Just be sure to choose what color you want to be transparent


    Next go open up your system.def scroll down until you find this

    ;Character select definition
    [Select Info]

    then scroll down just a little bit more until you see this

    rows = 2
    columns = 5

    the row and columns what you need to adjust and play with the numbers

    because you don't have no clue how this works . Let me break it down for you





    So to make 9000 the number is

    rows = 88
    columns = 126



    Okay now that you made your row and columns. you now need to resize the small portraits to fix in the 6x6 pixel boxes

     Scroll down until you find this


    portrait.spr = 9000,0     ;Do not change from 9000,0
    portrait.offset = 0,0
    portrait.scale = 1,1


    now to make the small portrait to fit on small box 6x6 pixel you need to play with the portrait.scale

    so to make fit for the 9000 slots. Set the portrait.scale value number to

    portrait.spr = 9000,0
    portrait.offset = 0,0
    portrait.scale = .1,.1


    okay now we got the smal port very small and pain in the butt to see........


    Now this where you need to move the small portrait to fix in the boxes


    Scroll back up and find this


    pos = 323,148   ;This here what make you move the small boxes to Position t
    showemptyboxes = 0        ;1 to show empty boxes
    moveoveremptyboxes = 0    ;1 to allow cursor to move over empty boxes
    cell.size = 27,27       ;x,y size of each cell (in pixels)
    cell.spacing = 2


    to make this work for 9000 slot. You need to adjust the SIZE first  go to cell.size and set it to

    pos = 323,148 
    showemptyboxes = 0     
    moveoveremptyboxes = 0 

    cell.size = 5,5   <---------------------this is for the small box cell size pixel for 6x6
    cell.spacing = 2


    Now its time for you to pay with the cell.spacing for most Screen pack that do have 9000 you can set to

    cell.spacing = 0


    Now its time for you to play the BACK AND FORT game with ur mugen


    go to pos = 323,148 

    POS stand for Position 


    and you need to move the small ports and do alot of adjustment in your screen pack

    Keep in mind that you have to keep playing with the position for your small portraits to fit them in your screen pack  that you are using.



    THERE IS NO CHARTS or Diagrams for Mugen. so PRETTY mush that Mugen is all about  the Trails and Errors and deal with Adjusting and Position the best way you can.

    Just keep in mind that when you ARE doing IT for the first time DONT BE SCARED if its does look bit confusing but once you understand it . its all easy street for there on end :D


      whelp young man I be praying for you and best of luck with your OVER 9000 Slots and I hope that I help you out :OhYeah:











  7. the Original Staged is create by JAM
    The Stage is been fixed Compatible for the mugen 1,0 and 1,1 software By Me
    Yeah its been 2 years I have not done a Converted stuff for so long so when I downloaded Jam NBC Image Stage. its did not wanted to display the stage right so I took upon myself and fix the stage so it can run better for both version of the mugen software and I did some adjustment to make work for the mugen 1.1 and 1.0 so the def file is been remade and fix the code that was on the Original Stage is create by JAM

    Enjoy everyone  :hyo:


  8. 5 hours ago, sonikun said:

    this is looking good, mate. By any chance, are you doing a 3,000 slot version of this? Just wondering.

    no but you can follow my guide on how to edit blue mugen and you can try to manage to make it 3k slots :D just a simple baby steps and from my guide and that why Blue mugen is open source and I know that  I have a lot fate in you to make that happen so start crack in and start editing it :OhYeah:


    Update for 7/3/2016

    Bluemugen is now complete with everything this is the last final update for 7/3/2016

    its have intros

    its have game over

    its have a logo

    its have its own life bars

    and its own ending credits all in on package the screen pack come with 153,204, and 419 slots

    enjoy the awesome package deal  :OhYeah:


  9. 3 hours ago, Big Sally said:

    This is a great tutorial.

    and this is what I pretty much do , except I do it in a mugen friendly environement (!draw3)


    Paint is to risky to use because it doesnt properly save indexed images.

    yeah that why  I had to use gimp on video guide to show everyone how to index the image so thank goodness that we have gimp for free right :OhYeah:

    4 hours ago, DoodlebobGamer12 said:


    thank you :Ohmy!:


    Open Resources Blue Mugen Folder Located here
    you can find the screen pack here with the 204 slot and 419 slot is located here


    Start making your own roster with all the resources you need and show them to your friend and share with the mugen community very simple not very hard just bit of adjustment and editing the way you wanted by using gimp and normal Microsoft paint and Fighter Factory for your computer :)

    after you are done editing your own roster. You can Start to share the setting and your edit stuff here to everyone :)

    The Tools you need

    Fighter Factory 3.0.2 x64 64 bit version

    Fighter Factory 3.0.2 x86 32 bit version

    Mugen Builds
    Mugen 1.0 stable version

    Mugen 1.1b

    Gimp Download


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