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Everything posted by Laharl

  1. -Why yes they can all be found at zone archive easy to find no need to teach ppl how it all "cums" naturally. -Considering the move just kills things uh monsters I guess? -probably just to laugh at how horrible it is -Why do you exist -IDK honestly my motivation keeps switching between things -no complaints but a few days after selling it I saw it back up on leaptrade could be the same guy rofl. -my favorite anime is quite tricky to name honestly I like ALOT you would expect disgaea but really the anime doesn't do the game that much justice. My answer for this would be w/e I feel like watching at the time currently I am staying up to date with the dub of highschool DXD and Durarara X2, I watch ALOT of different ones though. as for hentai... um I don't really watch alot of "series" of hentai but I do play visual novels like the rance series. I don't really have a favorite one of those... -I have no idea why do you think I am cool? -I like her look and her news segments are hilarious. -Primeape because of nostalgia being I had a level 99 primeape in pokemon yellow hes practically the only one I used tried to level others but when they failed he finished the job he ohkoed practically all of the elite 4s pokemon with a karate chop besides ghosts and dragons. -I mainly go for their personality as long as they aren't fugly I have no issues.
  2. How are we still best friends no matter how much I annoy you :P?
  3. why does this matter? this isn't mfg's voting base its mffa's. Please do not talk about offsite voting.
  4. cool to see you posting again :P. Also that offtopic thing is a rule we use its great it doesn't bug you, but they can easily pm you if they have a question not relating to this.
  5. this char has my approval it plays JUST LIKE the source I swear.
  6. I am ok with that just not the ones that are used I keep having to change them myself and its the only thing that deters from it and I dislike.
  7. I was about to say yea bowser was the best choice for classic 9 on 3ds when it first came out I abused it like crazy. got all the customs that way. Then I have to do it again through wii u :( since it doesn't carry over it only carries the chars specific builds. Nowadays I would reccomend little mac or Ganondorf. ganon is just a stupid strong power house. Bowser is too but his nerf kind of hurt him hes still pretty useable though. Ike is a good idea too he will just tank most things and you can deal damage right back I would reccomend the custom move that gives him super armor for his crouching b though. Any char with counters you can basically cheese out most rounds using them.
  8. did you change mugens default horrible hit sounds yet?
  9. Laharl


    this is the shit thread it has no topic its just where bad posts go away from the main board.
  10. so I was gonna check your "Awesome" stage but it appears to be down.
  11. um no quite a few vita games coming soon :). also ones not even shown at the conference its far from dead, its mostly the rpg system though so its great for me!
  12. its probably going to use the same gameplay style. Which I am totally ok with hope they revamp the materia system though.
  13. Final Fantasy 7 remake has been totally confirmed.
  14. I am hyped for roy but ryu... I will download it regardless but really dont understand why this is a thing.
  15. I thought you meant a top down view lol. yea ok that is possible.
  16. thats a bit ambitious for mugen stauby lol. I mean it could be done but it would be alot of work to make it look like that.
  17. if you want to I would be happy to honestly. I can help you make them balanced and alot more fun to use. if you are interested just pm me and let me know. I have several ideas to make this trunks better besides what I mentioned.
  18. true I suppose even though its not entirely my old/his style lol.
  19. ok so first off Trunks does NOT use spirit bomb never has never will. Buster cannon is just supposed to be a blue bullet type of energy ball flying at the opponent. Secondly the move where he does hand signs should of been burning attack because he doesn't need to do that for finish buster. third You have some major missalignment in alot of places including his fall he falls below the floor. 4th why 1 button supers you could of easily done qcf motions for them I like how you totally copied my super port code from my Kenshin which ryon and Alexei helped with which was copied by Human which in turn you reused. but really this char needs ALOT of work.
  20. I would be ok with this sounds like a nice idea. I would also be ok with him having a projectile of just tossing bobombs that explode when they land. Thinking like he throws them in an arch like he does in mario kart. https://www.sendspace.com/file/1qrb7k these could also work well espescially the giant ball of em. http://www.spriters-resource.com/ds/marioandluigi3/sheet/27105/ this would be more for a super or hyper though if thats needed.
  21. both of them love bombs. as evident from mario kart games and more.
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