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Everything posted by Laharl

  1. as toaster said do not advertise your stuff in someone elses thread next time is a warning point.
  2. OMG FINALLY I have been waiting for her for so long now. does she have english dub as well?
  3. hentai isn't disgusting lol. I also don't think we are supposed to direct link. It hurts bandwidth or something?
  4. hey so sorry I haven't been able to do that voice thing yet... I am starting tech school soon and have been working my last 2 weeks at my job so been pretty busy. I will probably have some free time soon though.
  5. YAY a version to replace the broken one that exists.
  6. would like the pictures fixed please.
  7. I kind of wanted to see a Meltyblood zangief rofl. Would of been entertaining to say the least.
  8. judging by the author I am not surprised lol.
  9. ppl have used trap for ages its not gonna stop now lol.
  10. he meant a trap as in trapping in game stop it.
  11. ok so she has the blackened with her thats strange as I don't remember this character in Danganronpa.
  12. NUUU Now they aren't private :(. Hope everyone enjoys these they are extremely good.
  13. moved this to releases since you made it.
  14. WOOOOO im glad he will look better honestly its worth the work :P.
  15. was the blackened ever improved upon from the alpha it used to be?
  16. I thought it was quite clear I was being sarcastic even phantom went with the joke good lord... Sorry you took it so seriously. @trini it DOES exist but phantom blood had NOTHING to do with it. It is also easily found so yea.
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