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Everything posted by IDGCaptainRussia

  1. Furudo Erika by Baggy. Mostly, I got a huge roster of characters I play as each enemy requires a strategy to beat, and in turn: character. I just play Furudo Erika the most :D
  2. I hate: Pre-Round kill/No gameplay, at ALL Characters are hundreds of megabytes in filesize, but don't hold their weight. most characters based off TV shows (most of the time) crappy sprites really small characters shitty hitboxes beefed states (I mean, don't you hate it when you are wailing on Artucus's Peter, and you bearly put a dent in him, and then he hits you once, and you lose like 30% of your HP) a lack of originality when making an edit/character (how many fucking Ryu's do we need in Mugen?) weak/no AI when a character doesn't work and I have to fix it when a character is bugged and I also have to that :/ when a character has nice FX, but really low res sprites when your about to win and the AI does something really unfair (Heman, I'm looking at you, his AI will use a sword move that OHKO's you if his health falls below a level and he doesn't get to use his beatdown combo) when the AI selfstates out of grabs when the AI counters/parry's everything when a character has hypers that slow the gameplay, like pauses the game for over 5 seconds really slows it down. when an author shows off characters, but keeps them private when people use ad.fly to warehouse stuff (I know, but we all hate this one, I know I do :/) What i like: None of the above Cheap AI Boss AI Hard AI Brutal AI (Yeah get the idea) A well designed moveset A fun playstyle
  3. Firstly, the exe is a Mole'boxed Mugen folder, it's done to protect the contents and prevent editing. Now, it IS possible to do what you want, some time ago the cheapie character community found a way to decript the files, but it's a more-or-less secret among them that most don't know, at-least, that's all I know. I know a guy who can try to crack that exe, but I don't know how to do it myself, sorry. Hopefully someone else can help.
  4. I can't download it, I keep getting network errors. I need a mirror download please
  5. I was into those "Angry German Kid videos at the time, and I found one that showed a game where Sakura (street fighter) was fighting Peter Griffin. The video described Mugen quite well in the description. So then I though: "I got to have this game!"
  6. I got over 3000 characters (4000 now), so picking who's good and who's bad would be, really, really hard.
  7. I don't know if everyone is aware of this but, I have found 2 youtubers who warehouse characters and stages under ad.fly, and I was wondering why they don't get a bunch of flak. here's one of the guys that does it: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKQHNCI1Lt2puCrHk9-ZVCA Yeah yeah, I'm not saying there should be exceptions for ad.fly as we all KNOW what could happen, I'm just pointing these people.
  8. I know, I'm saying it's the fandom that gets them fame, characters shit or not. That's the only drive I can see for them doing them (not fourth wall of course, he puts in EFFORT) I think this Toriel is in that good company, the sprites alone already speak for quality, even if not perfect gameplay. It's the same story with FNAF animations, alot of them are shit, but they get alot more attention then they should.
  9. It's amazing how some of the worst characters I've ever seen are undertale character, but yet they get so much prause. Not this, or 4th's Paparus of course! hahe!
  10. Alright, now that sounds more like it
  11. I never thought Popeye was that OP, even the one I had back in the day (many years ago) had such low damage output I thought it was underpowered
  12. what the hell, why is this topic not closed? I did request the music a while back, so search for that request
  13. Is really good, kinda surprise no one has paid any mind here!
  14. May as well request it here, where can I get this stage?
  15. Alright, thanks. +1! Request is, complete!
  16. I WANT that stage, it's clearly an edited First Twilight, and that's why I think they're private, and the Wiki entries should be removed as no valid links exist
  17. Well I just did, and it's an Eternity of Fighters Base Edit. I think that goes to mention what it's gonna be like, the files are a total mess
  18. I didn't really do anything, but thanks
  19. that's where I got this guy. It should be included
  20. And one have the second character seen in this video: Alter Wind?
  21. so, I'm not normally one to add random crap to my roster, so, is it even any good?
  22. 2 more: Fluttershy and Rarity by richter belmont colombia https://www.dropbox.com/s/0bym3nze3j3ndfm/fluttershy.zip?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/bo2nzp8310o5nso/rarity.zip?dl=0
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