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Everything posted by yaminogun

  1. very boring when she 1AI vs 1AI on mirror match.she keep go wide and keep spam projectile
  2. as long it good quality(complete hitbox, AI combo, playable) neither really matter
  3. because omegapyscho ever win this, i definitely not vote for him. time to vote to someone that never win COTM
  4. it still look like just compilation, i need every char has AILevel compatible,custom potrait that suit with the screenpack, intro, ending & storymode(matchno) to be unlocked, no invincible frame at wrong time, no standing short character that can't be hitted by normal standing punch which can make it fair. balanced chars(no infinites & zoning by single attack) except boss but still possible to defeated by human controller. As long mugen game don't have that element that just compilation for me. do you accept my challenge?
  5. to prevent ai attack before say fight! add to every changestate that attack: triggerall=roundstate=2 to prevent movement cancelled by another move try add: triggerall =movetype !=A
  6. any character that has i-frame at the wrong time
  7. Ryoucchi & Toaster's Stages wrong section, another misleading title
  8. classic version of this collection that have characters in-game preview
  9. nyal_CV_ASUMI.zip is a patch for nyal by nyal41
  10. nice gameplay, i hope you finish it ASAP. well nothing to improve except add ai and fix palette
  11. thx for my previous answerer any info about this stage? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PVSM1Ij164
  12. i use 'beyond compare' to know what changes you just made, or notepad++ with compare plugin beyond compare is very useful for mugen user it can help you prevent bug with updates you made. how about you share the sff patch made by yourself
  13. i think its still beta. better change the title to beta release
  14. you should just put 2 def rather than split it into two files,both version has same sff and snd. so toned down and OP version can be merged. it help people not waste their bandwidth and hddspace if they want both version
  15. i so confused now. which file are the latest one .some file name has date on it like "aizen 20 june" but mediafire say it modified at 11 july?
  16. you can actually create your own voice from google translate text to voice, japanese voice or etc
  17. i need subtitle for that broly
  18. my mistakes what i want is actually not by alirix, but re5t https://onedrive.live.com/?id=BF1C651D92B8069B!311&cid=BF1C651D92B8069B&group=0 ai patch sayo_AI.zip(sayo_AI.zip)
  19. nope, nvm i found it by myself
  20. which one are sayo? directlink pls
  21. no need to upload, this website support direct image clipboard paste. just ctrl+c an image and paste it to text area
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