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Everything posted by yaminogun

  1. i can't found the link for sekirei iori? can you send me the link?
  2. you should use advanced editor like notepad++ ,sublime text, etc find any palno= the value should be like 1,2,3 or 4,5,6 in his coding file duplicate any file contain palno duplicate the def file and link it to the new file contain palno rename def file orochi-iori replace all palno value with palno=[1,12]; for orochi mode repalce all palno value with palno!=[1,12];for normal mode only
  3. nice stage release sir.! but you forgot that when stage file name contain [space] it will not readable when you set it as character stage. so if peoples wanna set your stage as specific character stage then they must rename it first by removing the [space].
  4. finally a non heavy simple 1.1 screenpack with winquote, need guide to edit it to have 80000 slot
  5. look at mario videos now on youtube. they over 60 million views. using company bot. http://forums.mfgg.net/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=14592
  6. i have something to tell you to minimize the time people install your stages : 1.you must not use stages/* ; which is redundant and cause problem spr = stages/AOF2-John Stage.sff; spr = AOF2-John Stage.sff; this is better for compatibility 2.not use space for file name 3.there's always duplicate sff's in your stages rar. its redundant. instead create folder to tell which mugen version better tell it directly in filename like *-1.1.def *-1.0.def *.sff
  7. devil king nobunaga https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=B90A611B26ECB957&id=b90a611b26ecb957!115
  8. theres ai patch for him in nicovideo, for it to work in mugen 1 or higher just remove mugenversion here the patch https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=E9176BEA42855BB3&id=e9176bea42855bb3!325 i think that AI is in 12p
  9. https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=FA46E111040B26E0&id=fa46e111040b26e0!189 physalis_f by latest&flam
  10. question: are people get notification when invited to pm room? http://mugenfreeforall.com/index.php?app=members&module=messaging&section=view&do=showConversation&topicID=6284&st=0#msg32488
  11. done! in other hand athena found in 4shared
  12. the char is not private only the password. check PM for password
  13. maybe i misunderstood. what do you mean by that?
  14. i need to know the password. i'm not author twitter follower and i'm not japanese https://twitter.com/DB_ANGEL777/status/589693712621416449
  15. i need your y-kun english voice patch. which is hosted in your blog
  16. yuyuko by shiroto updated http://elemental0t.web.fc2.com/mugen/index.html
  17. can you tell me how to make char shinked by default like omegapyscho boss stage for this stage? or atleast make it superjump stage. it has great zoom. but when zoomin it not superjump
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