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Everything posted by DartzPie

  1. it probably would need to be 1280x720 or else change the localcoord on 41's characters there like for wide screen so they would have a error if they would be letterbox. But~ try localcoord = 1008 on one of the 3 of 41's characters but like I said im not sure of any error's.
  2. (Check if this works). If your going to use a 1280x720 sp on mugen 1.1 change stagefit to 0, inside your mugen.cfg.
  3. [Preview] [Download] http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/abstract-boss-orb-beta-release-1-1-only-171286.0.html [Comment]
  4. Darn how i missed this :( cant wait to test the difference >w<
  5. wow, thats nice didnt know a mk/style of him existed lol neat
  6. lol, rather a random lookin Orochi there.
  7. Only 2 are semi true and 1 true to ssb (the ones off the sp/site) Bowser, Kfm ; Ness
  8. Nice, Kohaku thats like playstyle to his Ryougi ^_^
  9. if he is small then your using the heavy localcoords use 426 and resize the ports to normal
  10. what localcoord you use? usually its localcoord = 426 ; for all except for a couple characters would be loclcoord=1368
  11. 3. Fighting Force 2. Mk shoalin monks 1. Einhander
  12. thats why i never say goodbye's ;3 later ryon, Wait is mffa still gonna run? o-o
  13. "People die when they bait" People die when there killed" - true fact +1
  14. this episode was well done x3 worth the wait ^_^ <3
  15. bad choice for battle, although some feels like it fits...
  16. Platinum The Trinity by Websta - 1 Kung Lao by Omegapsycho - 1 Johnny Cage by Omegapsycho - 1
  17. Trick or Treat? Your favorite lifebar creation you made?
  18. Bait perception Sounds fishy :3 hehe... get it? *shot*
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